818 research outputs found

    Dissembled DJ-1 high molecular weight complex in cortex mitochondria from Parkinson's disease patients

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    The PARK7 gene encodes a protein, DJ-1, with several functions such as protection of cells from oxidative stress, sperm maturation and fertilization, and chaperone activity. Mutations in the PARK7 gene are associated with autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). DJ-1 has been reported to be expressed in multiple cells in the central nerve system. Here, by using both native and denatured Western blots, we examined levels of total DJ-1 and high molecular weight complexes of DJ-1 (HMW) in both the substantia nigra and cortex from rapidly autopsied 18 PD and 9 non-pathological control (NPC) brains. We have discovered that the level of total DJ-1 protein is significantly reduced in the substantia nigra in brains of sporadic PD patients. Moreover, in the PD cortex mitochondria fraction, the HMW DJ-1 complex is significantly lower than in the NPC. These results suggest abnormal DJ-1 expression levels and DJ-1 complex changes may contribute to PD pathogenesis

    Point of care ultrasound in pelvic health: scope of practice, education and governance for physiotherapists

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    Pelvic health and pelvic floor dysfunction have wide-reaching implications across a range of patient groups. Placing ultrasound imaging into the hands of assessing and treating clinicians (i.e. point of care ultrasound, PoCUS) can provide a step change in clinical effectiveness and efficiency. Pelvic floor dysfunction is managed by one or more members of a multi-disciplinary team that includes physiotherapists. Physiotherapists’ involvement includes diagnosis, patient education, identifying shared treatment goals, using rehabilitative strategies and empowering patients through self-management. Drawing upon existing publications in this area and applying framework principles, the authors propose a clinical and sonographic scope of practice for physiotherapists as part of supporting the consolidation and expansion of pelvic health PoCUS. Education and governance considerations are detailed to ensure the robust and safe use of this modality. Alongside empowering the use of ultrasound imaging by clinicians such as physiotherapists in the UK and internationally, we provide clarity to other members of the care pathway and ultrasound imaging professionals

    Disassembled DJ-1 high molecular weight complex in cortex mitochondria from Parkinson's disease patients

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    Correction to Nural H, He P, Beach T, Sue L, Xia W, Shen Y. Disassembled DJ-1 high molecular weight complex in cortex mitochondria from Parkinson's disease patients Molecular Neurodegeneration 2009, 4:23

    Predictors of red blood cell transfusion after cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE To identify predictors of red blood cell transfusion (RBCT) after cardiac surgery. METHOD A prospective cohort study performed with 323 adults after cardiac surgery, from April to December of 2013. A data collection instrument was constructed by the researchers containing factors associated with excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery, as found in the literature, for investigation in the immediate postoperative period. The relationship between risk factors and the outcome was assessed by univariate analysis and logistic regression. RESULTS The factors associated with RBCT in the immediate postoperative period included lower height and weight, decreased platelet count, lower hemoglobin level, higher prevalence of platelet countOBJETIVO Identificar predictivos de transfusión de concentrado de hematíes (TCH) después de cirugía cardiaca. MÉTODO Estudio de cohorte prospectivo llevado a cabo con 323 adultos luego de cirugía cardiaca de abril a diciembre de 2013. Un instrumento de recolección de datos fue diseñado por las investigadoras abarcando factores asociados con sangrado excesivo tras cirugía cardiaca encontrados en la literatura, para la investigación en el posoperatorio inmediato. La relación entre los factores de riesgo y el resultado fue verificada por análisis univariado y regresión logística. RESULTADOS Los factores asociados con la transfusión de concentrado de hematíes en el posoperatorio inmediato incluyeron peso y altura, menor conteo plaquetario, menor nivel de hemoglobina, mayor prevalencia de conteo plaquetarioOBJETIVO Identificar preditores de transfusão de concentrado de hemácias (TCH) após cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODO Estudo de coorte prospectivo realizado com 323 adultos após cirurgia cardíaca de abril a dezembro de 2013. Um instrumento de coleta de dados foi construído pelas pesquisadoras contendo fatores associados a sangramento excessivo após cirurgia cardíaca encontrados na literatura, para investigação no pós-operatório imediato. A relação entre os fatores de risco e o desfecho foi verificada por análise univariada e regressão logística. RESULTADOS Os fatores associados à transfusão de concentrado de hemácias no pós-operatório imediato incluíram menor peso e altura, menor contagem plaquetária, menor nível de hemoglobina, maior prevalência de contagem plaquetári

    Characterization of lysosomal proteins Progranulin and Prosaposin and their interactions in Alzheimer\u27s disease and aged brains: increased levels correlate with neuropathology.

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    Progranulin (PGRN) is a protein encoded by the GRN gene with multiple identified functions including as a neurotrophic factor, tumorigenic growth factor, anti-inflammatory cytokine and regulator of lysosomal function. A single mutation in the human GRN gene resulting in reduced PGRN expression causes types of frontotemporal lobar degeneration resulting in frontotemporal dementia. Prosaposin (PSAP) is also a multifunctional neuroprotective secreted protein and regulator of lysosomal function. Interactions of PGRN and PSAP affect their functional properties. Their roles in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), the leading cause of dementia, have not been defined. In this report, we examined in detail the cellular expression of PGRN in middle temporal gyrus samples of a series of human brain cases (n = 45) staged for increasing plaque pathology. Immunohistochemistry showed PGRN expression in cortical neurons, microglia, cerebral vessels and amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques, while PSAP expression was mainly detected in neurons and Aβ plaques, and to a limited extent in astrocytes. We showed that there were increased levels of PGRN protein in AD cases and corresponding increased levels of PSAP. Levels of PGRN and PSAP protein positively correlated with amyloid beta (Aβ), with PGRN levels correlating with phosphorylated tau (serine 205) levels in these samples. Although PGRN colocalized with lysosomal-associated membrane protein-1 in neurons, most PGRN associated with Aβ plaques did not. Aβ plaques with PGRN and PSAP deposits were identified in the low plaque non-demented cases suggesting this was an early event in plaque formation. We did not observe PGRN-positive neurofibrillary tangles. Co-immunoprecipitation studies of PGRN from brain samples identified only PSAP associated with PGRN, not sortilin or other known PGRN-binding proteins, under conditions used. Most PGRN associated with Aβ plaques were immunoreactive for PSAP showing a high degree of colocalization of these proteins that did not change between disease groups. As PGRN supplementation has been considered as a therapeutic approach for AD, the possible involvement of PGRN and PSAP interactions in AD pathology needs to be further considered

    Desarrollo de campaña publicitaria para el producto KAIAK de la marca NATURA

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    La investigación realizada tuvo como propósito desarrollar una campaña publicitaria para la marca Natura y su perfume Kaiak para hombres. El objetivo de negocio es ser la empresa N°1 en el mercado de venta directa y, por otro lado, el objetivo comunicacional de la campaña fue posicionar a Natura como la marca ideal para regalar, teniendo como producto foco Kaiak. Nuestra metodología de investigación fue mixta ya que se utilizaron distintos estudios como encuestas, focus group y observación participante. Esta campaña tuvo una duración de 2 meses (octubre y noviembre), con un presupuesto de S/. 1,300,000 netos y dirigida a hombres entre 18 y 35 años con personalidad libre y que disfruten de estar en movimiento y en constante transformación. La campaña se denominó “Empuja tu Frescura” y estuvo compuesta por cuatro etapas, desde una etapa de intriga hasta una etapa de ventas, donde se pudo realizar un PR Stunt, dos Big Moments y múltiples acciones dentro de medios tradicionales y digitales.The purpose of the research carried out was to develop an advertising campaign for the Natura brand and its Kaiak perfume for men. The business objective is to be the No. 1 company in the direct sales market and, on the other hand, the communication objective of the campaign was to position Natura as the ideal brand to give away, with Kaiak as the focus product. Our research methodology was mixed since different studies were used, such as surveys, focus groups and participant observation. This campaign lasted 2 months (October and November), with a budget of S/. 1,300,000 net and aimed at men between 18 and 35 years of age with a free personality and who enjoy being on the move and in constant transformation. The campaign was called "Push your Freshness" and consisted of four stages, from an intrigue stage to a sales stage, where a PR Stunt, two Big Moments and multiple actions within traditional and digital media could be carried out

    In vitro-differentiated neural cell cultures progress towards donor-identical brain tissue

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    Multiple research groups have observed neuropathological phenotypes and molecular symptoms in vitro using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neural cell cultures (i.e. patient-specific neurons and glia). However, the global differences/similarities that may exist between in vitro neural cells and their tissue-derived counterparts remain largely unknown. In this study, we compared temporal series of iPSC-derived in vitro neural cell cultures to endogenous brain tissue from the same autopsy donor. Specifically, we utilized RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to evaluate the transcriptional progression of in vitro-differentiated neural cells (over a timecourse of 0, 35, 70, 105 and 140 days), and compared this with donor-identical temporal lobe tissue. We observed in vitro progression towards the reference brain tissue, and the following three results support this conclusion: (i) there was a significant increasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse and the number of actively transcribed protein-coding genes and long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) (P < 0.05), consistent with the transcriptional complexity of the brain; (ii) there was an increase in CpG methylation after neural differentiation that resembled the epigenomic signature of the endogenous tissue; and (iii) there was a significant decreasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse and the percent of in vitro to brain-tissue differences (P < 0.05) for tissue-specific protein-coding genes and all putative lincRNAs. Taken together, these results are consistent with in vitro neural development and physiological progression occurring predominantly by transcriptional activation of downregulated genes rather than deactivation of upregulated genes

    Marine Litter : Technical Recommendations for the Implementation of MSFD Requirements

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    As a follow up to the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status (GES) of marine waters (Commission Decision 2010/477/EU), the Marine Directors requested Directorate General Environment in 2010 to establish a technical subgroup under the Working Group on GES in relation to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC (WG GES) for further development of Descriptor 10 Marine Litter and Descriptor 11 Noise/Energy. This report compiles the recommendations regarding Descriptor 10, Marine Litter. The implementation of provisons under MSFD Descriptor 10 as described in the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU is in its first step depending on the availability of appropriate monitoring tools.The group has investigated the monitoring approaches for marine litter and provides a set of monitoring tools which can be employed for that purpose.There are gaps in the regional applicability and differences in the maturity of some tools. There is need for further harmonization and collaborative activities in order to allow EU MS the future reporting of environmental trends and thus the verification of measures against marine litter.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource