533 research outputs found

    Diel and seasonal movements of the critically endangered European eel

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    The critically endangered European eel is declining throughout its range and more information on which to base management plans is necessary. Here we present data collected by electrofishing and PIT telemetry on the habitat use and movements of eel in an English chalk stream in Dorset, southern UK. Eel were sampled quarterly for three years and movements between the main river and a side stream monitored by an in situ PIT detector. Eel abundance was highest in the side stream during summer and autumn and movement between the main river and side stream was greatest during spring, summer and autumn. Eel demonstrated nocturnal movements in/out of the side stream during spring and summer, however this diel pattern was not evident in autumn. The study demonstrates continual use of the connected floodplain by eel, underlining the importance of lateral connectivity to floodplain habitats to the species. Connectivity can be modified or lost by a number of anthropogenic activities such as hydropower and road culverts, but in many cases these can be avoided by proper and sound management. Key words: behaviour, Anguilla anguilla, movement, river connectivity, floodplain.DĂžgn- og sesongmessige vandringer hos den truede Europeiske Ă„len. Den Europeiske Ă„len(Ă„l) er truet over hele dets utbredelsesomrĂ„de og mer kunnskap om artens biologi og adferd er nĂždvendig for bedre forvaltning av arten. I denne artikkelen presenterer vi data for habitatbruk og forflytninger av Ă„l i en kalkelv i Dorset, SĂžr-England basert pĂ„ omfattende elektrofiske og PIT telemetri. Ål ble fanget fire ganger pr Ă„r og forflytninger mellom hovedelv og sidekanaler ble overvĂ„ket med hjelp av in situ PIT detektor i en periode pĂ„ tre Ă„r. Det var hĂžyeste forekomst av Ă„l i sidekanalene om sommeren og hĂžsten og det var omfattende forflytninger av Ă„l mellom hovedelva og sidekanalene under vĂ„r, sommer og hĂžst. Ålen hadde nattlige vandringer inn og ut av sidekanalene under vĂ„r og sommer, men denne dĂžgn adferden var ikke tydelig om hĂžsten nĂ„r blankĂ„l startet sin utvandring mot sjĂžen. Studien demonstrerer Ă„len sin kontinuerlige bruk av flomomrĂ„der og kanaler, og understreker viktigheten av Ă„ opprettholde forbindelsene fra hovedelva til disse habitatene for denne arten. Vannveier for fisk kan bli pĂ„virket eller tapt ved en rekke antropogene aktiviteter slik som kraftutbygging og vei kulverter, men i en flere tilfeller kan dette ungĂ„es ved god planlegging og kompetanse om fiskens adferd.publishedVersio

    The LPGPU2 Project: Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs : Extended Abstract

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    The LPGPU2 project is a 30-month-project (Innovation Action) funded by the European Union. Its overall goal is to develop an analysis and visualization framework that enables GPU application developers to improve the performance and power consumption of their applications. To achieve this overall goal, several key objectives need to be achieved. First, several applications (use cases) need to be developed for or ported to low-power GPUs. Thereafter, these applications need to be optimized using the tooling framework. In addition, power measurement devices and power models need to be developed that are 10x more accurate than the state of the art. The project consortium actively promotes open vendor-neutral standards via the Khronos group. This paper briefly reports on the achievements made in the first half of the project, and focuses on the progress made in applications; in power measurement, estimation, and modelling; and in the analysis and visualization tool suite.EC/H2020/688759/EU/Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2/LPGPU

    U.S. & Indiana County Jail Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The following brief explores whether U.S. county jails have managed to reduce their inmate populations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the magnitude of those reductions. This brief also examines trends in Indiana county jails compared to nationwide trends. We conclude with recommendations for monitoring jail populations in the wake of COVID-19

    Enabling GPU software developers to optimize their applications – The LPGPU2approach

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    Low-power GPUs have become ubiquitous, they can be found in domains ranging from wearable and mobile computing to automotive systems. With this ubiquity has come a wider range of applications exploiting low-power GPUs, placing ever increasing demands on the expected performance and power efficiency of the devices. The LPGPU 2 project is an EU-funded, Innovation Action, 30-month-project targeting to develop an analysis and visualization framework that enables GPU application developers to improve the performance and power consumption of their applications. To this end, the project follows a holistic approach. First, several applications (use cases) are being developed for or ported to low-power GPUs. These applications will be optimized using the tooling framework in the last phase of the project. In addition, power measurement devices and power models are devised that are 10× more accurate than the state of the art. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote open vendor-neutral standards via the Khronos group. This paper briefly reports on the achievements made in the first phase of the project (till month 18) and focuses on the progress made in applications; in power measurement, estimation, and modelling; and in the analysis and visualization tool suite.EC/H2020/688759/EU/Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2/LPGPU

    Association between extra-genital congenital anomalies and hypospadias outcome

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    Extra-genital congenital anomalies are often present in cases of hypospadias, but it is unclear whether they have an association with the outcome of hypospadias surgery. The aim of this study was to review all hypospadias cases that had surgery between 2009 and 2015 at a single centre and identify clinical determinants of the surgical outcome. An extra-genital congenital anomaly was reported in 139 (22%) boys and 62 (10%) had more than 1 anomaly. Of the 626 boys, 54 (9%), including 44 with proximal hypospadias, had endocrine as well as limited genetic evaluation. Of these, 10 (19%) had a biochemical evidence of hypogonadism and 5 (9%) had a molecular genetic abnormality. At least 1 complication was reported in 167 (27%) patients, with 20% of complications (most frequently fistula) occurring after 2 years of surgery. The severity of hypospadias and the existence of other anomalies were clinical factors that were independently associated with an increased risk of complications (p < 0.001). In conclusion, complications following surgery are more likely in those cases that are proximal or who have additional extra-genital anomalies. To understand the biological basis of these complications, there is a greater need to understand the aetiology of such cases
