2,050 research outputs found

    Cycling in the era of Covid-19: The effects of the pandemic and pop-up bike lanes on cycling practices

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    This paper addresses the effects of the pandemic and of Covid pop-up cycle lanes on cycling. A questionnaire survey was carried out in Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland. The pandemic has strengthened the attractiveness of cycling both as a mode of transport and as a recreational activity, showing its resilience in a time of crisis. Covid cycle lanes implemented after the first lockdown have improved traffic conditions for cycling in terms of safety, directness and the overall experience. Beyond the recruitment of new cyclists, an effect of consolidating existing practices is observed through, for example, their extension to additional routes and motives. These pop-up cycle lanes have, however, been politically contested, and their reception varies in the population, depending mainly on mobility habits and political position. As both cities aim to increase their modal share of cycling, the challenge is to capitalize on the recent development of cycling, to provide suitable infrastructures, but also to find ways to deal with the controversies and to legitimate cycling as a fully-fledged means of transport

    Utilization of Physical Therapy During Student Service Learning Project to Guatemala

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    Title: Utilization of Physical Therapy During Student Service Learning Project to Guatemala Authors: Bonnie Cramer SPT, Hannah Hourie-Collins SPT, Lucas Willers SPT, Holly Roberts PT, DPT, GCS, NCS Affiliation: School of Physical Therapy, University of Puget Sound Purpose: The purpose of this project was to collect demographic information for a descriptive analysis of patients accessing physical therapy services in rural Guatemala over the course of a week-long international service learning project by student physical therapists. The goal of the international service learning project was to provide skilled physical therapy to resource limited communities, experience the Guatemalan culture, and develop the students’ physical therapy skills. Methods: Data was collected over a five-day period at 4 clinical locations in the Zacapa region of Guatemala. Sites included two outpatient physical therapy clinics, one mobile clinic, and one outpatient clinic associated with a public hospital. All clinical sites were operated by the non-profit organization Hearts in Motion. Demographics were collected for each patient regarding their age, gender, diagnosis, treatment type, and facility location. Data was gathered by five physical therapy students from the University of Puget Sound who participated in the service learning project. Results: A total of 97 patients (43 males, 54 females; ranging in age from 4 months to 87 years) were evaluated and/or treated for a variety of orthopedic and neurological conditions. The most frequent orthopedic condition seen was lower extremity dysfunction, predominantly knee injuries (38% of all orthopedic condition were related to the knee), followed by low back pain (20% of orthopedic conditions). A diagnosis of knee pain could be attributed to tendon, ligament, muscular or meniscal injuries as well as osteoarthritis. Cerebrovascular accidents were the most commonly treated neurological condition (67%). The majority of patients (24%) were age 55-74, with distribution being fairly even across other age ranges. Discussion: A brief English language literature review of Guatemalan health demographics yielded limited results, therefore it is difficult to determine to what degree the patient population observed in this student learning project is representative of the larger Guatemalan population who seek healthcare services. One 2012 study surveyed 1000 subjects in rural and urban Guatemala, and showed that the most prevalent musculoskeletal diseases were 1) osteoarthritis, 2) soft tissue rheumatism, 3) rheumatoid arthritis, 4) low back pain, and 5) arthralgias of unknown etiology.1 Soft tissue rheumatism is the aggregate of clinical problems related to tendons, ligaments, fascia and bursae, often presenting as a regional problem. These results are comparable to our observations as we observed a high prevalence of osteoarthritis, orthopedic soft tissue rheumatism, and low back pain. A lack of data regarding physical therapy utilization in the United States makes comparison between the two countries difficult. Reference Obregón-Ponce A, Iraheta I, García-Ferrer H, Mejia B, García-Kutzbach A. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Diseases in Guatemala, Central America. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2012;18(4):170-174. doi:10.1097/rhu.0b013e3182583803

    Compreensão leitora na leitura em papel e em dispositivos digitais em estudantes de pedagogia

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Leandro KruszielskiTrabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Graduação em PedagogiaInclui referênciasResumo : Analisar as preferências de materiais dos estudantes de pedagogia faz refletir sobre quais são as contribuições das mídias digitais para a mudança dos diferentes níveis de compreensão de leitura no desenvolvimento da Educação Superior e em que medida as amostras analisadas favorecem práticas de desenvolvimentos na formação de leitores aptos a lidar com meios digitais, se não também com o impresso. Informações sobre compreensão leitora na leitura em papel e em dispositivos digitais em estudantes de pedagogia, foram obtidas por meio de um questionário. Para isto, estudantes de pedagogia foram orientados a ler o texto "O Ato de Estudar", de Paulo Freire, completando apenas uma leitura total. Contudo, alguns estudantes fizeram a leitura de todo o texto disponível em papel e a outros foram disponibilizados tablets para que realizem a leitura nestes dispositivos. Após a leitura do texto, os participantes foram orientados a responder um questionário a fim de levantar dados sobre a compreensão do texto lido, tendo sido observados todos os procedimentos éticos conforme preconiza a Resolução do Conselho Nacional de Saúde 466/12. Pode-se concluir que os resultados obtidos em relação a compreensão de leitura entre o dispositivo físico e o digital, não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativasAbstract : Analyzing the preferences of the pedagogical students on the subject of material reflects on what are the contributions of digital media to change the different levels of reading comprehension in the development of higher education and to what extent the analyzed samples favor development practices in the formation of apt readers dealing with digital media, if not also with print. Information about reading comprehension in reading on paper and digital devices in pedagogy students was obtained through a questionnaire. For this, pedagogy students were instructed to read Paulo Freire's "The Act of Studying", completing only one full reading. However, some students have read all the text available on paper and others have made tablets available for reading on these devices. After reading the text, the participants were instructed to answer a questionnaire in order to collect data on the comprehension of the text read, and all ethical procedures were observed as recommended by the National Health Council Resolution 466/12. It can be concluded that the results obtained regarding reading comprehension between the physical device and the digital one did not present statistically significant difference

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Risk Factors for Stroke

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    Background Several studies have assessed the link between psychosocial risk factors and stroke; however, the results are inconsistent. We have conducted a systemic review and meta-analysis of cohort or case-control studies to ascertain the association between psychosocial risk factors (psychological, vocational, behavioral, interpersonal and neuropsychological) and the risk of stroke. Methods Systematic searches were undertaken in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycInfo and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews between 2000 and January 2017. Two reviewers independently screened titles, abstracts and full texts. One reviewer assessed quality and extracted data, which was checked by a second reviewer. For studies that reported risk estimates, a meta-analysis was performed. Results We identified 41 cohort studies and five case-control studies. No neuropsychological papers were found. Overall pooled adjusted estimates showed that all other psychosocial risk factors were independent risk factors for stroke. Psychological factors increased the risk of stroke by 39% (HR 1.39 95% CI:1.27;1.51), vocational by 35% (HR 1.35 95% CI: 1.20;1.51), and interpersonal by 16% (HR 1.16 95% CI:1.03;1.31). and the effects of behavioral factors were equivocal (HR 0.94 95% CI: 0.20;4.31). The meta-analyses were affected by heterogeneity. Conclusions Psychosocial risk factors are associated with an increased risk of strok

    Respostas da entomofauna aquática em relação às características do substrato e aos impactos do uso antrópico recreativo em um ambiente lótico

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a resposta da comunidade de insetos aquáticos em relação à intensidade do uso recreativo humano, além da composição em diferentes mesohabitats presentes no curso d’água. As amostras foram coletadas em um córrego em diferentes microhabitats em áreas classificadas pelo uso dos visitantes (Baixo, Médio e Intenso) e diferenciadas em quatro mesohabitats (areia, cachoeira, folha e pedra). Um total de 952 indivíduos distribuídos em nove ordens e 14 famílias foram coletados. A ordem mais abundante foi Diptera (431, 45,27%), seguida de Ephemeroptera (366, 38,45%). A família mais abundante foi Baetidae (325, 34,14%), seguida de Chironomidae (237, 24,89%), Simuliidae (94, 9,87%), Ceratopogonidae (77, 8,08%) e Hydropsychidae (56, 6,09%). Em relação ao uso humano, houve uma diferença significativa na composição da fauna. Na área com uso intenso, houve uma predominância de Chironomidae e Hydroptilidae, enquanto na área de baixo uso, Perlidae foi mais frequente. O substrato de pedra apresentou o maior número de táxons. Observamos uma tendência para a composição da comunidade diferir entre mesohabitats. As necessidades específicas de cada grupo biológico refletem a ocupação do habitat, apresentando diferentes números de indivíduos. Podemos verificar que a intensidade do uso das cachoeiras afeta diretamente a comunidade de insetos aquáticos, seja por perturbação e destruição de microhabitats específicos das espécies ou pelo deslocamento de indivíduos ao longo do curso d’água

    The Luminosities of Protostars in the Spitzer c2d and Gould Belt Legacy Clouds

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    Motivated by the long-standing "luminosity problem" in low-mass star formation whereby protostars are underluminous compared to theoretical expectations, we identify 230 protostars in 18 molecular clouds observed by two Spitzer Space Telescope Legacy surveys of nearby star-forming regions. We compile complete spectral energy distributions, calculate Lbol for each source, and study the protostellar luminosity distribution. This distribution extends over three orders of magnitude, from 0.01 Lsun - 69 Lsun, and has a mean and median of 4.3 Lsun and 1.3 Lsun, respectively. The distributions are very similar for Class 0 and Class I sources except for an excess of low luminosity (Lbol < 0.5 Lsun) Class I sources compared to Class 0. 100 out of the 230 protostars (43%) lack any available data in the far-infrared and submillimeter (70 um < wavelength < 850 um) and have Lbol underestimated by factors of 2.5 on average, and up to factors of 8-10 in extreme cases. Correcting these underestimates for each source individually once additional data becomes available will likely increase both the mean and median of the sample by 35% - 40%. We discuss and compare our results to several recent theoretical studies of protostellar luminosities and show that our new results do not invalidate the conclusions of any of these studies. As these studies demonstrate that there is more than one plausible accretion scenario that can match observations, future attention is clearly needed. The better statistics provided by our increased dataset should aid such future work.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 21 pages, 10 figures, 4 table