47 research outputs found

    Fractals therapy as a process of socializing pre-school children

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    Art terapija je oblik ekspresivne psihoterapije koja se ne bavi samo problemima i negativnim aspektima osobe nego otkrivanjem unutarnjih potencijala, kreativnih resursa, razvojem pozitivnih, jakih strana koje joj pomažu da se suoči s problemima, sagleda ih u novom svjetlu, bolje razumije i s njima se nosi na konstruktivniji način. Crtanje fraktala je jedna od formi art terapije. Terapijsku metodu osmislila je Tanzilia Polujahtova, klinička psihologinja i obiteljska psihologinja koja radi i djeluje u Rusiji. Fraktal je slika koja se sastoji od jedne neisprekidane linije i obojenih polja. (Božac, 2017.) Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi na koji način i kako pomoću jedne vrste art terapije se može dublje pogledati u socio – emocionalne odnose među djecom u skupinama, ali isto tako i poticanje djece na stvaranje te osoban razvoj. U ovom istraživanju pratilo se na koji način ova vrsta art terapije može pomoći u socijaliziranju djece predškolske dobi. Istraživanje se provodilo u jednom dječjem vrtiću u Osijeku, u skupini djece starije skupine u dobi od 6 do 7 godina. Sudjelovalo je desetero djece, četiri dječaka i šest djevojčica. Istraživanje je trajalo kroz četiri mjeseca u intervalima. Dobiveni rezultati samo su smjer onoga što bi se moglo još dodatno istraživati, jer je nažalost fraktalna terapija još uvijek relativno nova vrsta art terapije, te nedovoljno istražena.Art therapy is an expressive form of psychotherapy which not only deals with problems and negative aspects of a person, but also helps to discover internal potential and creative resources. It also help on developing of positive and strength sides that helps person to cope with the problems and perceive them in a new light. Morethere, art therapy helps with better understanding of problems and it brings new ways to deal with them in a more constructive way. Drawing fractal is a new form of art therapy. Therapeutic method is developed by Tanzilia Polujahtova, clinical psychologist and family psychologist who lives and works in Russia. A fractal is an image that consists of one unbroken lines and colored fields. (Bozac, 2017) The aim of this reasearch is to determine in what way and how, using just one type of art therapy, it can be deeper look into the socio - emotional relationships between children in the groups, but also encouraging children to create and develop creativity and personal development. In this research we followed the way how can this kind of art therapy help in socializing children of preschool age. Research is conducted in a kindergarten in Osijek, in the group of children older groups. The study included ten children, four boys and six girls. The study lasted for four months in intervals. The given results are just direction of what could be more research, because, unfortunately fractal therapy is still a relatively new kind of art therapy, and not reasearched enough

    Adolescents on Instagram: Considering the Effects of Envy and the Need for Relatedness on Self-Esteem

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    For today’s adolescents it is hard to imagine a life without social media although it remains questionable how they affect the users’ subjective well-being. In order to better understand this impact, we examined the relationship of active and passive Instagram use with general self-esteem and explored whether benign and malicious envy and need for relatedness function as mediators of these relationships. Six hundred eleven high school students (76.9% female; age: M = 16.20, SD = 1.12) from the City of Zagreb participated in the online survey. The participants filled an item regarding their frequency of active Instagram use, the Benign and Malicious Envy Scale, the Need for Relatedness subscale (a part of the Basic Psychological Needs Scale) and the General Self-esteem subscale (a part of the Marsh’s Self-Description Questionnaire II). The results indicate the absence of a significant relationship between active Instagram use and general self-esteem. Neither benign nor malicious envy function as mediators of this relationship. However, the need for relatedness mediates the relationship between active Instagram use and general self-esteem: adolescents who engage more frequently in active Instagram use tend to have higher levels of need for relatedness satisfaction, which in turn relates to their higher levels of general self-esteem. The obtained results indicate that, contrary to the public perception, social media can have a positive impact in the life of adolescents, but when making such claims, it is crucial to consider the type of activities behind their usage

