135 research outputs found

    Spiritual Well-Being and Religion of Doctoral Students in Community University

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    The spiritual well-being connects to the meaning of life in a broad way, enabling emotional balance, quality of life and development of ethical and moral values that can interfere in the biological, psychological and social issues of the individual. This study aimed to evaluate spiritual well-being in doctoral students of a community university Pelotas-RS in order to verify its association with sociodemographic factors and self-assessment of health and life. This is a cross-sectional study with convenience sample, which will examine the spiritual well-being in PhD Graduate Programs. Participants responded the questionnaire with socio-demographic factors, self-assessment of health and life and the instrument - long version of Spiritual Well-Being Scale (EBE) - which are self-administered. The t, ANOVA and Pearson correlation tests were used for the analysis. The results showed higher levels of spiritual well-being and religious in doctoral students that have any religion, perform religious practices and has frequency in activity; significant correlation was observed of religious well-being with the family income. The study shows the importance of the spiritual well-being as a protective factor in social, psychological and professional issues, especially in tense moments and overload living doctoral students. Keywords: Spirituality, Religion, Higher Educatio

    A 12-month Follow-Up Study of Pulp Oxygen Saturation in Deciduous Molars After Selective and Nonselective Carious-Tissue Removal: A Randomized Pilot Trial

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    Objective: To compare the pulp vitality of deciduous molars before and after selective caries removal (SCR) or nonselective caries removal to hard dentin (NSCR) over one year, using oxygen saturation percentage (%SaO2). Material and Methods: Deciduous molars with deep occlusal/proximal-occlusal caries lesions were randomized to SCR (n=22) or NSCR groups (n=22). After the caries removal, the teeth were protected with calcium hydroxide cement and restored with composite resin (Filtek Z250). The pulp condition diagnosis was evaluated at baseline, immediately after caries removal, and follow-up (7 days, 1-, 6- and 12-months) by %SaO2. Pulp exposure and pulp necrosis were primary outcomes, and %SaO2 was secondary. Results: Intraoperative pulp exposure occurred in four teeth of the NSCR group (18.2%) and one tooth of the SCR group (4.5%) (p>0.05). Two cases of pulp necrosis occurred in the NSCR group (10%). No difference in %SaO2 pulp was observed in the inter-and intragroup comparison over time (p>0.05). Conclusion: Advantageously, the %SaO2 minimizes preoperatory pulp vitality diagnosis subjectivity before SCR/ NSCR treatments. Furthermore, the pilot study results suggest the pulp response of deciduous molars, when evaluated by clinical, radiographic, and pulp %SaO2 seems not to differ between teeth treated with SCR or NSCR

    Uma abordagem para avaliar o potencial de agroecossistemas em prover serviços ambientais

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    The objective of this work was to present an approach to evaluate soil functions in agroecosystems and their impact on environmental services (ES). An approach with case studies was proposed to assess the relationship between the establishment and management of agroecosystems, in three Brazilian biomes (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Caatinga), and their environmental services provision, considering the specificities of each area. A set of soil parameters that can be used as indicators to monitor changes in the agroecosystem was also proposed. The environmental services types most affected by the establishment and management of the agroecosystems were the supporting and provisioning services, showing the potential of agricultural management in providing multiple services, besides food, fiber, and energy. “No fire use” and “agricultural consortium” were the criteria for the establishment and management of agroecosystems with greater potential to increase environmental services provision, whereas biomass stock in soil and litter was the most appropriate soil parameter to be used as an indicator to monitor the impact of agroecosystems in environmental services provision.O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma abordagem para avaliar as funções do solo em agroecossistemas e seus impactos sobre os serviços ambientais (SA). Uma abordagem com estudo de casos foi proposta para analisar a relação entre o estabelecimento e o manejo de agroecossistemas, em três biomas brasileiros (Floresta Atlântica, Cerrado e Caatinga), e a sua correlação com a prestação de serviços ambientais, tendo-se levado em consideração as especificidades de cada área. Também foi proposto um conjunto de parâmetros do solo que possam ser utilizados como indicadores para monitorar as alterações no agroecossistema. Observou-se que os tipos de serviços ambientais mais afetados pela implantação e pela gestão dos agroecossistemas são os desuporte e provisão, o que mostra o potencial que o manejo agrícola tem de fornecer múltiplos serviços, além de alimentos, fibras e energia. “Sem uso de fogo” e “consórcios agrícolas” foram os critérios usados na implantação e a gestão de agroecossistemas com maior potencial em aumentar a prestação de serviços ambientais, enquanto o estoque de biomassa no solo e na serapilheira foi o parâmetro do solo mais adequado para uso como indicador no monitoramento do impacto do agroecossistema na prestação de serviços ambientais

