37 research outputs found

    Ejercitador didáctico informático de los contenidos teóricos relacionados con la Estadística Descriptiva

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    The pedagogical practice has evidenced defficiencies in the statistical process of the medical data related to medical students. This allowed the performance of the present research with the objective to elaborate a didactic means for the teaching of Descriptive Statistics.  The language program applied was the Hot Potatoes and there were performed presentation screens  with patterns that allow us to approach the exposed content.  The software is nothing more than a system of interaction exercises for the students self evaluation of the acquired knowledge. With  this application it was confirmed the development of skills in the statistical process because the students felt motivated to learn Descriptive Statistics within the subject Statistics and Methodology of the Investigation, where the experimental group had greater results of promotion than the control group. The level of motivation in the experimental group  was: high  motivated, while  the control group was low motivated. The software obtained an excellent  level of acceptance in the experimental group and regular in the control one.La práctica pedagógica ha evidenciado insuficiencias en el procesamiento estadístico de los datos médicos por parte de los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina. Esto permitió desarrollar esta investigación con el objetivo de elaborar un medio didáctico para la enseñanza de la Estadística Descriptiva, para la confección del mismo se utilizó como lenguaje de programación el Hot Potatoes, sobre el cual se conformaron pantallas de presentación con botones de hipervínculo que permiten acceder al contenido expuesto. El software no es más que un sistema de ejercicios interactivos para que el estudiante pueda autoevaluarse los conocimientos adquiridos. Se corroboró, con la aplicación del mismo, el desarrollo de habilidades en el procesamiento estadístico ya que los alumnos se sintieron muy motivados por el aprendizaje de la Estadística Descriptiva en la asignatura Estadística y Metodología de la Investigación, donde en el grupo experimental hubo mejores resultados de promoción que en el grupo control, el grado de motivación predominante en el grupo experimental fue muy motivado, mientras que en el de control, poco motivado. Lográndose un nivel de aceptación del software de excelente en el grupo experimental y de regular en el de control

    Revisión de la literatura científica relacionada con la predicción económico-financiera en Pymes bananeras

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    La revisión de la literatura científica en un área determinada es un indicador del incremento de la investigación y de la generación de conocimientos. El análisis bibliométrico permite realizar un examen retrospectivo sobre el modo que ha sido investigada y dada a conocer la temática, pero también valora el potencial en el conocimiento de las publicaciones más relevantes. El objetivo del presente artículo es evaluar la literatura científica relacionada con predicción económico-financiera a partir del estudio de las tendencias y el estado de la investigación en Pymes bananeras. Para ello se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó el análisis de los artículos publicados en SciVerse Scopus, SciELO entre los años 2002-2022, la información fue tabulada por medio del software VOSviwer. Se realizó una búsqueda avanzada empleando el modelo TAK (Title, Abstract, Keywords) y se utilizó la cadena de búsqueda en idioma inglés (Financial, Economic, Predictive, Modeling, Analysis and Agricultural) que estuvieran presentes en los títulos, resumen o palabras claves definidas por el autor. La indagación reflejó el crecimiento de las publicaciones lo que evidencia el desarrollo académico de la temática y a la vez el interés de los investigadores. Palabras clave: Análisis bibliométrico, predicción, artículos. ABSTRACT The review of the scientific literature in a certain area is an indicator of the increase in research and the generation of knowledge. The bibliometric analysis allows a retrospective examination of the way in which the subject has been investigated and made known, but also assesses the potential in the knowledge of the most relevant publications. The objective of this article is to evaluate the scientific literature related to economic-financial prediction based on the study of trends and the state of research in banana SMEs. For this, a descriptive cross-sectional study was developed that included the analysis of the articles published in SciVerse Scopus, SciELO between the years 2002-2022, the information was tabulated using the VOSviwer software. An advanced search was carried out using the TAK model (Title, Abstract, Keywords) and the search string in English was used (Financial, Economic, Predictive, Modeling, Analysis and Agricultural) that were present in the titles, abstract or keywords. defined by the author. The inquiry reflected the growth of publications, which shows the academic development of the subject and, at the same time, the interest of researchers. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, prediction, articles

    Fast assessment of resistance to carbapenems and ciprofloxacin of clinical strains of Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Infections caused by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii constitute a major life-threatening problem worldwide, and early adequate antibiotic therapy is decisive for success. For these reasons, rapid detection of antibiotic susceptibility in this pathogen is a clinical challenge. Two variants of the Micromax kit were evaluated for a rapid detection in situ of susceptibility or resistance to meropenem or ciprofloxacin, separately, in 322 clinical isolates. Release of the nucleoid is the criterion of susceptibility to the beta-lactams (carbapenems), whereas diffusion of DNA fragments emerging from the nucleoid characterizes the quinolone activity. All the susceptible and resistant strains were correctly categorized in 100 min according to the MIC results and CLSI criteria. Thus, our technology is a promising tool for rapid identification of carbapenem and quinolone resistance of A. baumannii strains in hospital settingsThis work has been supported by grants from the European Community, FP 7, ID: 278232 (MagicBullet), Xunta de Galicia 10CSA916020PR, and by REIPI, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RD06/0008/0025) and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PS09/00687) to G.B


