940 research outputs found

    Proficiency testing of fingerprint examiners with Bayesian Item Response Theory

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    In recent years, the forensic community has pushed to increase the scientific basis of forensic evidence, which has included proficiency testing for fingerprint analysts. We used proficiency testing data collected by Collaborative Testing Services in which 431 fingerprint analysts were asked to identify the source of latent prints. The data were analysed using a Rasch model with a Bayesian estimation approach. Although these data provide valuable information about the relative proficiency of the examiners and the relative difficulty of the questions, it does not necessarily extrapolate onto general performance of examiners or difficulty in casework, which we show through sensitivity analysis and simulation. We show that a Bayesian Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis provides a deeper understanding of analysts’ proficiency and question difficulty than other forms of analysis. A large-scale adoption of IRT in this area would provide both more precise estimates of proficiency and quantitative evidence for the relative difficulty of different questions

    The cytoplasm of living cells: A functional mixture of thousands of components

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    Inside every living cell is the cytoplasm: a fluid mixture of thousands of different macromolecules, predominantly proteins. This mixture is where most of the biochemistry occurs that enables living cells to function, and it is perhaps the most complex liquid on earth. Here we take an inventory of what is actually in this mixture. Recent genome-sequencing work has given us for the first time at least some information on all of these thousands of components. Having done so we consider two physical phenomena in the cytoplasm: diffusion and possible phase separation. Diffusion is slower in the highly crowded cytoplasm than in dilute solution. Reasonable estimates of this slowdown can be obtained and their consequences explored, for example, monomer-dimer equilibria are established approximately twenty times slower than in a dilute solution. Phase separation in all except exceptional cells appears not to be a problem, despite the high density and so strong protein-protein interactions present. We suggest that this may be partially a byproduct of the evolution of other properties, and partially a result of the huge number of components present.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    On the form of growing strings

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    Patterns and forms adopted by Nature, such as the shape of living cells, the geometry of shells and the branched structure of plants, are often the result of simple dynamical paradigms. Here we show that a growing self-interacting string attached to a tracking origin, modeled to resemble nascent polypeptides in vivo, develops helical structures which are more pronounced at the growing end. We also show that the dynamic growth ensemble shares several features of an equilibrium ensemble in which the growing end of the polymer is under an effective stretching force. A statistical analysis of native states of proteins shows that the signature of this non-equilibrium phenomenon has been fixed by evolution at the C-terminus, the growing end of a nascent protein. These findings suggest that a generic non-equilibrium growth process might have provided an additional evolutionary advantage for nascent proteins by favoring the preferential selection of helical structures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Finite size effects and error-free communication in Gaussian channels

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    The efficacy of a specially constructed Gallager-type error-correcting code to communication in a Gaussian channel is being examined. The construction is based on the introduction of complex matrices, used in both encoding and decoding, which comprise sub-matrices of cascading connection values. The finite size effects are estimated for comparing the results to the bounds set by Shannon. The critical noise level achieved for certain code-rates and infinitely large systems nearly saturates the bounds set by Shannon even when the connectivity used is low

    Quantum Portfolios

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    Quantum computation holds promise for the solution of many intractable problems. However, since many quantum algorithms are stochastic in nature they can only find the solution of hard problems probabilistically. Thus the efficiency of the algorithms has to be characterized both by the expected time to completion {\it and} the associated variance. In order to minimize both the running time and its uncertainty, we show that portfolios of quantum algorithms analogous to those of finance can outperform single algorithms when applied to the NP-complete problems such as 3-SAT.Comment: revision includes additional data and corrects minor typo

    Microbiological Contamination of Drinking Water Associated with Subsequent Child Diarrhea.

