632 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Recreational Drugs in Biological Specimens Using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

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    In the last few years, the prevalence of legal party pills in New Zealand has risen dramatically. These pills contain new piperazine designer drugs, two of the more common being 1-benzylpiperazine (BZP) and m-trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP). This thesis describes an optimised LC-MS/MS method for the detection of BZP and TFMPP in whole blood, using an automated solid phase extraction (SPE) for sample clean-up. The method was validated on three different days using five replicate samples each day. The standard curve was linear from 7 - 7000 ng/mL for BZP and 10 - 10,000 ng/mL for TFMPP, with coefficients of variation (CV) below 10%, and accuracy greater than 90% for both drugs. The method was used to quantitate samples provided by the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand. Blood levels were used to show concentrations in the blood over time, and relate these to performance of subjects on a driving simulator. The study was stopped after 41% of the participants who received BZP and TFMPP had adverse reactions to the pills, including vomiting and migraines. The LC-MS/MS method was also used to detect and quantitate methamphetamine, amphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine, morphine, codeine and 6-monoacetylmorphine in hair. The drugs were extracted from 20 mg of hair using hydrochloric acid in a water bath overnight, then purified using SPE. Validation on three days with five replicate samples gave coefficients of variation (CV) below 12% and acceptable accuracy for all drugs. The method was tested on three samples, previously reported by Environmental Science and Research (ESR) using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) giving results in good agreement. This thesis describes a sensitive, accurate, reproducible LC-MS/MS method easily adapted to analyse drugs of abuse in different biological matrices. It demonstrates the versatility of LC-MS/MS and its applications in forensic work

    Assessing the Psychometric Proprieties of the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale–Short Form (ATSPPH-SF) Among Latino Adults

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    The Latino population continues to underutilize mental health services at an alarming rate. The Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale–Short Form (ATSPPH-SF) is one of the most commonly used instruments to assess help-seeking attitudes. The current study sought to evaluate the factor structure and test for the presence of differential item functioning on the ATSPPH-SF with a sample of Latino adult individuals across nativity status (U.S.- vs. foreign-born), language format (English vs. Spanish), and gender. The analyses revealed two relatively independent factors named Openness to Seeking Treatment and Value and Need in Seeking Treatment. Measurement equivalence and practical implications are discussed in the context of use with Latino individuals

    Dissipation and mixing during the onset of stratification in a temperate lake, Windermere

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    Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and chains of temperature sensors were used to observe the spring transition to stable stratification over a 55 day period in a temperate lake. Observations of the flow structure were complemented by measurements of dissipation, based on the Structure Function method, near the lake bed and in the upper part of the water column. During complete vertical mixing, wind-driven motions had horizontally isotropic velocities with roughly equal barotropic and baroclinic kinetic energy. Dissipation was closely correlated with the wind-speed cubed, indicating law of the wall scaling, and had peak values of ~1 x 10-5.5 W kg-1 at 10 m depth during maximum wind forcing (W~ 15 m s-1). As stratification developed, the flow evolved into a predominantly baroclinic regime dominated by the first mode internal seiche, with root mean square (rms) axial flow speeds of ~2-3 cm-1; ~ 2.5-times the transverse component. At 2.8 m above the bed, most of the dissipation occurred in a number of strong maxima coinciding with peaks of near-bed flow. In the pycnocline, dissipation was low most of the time, but with pronounced maxima (reaching ~1 x 10-5 W kg-1) closely related to the local velocity shear. The downward diffusive heat flux across the pycnocline over 27.5 days accounted for ~ 70% of the temperature rise in the water column below. Total lake kinetic energy increased by a factor of 3 between mixed and stratified regimes, in spite of reduced wind forcing, indicating less efficient damping in stable conditions

    The application of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to the analysis of geological samples in simulated extra-terrestrial atmospheric environments