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    It was developed an intervention educative research through a qualification strategy for the teaching personnel of the Medical Science Filial in Manzanillo, in the period from November 2006 to April 2007. The population was made by study units with 148 teachers from the Filial for the stratified sample by a proportional affix where the teachers were divided into 6 stratum picking up the 40% of them; the sample includes 58 teachers distributed in the diverse stratum taken at random, it was performed an experiment and it was applied a survey for the initial and final diagnosis which allowed us to compare the results before and after of the applied strategy. To conclude the hypothesis was successful.Se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa a través de una estrategia de capacitación para el personal docente de la Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Manzanillo en el período de noviembre del 2006 – abril 2007. La población estuvo conformada por unidades de estudio constituida por 148  docentes de la Filial de Ciencias Médicas, para la selección de la muestra se utilizó muestreo estratificado por un afijo proporcional donde los profesores se dividieron en 6 estratos seleccionándose el 40% de los mismo, la muestra es de tamaño 58 distribuidos en los diferentes estratos donde la selección fue en cada unidad de ellos mediante el muestreo aleatorio simple. Se realizó un experimento y se aplicó una encuesta en los diagnóstico inicial y final, lo que permitió comparar los resultados antes y después de aplicada la estrategia. En lo fundamental se concluye que resultó acertada la hipótesis que guió la intervención

    Rapid determination of colistin resistance in clinical strains of acinetobacter baumannii by use of the micromax assay

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    Colistin is an old antibiotic which has been used as a therapeutic option for carbapenem- and multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, like Acinetobacter baumannii. This pathogen produces life-threatening infections, mainly in patients admitted to intensive care units. Rapid detection of resistance to colistin may improve patient outcomes and prevent the spread of resistance. For this purpose, Micromax technology was evaluated in four isogenic A. baumannii strains with known mechanisms of resistance to colistin and in 66 isolates (50 susceptible and 16 resistant). Two parameters were determined, DNA fragmentation and cell wall damage. To assess DNA fragmentation, cells trapped in a microgel were incubated with a lysing solution to remove the cell wall, and the released nucleoids were visualized under fluorescence microscopy. Fragmented DNA was observed as spots that diffuse from the nucleoid. To assess cell wall integrity, cells were incubated with a lysis solution which removes only weakened cell walls, resulting in nucleoid release exclusively in affected cells. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated between colistin concentrations and the percentages of bacteria with DNA fragmentation and cell wall damage, antibiotic effects that were delayed and less frequent in resistant strains. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves demonstrated that both DNA fragmentation and cell wall damage were excellent parameters for identifying resistant strains. Obtaining<11% of bacteria with cell wall damage after incubation with 0.5 g/ml colistin identified resistant strains of A. baumannii with 100% sensitivity and 96% specificity. Results were obtained in 3 h 30 min. This is a simple, rapid, and accurate assay for detecting colistin resistance in A. baumannii, with strong potential value in critical clinical situationsThis work has been supported by MagicBullet, Xunta de Galicia 10CSA916020PR, and by REIPI, the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, REIPI RD12/0015) and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS PI12/00552) to G.B. M.J.M. is supported by the Subprograma Miguel Servet from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (CP11/00314). MagicBullet is a project funded by the European Union–Directorate General for Research and Innovation through the Seventh Framework Program for Research and Development (grant agreement 278232) and has been running since 1 January 2012 (36 months’ duration

    La reafirmación profesional pedagógica en la Universidad, su impacto social

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    Introduction: the experience in the professionals’ formation has evinced the need to train them in a way that they can find solutions to the problems of the educational tasks at different levels and to increase the professional performance like teachers, advisers and educational counselors. Objective: to create a Pedagogical Strategy that favors the process of professional restatement developed at Blas Roca Calderio University. Method: there are used theoretical methods like: Analysis- synthesis; induction- deduction, historical- logical, the modelation and the system approach; Empirical methods like: documentary revision, observation, experts criteria, interviews, as well as methods and techniques of the descriptive and inferential statistics, what permits to demonstrate the relevance and feasibility of the proposed strategy and recommends its extension to other contexts. Results: it is offered a specific response to the social need to increase the pedagogic requirements to treat the Professional Pedagogic Restatement like a stage of the professional pedagogic motivation, and the process of pedagogic professional guidance in university students, to achieve the professional restatement in them.Conclusions:the initial diagnosis evidenced insufficiencies in the pedagogical actions to favor the professional restatement like a stage of the professional pedagogical motivation of second- year students of Pedagogical Psychology.Introducción: la experiencia en la formación de profesionales ha hecho evidente la necesidad de formarlos para que encuentren soluciones a los problemas del quehacer educacional en los diferentes niveles y elevar el desempeño profesional como docentes, asesores y orientadores educacionales.Objetivo: esta investigación tiene como objetivo la elaboración de una Estrategia Pedagógica que favorezca el proceso de reafirmación profesional desarrollado en la universidad Blas Roca Calderío.Método: para su desarrollo se emplean métodos teóricos: analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico, la modelación y el enfoque de sistema; empíricos: revisión documental, observación, criterio de expertos, entrevista, así como métodos y técnicas de la estadística descriptiva e inferencial, lo que permite demostrar la pertinencia y factibilidad de la estrategia que se propone y hace recomendable su extensión a otros contextos.Resultados: se ofrece una respuesta concreta a la manifiesta necesidad social de profundizar en los requerimientos pedagógicos para el tratamiento a la Reafirmación Profesional Pedagógica como etapa de la motivación profesional pedagógica, y el proceso de orientación profesional pedagógica en los estudiantes universitarios, en aras de lograr la reafirmación profesional en los mismos.Conclusiones: el diagnóstico inicial realizado, reflejó insuficiencias en el accionar pedagógico para favorecer la reafirmación profesional como etapa de la motivación profesional pedagógica de los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Pedagogía Psicología.