    Depressive Symptoms and Relationship Between Genders: Differences in Young Adults in a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Depression has a high prevalence in the general population, especially among women. There is no consensus in the scientific literature about differences between men and women in the manifestations of depressive symptoms, nor about psychotherapy indications according to gender. This research aimed to verify differences in depressive symptoms and symptoms improvement between young adult men and women with current Major Depressive Disorder and to identify differences between two brief Cognitive Psychotherapy models. Randomized clinical trial in which participants were randomized between: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Narrative Cognitive Therapy. Depressive symptoms pre and post-intervention were evaluated using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. The sample was composed of 25 men and 95 women. Genital symptoms and insight were significantly different between genders. Concerning improvement in symptoms according to the psychotherapy model, CBT presented a trend toward being more effective in men. Therefore, the symptoms and improvement in depressive symptoms are manifested differently between genders.La depresión tiene una alta prevalencia en la población general, especialmente entre las mujeres. No hay consenso en la literatura científica sobre las diferencias en las manifestaciones de síntomas depresivos entre hombres y mujeres, ni sobre las indicaciones de las psicoterapias según el género. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las diferencias en los síntomas depresivos y la mejora de los síntomas en hombres y mujeres jóvenes adultos con Trastorno Depresivo Mayor actual y comprobar las diferencias entre los dos modelos de psicoterapia cognitiva. En este ensayo clínico, los participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente entre: Psicoterapia Cognitivo Comportamental y Psicoterapia Cognitiva Narrativa. Los síntomas de depresión pre y post intervención se evaluaron mediante la Escala de Depresión de Hamilton. La muestra estuvo constituida por 25 hombres y 95 mujeres. Síntomas genitales y de conciencia fueron significativamente diferentes entre los géneros. En cuanto a la mejoría de los síntomas de acuerdo con el modelo psicoterapéutico, el PCC tuvo una tendencia a ser más eficaz entre los hombres. Es posible observar que la sintomatología y la mejora en los síntomas depresivos se manifiestan de forma diferente entre géneros.A depressão apresenta elevada prevalência na população geral, especialmente entre as mulheres. Não existe consenso na literatura científica a respeito de diferenças das manifestações de sintomas depressivos entre homens e mulheres, bem como, quanto à indicações de psicoterapias conforme o gênero. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as diferenças na sintomatologia depressiva e melhora dos sintomas em homens e mulheres adultos jovens com Transtorno Depressivo Maior e identificar as diferenças entre dois modelos de Psicoterapia Cognitiva. Em ensaio clínico, os participantes foram randomizados entre: Psicoterapia Cognitivo Comportamental e Psicoterapia Cognitiva Narrativa. A sintomatologia depressiva pré e pós intervenção foi avaliada pela Hamilton Depression Scale. Participaram do estudo 25 homens e 95 mulheres. Os sintomas genitais e de consciência foram significativamente diferentes entre os gêneros. Quanto à melhora dos sintomas de acordo com o modelo psicoterapêutico, a PCC apresentou uma tendência a ser mais eficaz entre os homens. Sendo assim, é possível observar que a sintomatologia e a melhora dos sintomas depressivos manifestam-se diferentemente entre os gêneros

    Aging, neurocognitive impairment and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals

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    AbstractBackground/objectiveThere is an increasing number of older patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection due to the success of antiretroviral therapy, the improved prognosis and life expectancy of patients, and the higher number of new infections among older individuals. The main objective of the present study was to compare the characteristics of older human immunodeficiency virus patients with those of younger patients.Materials and methodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study with human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients who were treated at the Specialized Care Service (Serviço de Assistência Especializada) for human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS in the city of Pelotas, South Brazil. Sociodemographic information as well as data on human immunodeficiency virus infection and treatment were collected. All participants underwent psychiatric and neurocognitive assessments, and their adherence to antiretroviral therapy was evaluated.ResultsA total of 392 patients participated in the study, with 114 patients aged 50 years and older. The characteristics showing significant differences between older and younger human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients included race/ethnicity, comorbidities, duration and adherence to antiretroviral therapy, currently undetectable viral load, and cognitive impairment. Compared to younger patients, older patients were at higher risk of exhibiting cognitive impairment [OR 2.28 (95% CI: 1.35–3.82, p=0.002)] and of having increased adherence to antiretroviral therapy [OR 3.11 (95% CI: 1.67–5.79, p<0.001)].ConclusionsThe prevalence of neurocognitive impairment remained high in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients despite antiretroviral therapy. In the present study, the prevalence of this type of impairment was significantly higher in patients aged ≥50 years, most likely due to aging, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and a possible synergistic effect between these factors. Despite this higher prevalence, older patients exhibited higher rates of adherence to antiretroviral therapy and of undetectable human immunodeficiency virus viral load