    Fractals therapy as a process of socializing pre-school children

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    Art terapija je oblik ekspresivne psihoterapije koja se ne bavi samo problemima i negativnim aspektima osobe nego otkrivanjem unutarnjih potencijala, kreativnih resursa, razvojem pozitivnih, jakih strana koje joj pomažu da se suoči s problemima, sagleda ih u novom svjetlu, bolje razumije i s njima se nosi na konstruktivniji način. Crtanje fraktala je jedna od formi art terapije. Terapijsku metodu osmislila je Tanzilia Polujahtova, klinička psihologinja i obiteljska psihologinja koja radi i djeluje u Rusiji. Fraktal je slika koja se sastoji od jedne neisprekidane linije i obojenih polja. (Božac, 2017.) Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi na koji način i kako pomoću jedne vrste art terapije se može dublje pogledati u socio – emocionalne odnose među djecom u skupinama, ali isto tako i poticanje djece na stvaranje te osoban razvoj. U ovom istraživanju pratilo se na koji način ova vrsta art terapije može pomoći u socijaliziranju djece predškolske dobi. Istraživanje se provodilo u jednom dječjem vrtiću u Osijeku, u skupini djece starije skupine u dobi od 6 do 7 godina. Sudjelovalo je desetero djece, četiri dječaka i šest djevojčica. Istraživanje je trajalo kroz četiri mjeseca u intervalima. Dobiveni rezultati samo su smjer onoga što bi se moglo još dodatno istraživati, jer je nažalost fraktalna terapija još uvijek relativno nova vrsta art terapije, te nedovoljno istražena.Art therapy is an expressive form of psychotherapy which not only deals with problems and negative aspects of a person, but also helps to discover internal potential and creative resources. It also help on developing of positive and strength sides that helps person to cope with the problems and perceive them in a new light. Morethere, art therapy helps with better understanding of problems and it brings new ways to deal with them in a more constructive way. Drawing fractal is a new form of art therapy. Therapeutic method is developed by Tanzilia Polujahtova, clinical psychologist and family psychologist who lives and works in Russia. A fractal is an image that consists of one unbroken lines and colored fields. (Bozac, 2017) The aim of this reasearch is to determine in what way and how, using just one type of art therapy, it can be deeper look into the socio - emotional relationships between children in the groups, but also encouraging children to create and develop creativity and personal development. In this research we followed the way how can this kind of art therapy help in socializing children of preschool age. Research is conducted in a kindergarten in Osijek, in the group of children older groups. The study included ten children, four boys and six girls. The study lasted for four months in intervals. The given results are just direction of what could be more research, because, unfortunately fractal therapy is still a relatively new kind of art therapy, and not reasearched enough

    Effect of impeller size on the kinetics of copper exchange onto zeolite NaX : diploma thesis

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    Utjecaj hidrodinamičkih uvjeta unutar reaktorskog sustava na kinetiku ionske izmjene u šaržnom reaktoru, još nije dovoljno istražen unatoč činjenici da parametri miješanja mogu značajno utjecati na postupak suspendiranja čvrstih čestica te utjecati na debljinu difuzijskog sloja oko čestice, odgovornog za brzinu međufazne difuzije. Zbog navedenog, analiziran je utjecaj hidrodinamičkih uvjeta, koristeći različite promjere miješala, na maksimalnu količinu izmijenjenog bakra na zeolit NaX te kinetiku ionske izmjene. Otopina koja sadržava Cu 2+ ione, pripremljena je otapanjem odgovarajuće mase Cu(NO 3 ) 2 ·3H 2 O. Zeolit NaX je samljeven i prosijan, kako bi čestice bile unutar veličinske klase, od 0,071 do 0,09 mm. Miješanje je izvedeno koristeći turbinsko miješalo s 4 ravne lopatice (tzv. 4-SBT). Kako bi se sagledao utjecaj veličine miješala na ispitivani proces, tijekom rada korištena su tri različita promjera SBT miješala pri čemu je omjer miješala i posude (D/T) bio u vrijednostima od 0,46 do 0,68. Kinetički eksperimenti su izvedeni pri brzini vrtnje miješala pri kojoj je postignuta potpuna suspenzija zeolita pri svim ispitivanim masenim koncentracijama zeolita, dok je temperatura otopine održavana stalnom. Dobiveni eksperimentalni kinetički podaci su analizirani koristeći Lagregrenovu jednadžbu pseudo-prvog reda, Elovichev i Ritchiev model. Kinetički rezultati ukazuju da se količina sorbiranih bakrovih iona na zeolitu naglo povećava s vremenom u početnoj fazi procesa a zatim postepeno raste do postizanja ravnotežnog stanja za sve ispitivane hidrodinamičke uvjete.Effect of hydrodynamics on ion exchange kinetics in a batch reactor is still not properly studied despite the fact that proper mixing parameters may considerably improve the process of solid suspension and influence the hydrodynamic layer thickness responsible for the mass rate transfer. For this reason the aim of this work was to analyse the influence of hydrodynamic conditions generated by different impeller diameters on the maximum amount of copper exchange onto zeolite NaX and exchange kinetics as well. Solution containing Cu 2+ was prepared by dissolving the appropriate weight of Cu(NO 3 ) 2 ∙3H 2 O. Zeolite NaX was crushed and sieved to obtain particles in the range from 0,071 – 0,09 mm. Mixing was conducted using straight blade turbine (4-SBT) where impeller to tank diameter ratio (D/T) were varied in the range from 0,46 to 0,68. Kinetics experiments were carried out at just suspended impeller speed (N JS ) for all impellers and solid/liquid ratios used, while solution temperature was kept constant. Obtained experimental kinetics data were fitted using Lagergrenov equation, Elovichev and Ritchiev model. Kinetics results indicated that amount of copper ion sorbed increases sharply with the time in the initial stage and then gradually until the equilibrium is reached for all hydrodynamics conditions examined

    Pa jel ’ baš moraš studirat na privatnom sveučilištu : privatno sveučilište – bezrazložni trošak ili investicija u budućnost

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    U radu su prikazani podaci anketiranja studenata Libertas međunarodnog sveučilišta u Zagrebu, jedinog privatnog sveučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Na poziv za sudjelovanje u anketi odazvalo se samo 349 studenata, tako da uzorak nije reprezentativan, nego predstavlja tek informaciju o onima koji su se odlučili u ispitivanju sudjelovati. Ispitanicima su postavljena 44 pitanja koja su obuhvatila čak 126 varijabli. Međutim, rezultati analize prikupljenih podataka ukazuju na to da se ispitanici uglavnom ne razlikuju od neke opće studentske populacije u Republici Hrvatskoj, da su prije svega pokretani istim motivima, motivima osobnog napretka, a ne „mogućnostima” koje bi im prema nekim poznatim stereotipima pružala „posebna” okolina privatnog sveučilišta

    Gingival Hypertrophy in a Child with Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome

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    Hijalini fibromatozni sindrom (HFS) rijedak je autosomno recesivni genetski poremećaj koji karakterizira nakupljanje hijaline tvari u tkivima s kožnim, sluzničkim, koštanim, zglobnim i sistemskim manifestacijama. Bolest je uzrokovana mutacijom gena ANTXR2 koja rezultira sintezom neispravnog transmembranskog proteina, pa se hijalini depoziti prekomjerno talože u međustaničnom prostoru. Prvi znakovi mogu biti prisutni pri rođenju ili tijekom dojenačke dobi, a prvi simptom najčešće je ukočenost zgloba. Ostale manifestacije uključuju zglobne kontrakture, hiperpigmentirane makule kože iznad koštanih prominecija zglobova i hipertrofiju gingive, što je uz potkožne nodule (kvržice), vrlo često simptom koji potiče sumnju na HFS. Napredovanje bolesti uključuje enteropatiju s velikim gubitkom proteina, kroničnu dijareju i česte infekcije. U radu predstavljamo petogodišnju djevojčicu s teškim oblikom gingivne hipertrofije koja je uzrokovala poteškoće s hranjenjem i govorom. Prema našim spoznajama to je prvi pacijent opisan u Hrvatskoj s dokazanom mutacijom gena ANTXR2.Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome (HFS) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by accumulation of hyalinized fibrous tissue with cutaneous, mucosal, osteoarticular, and systemic involvement. The condition is caused by a mutation of ANTXR2 gene that results in a faulty synthesis of a transmembrane protein which leads up to excessive deposition of hyaline material in extracellular space. The first signs may be present at birth or appear during infancy, and joint stiffness is the first, most common, symptom. Other manifestations include joint contractures, hyperpigmented macules over bony prominences of the joints, and gingival hypertrophy. The symptom that raises suspicion of HFS is present later, along with subcutaneous growths. The progression of the disease includes enteropathy with extensive protein loss, chronic diarrhea and frequent infections. We present a case of a five-year-old girl with severe gingival hypertrophy that caused difficulties in eating and speaking. To the best of our knowledge, this is also the first patient in Croatia with a confirmed ANTXR2 gene mutation described in the literature

    El papel de la edad, el sexo y la educación en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información

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    Test zamjene slova brojevima (TZSB) najnovija je adaptacija podljestvice Wechslerova testa inteligencije pod nazivom Šifriranje, kojim se ispituje brzina procesiranja informacija. Prednost je ovog testa u tome što upotrebljava dobro poznata i dobro naučena slova abecede umjesto apstraktnih oblika, što znači da za uspješno rješavanje testa sudionik mora zapamtiti jedino asocijaciju već dobro poznatog slova i broja. Učinak ovisi o različitim kognitivnim procesima, uključujući kognitivnu i psihomotornu brzinu, motoričku upornost, pažnju, agilnost i brzinu odgovaranja, vizualno pretraživanje i okulomotoričku koordinaciju. Istraživanja su pokazala kako je dob glavni prediktor uspješnosti na ovom testu, a značajni su i spol, vlastiti stupanj obrazovanja te stupanj obrazovanja roditelja. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati ulogu dobi, spola, vlastite razine obrazovanja i razine obrazovanja roditelja na brzinu procesiranja informacija pomoću TZSB. Sudjelovalo je ukupno 334 sudionika, od čega je 143 muškog i 191 ženskog spola u dobi od 18 do 25 godina. Ženski sudionici i osobe s visokom stručnom spremom postigle su više rezultate na TZSB u usporedbi s muškarcima i osobama sa srednjom stručnom spremom. Stupanj stručne spreme roditelja posredno je povezan s TZSB i to putem stručne spreme sudionika. Do sada su poznati podaci za školsku djecu od 8 do 16 godina te odrasle osobe od 24 do 81 godine starosti. Stoga su izračunate i norme u percentilima i z-vrijednostima za raspon dobi od 18 do 25 godina, a podijeljene su prema spolu i stručnoj spremi sudionika te kao takve dopunjuju prethodna istraživanja.Letter Digit Substitution Test (LDST) is based on earlier developed substitution tests – the Wechsler\u27s Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). The performance on these tests depends on many different cognitive processes, including visual scanning, mental flexibility, sustained attention, psychomotor speed, and the speed of information processing. The LDST consists of "over-learned" signs – letters and digits – and participants only have to learn the letter-digit association, which makes performance relatively less dependent on memory and complex visual processes than it is in the DSST or SDMT. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent age, sex, level of education of the participants and level of education of their parents influence LDST performance. A total of 334 participants (191 females) aged 18-25 years were included in the study. Females and higher-level educated participants outperformed males and lower-level educated participants. Parents educational level only indirectly influenced the performance on the LDST, possibly through the participants level of education. Additionally, we derived normative data for the LDST for the ages between 18 and 25 years. Normative data in percentiles and z-values for the ages 18 to 25 years are presented, according to sex and level of education, which is compatible with and supplements the previously reported norms in other studies.El test de sustitución de letras por números es la adaptación más reciente de la subescala del test de inteligencia de Wechsler llamado “Codificación”, con el que se evalúa la velocidad de procesamiento de la información. La ventaja de este test es el uso de las letras del alfabeto bien conocidas y bien aprendidas en vez de las formas abstractas, lo que significa que para solucionarlo bien el participante tiene que memorizar sólo la asociación de una letra y número bien conocidos. El efecto depende de diferentes procesos cognitivos, incluidos la velocidad cognitiva y psicomotora, perseverancia motora, atención, agilidad y velocidad de la respuesta, búsqueda visual y coordinación oculomotora. Las investigaciones demostraron que la edad es el predictor principal de la eficacia en este test, y también son significativos el sexo, nivel de educación propia y nivel de educación de los padres. Por eso el objetivo principal de este estudio fue investigar el papel de la edad, el sexo, el nivel de educación propia y el nivel de educación de los padres en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información usando el test de sustitución de letras por números. Participaron 334 personas en total (143 hombres y 191 mujeres) a la edad entre 18 y 25 años. Las mujeres y las personas con título universitario tuvieron mejores resultados que los hombres y las personas con educación secundaria. El nivel de la educación de los padres está relacionado indirectamente con el test, a través de la educación de los participantes. Hasta ahora se saben los resultados para los alumnos entre 8 y 16 años y los adultos entre 24 y 81 años de edad. Por eso se calcularon también las normas en percentiles y z-valores para el lapso de edad entre 18 y 24 años, y están divididos según el sexo y la educación de los participantes, y así completan las investigaciones precedentes.Palabras claves: velocidad de procesamiento de la información, adultez en curso, sexo, educación, norma

    El papel de la edad, el sexo y la educación en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información

