2,235 research outputs found

    Solar lanterns or solar home lighting systems – community preferences in East Timor

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    Access to electrification in rural areas of East Timor is extremely limited with as few as 5% of rural households connected to electricity. The government of East Timor intends to increase rural access to electricity significantly in the coming decade. The introduction of small PV systems is envisaged for many households in the most remote areas. Several agencies have piloted the introduction of small solar home systems (SHS) and solar lanterns. In the Railaco sub-district of East Timor, some 1000 households have experience of using either SHS and/or solar lanterns and are in a unique position to indicate a preference regarding these forms of PV lighting technology. This paper reports on a survey of 76 households in Railaco investigating experience with PV lighting systems. Results of the survey indicate a strong preference by users for SHS rather than lanterns. The preference for SHS arose from a range of factors including: a perception of better light quality; ability to illuminate the whole house; reduced risk of damage to the PV equipment; and longer duration of nightly operation. The research indicates that where a single PV lighting system is provided, users are likely to prefer SHS to solar lanterns.<br /


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    Breathing pattern was an important factor to affect the performance of sports for athletes. Optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP) was a new method to evaluate breathing pattern by measuring compartmental volume (upper thorax (UT), lower thorax (LT), and abdomen (AB)) freely without limitation. Previous study already investigated the swimmers had better breathing pattern measured by OEP (Karine et al., 2008) in sitting posture. Swimming, such as backstroke, is perfromed in supine posture, but previous study did not consider the postural effect on breathing pattern. This study explored the compartmental volume changes of healthy subjects in different postures

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: Stellar M/L gradients and the M/L-colour relation in galaxies

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    The stellar mass-to-light ratio gradient in SDSS r-band ∇(M*/Lr) of a galaxy depends on its mass assembly history, which is imprinted in its morphology and gradients of age, metallicity, and stellar initial mass function (IMF). Taking a MaNGA sample of 2051 galaxies with stellar masses ranging from 109 to 1012M⊙ released in SDSS DR15, we focus on face-on galaxies, without merger and bar signatures, and investigate the dependence of the 2D ∇(M*/Lr) on other galaxy properties, including M*/Lr-colour relationships by assuming a fixed Salpeter IMF as the mass normalization reference. The median gradient is ∇M*/Lr ∌ −0.1 (i.e. the M*/Lr is larger at the centre) for massive galaxies, becomes flat around M* ∌ 1010M⊙ and change sign to ∇M*/Lr ∌ 0.1 at the lowest masses. The M*/Lr inside a half-light radius increases with increasing galaxy stellar mass; in each mass bin, early-type galaxies have the highest value, while pure-disc late-type galaxies have the smallest. Correlation analyses suggest that the mass-weighted stellar age is the dominant parameter influencing the M*/Lr profile, since a luminosity-weighted age is easily affected by star formation when the specific star formation rate (sSFR) inside the half-light radius is higher than 10−3 Gyr−1. With increased sSFR gradient, one can obtain a steeper negative ∇(M*/Lr). The scatter in the slopes of M*/L-colour relations increases with increasing sSFR, for example, the slope for post-starburst galaxies can be flattened to 0.45 from the global value 0.87 in the M*/L versus g − r diagram. Hence converting galaxy colours to M*/L should be done carefully, especially for those galaxies with young luminosity-weighted stellar ages, which can have quite different star formation histories

    Spectral hardness evolution characteristics of tracking Gamma-ray Burst pulses

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    Employing a sample presented by Kaneko et al. (2006) and Kocevski et al. (2003), we select 42 individual tracking pulses (here we defined tracking as the cases in which the hardness follows the same pattern as the flux or count rate time profile) within 36 Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) containing 527 time-resolved spectra and investigate the spectral hardness, EpeakE_{peak} (where EpeakE_{peak} is the maximum of the ΜFΜ\nu F_{\nu} spectrum), evolutionary characteristics. The evolution of these pulses follow soft-to-hard-to-soft (the phase of soft-to-hard and hard-to-soft are denoted by rise phase and decay phase, respectively) with time. It is found that the overall characteristics of EpeakE_{peak} of our selected sample are: 1) the EpeakE_{peak} evolution in the rise phase always start on the high state (the values of EpeakE_{peak} are always higher than 50 keV); 2) the spectra of rise phase clearly start at higher energy (the median of EpeakE_{peak} are about 300 keV), whereas the spectra of decay phase end at much lower energy (the median of EpeakE_{peak} are about 200 keV); 3) the spectra of rise phase are harder than that of the decay phase and the duration of rise phase are much shorter than that of decay phase as well. In other words, for a complete pulse the initial EpeakE_{peak} is higher than the final EpeakE_{peak} and the duration of initial phase (rise phase) are much shorter than the final phase (decay phase). This results are in good agreement with the predictions of Lu et al. (2007) and current popular view on the production of GRBs. We argue that the spectral evolution of tracking pulses may be relate to both of kinematic and dynamic process even if we currently can not provide further evidences to distinguish which one is dominant. Moreover, our statistical results give some witnesses to constrain the current GRB model.Comment: 32 pages, 26 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Searches for Stable Strangelets in Ordinary Matter: Overview and a Recent Example

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    Our knowledge on the possible existence in nature of stable exotic particles depends solely upon experimental observation. Guided by this general principle and motivated by theoretical hypotheses on the existence of stable particles of strange quark matter, a variety of experimental searches have been performed. We provide an introduction to the theoretical hypotheses, an overview of the past searches, and a more detailed description of a recent search for helium-like strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere using a sensitive laser spectroscopy method

    Entanglement and four wave mixing effects in the dissipation free nonlinear interaction of two photons at a single atom

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    We investigate the nonlinear interaction between two photons in a single input pulse at an atomic two level nonlinearity. A one dimensional model for the propagation of light to and from the atom is used to describe the precise spatiotemporal coherence of the two photon state. It is shown that the interaction generates spatiotemporal entanglement in the output state similar to the entanglement observed in parametric downconversion. A method of generating photon pairs from coherent pump light using this quantum mechanical four wave mixing process is proposed.Comment: 10 pages, including 3 figures, correction in eq.(7), updated references, final version for publication in PR

    General moments of the inverse real Wishart distribution and orthogonal Weingarten functions

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    Let WW be a random positive definite symmetric matrix distributed according to a real Wishart distribution and let W−1=(Wij)i,jW^{-1}=(W^{ij})_{i,j} be its inverse matrix. We compute general moments E[Wk1k2Wk3k4...Wk2n−1k2n]\mathbb{E} [W^{k_1 k_2} W^{k_3 k_4} ... W^{k_{2n-1}k_{2n}}] explicitly. To do so, we employ the orthogonal Weingarten function, which was recently introduced in the study for Haar-distributed orthogonal matrices. As applications, we give formulas for moments of traces of a Wishart matrix and its inverse.Comment: 29 pages. The last version differs from the published version, but it includes Appendi

    On Strong Convergence to Equilibrium for the Boltzmann Equation with Soft Potentials

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    The paper concerns L1L^1- convergence to equilibrium for weak solutions of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann Equation for soft potentials (-4\le \gm<0), with and without angular cutoff. We prove the time-averaged L1L^1-convergence to equilibrium for all weak solutions whose initial data have finite entropy and finite moments up to order greater than 2+|\gm|. For the usual L1L^1-convergence we prove that the convergence rate can be controlled from below by the initial energy tails, and hence, for initial data with long energy tails, the convergence can be arbitrarily slow. We also show that under the integrable angular cutoff on the collision kernel with -1\le \gm<0, there are algebraic upper and lower bounds on the rate of L1L^1-convergence to equilibrium. Our methods of proof are based on entropy inequalities and moment estimates.Comment: This version contains a strengthened theorem 3, on rate of convergence, considerably relaxing the hypotheses on the initial data, and introducing a new method for avoiding use of poitwise lower bounds in applications of entropy production to convergence problem

    Effect of tensor couplings in a relativistic Hartree approach for finite nuclei

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    The relativistic Hartree approach describing the bound states of both nucleons and anti-nucleons in finite nuclei has been extended to include tensor couplings for the ω\omega- and ρ\rho-meson. After readjusting the parameters of the model to the properties of spherical nuclei, the effect of tensor-coupling terms rises the spin-orbit force by a factor of 2, while a large effective nucleon mass m∗/MN≈0.8m^{*}/M_{N} \approx 0.8 sustains. The overall nucleon spectra of shell-model states are improved evidently. The predicted anti-nucleon spectra in the vacuum are deepened about 20 -- 30 MeV.Comment: 31 pages, 4 postscript figures include

    Hamiltonicity of 3-arc graphs

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    An arc of a graph is an oriented edge and a 3-arc is a 4-tuple (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) of vertices such that both (v,u,x)(v,u,x) and (u,x,y)(u,x,y) are paths of length two. The 3-arc graph of a graph GG is defined to have vertices the arcs of GG such that two arcs uv,xyuv, xy are adjacent if and only if (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) is a 3-arc of GG. In this paper we prove that any connected 3-arc graph is Hamiltonian, and all iterative 3-arc graphs of any connected graph of minimum degree at least three are Hamiltonian. As a consequence we obtain that if a vertex-transitive graph is isomorphic to the 3-arc graph of a connected arc-transitive graph of degree at least three, then it is Hamiltonian. This confirms the well known conjecture, that all vertex-transitive graphs with finitely many exceptions are Hamiltonian, for a large family of vertex-transitive graphs. We also prove that if a graph with at least four vertices is Hamilton-connected, then so are its iterative 3-arc graphs.Comment: in press Graphs and Combinatorics, 201
