1,633 research outputs found

    Energy transport in Heisenberg chains beyond the Luttinger liquid paradigm

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    We study the energy transport between two interacting spin chains which are initially separated, held at different temperatures and subsequently put in contact. We consider the spin-1/2 XXZ model in the gapless regime and exploit its integrability properties to formulate an analytical Ansatz for the non-equilibrium steady state even at temperatures where the low-energy Luttinger liquid description is not accurate. We apply our method to compute the steady energy current and benchmark it both with the known low-energy limit and at higher temperatures with numerical simulations. We find an excellent agreement even at high temperatures, where the Luttinger liquid prediction is shown to fail.Comment: 5 pages + 3 suppl. mat., 5 figure

    Learner models in online personalized educational experiences: an infrastructure and some experim

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    Technologies are changing the world around us, and education is not immune from its influence: the field of teaching and learning supported by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), also known as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), has witnessed a huge expansion in recent years. This wide adoption happened thanks to the massive diffusion of broadband connections and to the pervasive needs for education, highly connected to the evolution in sciences and technologies. Therefore, it has pushed up the usage of online education (distance and blended methodologies for educational experiences) to, even in lately years, unexpected rates. Alongside with the well known potentialities, digital-based educational tools come with a number of downsides, such as possible disengagement on the part of the learner, absence of the social pressures that normally exist in a classroom environment, difficulty or even inability from the learners to self-regulate and, last but not least, depletion of the stimulus to actively participate and cooperate with lectures and peers. These difficulties impact the teaching process and the outcomes of the educational experience (i.e. learning process), being a serious limit and questioning the broader applicability of TEL solutions. To overcome these issues, there is a need of tools to support the learning process. In the literature, one of the known approach to improve the situation is to rely on a user profile, that collects data during the use of the eLearning platforms or tool. The created profile can be used to adapt the behaviour and the contents proposed to the learner. On top of this model, some researches stressed the positive effects stimulated by the disclosure of the model itself for inspection purposes by the learner. This disclosed model is known as Open Learner Model (OLM). The idea of opening learners' profile and eventually integrate them with external on-line resources is not new and it has the ultimate goal of creating global and long-run indicators of the learner's profile. Also the representation aspect of the learner model plays a role, moving from the more traditional approach based on the textual and analytic/extensive representation to the graphical indicators that are able to summarise and to present one or more of the model characteristics in a way that is considered more effective and natural for the user consumption. Relying on the same learner models, and stressing the different aggregation and representation capabilities, it is possible to either support self-reflection of the learner or to foster the tutoring process to allow proper supervision by the tutor/teacher. Both the objectives can be reached through the graphical representation of the relevant information, presented in different ways. Furthermore, with such an open approach for the learner model, the concepts of personalisation and adaptation acquire a central role in the TEL experience, overcoming the previous limits related to the impossibility to observe and explain to the learner the reasons for such an intervention from the tool itself. As a consequence, the introduction of different tools, platforms, widgets and devices in the learning process, together with the adaptation process based on the learner profiles, can create a personal space for a potential fruitful usage of the rich and widespread amount of resources available to the learner. This work aimed at analysing the way a learner model could be represented in visual presentation to the system users, exploring the effects and performances for learners and teachers. Subsequently, it concentrated in investigating how the adoption of adaptive and social visualisations of OLM could affect the student experience within a TEL context. The motivation was twofold. On one side was to show that the approach of mixing data from heterogeneous and not already related data sources could have a meaningful didactic interpretations, whether on the other one was to measure the perceived impact of the introduction on online experiences of the adaptivity (and of social aspects) in the graphical visualisations produced by such a tool. In order to achieve these objectives, the present work analysed and addressed them through an approach that merged user data in learning platforms, implementing a learner profile. This was accomplished by means of the creation of a tool, named GVIS, to elaborate on the collected user actions in platforms enabling remote teaching. A number of test cases were performed and analysed, adopting the developed tool as the provider to extract, to aggregate and to represent the data for the learners' model. The GVIS tool impact was then estimated with self- evaluation questionnaires, with the analysis of log files and with knowledge quiz results. Dimensions such as the perceived usefulness, the impact on motivation and commitment, the cognitive overload generated, and the impact of social data disclosure were taken into account. The main result found by the application of the developed tool in TEL experiences was to have an impact on the behaviour of online learners when used to provide them with indicators around their activities, especially when enhanced with social capabilities. The effects appear to be amplifies in those cases where the widget usage is as simplified as possible. From the learner side, the results suggested that the learners seem to appreciate the tool and recognise its value. For them the introduction as part of the online learning experience could act as a positive pressure factor, enhanced by the peer comparison functionality. This functionality could also be used to reinforce the student engagement and positive commitment to the educational experience, by transmitting a sense of community and stimulating healthy competition between learners. From the teacher/tutor side, they seemed to be better supported by the presentation of compact, intuitive and just-in-time information (i.e. actions that have an educational interpretation or impact) about the monitored user or group. This gave them a clearer picture of how the class is currently performing and enabled them to address performance issues by adapting the resources and the teaching (and learning) approach accordingly. Although a drawback was identified regarding the cognitive overload, the data collected showed that users generally considered this kind of support useful. There is also indications that further analyses can be interesting to explore the effects introduced in the teaching practices by the availability and usage of such a tool

