130 research outputs found

    Caractérisation et modélisation électrique de substrats SOI avancés

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    Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates represent the best solution to achieve high performance devices. Electrical characterization methods are required to monitor the material quality before full transistor fabrication. The classical configuration used for SOI measurements is the pseudo-MOSFET. In this thesis, we focused on the enrichment of techniques in Ψ-MOSFET for the characterization of bare SOI and III-V wafers. The experimental setup for static ID-VG was improved using a vacuum contact for the back gate, increasing the measurement stability. Furthermore, this contact proved to be critical for achieving correct capacitance values with split-CV and quasi-static techniques (QSCV). We addressed the possibility to extract Dit values from split-CV and we demonstrated by modeling that it is impossible in typical sized SOI samples because of the time constant associated to the channel formation. The limitation was solved performing QSCV measurements. Dit signature was experimentally evidenced and physically described. Several SOI structures (thick and ultra-thin silicon films and BOX) were characterized. In case of passivated samples, the QSCV is mostly sensitive to the silicon film-BOX interface. In non-passivated wafers, a large defect related peak appears at constant energy value, independently of the film thickness; it is associated to the native oxide present on the silicon surface. For low-frequency noise measurements, a physical model proved that the signal arises from localized regions surrounding the source and drain contacts.Les substrats Silicium-sur-Isolant (SOI) représentent la meilleure solution pour obtenir des dispositifs microélectroniques ayant de hautes performances. Des méthodes de caractérisation électrique sont nécessaires pour contrôler la qualité SOI avant la réalisation complète de transistors. La configuration classique utilisée pour les mesures du SOI est le pseudo-MOFSET. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur l'amélioration des techniques autour du Ψ-MOFSET, pour la caractérisation des plaques SOI et III-V. Le protocole expérimental de mesures statiques ID-VG a été amélioré par l'utilisation d'un contact par le vide en face arrière, permettant ainsi d'augmenter la stabilité des mesures. De plus, il a été prouvé que ce contact est essentiel pour obtenir des valeurs correctes de capacité avec les méthodes split-CV et quasi-statique. L'extraction des valeurs de Dit avec split-CV a été explorée, et un model physique nous a permis de démontrer que ceci n'est pas possible pour des échantillons SOI typiquement utilisés, à cause de la constante de temps reliée à la formation du canal. Cette limitation a été résolue un effectuant des mesures de capacité quasi-statique (QSCV). La signature des Dit a été mise en évidence expérimentalement et expliquée physiquement. Dans le cas d'échantillons passivés, les mesures QSCV sont plus sensibles à l'interface silicium-BOX. Pour les échantillons non passivés, un grand pic dû à des défauts d'interface apparait pour des valeurs d'énergie bien identifiées et correspondant aux défauts à l'interface film de silicium-oxyde natif. Nous présentons des mesures de bruit à basses fréquences, ainsi qu'un model physique démontrant que le signal émerge de régions localisées autour des contacts source et drain

    Impact Ionization and Carrier Multiplication in Graphene

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    We develop a model for carrier generation by impact ionization in graphene, which shows that this effect is non-negligible because of the vanishing energy gap, even for carrier transport in moderate electric fields. Our theory is applied to graphene field effect transistors for which we parametrize the carrier generation rate obtained previously with the Boltzmann formalism [A. Girdhar and J. Leburton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 229903 (2011)] to include it in a self-consistent scheme and compute the transistor I-V characteristics. Our model shows that the drain current exhibits an "up-kick" at high drain biases, which is consistent with recent experimental data. We also show that carrier generation affects the electric field distribution along the transistor channel, which in turn reduces the carrier velocity

    Towards a multi-layer architecture for multi-modal rendering of expressive actions

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    International audienceExpressive content has multiple facets that can be conveyed by music, gesture, actions. Different application scenarios can require different metaphors for expressiveness control. In order to meet the requirements for flexible representation, we propose a multi-layer architecture structured into three main levels of abstraction. At the top (user level) there is a semantic description, which is adapted to specific user requirements and conceptualization. At the other end are low-level features that describe parameters strictly related to the rendering model. In between these two extremes, we propose an intermediate layer that provides a description shared by the various high-level representations on one side, and that can be instantiated to the various low-level rendering models on the other side. In order to provide a common representation of different expressive semantics and different modalities, we propose a physically-inspired description specifically suited for expressive actions

    A hierarchical approach for modelling X-ray beamlines. Application to a coherent beamline

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    We consider different approaches to simulate a modern X-ray beamline. Several methodologies with increasing complexity are applied to discuss the relevant parameters that quantify the beamline performance. Parameters such as flux, dimensions and intensity distribution of the focused beam and coherence properties are obtained from simple analytical calculations to sophisticated computer simulations using ray-tracing and wave optics techniques. A latest-generation X-ray nanofocusing beamline for coherent applications (ID16A at the ESRF) has been chosen to study in detail the issues related to highly demagnifying synchrotron sources and exploiting the beam coherence. The performance of the beamline is studied for two storage rings: the old ESRF-1 (emittance 4000~pm) and the new ESRF-EBS (emittance 150~pm). In addition to traditional results in terms of flux and beam sizes, an innovative study on the partial coherence properties based on the propagation of coherent modes is presented. The different algorithms and methodologies are implemented in the software suite OASYS. Those are discussed with emphasis placed upon the their benefits and limitations of each

    Beam manipulation for resonant plasma wakefield acceleration

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    Plasma-based acceleration has already proved the ability to reach ultra-high accelerating gradients. However the step towards the realization of a plasma-based accelerator still requires some e ff ort to guarantee high brightness beams, stability and reliability. A significant improvement in the efficiency of PWFA has been demonstrated so far accelerating a witness bunch in the wake of a higher charge driver bunch. The transformer ratio, therefore the energy transfer from the driver to the witness beam, can be increased by resonantly exciting the plasma with a properly pre-shaped drive electron beam. Theoretical and experimental studies of beam manipulation for resonant PWFA will be presented her

    Delivery status of the ELI-NP gamma beam system

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    International audienceThe ELI-NP GBS is a high intensity and monochromatic gamma source under construction in Magurele (Romania). The design and construction of the Gamma Beam System complex as well as the integration of the technical plants and the commissioning of the overall facility, was awarded to the Eurogammas Consortium in March 2014. The delivery of the facility has been planned in for 4 stages and the first one was fulfilled in October 31st 2015. The engineering aspects related to the delivery stage 1 are presented
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