398 research outputs found

    "Yes, I forgive you, but…": Exploring the Individual’s willingness to forgive a human brand when a transgression occurs

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    With the increased usage of social media platforms, performing transgressions by individuals are more likely to occur, and human brands are no exception. The present study aims to understand an individual's willingness to forgive a human brand when the human brand performs a transgression and, therefore, fulfil the literature gaps. With this, the conceptual framework aims to analyse if Affection, Passion, Connection and Authenticity influence Commitment; Relatedness and Competence influences Resilience to Negative Information; Attractiveness, Expertise and Trustworthiness impact Brand Trust. Moreover, to understand these relationships towards Brand Forgiveness and its impact on Brand Switching, Fighting, and Reengage, which are related to consumer coping behaviours and the outcome of Brand Forgiveness. A questionnaire was developed to collect data. With a total of 332 answers, the collected data were analysed using the partial squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The study focuses on U.S. residents and addresses the most followed social media influencers, Kylie Jenner and Selena Gomez, on Instagram and Charli D'Amelio on TikTok. Moreover, a scenario of an incongruity transgression was introduced to understand the respondent's willingness to forgive. Results demonstrate that Commitment, Resilience to Negative Information, and Brand Loyalty positively influences Brand Forgiveness. Moreover, individuals do forgive human brands when a transgression occurs. However, they may switch or say negative things about it to others.Com a crescente utilização de redes sociais, torna-se mais provável que ocorram transgressões por parte das pessoas e as marcas pessoais não são a exceção. Este estudo visa compreender a capacidade de uma pessoa perdoar quando uma marca pessoal executa uma transgressão e, portanto, pretende preencher as lacunas existentes na literatura. Com isto, o modelo conceptual visa analisar se o Afeto, Paixão, Conexão e Autenticidade influenciam o Compromisso; se a Relação e a Competência influenciam a Resiliência à Informação Negativa; se a Atratividade, Perícia e Confiança têm impacto na Confiança. Além disso, compreender as relações entre o Perdão e o seu impacto na Mudança, Combate e Reconexão em relação à marca pessoal, que estão relacionadas com os comportamentos adotados pelas pessoas quando perdoam. Foi desenvolvido um questionário para recolher os dados. Com um total de 332 respostas, os dados recolhidos foram analisados utilizando partial squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). O estudo centra-se nos residentes dos EUA e aborda os mais seguidos influenciadores das redes sociais, Kylie Jenner e Selena Gomez, no Instagram e Charli D'Amelio no TikTok. Além disso, foi introduzido um cenário de uma transgressão incongruente para compreender a vontade de perdoar do inquirido. Os resultados demonstram que o Compromisso, a Resiliência à Informação Negativa e a Lealdade influenciam positivamente o Perdão. Além disso, os indivíduos perdoam as marcas pessoais quando ocorre uma transgressão. No entanto, podem na mesma mudar ou dizer coisas negativas sobre as mesmas a outros

    Síntesis electroquímica de nanopartículas de plata en presencia de un surfactante neutro

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    Muchas de las aplicaciones de las nanopartículas de platase encuentran en el área de la medicina como agentesantimicrobianos. Para evaluar la actividad antimicrobianade estos materiales, es importante garantizar que se encuentran estables y que los agentes estabilizantes seanbiocompatibles. Entre los métodos propuestos para lasíntesis de nanopartículas de plata se encuentran losmétodos electroquímicos, que han mostrado tener ventajasgracias a la facilidad para controlar las variables desíntesis. En el presente trabajo, se propone la síntesis denanopartículas de plata mediante un método electroquímicoen presencia del polímero Pluronic® F68. El materialobtenido fue caracterizado por UV-Vis, dispersión deluz dinámica y microscopía TEM. Se probó que las características morfológicas y de índice de polidispersidad del material mejoran cuando la síntesis se hace en presencia del surfactante

    How Information on Superfoods Changes Consumers’ Attitudes: an Explorative Survey Study