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    We used a prospective, longitudinal cohort enrolled as part of a program evaluation to assess the relationship between drinking water microbiological quality and child diarrhea. We included 50 villages across rural Bangladesh. Within each village field-workers enrolled a systematic random sample of 10 households with a child under the age of 3 years. Community monitors visited households monthly and recorded whether children under the age of 5 years had diarrhea in the preceding 2 days. Every 3 months, a research assistant visited the household and requested a water sample from the source or container used to provide drinking water to the child. Laboratory technicians measured the concentration of Escherichia coli in the water samples using membrane filtration. Of drinking water samples, 59% (2,273/3,833) were contaminated with E. coli. Of 12,192 monthly follow-up visits over 2 years, mothers reported that their child had diarrhea in the preceding 2 days in 1,156 (9.5%) visits. In a multivariable general linear model, the log10 of E. coli contamination of the preceding drinking water sample was associated with an increased prevalence of child diarrhea (prevalence ratio = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.05, 1.23). These data provide further evidence of the health benefits of improved microbiological quality of drinking water

    Observed hand cleanliness and other measures of handwashing behavior in rural Bangladesh

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We analyzed data from the baseline assessment of a large intervention project to describe typical handwashing practices in rural Bangladesh, and compare measures of hand cleanliness with household characteristics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We randomly selected 100 villages from 36 districts in rural Bangladesh. Field workers identified 17 eligible households per village using systematic sampling. Field workers conducted 5-hour structured observations in 1000 households, and a cross-sectional assessment in 1692 households that included spot checks, an evaluation of hand cleanliness and a request that residents demonstrate their usual handwashing practices after defecation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although 47% of caregivers reported and 51% demonstrated washing both hands with soap after defecation, in structured observation, only 33% of caregivers and 14% of all persons observed washed both hands with soap after defecation. Less than 1% used soap and water for handwashing before eating and/or feeding a child. More commonly people washed their hands only with water, 23% after defecation and 5% before eating. Spot checks during the cross sectional survey classified 930 caregivers (55%) and 453 children (28%) as having clean appearing hands. In multivariate analysis economic status and water available at handwashing locations were significantly associated with hand cleanliness among both caregivers and children.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A minority of rural Bangladeshi residents washed both hands with soap at key handwashing times, though rinsing hands with only water was more common. To realize the health benefits of handwashing, efforts to improve handwashing in these communities should target adding soap to current hand rinsing practices.</p

    Henipavirus Infection in Fruit Bats (Pteropus giganteus), India

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    We tested 41 bats for antibodies against Nipah and Hendra viruses to determine whether henipaviruses circulate in pteropid fruit bats (Pteropus giganteus) in northern India. Twenty bats were seropositive for Nipah virus, which suggests circulation in this species, thereby extending the known distribution of henipaviruses in Asia westward by >1,000 km

    Non-aureus Staphylococci and bovine udder health : current understanding and knowledge gaps

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    Despite considerable efforts to control bovine mastitis and explain its causes, it remains the most costly and common disease of dairy cattle worldwide. The role and impact of non-aureus staphylococci (NAS) in udder health are not entirely understood. These Gram-positive bacteria have become the most frequently isolated group of bacteria in milk samples of dairy cows and are associated with (mild) clinical and subclinical mastitis. Different species and strains of NAS differ in their epidemiology, pathogenicity, virulence, ecology and host adaptation, and antimicrobial resistance profiles. They have distinct relationships with the microbiome composition of the udder and may also have protective effects against other mastitis pathogens. Some appear to persist on the skin and in the teat canal and udder, while others seem to be transient residents of the udder from the environment. Analyzing genotypic and phenotypic differences in individual species may also hold clues to why some appear more successful than others in colonizing the udder. Understanding species-level interactions within the microbiome and its interactions with host genetics will clarify the role of NAS in bovine mastitis and udder health

    Statistical Mechanics Analysis of LDPC Coding in MIMO Gaussian Channels

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    Using analytical methods of statistical mechanics, we analyse the typical behaviour of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian channel with binary inputs under LDPC network coding and joint decoding. The saddle point equations for the replica symmetric solution are found in particular realizations of this channel, including a small and large number of transmitters and receivers. In particular, we examine the cases of a single transmitter, a single receiver and the symmetric and asymmetric interference channels. Both dynamical and thermodynamical transitions from the ferromagnetic solution of perfect decoding to a non-ferromagnetic solution are identified for the cases considered, marking the practical and theoretical limits of the system under the current coding scheme. Numerical results are provided, showing the typical level of improvement/deterioration achieved with respect to the single transmitter/receiver result, for the various cases.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure