340 research outputs found

    Caracterització de sòls

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    Característiques dels sòls de conreu de cereals de Catalunya i llur fertilització

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    Hom estudia els sòls més representatius de Catalunya dedicats al conreu de cereals, tot posant-hi de manifest una baixa fertilitat i una abundància de carbonats. S'inclou també un resum de les característiques més importants dels sòls naturals dels quals deriven els sòls agrícoles.This paper relates the yield of winter cereals to soil classes in Catalonia. The basic criteria for fertility is exposed and a summary of the most important properties of natural soils related with agricultural ones is included. Data from 50 agricultural soils show that the most common limitations to the growth are: low fertility and excessive carbonates.Se estudian los suelos más representativos de Cataluña dedicados al cultivo de cereales evidenciandose una baja fertilidad y su alto contenido en carbonatos. Se incluye un resumen de las características más importantes de los suelos naturales de los que proceden los suelos agrícolas

    Detailed human risk assessment arising from groundwater contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons (DNAPLs)

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67430Human health risk assessment is the basis for groundwater contamination and remediation goals definitions. Chlorinated solvents have a high toxicity for humans, even at low concentrations, and are important soil and groundwater pollutants. The main objective of this work is to assess the human health risk derived of exposition to a contaminated groundwater using a commercial Risk Analysis model (RBCA) and taking into consideration different exposure factors. A case study was used. Some risk differences were observed using specific exposure factors in different countries, which were explained by differences in life style

    Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2018

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    This book includes papers in cross-disciplinary applications of mathematical modelling: from medicine to linguistics, social problems, and more. Based on cutting-edge research, each chapter is focused on a different problem of modelling human behaviour or engineering problems at different levels. The reader would find this book to be a useful reference in identifying problems of interest in social, medicine and engineering sciences, and in developing mathematical models that could be used to successfully predict behaviours and obtain practical information for specialised practitioners. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the new developments of applied mathematics in connection with epidemics, medical modelling, social issues, random differential equations and numerical methods

    Mechanisms of flower movement in Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Wats

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    [EN] Floral movements are traits with a plethora of functions. Nicotiana attenuata shows rhythmic changes in flower orientation that start the anthesis day and last until the transition to fruit or flower senescence. The pedicel regulates flower movement in an autonomous way. Sequential epinastic curvature and hyponastic straightening of this organ drive the changes in flower angle. Asymmetric distribution of auxins between the adaxial and abaxial flanks of the pedicel leads to the development of curvature. Auxins are de novo synthesized in the pedicel and IAA transport to the ovary is the main mechanism for auxin homeostasis.[ES] Los movimientos florales presentan una gran variedad de funciones entre las destacan la protección de los tejidos reproductivos, facilitar el desarrollo de los óvulos fertilizados o como componentes clave en interacciones planta-polinizador. Las flores de Nicotiana attenuata presentan movimientos rítmicos diurnos que se inician el día de la antesis y duran hasta la transición a fruto o senescencia de la flor. El pedicelo regula este movimiento de manera autónoma y sus variaciones en curvatura hacen que las flores pasen de un estado péndulo a orientadas oblicuamente hacia arriba. La distribución asimétrica de auxinas entre las partes adaxial y abaxial del pedicelo genera un crecimiento diferencial que conlleva el desarrollo de la curvatura. Las auxinas tienen un papel fundamental en este crecimiento asimétrico, son sintetizadas en el tejido meristemático de la parte basal del pedicelo y el principal mecanismo para mantener la homeostasis de IAA es su transporte hacia el ovario.Cortés Llorca, L. (2013). Mechanisms of flower movement in Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Wats. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/39985Archivo delegad

    Influencia del suelo en la nodulación (rhizobium japonicum) de la soja

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenció del Grau de Farmàcia. Facultat de Farmàcia. Universitat de Barcelona. Director: José Cardús Aguilar, 1980.Una de las líneas de investigación seguidas actualmente en el Departamento consiste en el estudio de suelos que tengan, o puedan tener un interés aplicativo. Con el presente trabajo se pretende,en el ámbito de aquella, realizar un estudio bibliográfico, en primer lugar, del conjunto de suelos de la región catalana,en el que.se incluya la correlacion que pudiera existir entre las denominaciones aplicadas por las tres clasificaciones generales de suelos más utilizadas

    The challenge of modelling aggregated human behaviour

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    Mathematical modelling is a blooming area of applied mathematics, and it is not yet sixty years old. At its beginning, engineers were the main practitioners of this new area of mathematics, developing mathematical models for solving engineering problems in natural sciences. More recently, financial engineering is dealing with mathematical models based on market behaviour, where implicitly human behaviour is involved in an aggregated way, through the dynamic change of the underlying asset price. In the recent past of the conference (Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour), mathematical modelling of social behaviour, such as addictions, social disorders, or educational achievement, has emerged.Jódar Sánchez, LA.; Cortés, J.; Acedo Rodríguez, L. (2013). The challenge of modelling aggregated human behaviour. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 57(7-8):1617-1618. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2012.05.002S16171618577-

    Optimization of a quality model for CCA industrial impregnation of Pinus radiata D. Don agricultural fencing stakes

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    Impregnation of agricultural fencing stakes (Pinus radiata D. Don) using wood preservative solutions, like chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C), a water soluble salt, to protect them from decay and insect damage was investigated through the method of global modeling. Experiments were conducted using a factorial design with replicates to reduce model variability and to adjust responses to the required technical properties. Levels at which variables must be set were studied: to reduce product variability, to minimize production costs, to desensitize wood regarding the influence of uncontrollable variables, to optimize productive process and to create a global product with a higher intrinsic quality. The proposed model optimizes product retention quality and minimizes product variability, while minimizing preservative's use. Experiments were carried out by controlling wood's humidity, vacuum process duration, time of applying pressure, and preservative solution concentration, in order to allow timber to maintain its anatomical structure unchanged over time. The results of this work may be used in the optimization of similar processes in industrial plants for Pinus radiata D. Don stakes preservation treatments in producing countries
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