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    Test zamjene slova brojevima (TZSB) najnovija je adaptacija podljestvice Wechslerova testa inteligencije pod nazivom Šifriranje, kojim se ispituje brzina procesiranja informacija. Prednost je ovog testa u tome što upotrebljava dobro poznata i dobro naučena slova abecede umjesto apstraktnih oblika, što znači da za uspješno rješavanje testa sudionik mora zapamtiti jedino asocijaciju već dobro poznatog slova i broja. Učinak ovisi o različitim kognitivnim procesima, uključujući kognitivnu i psihomotornu brzinu, motoričku upornost, pažnju, agilnost i brzinu odgovaranja, vizualno pretraživanje i okulomotoričku koordinaciju. Istraživanja su pokazala kako je dob glavni prediktor uspješnosti na ovom testu, a značajni su i spol, vlastiti stupanj obrazovanja te stupanj obrazovanja roditelja. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati ulogu dobi, spola, vlastite razine obrazovanja i razine obrazovanja roditelja na brzinu procesiranja informacija pomoću TZSB. Sudjelovalo je ukupno 334 sudionika, od čega je 143 muškog i 191 ženskog spola u dobi od 18 do 25 godina. Ženski sudionici i osobe s visokom stručnom spremom postigle su više rezultate na TZSB u usporedbi s muškarcima i osobama sa srednjom stručnom spremom. Stupanj stručne spreme roditelja posredno je povezan s TZSB i to putem stručne spreme sudionika. Do sada su poznati podaci za školsku djecu od 8 do 16 godina te odrasle osobe od 24 do 81 godine starosti. Stoga su izračunate i norme u percentilima i z-vrijednostima za raspon dobi od 18 do 25 godina, a podijeljene su prema spolu i stručnoj spremi sudionika te kao takve dopunjuju prethodna istraživanja.Letter Digit Substitution Test (LDST) is based on earlier developed substitution tests – the Wechsler\u27s Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). The performance on these tests depends on many different cognitive processes, including visual scanning, mental flexibility, sustained attention, psychomotor speed, and the speed of information processing. The LDST consists of "over-learned" signs – letters and digits – and participants only have to learn the letter-digit association, which makes performance relatively less dependent on memory and complex visual processes than it is in the DSST or SDMT. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent age, sex, level of education of the participants and level of education of their parents influence LDST performance. A total of 334 participants (191 females) aged 18-25 years were included in the study. Females and higher-level educated participants outperformed males and lower-level educated participants. Parents educational level only indirectly influenced the performance on the LDST, possibly through the participants level of education. Additionally, we derived normative data for the LDST for the ages between 18 and 25 years. Normative data in percentiles and z-values for the ages 18 to 25 years are presented, according to sex and level of education, which is compatible with and supplements the previously reported norms in other studies.El test de sustitución de letras por números es la adaptación más reciente de la subescala del test de inteligencia de Wechsler llamado “Codificación”, con el que se evalúa la velocidad de procesamiento de la información. La ventaja de este test es el uso de las letras del alfabeto bien conocidas y bien aprendidas en vez de las formas abstractas, lo que significa que para solucionarlo bien el participante tiene que memorizar sólo la asociación de una letra y número bien conocidos. El efecto depende de diferentes procesos cognitivos, incluidos la velocidad cognitiva y psicomotora, perseverancia motora, atención, agilidad y velocidad de la respuesta, búsqueda visual y coordinación oculomotora. Las investigaciones demostraron que la edad es el predictor principal de la eficacia en este test, y también son significativos el sexo, nivel de educación propia y nivel de educación de los padres. Por eso el objetivo principal de este estudio fue investigar el papel de la edad, el sexo, el nivel de educación propia y el nivel de educación de los padres en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información usando el test de sustitución de letras por números. Participaron 334 personas en total (143 hombres y 191 mujeres) a la edad entre 18 y 25 años. Las mujeres y las personas con título universitario tuvieron mejores resultados que los hombres y las personas con educación secundaria. El nivel de la educación de los padres está relacionado indirectamente con el test, a través de la educación de los participantes. Hasta ahora se saben los resultados para los alumnos entre 8 y 16 años y los adultos entre 24 y 81 años de edad. Por eso se calcularon también las normas en percentiles y z-valores para el lapso de edad entre 18 y 24 años, y están divididos según el sexo y la educación de los participantes, y así completan las investigaciones precedentes.Palabras claves: velocidad de procesamiento de la información, adultez en curso, sexo, educación, norma