28 research outputs found

    Reduced real lifetime of PV panels – Economic consequences

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    The maintenance and analyzing failures of PV systems and plants are becoming more and more important issues. Our data from the long-term operation of 85 photovoltaic power plants in central Europe show that their actual lifetime is about half that of the originally planned lifetime. After about 10 years, serious failures of 1st tier (bankable) PV panels occur at an increasing rate. This article presents selected typical data and describes the most serious failures. Furthermore, economic calculations of returns on investment are carried out in relation to the price of electricity, which is currently changing at a rapid pace. It shows that the PV panel lifetime reduction from 20 to 30 years, declared at commercial leaflets, to real lifetime about 10–12 years can reduce PV power plant profit substantially, but the investment is still worth it. The reason is that after 10–12 years ser vice/maintenance expenses to replace damaged PV panels and inverters are growing very quickly. The new information could be helpful for owners of PV power plants to get a more realistic estimation of profits

    Geopolitical risks for Egypt wheat supply and trade

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    IntroductionSince 2005, Russia has established a stable position in Egypt's wheat imports, and after 2016, it became the largest global wheat exporter. The shift in Russian grain production has visibly affected wheat export destinations in favor of developing countries. This paper identifies the main determinants of wheat trade in Egypt concerning the primary risks associated with the war in Ukraine.MethodsThe paper utilizes time series analysis, index analysis, and an econometric model to define the statistical relationship between the quantity of wheat imported into Egypt and population development, wheat price, and wheat production.ResultsDespite increasing wheat production growth rates (1.9% p.a. over 2000–2020) and a growing population (2.01% p.a.), Egypt is unable to reduce its import dependence below 50% of total consumption. Undernourishment in Egypt remains at 5.2%–5.4% of the population. The econometric model shows that variables describing the evolution of production, population, and prices are statistically significant in relation to wheat imports. Egypt's wheat imports continue to increase even with rising prices, which is typical for developing countries. The war in Ukraine and associated commodity price increases have far-reaching implications for Africa's food security and supply systems.DiscussionEgypt's vulnerability to external influences, such as climate change, migration, rising commodity prices, and population growth, exacerbates the situation. Most African countries, including Egypt, struggle with the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. They also face rising food and energy prices, conflicts between the world's largest food producers, and increasing poverty rates. The research findings confirm that Egypt is among the highly vulnerable countries due to the war in Ukraine and the disruption of agricultural supply chains

    Sect in a modern society and their influence on pupils (schools options in the field of protecting pupils from the influence of sects)

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    This doctoral thesis deals with the topic "Sects in a modern society and their influence on pupils" (school's options in the field of protecting pupils from the influence of sects). The main aim of the dissertation thesis is to map the sect issue and first of all the options of protection from their negative influences. To reach this aim, partial goals were set, which form the content structure of the thesis. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first two should theoretically support the experimental part of the thesis, in which a pedagogical research in form of questionnaires at elementary and grammar schools was done. The questionnaires were focused on the knowledge of pupils and students about sects, their awareness and on finding out the real range of education about sects. Contribution of the thesis itself, elaborated in the remaining chapters, lies in the evaluation of mutual relation and intersection of official and practical educational materials, assessment of the research on pupils' knowledge of the sect issue, assessment of the approach to protection of pupils and in a proposal of a new educational model for protecting pupils from the influences of sects, applicable in educational practices

    Analysis of dynamics of public and private expenditures on health care in Czech republic

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    Cílem diplomové práce bude analyzovat trendy ve vývoji soukromých a veřejných výdajů na zdravotní péči v České republice, které mají tendenci vyvíjet se nad možnosti veřejných rozpočtů v kontextu jejich dlouhodobé udržitelnosti, čímž objektivně vzniká tlak na zvyšování podílu soukromých výdajů. Pozornost bude věnována i podílu těchto skupin výdajů na celkových výdajích s posouzením možných důsledků pro dostupnost potřebné zdravotní péče pro sociálně slabší skupiny obyvatel. Součástí práce bude i identifikace elasticity poptávky po zdravotní péči s ohledem na citlivost sociálních skupin na růst soukromých výdajů a definování úlohy a možností financování zdravotnictví ze soukromých zdrojů. Práce se dotkne i problematiky cen zdravotní péče ve systému veřejného zdravotnictví.The goal of this master thesis is the analysis of trends in public and private expenditures on health care in the Czech republic, which have a tendency to develop above possibility o public budget in the context of long-term sustainability. This create pressure on the increase of share of private expenditures. In this thesis will be attention also focus on the proportion of public and private expenditures in total expenditures with evaluation of consequences for availability of needed health care for citizen in social deprivation. Part of the thesis will be focus on elasticity of demand for health care in view of the sensitivity, that have citizen in social deprivation to the increase of private expeditures on health care. The thesis will include quest to find a possibility of financing health care from private resources and describe prices of health care in the public system of health service

    Therapeutic materials for adults with dyslalia

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou narušené komunikační schopnosti dyslalie u dospělých osob. Nejdříve připomíná složky logopedické intervence, především logopedickou terapii. Poté přibližuje samotnou dyslalii, její etiologii, klasifikaci, diagnostiku a prevenci. Největší měrou se tato práce zabývá terapií dyslalie a jejími specifiky u dospělých. Udává příklady využitelných terapeutických materiálů u nás i v zahraničí a hodnotí situaci materiálů pro dospělé na trhu. Hlavním záměrem práce bylo vytvoření terapeutického materiálu pro dospělé osoby s diagnózou dyslalie. Bylo vytvořeno 100 pracovních listů pro terapii nejčastěji narušených českých hlásek (L, R, Ř, Č, Š, Ž, C, S, Z, ČŠŽ/CSZ). Tyto pracovní listy byly ověřeny v praxi a zhodnoceny několika odborníky. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: terapeutické materiály, dospělý věk, dyslalie, logopedická terapieThis master's thesis deals with the communication disorder dyslalia in adult's age. Firstly brings components of speech intervention, especially speech therapy. Secondly describes dyslalia, its etiology, classification, diagnosis and prevention. Mostly this thesis deals with dyslalia therapy and its adults specifics. It gives examples of usable therapeutic materials in the Czech Republic also abroad. Thesis also judges the situation of adult's therapeutic materials on the market. The main intention was to create a therapeutic material for adults with dyslalia diagnosis. It was created 100 worksheets for frequently disturbed Czech sounds (L, R, Ř, Č, Š, Ž, C, S, Z, ČŠŽ / CSZ). These worksheets were practiced and evaluated by several clinicians. KEYWORDS: therapeutic materials, adult`s age, dyslalia, speech therapyKatedra speciální pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Marketing in Health Care

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce "Marketingové strategie" je analýza různých typů marketingových strategií jako jsou orientace na spotřebitele, segmentace, cílení (targeting) a umisťování (positioning). V další fázi je tato práce zaměřena na rozdělení výrobků divize Ethicon, firmy Johnson and Johnoson do jednotlivých skupin, analýza silných a slabých stránek divize Ethicon a analýza konkurence na českém trhu. Praktická část je věnována účinnosti jedné marketingové strategie, která je hodnocena porovnáním prodejů produktů, na které je tato strategie zaměřena, před a po jejím zavedení. Cílem této práce je nalézt správnou a účinnou marketingovou strategii pro divizi Ethicon jako tržního lídra na poli chirurgických šicích materialů. Závěr obsahuje doporučení pro další vývoj marketingových strategií.This bachleor thesis was created to analyse variety of marketing strategies, such as consumer orientation, segmentation, targeting or positioning. As the theoretical part continues, an overview of the Ethicon product portfolio is introduced. For the purposes of this thesis, products were divided into particular groups. Furthermore, for Ethicon CZ, a Johnson and Johnson Medical Company, there was a SWOT analysis prepared as well as the analysis of the Czech market and its competitors. In the practical part of the thesis particular marketing strategies had been evaluated according to its impact on sales of the product groups mentioned above. The impact is measured by the difference in amount of sales executed before and after the implementation of each particular strategy. The aim of the thesis is to define the best marketing strategy for Ethicon CZ, the leader on the market of surgical sutures. To conclude the thesis, a discussion is held to highlight advice and recommendation on the healthy future of marketing strategies

    Cartoon Humour and Caricature in the First Czechoslovak Republic from the Gender Perspective

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je analyzovat kreslený humor a karikaturu ve vybraných humoristických časopisech optikou genderu. Zkoumanými publikacemi jsou tři humoristické časopisy: Smích republiky, Humoristické listy a Kopřivy. Pozornost je zaměřena převážně na dvacátá léta. 20. století. Práce reflektuje zejména nejvýraznější genderové stereotypy vyskytující se ve vybraných časopisech daného období. Dále sleduje způsob, jakým jsou tyto genderové stereotypy, ale i změny v genderovém uspořádání prezentovány. Diplomová práce je doplněna obrazovou přílohou, která slouží jako názorná ukázka dobového kresleného humoru a karikatur.The aim of this thesis is to analyze cartoon humour and caricature in selected humorous magazines from the gender perspective. The publications reviewed are three humorous magazines Smích Republiky, Humoristické listy and Kopřivy. Attention is focused mainly on the 1920s. The thesis reflects especially the most significant gender stereotypes occurring in selected journals of the period. It also identifies the way in which these gender stereotypes as well as changes in the gender structure are presented. The thesis is supplemented by a pictorial appendix, serving as a demonstration of the period cartoon humour and caricatures.Fakulta filozofická1. Představení tématu DP. 2. Metodická východiska, prameny, literatura. 3. Seznámení komise s posudky vedoucího DP a oponenta DP. 4. Reakce diplomantky. 5. Závěrečná rozprava.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Therapeutic materials for adults with dyslalia

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    This master's thesis deals with the communication disorder dyslalia in adult's age. Firstly brings components of speech intervention, especially speech therapy. Secondly describes dyslalia, its etiology, classification, diagnosis and prevention. Mostly this thesis deals with dyslalia therapy and its adults specifics. It gives examples of usable therapeutic materials in the Czech Republic also abroad. Thesis also judges the situation of adult's therapeutic materials on the market. The main intention was to create a therapeutic material for adults with dyslalia diagnosis. It was created 100 worksheets for frequently disturbed Czech sounds (L, R, Ř, Č, Š, Ž, C, S, Z, ČŠŽ / CSZ). These worksheets were practiced and evaluated by several clinicians. KEYWORDS: therapeutic materials, adult`s age, dyslalia, speech therap

    Narrative Methods in Jan Pelc's Prose

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    Práce se zabývá analýzou dvou próz Jana Pelce, ve kterých je zobrazena undergroundová a exilová t em atika. Na základě vymezených aspektů narativních postupů a jejich interpretace, je zkoumán podíl zvolených narativních technik na celkovém významovém vyznění daných próz.The work deals with the analysis of two pieces of prose by Jan Pelc that depict underground and exile topics. Based on defined aspects of the narrative techniques and interpretation thereof, the participation is examined of the chosen narrative techniques in the overall meaning impression of the pieces of prose.Katedra literární kultury a slavistiky1. Studentka představila téma práce, cíle, zvolenou metodu.2. Vedoucí a oponent práce seznámili komisi s posudky.3. Studentka reagovala na otázky obsažené v posudcích a na dalaí dotazy členů komise.4. Diskuse

    Comparison of business conditions of Czech republic and Singapore

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    Question of barriers to business is in the Czech Republic criticised for a long time, but until now have been taken only partial actions and complex change is still missing. For a comparison of business conditions I chose Singapore, because it has very favourable business conditions in recent years, while the Czech Republic markedly fall behind on a worldwide scale. Methodological part of the thesis contains an analysis of conceptions that serve as a base for the comparation of business conditions. The conceptions are concerned with starting a business, getting credit, trading across borders, self-dealing, theory of procedural formalism, tax theory, labour relation, getting and transferring real estate. Consecutive analytical part of the thesis compares business conditions in the Czech Republic and in Singapore according to criteria accepted by The World Bank. The criteria are focused on administrative, financial and time cost of starting business, registering and transferring real estate, proceedings at law, international trade. Further criteria are determinants of labour relation, law protecting of investors against self-dealing, informative barriers to getting credit, determinants of paying taxes. The objective of this bachelor thesis is to analyse differences in business conditions between the Czech Rupublic and Singapore and propose arrangement for improvement law and economics conditions for business in the Czech Republic