    Effect of tillage reduction on the productive behavior of cassava

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    Em experimento de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) instalado em Latossolo Amarelo, na cidade de Cruz das Almas (BA), foram comparados tratamentos envolvendo um sistema de preparo reduzido do solo (preparo do solo restrito às linhas de plantio) e o preparo convencional (preparo do solo de toda a área), este consorciado ou não com leguminosa para adubação verde. A mandioca, cultivar BGM-001 (aipim-bravo), plantada no espaçamento de 2,50 m x 0,50 m x 0,50 m, em fileiras duplas, foi colhida aos doze meses após o plantio. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, introduzindo-se, ao final do quinto ciclo, o fator ano como repetição. Os resultados obtidos, após cinco anos de cultivos sucessivos na mesma área, mostraram que não houve diferenças de produção da mandioca entre os tratamentos testados, sendo que o preparo reduzido do solo proporcionou uma redução de 65% a 75% nos custos referentes à aração do solo, em relação ao preparo convencional.In a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) experiment conducted in a yellow latossol, in Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil, two tillage systems were compared: reduced tillage (soil preparation only in the planting rows) and conventional tillage (preparation of the whole area), the former being intercropped or not with a legume for green manure. The cassava cultivar BGM 001 ("aipim-bravo") planted in a 2.50 m x 0.50 m x 0.50 m double row spacing was harvested twelve months after planting. The experimental design was completely randomized, and years were taken as replications. The results after five years of continuous cultivation have shown no difference among the treatments for cassava root production, but the reduced tillage system gave a reduction of 65% to 75% on the costs of soil preparation, when compared to the conventional system

    Early trauma and mood disorders in youngsters

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar vivências precoces de abuso e negligência na infância entre jovens com transtorno bipolar (TB), transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) e controles populacionais. MÉTODO: Estudo de caso-controle aninhado a um estudo transversal de base populacional. A confirmação do diagnóstico foi realizada por meio de entrevista clínica estruturada para transtornos de eixo I do DSM-IV (SCID) e os eventos traumáticos foram verificados pelo Questionário sobre traumas na infância (CTQ). RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 231 jovens, sendo 95 indivíduos no grupo controle, 82 com TDM e 54 com TB (32 do tipo I e 22 do tipo II). A prevalência de trauma na infância foi de 42,2%, sendo 54,7% entre aqueles com TB, 62,2% entre os jovens com TDM e 18,1% entre o grupo controle. Os jovens com TB ou TDM apresentaram maiores médias no CTQ total e entre seus componentes quando comparados aos jovens do grupo controle, exceto o componente abuso sexual, em que se observou diferença estatística apenas entre o grupo controle e o grupo de jovens com transtorno bipolar. CONCLUSÃO: O relato de vivências traumáticas precoces foi mais presente entre os jovens com transtornos de humor do que na população geral, confirmando o que a literatura traz sobre o tema. Nesse sentido, as vivências de trauma na infância parecem contribuir para o aparecimento dos transtornos de humor.OBJECTIVE: To verify early experiences of childhood abuse and neglect among young with bipolar disorder (BD), major depression (MDD), and controls. METHOD: Case-control study nested to a population-based cross-sectional study. The diagnosis was performed via the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID). Traumatic events were analyzed using the Portuguese version - Questionário sobre Traumas na Infância (CTQ) - based on the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. RESULTS: The sample comprised 231 adolescents with 95 individuals in the control group, 82 with MDD and 54 with BD (32 of type I and 22 type II). The prevalence of trauma or violence in childhood was 42.2%; among those, 54.7% had BD, 62.2% had MDD and 18.1% were in the control group. Young people with BD or MDD obtained higher means in total CTQ and among their components when compared with those in the control group. DISCUSSION: Reports on early traumatic experiences were more frequent among young people with mood disorders than in the general population, corroborating the literature on the subject. In this sense, the traumatic experiences during childhood seemed to contribute to the onset of the disorder

    Sex-dependent role of CD300f immune receptor in generalized anxiety disorder.

