433 research outputs found


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    The level of information technologies development in modern banks represents an essential factor in maintenance and consolidation of the position on the market. In this respect all Moldovan banks develop risk management policies with regard to banking IT’s and e-products and services, which they consider as the main part of banking innovations at the moment. The purpose of this article is to analyze each innovation (Information Security Services, Business Systems Controls, Business Continuity Management, IT Outsourcing, Information Systems Governance, IT Performance, Project Risk Management, IT Internal Audit) in terms of risks and benefits when these risks are managed properly.banking system, risk, information technologies

    Modelele de interacțiune medic-pacient în diferite sfere medicale

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    Background. During the historical development of medicine, the doctor-patient interaction changed, from the total submission of the patient in antiquity to a domination of the patient over the doctor in the aristocratic era, marking an important evolution from an archaic paternalism to a contemporary model. , anti-paternalism. Objective of the study. The doctor-patient relationship is at the crossroads where some people want the doctor to decide the best course of treatment, and those who want more collaboration when it comes to their health care. Thus, it is necessary to study the correlation between the approach of the doctor to the treatment of patients, and the effectiveness of this interaction in different branches of medicine. Materials and methods. In carrying out the study, various bibliographic sources with philosophical, sociological, anthropological, bioethical, and medical content were consulted and analyzed. The study applied scientific methods such as: analytical, historical, bioethical, statistical, etc. Results. The paternalistic model, in which the doctor is superior to the patient and the patient is submissive, is particularly common and effective in the medical fields such as - Anesthesiology, Emergencies. The patient is incapable of an inert response, and the doctor has the role to perform all the necessary manipulations to improve the condition. The antipaternalistic model demonstrates a clearly superior performance in the branches of internal medicine where chronic diseases and oncology are encountered, where patients need the friendly attitude of the doctor to continue treatment. The combination of the two models, in which the doctor - guides and the patient - cooperates, is often found in the sections of infectious diseases and in laboratory medicine. Conclusions. At present we observe a symbiosis of all types of doctor-patient interaction, in various branches of medicine, resulting in a prominent performance compared to the approach of each model to the individual.Introducere. Pe parcursul dezvoltării istorice a medicinei , interacțiunea medic-pacient s-a schimbat, de la supunerea totală a pacientului în antichitate, până la o dominație a pacientului asupra medicului în era aristocratică, marcând o evoluție importantă de la un paternalism arhaic la un model contemporan, antipaternalismul. Scopul lucrării. În relația medic-pacient se află la răscrucea în care unii doresc ca doctorul să decidă cea mai bună cale de tratament, și cei care își doresc mai mult o colaborare atunci când vine vorba de îngrijirea sănătății lor. Astfel, e necesară studierea corelației între modul de abordare a medicului față de tratarea pacienților, și eficiența acestei interacțiuni în diferite ramuri medicale. Materiale și metode. În realizarea studiului au fost consultate și analizate diverse surse bibliografice cu conținut filosofic, sociologic, antropologic, bioetic și medical. În studiu au fost aplicate metode științifice precum: analitică, istorică, bioetică, statistică etc. Rezultate. Modelul paternalist, în care medicul e superior asupra pacientului, iar bolnavul e supus, este deosebit de întâlnit și eficient în ramurile medicale ca – Anesteziologie, Urgențe. Pacientul e incapabil de răspuns inert, iar medicului îi revine rolul de a efectua toate manipulările necesare pentru ameliorarea stării. Modelul antipaternalist demonstrează un randament net superior în ramurile medicinei interne unde se întâlnesc boli cronice și oncologie, unde pacienții au nevoie de atitudinea prietenoasă a medicului, pentru a continua tratamentul. Combinația celor 2 modele, în care medicul - îndrumă, iar pacientul - cooperează, este des întâlnită în secțiile de boli infecțioase și în medicina de laborator. Concluzii. La perioada actuală observăm o simbioză a tuturor tipurilor de interacțiune medic-pacient, în diverse ramuri ale medicinei, rezultând un randament proeminent față de abordarea fiecărui model la particular

    From New Age to New Life

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    Nowadays, financial globalization as latest stage of financial internationalization process becomes to be the most discussed subject by economic scientists. It has many forms of manifestation and directions of development. One of the main features of financial globalization is increasing the role of the financial sector, linked with the expansion of the scope and complexity of foreign economic relations. The financial system has increasingly become a means of redistribution of financial resources in accordance with the needs and possibilities of development of production not only at national but also at the global level. In this work are presented modern views on financial globalization under aspect of concepts, trends, effects and perspectives

    Image schemata in animated metaphors for insight problem solving

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    While most of the work on metaphors has focused on conceptual ones, less attention has been paid to the visual metaphors for insight problems. This paper investigates the role of dynamism and realism in visual metaphors for cueing the insight problem solving process. To match the visual-kinesthetic feature of the eight-coin insight problem, the developed metaphors represented the insight cues, both kinetically and kinesthetically. An experimental study showed the superiority of metaphors as realistic and continuous animations over schematic and discrete animations


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    The purpose of this article is to point out the main aspects regarding the use of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) to discover and locate the source of information, but also to create a data base with the information gathered this period. The user can not only access the files, but he can also use other types of Internet services at the same time. The applications refer to multiplex system, but a low cost solution will diminish the trust of the decision-makers in implementing and using these innovative solutions

    The variation of some vegetation indices of maize under the influance of mineral fertilization

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    The present research studied the variation of foliar area and chlorophyll in maize under the influence of mineral fertilization. The fertilizers applied were nitrogen, in doses that varied from 0 to 200 kg a.s. ha-1, and the PK complex indoses between 0 and 150 kg a.s. ha-1. The vegetation indices were studied in the leaf opposite the ear, and the determinations were made during the silking stage. The foliar area varied between 513.88±16.47 cm2 in the control variant and 724.32±13.61 cm2 in the variant with P150K150N200. Chlorophyll values ranged from 30.74±0.89 to 55.93±0.73 SPAD units in the same variants. The experimental results present high degree of statistical certainty (p> F crit, for Alfa = 0.001). The interdependence identified between the vegetation indices and the fertilizer doses was revealed by statistical-mathematical analysis (correlations and regressions) as well as by graphical representation

    Sereventul şi haloterapia în programul complex de reabilitare a bolnavilor de bronşită cu sindrom bronhospastic

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    S-a studiat efectul sereventului şi haloterapiei în programul complex de reabilitare a bronşitelor cu sindrom bronhospastic. Includerea sereventului a majorat toleranţa haloterapiei la bolnavii de bronşită cu sindrom bronhospastic pronunţat. Utilzarea complexă a sereventului şi a haloterapiei a favorizat o remisie clinică deplină şi îndelungată a bronşitelor

    The impact of international financial crisis on foreign direct investments flow in the Republic of Moldova

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    During the last years the Republic of Moldova becomes to be more and more integrated to the international investments market. The investment flows in the Republic of Moldova is taking the form of foreign direct investments. The international flows of FDI are decreasing in 2008 due to the effects of international financial crisis, in comparison with the period 2004 – 2007 when it was resisted an increasing trend. In the same time, the purpose of the present article is to present the trends and particularities of FDI in the Republic of Moldova.foreign direct investments, international investment market, investment climate, investment process, investment flows, joint venture enterprises, offer and demand of FDI