    Energy transport between two integrable spin chains

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    We study the energy transport in a system of two half-infinite XXZ chains initially kept separated at different temperatures, and later connected and let free to evolve unitarily. By changing independently the parameters of the two halves, we highlight, through bosonisation and time-dependent matrix-product-state simulations, the different contributions of low-lying bosonic modes and of fermionic quasi-particles to the energy transport. In the simulations we also observe that the energy current reaches a finite value which only slowly decays to zero. The general pictures that emerges is the following. Since integrability is only locally broken in this model, a pre-equilibration behaviour may appear. In particular, when the sound velocities of the bosonic modes of the two halves match, the low-temperature energy current is almost stationary and described by a formula with a non-universal prefactor interpreted as a transmission coefficient. Thermalisation, characterized by the absence of any energy flow, occurs only on longer time-scales which are not accessible with our numerics.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Handbooks in planning: five theses for teaching across national borders

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    Handbooks are assigned the task of presenting knowledge in a systematic manner for practical learning purposes. This is less immediate for spatial planning, a complex (and sometimes confusing) field of knowledge, also because of the different legal frameworks and cultural traditions in which it is practiced. Handbooks in planning are indeed used to refer the teaching to a specific national context, but this may lead to confusing the technical nature of planning with its institutional codification. The handbook recently published by the present authors in Italy builds on the assumption that planning education requires, first and foremost, that students understand its value as specific technical knowledge. From this assumption follows the distinction between ‘spatial governance’ and ‘spatial planning’, adopted in the handbook. The proposed contribution summarises the educational choices behind the handbook in five theses, which are discussed as a basis for teaching planning in an international perspective: 1) urban planning is a field of knowledge, teaching its technical aspects means teaching spatial planning; 2) to teach spatial planning we must explain why it is instrumental for the purposes of spatial governance; 3) the technique of spatial planning originated from recognisable matrices, the teaching of which lays the foundations for all subsequent learning; 4) also for teaching purposes, the technique of spatial planning can be traced back to zoning; 5) spatial governance is not a form of technical knowledge, but a political practice that may be taught insofar as it is necessary for understanding the effects of spatial planning