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    Methodological alternative is applied in the bachelor’s degree of stomatological career to incursion in the educational practice to modify the methodology about the learning of the bacteria concept, verifying the results in the preexperimental group. There were obtained some results like the historical analysis of the learning of the biological agents’ program concepts, theorical considerations about the learning of the concept, methodological guide lines to teach the unit, the theorical validation of the methodological alternative by means of experts opinion, the outcomes of the preexperimental application from the qualitative point of view for the students. Some conclusions were made like the alternative proposed what permits the students to obtain the general structure of the system of concepts to study and keep on using the conceptual maps applied to the particular cases in the study of bacterial. Besides the results obtained with the experimental checking evidenced the certainly and validity of the formulated hypothesis because the measured parameters are of paramount statistics significance. It generated a social impact since a highly prepared technologist was presented to teach new methodologies to increase the teaching learning process of biological agentsSe aplica la alternativa metodológica en la Licenciatura de Atención  Estomatológica con el propósito de incursionar en la práctica educativa para modificar la metodología del aprendizaje del concepto bacteria, constatándose los resultados en el grupo pre experimental. Se obtuvieron resultados tales como un Análisis histórico tendencial del aprendizaje de los conceptos del programa de Agentes Biológicos, consideraciones teóricas acerca del aprendizaje de concepto, alternativa metodológica para el aprendizaje del concepto, orientaciones Metodológicas  para la impartición de la unidad, la validación teórica de la alternativa metodológica mediante el criterio  de expertos , los resultados de la aplicación del pre experimento y desde el punto de vista cualitativo el significado fenomenológico para los estudiantes. Se arribo a conclusiones como que la alternativa que se propone, permite a los estudiantes desde un primer momento apropiarse de la estructura general del sistema de conceptos a estudiar y segundo seguir empleando los mapas conceptuales aplicados a casos particulares en el estudio de las Bacterias y que los resultados obtenidos con la comprobación experimental evidenciaron la certeza y validez de la hipótesis formulada ya que los parámetros e indicadores medidos son de elevada significación estadística .Esto genero un impacto social ya que se incorpora a la sociedad un tecnólogo mejor preparado en conocimientos sobre Agentes Biológicos y se aporta nuevas metodologías para elevar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina objeto de estudio

    Prognostic Value of Serum Paraprotein Response Kinetics in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma

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    Response kinetics is not well-established as a prognostic marker in multiple myeloma (MM). We developed a mathematical model to assess the prognostic value of serum monoclonal component (MC) response kinetics during 6 induction cycles in 373 newly diagnosed MM patients. The model calculated a resistance parameter that reflects the stagnation in the response after an initial descent, dividing the patients into two kinetics categories with significantly different progression-free survival (PFS). Introduction: Response kinetics is a well-established prognostic marker in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The situation is not clear in multiple myeloma (MM) despite having a biomarker for response monitoring (monoclonal component [MC]). Materials and Methods: We developed a mathematical model to assess the prognostic value of serum MC response kinetics during 6 induction cycles, in 373 NDMM transplanted patients treated in the GEM2012Menos65 clinical trial. The model calculated a resistance parameter that reflects the stagnation in the response after an initial descent. Results: Two patient subgroups were defined based on low and high resistance, that respectively captured sensitive and refractory kinetics, with progression-free survival (PFS) at 5 years of 72% and 59% (HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.44-0.93; P =.02). Resistance significantly correlated with depth of response measured after consolidation (80.9% CR and 68.4% minimal residual disease negativity in patients with sensitive vs. 31% and 20% in those with refractory kinetics). Furthermore, it modulated the impact of reaching CR after consolidation; thus, within CR patients those with refractory kinetics had significantly shorter PFS than those with sensitive kinetics (median 54 months vs. NR; P =.02). Minimal residual disease negativity abrogated this effect. Our study also questions the benefit of rapid responders compared to late responders (5-year PFS 59.7% vs. 76.5%, respectively [P <.002]). Of note, 85% of patients considered as late responders were classified as having sensitive kinetics. Conclusion: This semi-mechanistic modeling of M-component kinetics could be of great value to identify patients at risk of early treatment failure, who may benefit from early rescue intervention strategies. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc