6,984 research outputs found

    EnquĂȘtes populationnelles sur la victimisation et la dĂ©linquance chez les jeunes dans les cantons de Vaud et Zurich : Les jeunes non-exclusivement hĂ©tĂ©rosexuel∙le∙s : populations davantage exposĂ©es ?

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    Les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) sont nombreuses Ă  ĂȘtre Les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) sont nombreuses Ă  ĂȘtre confrontĂ©es Ă  des violences psychologiques, verbales et/ou physiques. En effet, les jeunes faisantpartie de minoritĂ©s sexuelles sont plus frĂ©quemment victimisé·e·s Ă  l’école que leurs pair·e·s. Ils·Elles sont par exemple plus nombreux·euses Ă  avoir Ă©tĂ© victimes de vols ou Ă  avoir eu leurs affaires cassĂ©es et sont Ă©galement significativement plus nombreux·euses Ă  avoir manquĂ© l’école du fait qu’ils·elles ne s’y sentaient pas en sĂ©curitĂ©. Relevons Ă©galement que la part de jeunes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel·le·s (LGB) ayant vĂ©cu des rapports sexuels non consentis est Ă©galement plus importante. Les jeunes faisant partie de minoritĂ© sexuelles sont Ă©galement plus souvent victimes de harcĂšlement. Les donnĂ©es de la derniĂšre enquĂȘte « Youth Risk Behavior Survey » (YRBS, 2015) indiquent que 34% des jeunes LGB, 25% des jeunes en questionnement quant Ă  leur orientation sexuelle et 19% des jeunes hĂ©tĂ©rosexuel·le·s ont Ă©tĂ© harcelĂ© Ă  l’école au cours de 12 derniers mois. Enfin, les adolescents et jeunes hommes faisant partie de minoritĂ©s sexuelles sont plus souvent victimes de violences homophobes. Le premier objectif du prĂ©sent rapport consiste Ă  dĂ©terminer le taux de jeunes de 15 ans scolarisé·e·s n’ayant pas une attirance sexuelle exclusivement hĂ©tĂ©rosexuelle dans ces deux cantons et le second Ă  dĂ©terminer dans quelle mesure ces personnes sont plus touchĂ©es par diffĂ©rentes problĂ©matiques comme la victimisation, la consommation de substances psychoactives, le harcĂšlement en milieu scolaire, la dĂ©linquance, ou encore les problĂšmes de santĂ©

    Assessing the contribution of shallow and deep knowledge sources for word sense disambiguation

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    Corpus-based techniques have proved to be very beneficial in the development of efficient and accurate approaches to word sense disambiguation (WSD) despite the fact that they generally represent relatively shallow knowledge. It has always been thought, however, that WSD could also benefit from deeper knowledge sources. We describe a novel approach to WSD using inductive logic programming to learn theories from first-order logic representations that allows corpus-based evidence to be combined with any kind of background knowledge. This approach has been shown to be effective over several disambiguation tasks using a combination of deep and shallow knowledge sources. Is it important to understand the contribution of the various knowledge sources used in such a system. This paper investigates the contribution of nine knowledge sources to the performance of the disambiguation models produced for the SemEval-2007 English lexical sample task. The outcome of this analysis will assist future work on WSD in concentrating on the most useful knowledge sources

    Model Pembelajaran E-Learning Untuk Menunjang Pembelajaran Dengan Kurikulum Yang Berbasis KBK

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    — Higher education in Indonesia using the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), which requires learning the process of Teacher-Centered Content-Oriented (TCCO), and not the Student-Centered Learning (SCL). Learning Process TCCO cause educators act as facilitators or motivator. On the other hand the Indonesian government has allowed the implementation of e-learning. E-learning is the use of electronic technology to create a learning experience. An efficient e-Learning system should provide learners with learning environment that has high degree of freedom and should also provide educators with environment that has facilitate their function as facilitator or motivator with many learning methods thus learner's competency can be achieved. In order to realize that, e-Learning systems must be developed with such functions as letting learners choose appropriate learning contents and understand correctly their level of progress and achievement for each learning outcomes. The challenge is how the e-learning system can support Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) system. This paper describes a concept model of e-learning that can support Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in higher education. Moodle application that had been used by many organization can't supported all the needs of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) learning). In this articles will describe a model for supportin

    Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Produksi Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) di PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia

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    Produk Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) di PT. AJINOMOTO INDO-NESIA pengendalian kualitasnya baru dilakukan secara kimia dan biologi, sedangkan secara statistik masih dianalisis secara sederhana. Karakteristik kualitas MSG ada empat yaitu pH, Moist, Alpha D dan Cl-, sehingga di dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis untuk mening-katkan kualitas secara statistik yaitu analisis kapabilitas proses. Analisis kapabilitas proses dilakukan setelah membuat peta kendali Multivariat yaitu T2 Hotelling dan Generalized Variance (GV) terkendali. Hasil dari analisis kapabilitas proses secara multivariat adalah proses produksi MSG jenis RC periode Bulan Januari sampai Maret 2012 dikatakan belum kapabel karena memiliki nilai Cp yang kurang dari satu, yaitu sebesar 0,608867

    Observing the build-up of the colour-magnitude relation at redshift ~0.8

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    We analyse the rest-frame (U-V) colour-magnitude relation for 2 clusters at redshift 0.7 and 0.8, drawn from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey. By comparing with the population of red galaxies in the Coma cluster, we show that the high redshift clusters exhibit a deficit of passive faint red galaxies. Our results show that the red-sequence population cannot be explained in terms of a monolithic and synchronous formation scenario. A large fraction of faint passive galaxies in clusters today has moved onto the red sequence relatively recently as a consequence of the fact that their star formation activity has come to an end at z<0.8.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proc. of IAU Colloq. 195: "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs" -- minor typos correcte

    Control dependence for extended finite state machines

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    Though there has been nearly three decades of work on program slicing, there has been comparatively little work on slicing for state machines. One of the primary challenges that currently presents a barrier to wider application of state machine slicing is the problem of determining control dependence. We survey existing related definitions, introducing a new definition that subsumes one and extends another. We illustrate that by using this new definition our slices respect Weiser slicing’s termination behaviour. We prove results that clarify the relationships between our definition and older ones, following this up with examples to motivate the need for these differences

    UVB radiation induced effects on cells studied by FTIR spectroscopy

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    We have made a preliminary analysis of the results about the eVects on tumoral cell line (lymphoid T cell line Jurkat) induced by UVB radiation (dose of 310 mJ/cm^2) with and without a vegetable mixture. In the present study, we have used two techniques: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and flow cytometry. FTIR spectroscopy has the potential to provide the identiWcation of the vibrational modes of some of the major compounds (lipid, proteins and nucleic acids) without being invasive in the biomaterials. The second technique has allowed us to perform measurements of cytotoxicity and to assess the percentage of apoptosis. We already studied the induction of apoptotic process in the same cell line by UVB radiation; in particular, we looked for correspondences and correlations between FTIR spetroscopy and flow cytometry data finding three highly probable spectroscopic markers of apoptosis (Pozzi et al. in Radiat Res 168:698-705, 2007). In the present work, the results have shown significant changes in the absorbance and spectral pattern in the wavenumber protein and nucleic acids regions after the treatments

    Resonant tunneling through a C60 molecular junction in liquid environment

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    We present electronic transport measurements through thiolated C60_{60} molecules in liquid environment. The molecules were placed within a mechanically controllable break junction using a single anchoring group per molecule. When varying the electrode separation of the C60_{60}-modified junctions, we observed a peak in the conductance traces. The shape of the curves is strongly influenced by the environment of the junction as shown by measurements in two distinct solvents. In the framework of a simple resonant tunneling model, we can extract the electronic tunneling rates governing the transport properties of the junctions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Nanotechnolog