    A Bayesian generative neural network framework for epidemic inference problems

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    The reconstruction of missing information in epidemic spreading on contact networks can be essential in the prevention and containment strategies. The identification and warning of infectious but asymptomatic individuals (i.e., contact tracing), the well-known patient-zero problem, or the inference of the infectivity values in structured populations are examples of significant epidemic inference problems. As the number of possible epidemic cascades grows exponentially with the number of individuals involved and only an almost negligible subset of them is compatible with the observations (e.g., medical tests), epidemic inference in contact networks poses incredible computational challenges. We present a new generative neural networks framework that learns to generate the most probable infection cascades compatible with observations. The proposed method achieves better (in some cases, significantly better) or comparable results with existing methods in all problems considered both in synthetic and real contact networks. Given its generality, clear Bayesian and variational nature, the presented framework paves the way to solve fundamental inference epidemic problems with high precision in small and medium-sized real case scenarios such as the spread of infections in workplaces and hospitals

    Chest pain caused by multiple exostoses of the ribs: A case report and a review of literature

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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to report an exceptional case of multiple internal exostoses of the ribs in a young patient affected by multiple hereditary exostoses (MHE) coming to our observation for chest pain as the only symptom of an intra-thoracic localization. A 16 years old patient with familiar history of MHE came to our observation complaining a left-sided chest pain. This pain had increased in the last months with no correlation to a traumatic event. The computed tomography (CT) scan revealed the presence of three exostoses located on the left third, fourth and sixth ribs, all protruding into the thoracic cavity, directly in contact with visceral pleura. Moreover, the apex of the one located on the sixth rib revealed to be only 12 mm away from pericardium. Patient underwent video-assisted thoracoscopy with an additional 4-cm mini toracotomy approach. At the last 1-year followup, patient was very satisfied and no signs of recurrence or major complication had occured. In conclusion, chest pain could be the only symptom of an intra-thoracic exostoses localization, possibly leading to serious complications. Thoracic localization in MHE must be suspected when patients complain chest pain. A chest CT scan is indicated to confirm exostoses and to clarify relationship with surrounding structures. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery can be considered a valuable option for exostoses removal, alone or in addiction to a mini-thoracotomy approach, in order to reduce thoracotomy morbidity

    Numerical investigation on the residual stresses in welded T-joints made of dissimilar materials

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    Abstract This study used the Finite Element (FE) method to numerically analyze the thermo-mechanical behavior and residual stresses in dissimilar welded T-joints. Residual stresses induced by the fusion arc-welding of steel joints in power generation plants are a concern to the industry. The structural integrity assessment of welded structures requires the consideration of weld-induced residual stresses for the safe operations in power plants, which may be compromised by their presence. Details on the used thermo-mechanical FE model and the results analysis are herein presented

    SDD: An R Package for Serial Dependence Diagrams

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    Detecting and measuring lag-dependencies is very important in time-series analysis. This study is commonly carried out by focusing on the linear lag-dependencies via the well-known autocorrelogram. However, in practice, there are many situations in which the autocorrelogram fails because of the nonlinear structure of the serial dependence. To cope with this problem, in this paper the R package SDD is introduced. Among the available approaches to analyze the lag-dependencies in an omnibus way, the SDD package considers the autodependogram and some of its variants. The autodependogram, defined by computing the classical Pearson χ2 -statistic at various lags, is a graphical device recently proposed in the literature to analyze lag-dependencies. The concept of reproducibility probability, and several density-based measures of divergence, are considered to define the variants of the autodependogram. An application to daily returns of the Swiss Market Index is also presented to exemplify the use of the package

    First record of the fangtooth moray, Enchelycore anatina (Actinopterygii : Anguilliformes : Muraenidae), from Maltese waters, Central Mediterranean

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    The fangtooth moray, Enchelycore anatina (Lowe, 1838), native to the eastern Atlantic Ocean but also known from eastern sections of the Mediterranean, is recorded for the fi rst time from Maltese coastal waters in the central Mediterranean. This record is the westernmost one within the Mediterranean and the observed E. anatina individual co-occurred with an individual of Muraena helena Linnaeus, 1758.peer-reviewe