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    Increasing interest in healthy habits has created the market for what is commonly called “superfoods.” The goal of this study was to explore Swiss consumers’ initial and final attitudes toward superfoods as well as their change in attitude toward those foods after being provided selected information. A questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the individual traits of the respondents. The attitudes were assessed at the beginning and end of the survey. Four multiple regression analyses were performed. The results showed that consumers perceiving superfoods’ health benefits and expressing an interest in organic foods were associated with initial and positive attitudes. These predictors remained significantly related to the positive attitude at the end of the survey. Sociodemographic predictors (age and place of residence) were significant factors, with older people and individuals who lived in urban centers showing a higher propensity to improve their attitudes toward superfoods. Individuals with lower perceptions about the benefits of superfoods being healthy and lower levels of cultural participation showed a negative attitude change. Given that this study aims to shed light on the variables that influence the behavior of Swiss consumers toward the superfoods trend, it fills a significant gap in the literature

    Functional diversity and primary production predict future patterns of periphyton productivity after species extinction

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    Understanding of the trait-based ecology of the periphytic algal community has increased in the last decade. However, the relationship between their functional diversity and ecosystem functions, such as primary production, has been speculated on, but yet not proven. Human impacts promote changes in biotic communities leading to a risk of extinction, with consequences for the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we unraveled the associations between the taxonomic and functional components of periphytic algal diversity, stream eutrophication, and productivity patterns. Furthermore, we simulated future patterns of species extinction to predict how productivity may change when facing extinction. Primary production and taxonomic and functional diversity of the periphytic algal communities were estimated in five streams across a trophic gradient in the Ave River basin (northwest Portugal). Our results demonstrated that eutrophication led to a unimodal pattern of taxonomic diversity, while functional diversity tended to increase with increasing eutrophication. We found that only functional diversity had a positive association with primary production. The extinction estimations indicated that almost all species found in our study were at high extinction risk. When we spatially scaled our extinction simulations, we found poor-productive streams after the extirpation of a few species. However, at the regional scale, the ecosystem supports the extinction of at least 40% of species before turning into a poor-productive system. Intermediate levels of disturbance are probably beneficial for the diversity of periphytic algal communities, to a certain extent. Moreover, functionally diverse communities were more productive, and the alleged future extinction of species is likely to lead to poor-productive streams if regionally focused conservation initiatives are not implemented. We recommend that, using simulations of functional extinction, it is possible to infer how the loss of these microorganisms could alter ecosystem functioning, to better predict human impacts on aquatic ecosystems.This study was partially funded by CAPES grant number Finance Code 001. This study was supported by the Streameco project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund— Operational Competitiveness Programme (FEDER-POFC-COMPETE) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CTA-AMB/31245/2017)

    Planning cities with water fronts: an academic international team

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    The water fronts are sensitive areas, not only in environmental terms but also considering the continuity requirements with cities. Usually the spatial planning rules for the places of contact in between the urban fabric and water are focused on building issues and urban development questions rather than of ecological approaches. In this sense, this article aims to present solutions of rethinking the territories of contact in between cities and water fronts, having as pivotal concern, ecological solutions, friendly to the environment. The presented urban project is a requalification solution in order to promote the urban continuity from the buildings to the water, focused on river activities, sports and the preservation of architectural heritage. The urban project solution has as case study, a small town in the central region of Portugal, which is very well known by its thermal baths, with roman roots. The city of São Pedro do Sul is a very pleasant place for holidays, being visited for those who are looking for improving their health condition going to the Thermal Care Centre, or the contact with nature going to the water front of Vouga river. This is a low-density place, where the majority of constructions are single houses, and the main architectural landmark is the old train station, a building from the 19 th century. Nowadays, there are no more trains arriving to São Pedro do Sul and the train track line is working as an ecological corridor for pedestrians and bicycles. However, besides this effort of improving the local environmental conditions, the contact of the city with the river is yet badly considered. There are still lots of urban voids, buildings in bad status of conservation or a lack of diversity and facilities in functional terms. The urban projects were designed in an academic background, comprising several teams of international students coming from Portugal, Greece, Brazil, Slovakia, Lithuania and Poland. A pioneer teaching methodology was tested at the Urban Planning Unit of the Master Degree in Architecture at the University of Beira Interior, as a result of an agreement with the local authority. The students were organized in groups in order to propose the urban design projects to the Train Station surroundings, ensuring the continuity of the urban fabric with the Vouga water front. The best projects won several pecuniary prizes, sponsored by the city hall, which was a stimulus for students along to the designing process. The conclusions show that the presented solution was concerned with strategies to preserve and to enhance the ecological identity of the place. This article will present the contents, options and solutions of the best urban project, designed by a team of students from Brazil and Portugal considered by the jury as the most ecological proposal, friendly of the natural features.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deforestation in South America's tri-national Parana Atlantic Forest: Trends and associational factors

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    South America's Tri-national Parana Atlantic Forest, an ecological region spanning across the nations of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, is one of the most diverse in the world but also one of the most vulnerable to deforestation. A review of public policy interventions shows all three governments have taken major legislative steps to protect remaining forests, but studies evaluating deforestation trends and associated factors in this region are scarce or non-existent. Here, we make a direct contribution to this knowledge gap by assessing deforestation trends within Pararna Atlantic forests of Argentina's Misiones, Brazil's Parana, and Paraguay's Alto Parana be-tween 2000 and 2020. Over this period about 20% of forest cover was lost in Misiones, 13% in Parana, and 18% in Alto Parana. The odds of observed deforestation, else constant, showed nuanced associations with proximity to nearest roads, cities, and ports. Higher levels of economic growth were directly associated with deforestation, as were increases in population density over the entire period. Protected area designation between years 2000 and 2020 showed effectiveness in lowering odds of deforestation with heterogeneous associations across countries. Our results reflect associational inferences with estimated deforestation; future research should investigate causal effects of protected designation, and assess its role in avoided degradation and wider socio-economic impacts


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    Las pantallas se han convertido en la nueva forma de comunicación y autoexpresión de la mayoría de los jóvenes. Cada vez más las formas de relacionarse, de entretenerse, e incluso de desconectar, quedan atravesadas por la hiperconectividad que entrañan estos dispositivos tecnológicos. Con el objetivo de conocer el perfil de uso, comportamientos y riesgos en relación con el uso de las pantallas de los jóvenes españoles se llevó a cabo un estudio de tipo cuantitativo en el que participaron un total de 2066 jóvenes españoles entre los 12 y los 18 años. Para ello se utilizó un cuestionario diseñado y validado para esta investigación. Los datos se analizaron mediante la aplicación de pruebas estadísticas de tipo descriptivo e inferencial. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los jóvenes utilizan el smartphone principalmente en su tiempo de ocio para comunicarse y relacionarse a través de redes sociales, preferentemente de WhatsApp o Instagram. Conforme van creciendo los jóvenes pasan más tiempo conectados y comparten más información personal. En este sentido se precisa de una pedagogía encaminada a atender los procesos afectivos, relacionales y comunicacionales de la juventud que les permita gestionar de forma adecuada su exposición en las redes sociales.The internet has become the main vehicle of communication and self-expression for most young people. Forms of interacting, entertaining oneself and even disconnecting are being increasingly influenced by the hyperconnectivity that these technological devices entail. A quantitative study was conducted to explore the user profile, behaviour and risks involved in screentime in a sample of 2066 Spanish adolescents aged between 12 and 18. A bespoke validated questionnaire was used. Data were analysed via descriptive and inferential statistics. Outcomes reveal that adolescents use their smartphones during leisure time mainly to communicate and interact via social networks, specifically, WhatsApp and Instagram. As adolescents grow older, they spend more time online and share more personal information. There is, therefore, a need for an educational approach aimed at attending to young people’s affective, relational and communicational processes to enable them to suitably handle their exposure on social networks.Os ecrãs tornaram-se a nova forma de comunicação e autoexpressão para a maioria dos jovens. Cada vez mais, as formas de socializar, de se divertir, e inclusive de se desconectar, são afetadas pela hiperconectividade que estes dispositivos tecnológicos representam. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo quantitativo com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil de utilização, os comportamentos e riscos em relação à utilização de ecrãs pelos jovens espanhóis, no qual participou um total de 2066 jovens espanhóis entre os 12 e 18 anos. Para isso, utilizou-se um questionário concebido e validado para esta investigação. Os dados foram analisados mediante a aplicação de testes estatísticos do tipo descritivo e inferencial. Os resultados revelam que os jovens utilizam o smartphone principalmente nos seus tempos livres para comunicar e socializar através de redes sociais, de preferência, pelo WhatsApp ou Instagram. À medida que os jovens vão crescendo, passam mais tempo ligados e partilham mais informação pessoal. Neste sentido, é necessária uma pedagogia que vise abordar os processos afetivos, relacionais e comunicacionais dos jovens que lhes permita gerir adequadamente a sua exposição nas redes sociais.Os ecrãs tornaram-se a nova forma de comunicação e autoexpressão para a maioria dos jovens. Cada vez mais, as formas de socializar, de se divertir, e inclusive de se desconectar, são afetadas pela hiperconectividade que estes dispositivos tecnológicos representam. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo quantitativo com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil de utilização, os comportamentos e riscos em relação à utilização de ecrãs pelos jovens espanhóis, no qual participou um total de 2066 jovens espanhóis entre os 12 e 18 anos. Para isso, utilizou-se um questionário concebido e validado para esta investigação. Os dados foram analisados mediante a aplicação de testes estatísticos do tipo descritivo e inferencial. Os resultados revelam que os jovens utilizam o smartphone principalmente nos seus tempos livres para comunicar e socializar através de redes sociais, de preferência, pelo WhatsApp ou Instagram. À medida que os jovens vão crescendo, passam mais tempo ligados e partilham mais informação pessoal. Neste sentido, é necessária uma pedagogia que vise abordar os processos afetivos, relacionais e comunicacionais dos jovens que lhes permita gerir adequadamente a sua exposição nas redes sociais.电子屏幕已经成为了大部分年轻人沟通和自我表达的新方式。这些电子仪器所提供的过度连接越来越影响到我们的交往、娱乐甚至脱离的方式。为了了解西班牙青年对电子屏幕的使用、行为以及行为危险等情况,我们对2066名年龄在12至18岁间的西班牙青年进行了一项定量研究。我们使用了为该研究设计并验证的问卷。通过描述性和推断性统计证据来对数据进行分析。分析结果显示年轻人主要在空闲时间使用智能手机,他们使用智能手机的主要目的是通过社交网络(较为突出的为WhatsApp和Instagram)来沟通和交往。年轻人的在线时间逐渐变长,分享的个人信息也越来越多。因此在这方面,研究认为应该提出并实施新的教学法,辅助年轻人的情感、关系及沟通过程,从而帮助他们合理地规划投入到社交网络上的时间

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus burden of disease in Brazil between 1990 to 2019: a nationwide descriptive analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    This is a Brazilian nationwide analysis of the burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus along the 26 states and federal district, between 1990 up to 2019. In summary, through spatiotemporal Gaussian regression methods, we estimated the attributable share of T2DM for prevalence, deaths, DALYs, YLLs and YLDs in Brazilian population. Moreover, we sought to investigate the behavior of top risk factors for T2DM and the attributable impact in burden of disease outcomes accordingly. We also investigated whether the geolocation and time, as well as the socio demographic index, would have any ecological relationship with different levels of disease and risk factors impact. In summary, our major conclusion is that, regardless of any trend pattern overtime, states out of the South/Southeast region in Brazil are more prone to higher burden of diseases attributable to T2DM. Given the ecological pattern with the SDI, it is fair to speculate that socio-economic structural and fundamental matters may be associated with burden of disease pattern (i.e., as high as the SDI, lower is the attributable burden of disease). Top risk factors such high-fasting plasma glucose or physical inactivity may be targeted by policy makers as a potential primary prevention strategy. Our understanding of this ecological analysis is that even though the HTA improvements achieved over 1990 to 2019, population-oriented health care strategies can emphasize socio determinants of health together with the patient-level care, targeting risk factors of relevance