409 research outputs found

    Effects of Home Voice Assistants' Autonomy on Instrusiveness and Usefulness: Direct, Indirect, and Moderating Effects of Interactivity

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    This research investigates whether interactivity of home voice assistants can reduce the consumer's perceptions of intrusiveness when using these products because of their autonomy. To do so, the authors applied structural equation modeling to 607 questionnaires. The results show that autonomy has a quadratic effect on intrusiveness and usefulness, being more intense for high levels of autonomy. Interactivity reduces intrusiveness both directly and indirectly through brand trust, and interactivity has a positive effect on usefulness. Furthermore, interactivity moderates the effect of autonomy on intrusiveness. These results lead to interesting managerial implications, such as the inclusion of interactive characteristics in smart products to enable consumers to control and communicate with them

    Atmospheric excitement, customers’ moods and gender: A study of young shoppers

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    This paper aims to demonstrate how both incidental moods and gender can moderate the relationship between the level of excitement triggered by a mall environment and shopping behaviour. Our method is based on a 4 × 2 between subjects experiment with a final sample of 377 Spanish undergraduates. The study analyses four incidental moods that differ in the dimensions of valence and arousal, and their interaction effects with two atmospheric scenarios in a mall (exciting versus non-exciting atmospheres). Our findings support mood regulation theory for positive low-arousal individuals, and reject this theory for the rest of mood conditions. Additionally, arousal reduces customers’ cognitive capabilities, confirming previous research. This means that high-arousal shoppers are not influenced by a mall environment. Finally, gender differences are only found within more frequent shoppers and for negative low-arousal (NLA) shoppers. Managerial implications are provided regarding the creation of relaxing areas or the stimulation of shoppers

    How extroversion affects student attitude toward the combined use of a wiki and video recording of group presentations

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of extroversion on students'' attitude toward the combined use of a wiki and the video recording of oral presentations to improve communication skills using a quantitative approach. The model includes stress because it is considered an important aspect in public speaking situations, especially so in a case like ours where the videos will be available to the class. The students’ enjoyment and the relative advantages of the learning activity are also included because they may have an influence on satisfaction and course recommendation. A survey was carried out among first-year undergraduate students. Using partial least squares methodology, the results suggest that extrovert individuals perceive less stress and more enjoyment when performing this activity, which results in them having a better attitude toward it. A total mediation effect of enjoyment between extroversion and attitude is found. Our findings also confirm that stress acts as a barrier to satisfaction, but it does not create a negative reaction toward the activity. Finally, the results show the mediation effect of attitude between the perceived relative advantages and satisfaction and between enjoyment and satisfaction

    Antecedents and consequences of stress in retailing: environmental expectations and promoter scoring

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of the disconfirmation of expectations of crowding and mall accessibility, on stress and two marketing outcomes, satisfaction and promoter scoring. Design/methodology/approach: Data were obtained through two face-to-face surveys from mall shoppers that answered them at two different moments of their shopping experience, before entering the mall and before leaving it. Results are obtained from 230 customers that answered the two questionnaires. Findings: The findings suggest that stress indirectly influences customer promoter scoring through satisfaction, while disconfirmation of expectations influences it directly and indirectly. Practical implications: These results also suggest that stress and disconfirmation of expectations about crowding and accessibility are important in determining promoter scoring. To reduce stress and increase satisfaction and promoter scoring, managers should focus on exceeding customers'' expectations about mall accessibility and on ensuring that customers experience a lower level of crowding than they expected. Originality/value: The article examines Net Promoter Scoring, an outcome that has attracted managers'' attention but little is known about its antecedents. The paper provides evidence of the effect of disconfirmation of expectations and negative emotions on promoter scoring

    The role of the humanisation of smart home speakers in the personalisation–privacy paradox

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    This article examines the personalisation–privacy paradox through the privacy calculus lens in the context of smart home speakers. It also considers the direct and moderating role of humanisation in the personalisation–privacy paradox. This characteristic refers to how human the device is perceived to be, given its voice''s tone and pacing, original responses, sense of humour, and recommendations. The model was tested on a sample of 360 users of different brands of smart home speakers. These users were heterogeneous in terms of age, gender, income, and frequency of use of the device. The results confirm the personalisation–privacy paradox and verify uncanny valley theory, finding the U-shaped effect that humanisation has on risks of information disclosure. They also show that humanisation increases benefits, which supports the realism maximisation theory. Specifically, they reveal that users will perceive the messages received as more useful and credible if the devices seem human. However, the human-likeness of these devices should not exceed certain levels as it increases perceived risk. These results should be used to highlight the importance of the human-like communication of smart home speakers. © 2022 The Author

    What characteristics of smart home speakers should companies invest in? Differences between actual and potential users

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    The aim of the research is double. First, it aims to examine the importance of smart product features on users'' satisfaction and adopters'' purchasing intentions. Second, we want to analyse the possible quadratic effect of three features, autonomy, personality and human interaction on the two outcomes. The results show that the features of smart products that influence users'' satisfaction differ from those of adopters'' purchasing intentions. Finally, interesting managerial implications for smart product producers and dealers are offered

    Can social support alleviate stress while shopping in crowded retail environments?

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    This paper aims to find out whether sales associates and shopping companions, as two factors of the social servicescape, can help customers alleviate their levels of stress while shopping in crowded retail scenarios. Social Impact Theory is used to build a theoretical framework that is tested on a sample of mall shoppers. The findings demonstrate that sales associates can reduce customers’ level of stress in crowded situations by employing their task and interaction competences. Customers with shopping companions feel less stress while shopping. When the companions are similar to the customer in shopping preferences, they can create boundaries to stress created by crowding. Finally, this research offers important implications for store managers as well as for sales associates

    Desarrollo de la creatividad y expresión artística a través de los diferentes lenguajes en los niños de 4 años de la institución educativa 2674 Santísima Niña María, Ilo, 2019.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con los niños de cuatro años de la institución educativa 2674 Santísima Niña María. Después de realizar la deconstrucción Pedagógica por medio de los diarios de campo identificamos los aciertos y desaciertos, las debilidades y fortalezas de los estudiantes y también como docente; en algunas sesiones no consideré estrategias innovadoras, atractivas para desarrollar y mejorar la expresión artística en los niños así mismo en el aula no hay materiales naturales de colección. Ya que la creación en los diversos lenguajes artísticos tiene como base la expresión en los distintos lenguajes de los niños pero, para lograr todo esto tenemos que brindarles la debida estimulación, oportunidades, y estrategias innovadoras adecuadas que no había considerado en mis programaciones. En la reconstrucción de mi práctica pedagógica he podido elaborar, diseñar, estrategias innovadoras y estimular a los niños dándoles oportunidades para explorar y vivir experiencias directas dentro y fuera del aula indagando y explorando en la naturaleza recolectando materiales. El soporte de mi investigación y bases teóricas se dio a través de la bibliografía reforzando la práctica pedagógica y las acciones reconstructivas del plan de acción dando así los recursos metodológicos para aplicarlos en esta investigación. En cuanto a la evaluación de esta propuesta pedagógica con la aplicación de los instrumentos realizados comprueba que dicha aplicación de estrategias y materiales sirvieron acertadamente en la reconstrucción para mejorar la práctica pedagógica. Cumpliendo así con los objetivos propuestos.Tesi

    Implementación de la guía preventiva sobre parasitosis intestinal relacionando conocimientos y hábitos higiénicos en madres de los niños (as) de 4-9 años en la unidad educativa San Pablo.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue disminuir la incidencia de parasitosis intestinal en los niños de 4 a 9 años pertenecientes a la unidad educativa San Pablo mediante la aplicación de una guía preventiva sobre parasitosis intestinal relacionando conocimientos y hábitos higiénicos de las madres de los niños. La parasitosis intestinal es considerada como una las principales causas de morbilidad y de asistencia a consulta médica en niños menores de 10 años pertenecientes a países en vías de desarrollo. Se aplicó la guía preventiva incluyendo un componente asistencial y otro educativo; Se utilizaron varias pruebas estadísticas en el tratamiento de las variables como fueron la prueba de Tendencia lineal, la prueba Ji-cuadrado de tendencia lineal y de independencia, corrección por continuidad de Yates, la prueba de Rangos con Signos de Wilconxon y la prueba de McNemar. Existió un elevado porcentaje de niños con parasitosis intestinal motivado por el bajo nivel de conocimiento de las madres. Se concluye que posterior a la aplicación de la guía preventiva logró cambios significativos en el nivel de conocimiento de las madres sobre prevención de parasitosis intestinal disminuyendo la incidencia de parasitosis en los niños entre 4 y 9 años incluidos en la investigación. Se recomienda brindar espacios informativos a la población adulta que permita fomentar desde edades tempranas, hábitos y estilos de vida saludable en la población, minimizando el riesgo de aparición de enfermedades transmisibles como es el caso de la parasitosis infantil.The objective of this research was to reduce the incidence of intestinal parasitosis in children aged 4 to 9 years belonging to the San Pablo educational unit through the application of a preventive guide on intestinal parasitosis relating knowledge and hygiene habits of the mothers of children. Intestinal parasitosis is considered as one of the main causes of morbidity and medical consultation assistance in children under 10 years belonging to developing countries. The preventive guide was applied including a care component and an educational component; Several statistical tests were used in the treatment of the variables such as the Linear Trend test, the Chi-square test of linear trend and independence, correction for Yacht continuity, the Ranges with Wilconxon Signs test and the McNemar test. here was a high percentage of children with intestinal parasitosis motivated by the low level of knowledge of mothers. It is concluded that, after the application of the preventive guide, it achieved significant changes in the level of knowledge of mothers about the prevention of intestinal parasitosis, reducing the incidence of parasitosis in children between 4 and 9 years of age included in the research. It is recommended to provide informative spaces to the adult population that allows to promote healthy habits and lifestyles in the population from an early age, minimizing the risk of the occurrence of communicable diseases such as childhood parasitosis

    Diseño de un ssitema de evaluación y seguimiento para los egresados de conservatorios de música

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    PDFLos tres grupos que conforman la comunidad educativa del Conservatorio Sergei Rachmaninov de la ciudad de Guayaquil: docentes, estudiantes graduados y padres, expresaron las opiniones acerca de aspectos académicos y de desarrollo laboral. Apoyado en la investigación bibliográfica sobre perfil profesional y a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario, se ubicaron entre la población estudiada (N= 20 docentes, 42 estudiantes y 31 padres) las opiniones sobre el perfil profesional actual, la formación académica recibida, la confianza en las capacidades de desempeño en distintas áreas y las apreciaciones de fortalezas, debilidades, utilidad y conocimientos extra que el Conservatorio debería brindar. Los resultados indican tendencias positivas, explicados por la calidad de los maestros y porque el aprendizaje no se focaliza exclusivamente en la enseñanza de la interpretación de un instrumento, sino en la promoción de valores como disciplina, esfuerzo, responsabilidad y autoestima. Llama la atención que el grupo estudiado solicita más clases en distintas áreas del conocimiento como: Teorías de la música, Composición, Historia entre otras, lo que es consistente con la idea de hacer del aprendizaje un proceso flexible y a los profesionales capaces de aprender a aprender. El Sistema de Evaluación y Seguimiento propuesto contempla una visión integral del conceptoThe three groups that constitute the Sergei Rachmaninov Conservatory educational community: teachers, alumni and parents, revealed their opinions about the academic aspects as well as the job opportunities. Based on a bibliographic research and through the application of a survey, it was possible to identify the opinions of N=20 teachers, 42 alumni and 31 parents. They answered questions about the actual professional profile, the academic formation received, the trust on the skills developed in different areas and their estimation of strengths, weaknesses, utility and extra knowledge that they think the Conservatory should give. The results show a positive trend, explained by the quality of teachers and by the fact that in there learning is not focused exclusively on the interpretation of a musical instrument but in the development and promotion of values such as discipline, effort, responsibility and self-esteem. It is remarkable that the whole group studied asks for more classes in the different areas of knowledge: Musical Theories, Composition and History among them, which is consistent with the idea of considering learning as a flexible process and professionals as capable of learning how to learn. The system of assessment and follow up designed provides an integral view of the concept
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