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    Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) presents a high prevalence in the population, leading to distress and disability. Immune system alterations have been associated with anxiety-related behaviors in rodents and GAD patients. CD300f immune receptors are highly expressed in microglia and participate not only in the modulation of immune responses but also in pruning and reshaping synapses. It was recently demonstrated that CD300f might be influential in the pathogenesis of depression in a sex-dependent manner. Here, we evaluated the role of CD300f immune receptor in anxiety, using CD300f knockout mice (CD300f-/-) and patients with GAD. We observed that male CD300f-/- mice had numerous behavioral changes associated with a low-anxiety phenotype, including increased open field central locomotion and rearing behaviors, more exploration in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze test, and decreased latency to eat in the novelty suppressed feeding test. In a cross-sectional population-based study, including 1111 subjects, we evaluated a common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2034310 (C/T) in the cytoplasmatic tail of CD300f gene in individuals with GAD. Notably, we observed that the T allele of the rs2034310 polymorphism conferred protection against GAD in men, even after adjusting for confounding variables. Overall, our data demonstrate that CD300f immune receptors are involved in the modulation of pathological anxiety behaviors in a sex-dependent manner. The biological basis of these sex differences is still poorly understood, but it may provide significant clues regarding the neuropathophysiological mechanisms of GAD and can pave the way for future specific pharmacological interventions

    A 12-month Follow-Up Study of Pulp Oxygen Saturation in Deciduous Molars After Selective and Nonselective Carious-Tissue Removal: A Randomized Pilot Trial

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    Objective: To compare the pulp vitality of deciduous molars before and after selective caries removal (SCR) or nonselective caries removal to hard dentin (NSCR) over one year, using oxygen saturation percentage (%SaO2). Material and Methods: Deciduous molars with deep occlusal/proximal-occlusal caries lesions were randomized to SCR (n=22) or NSCR groups (n=22). After the caries removal, the teeth were protected with calcium hydroxide cement and restored with composite resin (Filtek Z250). The pulp condition diagnosis was evaluated at baseline, immediately after caries removal, and follow-up (7 days, 1-, 6- and 12-months) by %SaO2. Pulp exposure and pulp necrosis were primary outcomes, and %SaO2 was secondary. Results: Intraoperative pulp exposure occurred in four teeth of the NSCR group (18.2%) and one tooth of the SCR group (4.5%) (p>0.05). Two cases of pulp necrosis occurred in the NSCR group (10%). No difference in %SaO2 pulp was observed in the inter-and intragroup comparison over time (p>0.05). Conclusion: Advantageously, the %SaO2 minimizes preoperatory pulp vitality diagnosis subjectivity before SCR/ NSCR treatments. Furthermore, the pilot study results suggest the pulp response of deciduous molars, when evaluated by clinical, radiographic, and pulp %SaO2 seems not to differ between teeth treated with SCR or NSCR

    Socioeconomic and substance use changes in emerging adults and their relationship with mood disorders in a population-based cohort

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    In this report, we aim to assess the interaction of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder with the evolution of social roles, economic classification, and substance misuse in emerging adults. This is a longitudinal population-based study (n = 231 at baseline), in which participants were reassessed at a mean of 5 years after baseline. A structured clinical interview was used to diagnose the participants with bipolar disorder and major depression; a control group without mood disorders was included. Men with mood disorders were less likely to be married in the beginning of the study and less likely to work in the follow-up. Women with major depression were less likely to study and more likely to be in a lower economic class at the beginning of the study. In comparison, women with bipolar disorder were less likely to live with their parents and more likely to live with their children in the first wave of the study. Substance misuse was more likely in people with mood disorders, especially in men, and women with bipolar disorder had the highest likelihood in the follow-up. Albeit longitudinal analyses were limited by a possibly insufficient sample size and mediating mechanisms for change, such as stigma, were not explored, the study suggests sex-related specificities regarding the change in social roles and substance use in people with mood disorders. Emerging adults, especially those with mood disorders, are in a period of change and instability and at a greater risk for substance use and abuse