217 research outputs found

    Can humain association norm evaluate latent semantic analysis?

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    This paper presents the comparison of word association norm created by a psycholinguistic experiment to association lists generated by algorithms operating on text corpora. We compare lists generated by Church and Hanks algorithm and lists generated by LSA algorithm. An argument is presented on how those automatically generated lists reflect real semantic relations

    A shortest path in an experimentally built semantic network

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    From linguistic perspective a semantic network built by the free word association experiment is a structure to explain a lexical meaning Deese (1965) and a human associating mechanism Clark (1970). It is interesting to find if network’s path analysis may contribute to both hypotheses. Due to the nature of an experiment we restrict the analysis to shortest paths which can replace the stimulus – response connection, that is the only pairs produced by an experiment. We shall analyze a formal properties and a semantic consistency of the shortest path. We shall treat the network as an undirected weighted graph. All results are based on Polish experimental semantic network (Gatkowska, 2017)

    Selected Papers from the International Mixed Signals Testing and GHz/Gbps Test Workshop

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    This special issue of the VLSI Design journal isdedicated to the 13th IEEE International Mixed Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW)and 3rd IEEE International GHz/Gbps Test Workshop (GTW), held in June 2007 at Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

    O Papel da África do Sul no Desenvolvimento Regional: o caso das relações económicas bilaterais com Moçambique

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos AfricanosO fim do Apartheid na África do Sul é um dos fatores que fez com que surgisse uma ideia de renascimento africano no continente. O importante papel que passou a desempenhar a partir do governo de Nelson Mandela, em 1994, tanto nas suas relações bilaterais quanto nas instituições multilaterais fez com que o país passasse a ser considerado como potência regional em África. O discurso dos sul africanos passou, a partir daí, a defender e incentivar o desenvolvimento, prosperidade e cooperação para a região. Em um contexto de Agenda 2063 da União Africana, cujos objetivos englobam a procura por um desenvolvimento com base na integração, interessa saber qual o papel dos países mais desenvolvidos da região neste processo. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho visa compreender como a África do Sul influenciou o desenvolvimento de Moçambique entre 1994 e 2016, visto serem os principais parceiros económicos na Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC) em termos de trocas comerciais e de investimentos. Para isso, a presente pesquisa procurará primeiro contextualizar as relações bilaterais, traçando o perfil de desenvolvimento da África do Sul e de Moçambique no quadro da SADC e descrevendo as relações entre os dois países. Em seguida, através da análise quantitativa e qualitativa tentará identificar e verificar o contributo das trocas comerciais e dos fluxos de investimento direto externo (IDE) sul africano no crescimento económico e no desenvolvimento de Moçambique. Por fim, a partir das análises feitas, avaliará a importância dos fluxos de investimento direto sul-africano no desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de transporte, saúde e educação em Moçambique.The end of apartheid in South Africa is one of the factors that gave rise to an idea of African renaissance on the continent. The important role it played after Nelson Mandela's administration in 1994, both in its bilateral relations and in multilateral institutions, made it became a regional power in Africa. From then on, the South African discourse started to defend and encourage the development, prosperity and cooperation of the region. In the context of the African Union Agenda 2063, whose objectives include the quest for integration-based development, it is important to know what is the role of the most developed countries in the region is in this process. In this scenario, this paper aims to understand how South Africa influenced the development of Mozambique between 1994 and 2016, as they are the main economic partners in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in terms of trade and investment. To this end, the present research will first seek to contextualize the bilateral relations, tracing the development profile of South Africa and Mozambique within the SADC framework and describing the relations between the two countries. Then, through quantitative and qualitative analysis, it will attempt to identify and verify the contribution of South African trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Mozambique's economic growth and development. Finally, based on the analysis made, it will assess the importance of South African direct investment flows in the development of transport, health and education infrastructure in MozambiqueN/

    Mixed-signal circuits and boards for high safety applications

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    A design methodology for analogue on-line test is presented by means of a real circuit implementation. The test strategy is based on monitoring via a very small analogue checker the inputs of all operational ampliers of a fully di erential circuit. The self-checking properties of the functional circuit are evaluated for a hard/soft fault model. Since the analogue checker outputs a double-rail error indication, the compatibility with digital checkers is ensured and the design of self-checking mixed-signal circuits becomes very simple. The mixed-signal approach is extended toboards through the IEEE Std. 1149.1 digital test bus and a layout rule to avoid interconnect di erential shorts.


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    O presente artigo busca analisar a importância e efetividade do Fórumde Diálogo IBAS, formado por Índia, Brasil e África do Sul, no contexto geopolíticoglobal do século XXI. Através de características e objetivos comuns que serãoapresentados ao longo do trabalho, os três países unem-se no bloco visando atingirmetas conjuntas não só entre si, mas entre as próprias regiões em que cumprempapel de líderes, tentando defender os interesses dos países emergentes nos fórunsmultilaterais e servindo como um dos maiores instrumentos no âmbito da crescentementerelevante cooperação Sul-Sul


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    In the paper we presents a methodfor automatic construction of an association listfor a particular word. Association list is a set o f word, each o f which is in a semantic relation with the words.to dejine. To construct the association list we use statistic reasoning algory- thm, which works on the base o f the Polish inflection dictionary, text corpus, and the quan- titative dictionary createdfor the corpus. Experiments are encouraging enough - one may think that the association can serve as the basefor the entry in a semantic dictionary