25 research outputs found

    Physiological and transcriptomic evaluation of drought effect on own-rooted and grafted grapevine rootstock (1103P and 101-14MGt)

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    Grapevines worldwide are grafted onto Vitis spp. rootstocks in order to improve their tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, the response of vines to drought is the result of the interaction between the scion variety and the rootstock genotype. In this work, the responses of genotypes to drought were evaluated on 1103P and 101-14MGt plants, own-rooted and grafted with Cabernet Sauvignon, in three different water deficit conditions (80, 50, and 20% soil water content, SWC). Gas exchange parameters, stem water potential, root and leaf ABA content, and root and leaf transcriptomic response were investigated. Under well-watered conditions, gas exchange and stem water potential were mainly affected by the grafting condition, whereas under sever water deficit they were affected by the rootstock genotype. Under severe stress conditions (20% SWC), 1103P showed an "avoidance" behavior. It reduced stomatal conductance, inhibited photosynthesis, increased ABA content in the roots, and closed the stomata. The 101-14MGt maintained a high photosynthetic rate, limiting the reduction of soil water potential. This behavior results in a "tolerance" strategy. An analysis of the transcriptome showed that most of the differentially expressed genes were detected at 20% SWC, and more significantly in roots than in leaves. A core set of genes has been highlighted on the roots as being related to the root response to drought that are not affected by genotype nor grafting. Genes specifically regulated by grafting and genes specifically regulated by genotype under drought conditions have been identified as well. The 1103P, more than the 101-14MGt, regulated a high number of genes in both own-rooted and grafted conditions. This different regulation revealed that 1103P rootstock readily perceived the water scarcity and rapidly faced the stress, in agreement with its avoidance strateg

    Novel loci associated with resistance to downy and powdery mildew in grapevine

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    Among the main challenges in current viticulture, there is the increasing demand for sustainability in the protection from fungal diseases, such as downy mildew (DM) and powdery mildew (PM). Breeding disease-resistant grapevine varieties is a key strategy for better managing fungicide inputs. This study explores the diversity of grapevine germplasm (cultivated and wild) from Caucasus and neighboring areas to identify genotypes resistant to DM and PM, based on 13 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci and phenotypical (artificial pathogen inoculation) analysis, and to identify loci associated with DM and PM resistance, via Genome-Wide Association Analysis (GWAS) on Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) profiles. SSR analysis revealed resistant alleles for 16 out of 88 genotypes. Phenotypic data identified seven DM and 31 PM resistant genotypes. GWAS identified two new loci associated with DM resistance, located on chromosome 15 and 16 (designated as Rpv36 and Rpv37), and two with PM resistance, located on chromosome 6 and 17 (designated as Ren14 and Ren15). The four novel loci identified genomic regions rich in genes related to biotic stress response, such as genes involved in pathogen recognition, signal transduction and resistance response. This study highlights potential candidate genes associated with resistance to DM and PM, providing valuable insights for breeding programs for resistant varieties. To optimize their utilization, further functional characterization studies are recommended

    Integrated Bayesian Approaches Shed Light on the Dissemination Routes of the Eurasian Grapevine Germplasm

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    The domestication and spreading of grapevine as well as the gene flow history had been described in many studies. We used a high-quality 7k SNP dataset of 1,038 Eurasian grape varieties with unique profiles to assess the population genetic diversity, structure, and relatedness, and to infer the most likely migration events. Comparisons of putative scenarios of gene flow throughout Europe from Caucasus helped to fit the more reliable migration routes around the Mediterranean Basin. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach made possible to provide a response to several questions so far remaining unsolved. Firstly, the assessment of genetic diversity and population structure within a well-covered dataset of ancient Italian varieties suggested the different histories between the Northern and Southern Italian grapevines. Moreover, Italian genotypes were shown to be distinguishable from all the other Eurasian populations for the first time. The entire Eurasian panel confirmed the east-to-west gene flow, highlighting the Greek role as a “bridge” between the Western and Eastern Eurasia. Portuguese germplasm showed a greater proximity to French varieties than the Spanish ones, thus being the main route for gene flow from Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe. Our findings reconciled genetic and archaeological data for one of the most cultivated and fascinating crops in the world

    Grapevine field experiments reveal the contribution of genotype, the influence of environment and the effect of their interaction (GxE) on berry transcriptome

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    Changes in the performance of genotypes in different environments are defined as genotype x environment (GxE) interactions. In grapevine (Vitis vinifera), complex interactions between different genotypes and climate, soil, and farming practices yield unique berry qualities. However, the molecular basis of this phenomenon remains unclear. To dissect the basis of grapevine GxE interactions, we characterized berry transcriptome plasticity, genome methylation landscape, and within-genotype allelic diversity in two genotypes, cultivated in three different environments, over two vintages. We identified, through a novel data-mining pipeline, genes with expression profiles that were unaffected by genotype or environment, genotype-dependent but unaffected by the environment, environmentally-dependent regardless of genotype, and GxE-related. The GxE-related genes showed different degrees of within-cultivar allelic diversity in the two genotypes and were enriched for stress responses, signal transduction and secondary metabolism categories. Our study unraveled the mutual relationships between genotypic and environmental variables during GxE interaction in a woody perennial species, providing a reference model to explore how cultivated fruit crops respond to diverse environments. Also, the pivotal role of vineyard location in determining the performance of different varieties, by enhancing berry quality traits, was unraveled

    High-throughput 18K SNP array to assess genetic variability of the main grapevine cultivars from Sicily

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    The viticulture of Sicily, for its vocation, is one of the most important and ancient forms in Italy. Autochthonous grapevine cultivars, many of which known throughout the world, have always been cultivated in the island from many centuries. With the aim to preserve this large grapevine diversity, previous studies have already started to assess the genetic variability among the Sicilian cultivars by using morphological and microsatellite markers. In this study, simple sequence repeat (SSR) were utilized to verify the true-to-typeness of a large clone collection (101) belonging to 21 biotypes of the most 10 cultivated Sicilian cultivars. Afterwards, 42 Organization Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV) descriptors and a high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping array (Vitis18kSNP) were applied to assess genetic variability among cultivars and biotypes of the same cultivar. Ampelographic traits and high-throughput SNP genotyping platforms provided an accuracy estimation of genetic diversity in the Sicilian germplasm, showing the relationships among cultivars by cluster and multivariate analyses. The large SNP panel defined sub-clusters unable to discern among biotypes, previously classified by ampelographic analysis, belonging to each cultivar. These results suggested that a very large number of SNP did not cover the genome regions harboring few morphological traits. Genetic structure of the collection revealed a clear optimum number of groups for K = 3, clustering in the same group a significant portion of family-related genotypes. Parentage analysis highlighted significant relationships among Sicilian grape cultivars and Sangiovese, as already reported, but also the first evidences of the relationships between Nero d’Avola and both Inzolia and Catarratto. Finally, a small panel of highly informative markers (12 SNPs) allowed us to isolate a private profile for each Sicilian cultivar, providing a new tool for cultivar identification

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in a Vitis spp. Core Collection Investigated by SNP Markers

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    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays are powerful tools to measure the level of genetic polymorphism within a population. The coming of next-generation sequencing technologies led to identifying thousands and millions of SNP loci useful in assessing the genetic diversity. The Vitis genotyping array, containing 18k SNP loci, has been developed and used to detect genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera germplasm. So far, this array was not validated on non-vinifera genotypes used as grapevine rootstocks. In this work, a core collection of 70 grapevine rootstocks, composed of individuals belonging to Vitis species not commonly used in the breeding programs, was genotyped using the 18k SNP genotyping array. SNP results were compared to the established SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers in terms of heterozygosity and genetic structure of the core collection. Genotyping array has proved to be a valuable tool for genotyping of grapevine rootstocks, with more than 90% of SNPs successfully amplified. Structure analysis detected a high degree of admixed genotypes, supported by the complex genetic background of non-vinifera germplasm. Moreover, SNPs clearly differentiated non-vinifera and vinifera germplasm. These results represent a first step in studying the genetic diversity of non-conventional breeding material that will be used to select rootstocks with high tolerance to limiting environmental conditions

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Variable-Rate Drip Irrigation on Water Use Efficiency in a Vineyard in Northern Italy

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    Although many studies in the literature illustrate the numerous devices and methodologies nowadays existing for assessing the spatial variability within agricultural fields, and indicate the potential for variable-rate irrigation (VRI) in vineyards, only very few works deal with the implementation of VRI systems to manage such heterogeneity, and these studies are usually conducted in experimental fields for research aims. In this study, a VR drip irrigation system was designed for a 1-ha productive vineyard in Northern Italy and managed during the agricultural season 2018, to demonstrate feasibility and effectiveness of a water supply differentiated according to the spatial variability detected in field. Electrical resistivity maps obtained by means of an electro-magnetic induction sensor were used to detect four homogeneous zones with similar soil properties. In each zone, a soil profile was opened, and soil samples were taken and analyzed in laboratory. Two irrigation management zones (MZs) were identified by grouping homogeneous zones on the basis of their hydrological properties, and an irrigation prescription map was built consistently with the total available water (TAW) content in the root zone of the two MZs. The designed drip irrigation system consisted of three independent sectors: the first two supplied water to the two MZs, while the third sector (reference sector) was managed following the farmer’s habits. During the season, irrigation in the first two sectors was fine-tuned using information provided by soil moisture probes installed in each sector. Results showed a reduction of water use by 18% compared to the ‘reference’ sector without losses in yield and product quality, and a grape’s maturation more homogeneous in time