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    Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a technique that can determine the elemental composition and quantities of a sample by the spectral analysis of a laser induced plume. This study was undertaken to develop, characterise and assess the use of the LIBS technique on geological samples in different pressure and gaseous environments. The experimental range chosen was dictated by the planetary conditions on Titan and other extra-terrestrial bodies with the samples analysed chosen to complement a range of rock types. A LIBS system was developed, together with associated experimental apparatus able to acquire results in varying pressure and gaseous environments. The capability of LIBS to analyse weathered rock samples was investigated under various ambient conditions; pressures of 160x103 Pa to 0.4x10-3 Pa and ambient gaseous mixtures of air, nitrogen and methane. Particular attention was paid to temporal and power considerations under such regimes. As was expected, the chosen delay time to optimise the emission signals needed to be increased with increasing ambient pressure. At power values as low as 28.5 mJ/pulse (using a 6 ns pulse from a doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm) a valid emission signal could be obtained. Increasing the laser power resulted in a reduction in the overall signal to noise ratio. It was observed that ambient methane quenches the optical emission signal due to non-radiative transitions. In spite of this, valid qualitative data are obtainable, even when emissions due to carbon transitions from both the sample and the gaseous environment, are present. Results are presented which support the premise that the LIBS technique can be used to investigate both the surface and depth compositions of geological samples under extra-terrestrial conditions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Is the HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence amongst injecting drug users a marker for the level of sexual and injection related HIV transmission?

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    BACKGROUND: Amongst injecting drug users (IDUs), HIV is transmitted sexually and parenterally, but HCV is transmitted primarily parenterally. We assess and model the antibody prevalence of HCV amongst HIV-infected IDUs (denoted as HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence) and consider whether it proxies the degree of sexual HIV transmission amongst IDUs. METHODS: HIV, HCV and HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence data amongst IDU was reviewed. An HIV/HCV transmission model was adapted. Multivariate model uncertainty analyses determined whether the model's ability to replicate observed data trends required the inclusion of sexual HIV transmission. The correlation between the model's HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence and estimated proportion of HIV infections due to injecting was evaluated. RESULTS: The median HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence (prevalence of HCV amongst HIV-infected IDUs) was 90% across 195 estimates from 43 countries. High HCV-HIV co-infection prevalences (>80%) occur in most (75%) settings, but can be lower in settings with low HIV prevalence (0.75). The model without sexual HIV transmission reproduced some data trends but could not reproduce any epidemics with high HIV/HCV prevalence ratios (>0.85) or low HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence (10%. The model with sexual HIV transmission reproduced data trends more closely. The proportion of HIV infections due to injecting correlated with HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence; suggesting that up to 80/60/90%. CONCLUSION: Substantial sexual HIV transmission may occur in many IDU populations; HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence could signify its importance

    Dissipation and mixing during the onset of stratification in a temperate lake, Windermere

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    Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and chains of temperature sensors were used to observe the spring transition to stable stratification over a 55 day period in a temperate lake. Observations of the flow structure were complemented by measurements of dissipation, based on the Structure Function method, near the lake bed and in the upper part of the water column. During complete vertical mixing, wind-driven motions had horizontally isotropic velocities with roughly equal barotropic and baroclinic kinetic energy. Dissipation was closely correlated with the wind-speed cubed, indicating law of the wall scaling, and had peak values of ~1 x 10-5.5 W kg-1 at 10 m depth during maximum wind forcing (W~ 15 m s-1). As stratification developed, the flow evolved into a predominantly baroclinic regime dominated by the first mode internal seiche, with root mean square (rms) axial flow speeds of ~2-3 cm-1; ~ 2.5-times the transverse component. At 2.8 m above the bed, most of the dissipation occurred in a number of strong maxima coinciding with peaks of near-bed flow. In the pycnocline, dissipation was low most of the time, but with pronounced maxima (reaching ~1 x 10-5 W kg-1) closely related to the local velocity shear. The downward diffusive heat flux across the pycnocline over 27.5 days accounted for ~ 70% of the temperature rise in the water column below. Total lake kinetic energy increased by a factor of 3 between mixed and stratified regimes, in spite of reduced wind forcing, indicating less efficient damping in stable conditions

    A cultura da macieria no município de Palmas – PR: uma análise histórica : The culture of apple trees in Palmas - PR: a historical análisis

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    Palmas, a capital paranaense da maçã e do frio recebe este título devido as suas condições climáticas e geográficas, que fazem da região um lugar propicio para o cultivo de maçãs. Por possuir um inverno frio e um verão com chuvas regulares o município produz frutos de bons calibres, sabor e coloração. A introdução da cultura no município se deu em 1978, com o cultivo de 4 hectares. A produção de maçã de Palmas passou por grandes mudanças desde a sua implantação. Observa-se um período de incremento de área e produção até por volta do ano de 2004, devido principalmente a qualidade e a quantidade da produção, que já em seus primeiros anos alcançava números acima das médias nacionais. Entretanto, após o ano de 2006 houve uma redução de 11% da área cultivada e consequentemente da produção. Dados de 2018 registraram que o município conta com 380 ha de área plantada e produção total de 7.932 toneladas. Os fatores climáticos ao longo dos anos, de forma geral, não prejudicaram a produção, uma vez que se apresentam em ciclos regulares; desta forma uma das hipóteses é de que fatores mercadológicos e referentes a outros fatores de produção tenham sido responsáveis pela queda da área cultivada com a cultura

    Flower resource and land management drives hoverfly communities and bee abundance in semi-natural and agricultural grasslands

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    1. Pollination is a key ecosystem service, and appropriate management, particularly in agricultural systems, is essential to maintain a diversity of pollinator guilds. However, management recommendations frequently focus on maintaining plant communities, with the assumption that associated invertebrate populations will be sustained. 2. We tested whether plant community, flower resources and soil moisture would influence hoverfly (Syrphidae) abundance and species richness in floristically-rich semi-natural and floristically-impoverished agricultural grassland communities in Wales (U.K.), and compared these to two Hymenoptera genera, Bombus and Lasioglossum. Interactions between environmental variables were tested using generalised linear modelling, and hoverfly community composition examined using canonical correspondence analysis. 3. There was no difference in hoverfly abundance, species richness, or bee abundance, between grassland types. There was a positive association between hoverfly abundance, species richness and flower abundance in unimproved grasslands. However, this was not evident in agriculturally improved grassland, possibly reflecting intrinsically low flower resource in these habitats, or the presence of plant species with low or relatively inaccessible nectar resources. There was no association between soil moisture content and hoverfly abundance or species richness. 4. Hoverfly community composition was influenced by agricultural improvement and the amount of flower resource. Hoverfly species with semi-aquatic larvae were associated with both semi-natural and agricultural wet grasslands, possibly because of localised larval habitat. Despite the absence of differences in hoverfly abundance and species-richness, distinct hoverfly communities are associated with marshy grasslands, agriculturally improved marshy grasslands and unimproved dry grasslands, but not with improved dry grasslands. 5. Grassland plant community cannot be used as a proxy for pollinator community. Management of grasslands should aim to maximise the pollinator feeding resource, as well as maintain plant communities. Retaining waterlogged ground may enhance the number of hoverflies with semi-aquatic larvae.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Entry receptors - The gateway to alphavirus infection

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    Alphaviruses are enveloped, insect-transmitted, positive-sense RNA viruses that infect humans and other animals and cause a range of clinical manifestations, including arthritis, musculoskeletal disease, meningitis, encephalitis, and death. Over the past four years, aided by CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screening approaches, intensive research efforts have focused on identifying entry receptors for alphaviruses to better understand the basis for cellular and species tropism. Herein, we review approaches to alphavirus receptor identification and how these were used for discovery. The identification of new receptors advances our understanding of viral pathogenesis, tropism, and evolution and is expected to contribute to the development of novel strategies for prevention and treatment of alphavirus infection