619 research outputs found

    : Les végétaux comme métaphore du corps amoureux dans l'Anthologie grecque

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    Communication au séminaire de Salagon, qui n'a pu être publiée faute de financement ministériel.Summary : starting from examples taken from the Greek Anthology (and especially from Meleager's Garland), I try to examine certain plant-based metaphors in Greek poetry, not overlooking the fact that they might be already lexicalized: the rose, symbolizing the beautiful season of youth, soon gone away; the stubble, marking the end of the time when boys may be the object of love. We are thus able to notice that within that system, plants are not so much thought of as species, but rather as transient beings (they are subject to the passing ot time). Vegetation is not distinguished according to taxonomy, but rather according to age, season etc.A partir d'exemples pris surtout dans l'Anthologie grecque (notamment dans la Couronne de Méléagre), je m'efforce de réfléchir à certaines métaphores poétiques végétales, plus ou moins lexicalisées : la rose qui symbolise la belle saison de la jeunesse, vite passée ; les chaumes qui symbolisent la fin de la belle saison des amours masculines, elle aussi transitoire ; ce faisant, nous pouvons remarquer que ce ne sont pas les espèces de végétaux qui importent, mais plutôt leur inscription dans le temps. La végétation est pensée non comme spécifiée, mais comme distinguée par son âge, sa saison etc

    Bond-slip in reinforced concrete elements

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    A model for fiber reinforced composites that takes into account the fiber slipping is presented in this paper and applied to the analysis of reinforced concrete elements. The model is formulated within the framework of the plasticity theory and the mixtures theory, considering two phases corresponding to the matrix (concrete) and the fibers (reinforcing bars) and modifying the behavior of the last to take into account the relative displacement between the two phases. An elasto-plastic interface model developed by other writers is used to describe the bond-slip mechanism. The resulting model is attractive for the analysis of reinforced concrete problems at the macro-structural level since the explicit discretization of reinforcing bars and interface is not required, with the consequent computational cost reduction. The paper concludes with application examples and comparisons with experimental results of reinforced concrete elements that show the capacity of the model developed. © ASCE.Fil: Luccioni, Bibiana Maria. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Estructuras; ArgentinaFil: López, Daniel Ernesto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Danesi, Rodolfo Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Estructuras; Argentin

    : médecine, cueillette et serpents des montagnes dans la littérature scientifique de l'Antiquité

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    International audienceThis conference tries to analyse the way in which plant gatherers are supposed to look at mountains in Antiquity and to compare it with our contemporary views of this particular landscape. We hope to have shown that, whereas nowadays mountains are believed to be an almost empty and pure place where plants may grow well protected, in Antiquity they are supposed to be haunted or inhabited, especially by snakes, an important animal that can bear poison and remedy alike.Cette communication s'efforce d'analyser le rôle des montagnes dans les représentations des pratiques de cueillette de simples dans l'Antiquité et dans celles de l'époque contemporaine. On pense avoir montré que si la montagne des modernes est un lieu vide et pur, celle des anciens est plutôt un lieu habité par le sauvage, particulièrement par certains animaux sauvages comme les serpents, importants aussi parce qu'ils sont la source tant du remède que du poison

    Maruja Mallo: Artist, Chronicler, Surrealist?

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    En este estudio nos preguntamos si desde la historiografía artística debería considerarse a Maruja Mallo como pintora surrealista, y, si así fuera; si abarcaría la totalidad o una parte dentro de su obra. Asimismo hacemos un repaso de su trayectoria hasta sus primeros trabajos en Latinoamérica.Neste estudo preguntámonos se dende a historiografía artística debería considerarse Maruxa Mallo como pintora surrealista, e se así fora, se abarcaría a totalidade ou unha parte dentro da súa obra.Así mesmo, facemos un repaso da súa traxectoria ata os seus primeiros traballos en Latinoamérica.This article comes to wonder whether from Artistic History should be considered Maruja Mallo as a Surrealist painter, and if so would cover all or part of her work making overview of her career until her early works in Latin America

    Condiciones de contorno en el método de diferencias finitas con mallas irregulares

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    En el método de diferencias finitas con mallas arbitrarias, las ecuaciones de dominio se aproximan a partir de invertir la matriz estrella para cada estación. Varios procedimientos han sido sugeridos e implementados en la literatura para tratar condiciones de contorno en este método, distinguiéndose entre: (a) las condiciones de contorno se discretizan directamente; (b) las ecuaciones de dominio se discretizan en el contorno, previa modificación de la matriz estrella; (c) en el contorno se discretizan las ecuaciones de contorno y de dominio. En el presente trabajo se discuten las posibilidades y limitaciones de cada procedimiento a partir de ejemplos simples de ecuaciones de segundo y cuarto orden.Peer Reviewe

    Condiciones de contorno en el método de diferencias finitas con mallas irregulares

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    En el método de diferencias finitas con mallas arbitrarias, las ecuaciones de dominio se aproximan a partir de invertir la matriz estrella para cada estación. Varios procedimientos han sido sugeridos e implementados en la literatura para tratar condiciones de contorno en este método, distinguiéndose entre: (a) las condiciones de contorno se discretizan directamente; (b) las ecuaciones de dominio se discretizan en el contorno, previa modificación de la matriz estrella; (c) en el contorno se discretizan las ecuaciones de contorno y de dominio. En el presente trabajo se discuten las posibilidades y limitaciones de cada procedimiento a partir de ejemplos simples de ecuaciones de segundo y cuarto orden.Peer Reviewe

    Mind your Language (Model): Fact-Checking LLMs and their Role in NLP Research and Practice

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    Much of the recent discourse within the NLP research community has been centered around Large Language Models (LLMs), their functionality and potential -- yet not only do we not have a working definition of LLMs, but much of this discourse relies on claims and assumptions that are worth re-examining. This position paper contributes a definition of LLMs, explicates some of the assumptions made regarding their functionality, and outlines the existing evidence for and against them. We conclude with suggestions for research directions and their framing in future work

    Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) requires using energy to carry out computations during the model training process. The generation of this energy comes with an environmental cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on quantity used and the energy source. Existing research on the environmental impacts of ML has been limited to analyses covering a small number of models and does not adequately represent the diversity of ML models and tasks. In the current study, we present a survey of the carbon emissions of 95 ML models across time and different tasks in natural language processing and computer vision. We analyze them in terms of the energy sources used, the amount of CO2 emissions produced, how these emissions evolve across time and how they relate to model performance. We conclude with a discussion regarding the carbon footprint of our field and propose the creation of a centralized repository for reporting and tracking these emissions