1,217 research outputs found

    Portugal um país essencialmente importador

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    Apesar de se poder ter perspectivado um decréscimo das tensões e conflitos bélicos mundiais e uma consequente redução de efectivos e de despesas militares por parte dos países no médio e longo prazo com o final da Guerra Fria, a realidade observada ao longo dos últimos anos tem provado o contrário. O aparecimento de novos tipos de ameaças e acções armadas levou a um reequacionamento das questões de defesa e segurança mundiais e conduziu à necessidade de colocar forças em teatros de operações longe do território da maioria das nações intervenientes, provocando alterações sensíveis no tipo de armamento utilizado tradicionalmente pelas Forças Armadas de todos os Países. As indústrias verificaram que, para satisfazer os novos desafios, tinham que ser mais interventoras e inovativas e que havia necessidade de integrar novos conceitos e tecnologias nos equipamentos e sistemas fornecidos. Também as indústrias de defesa portuguesas terão necessariamente que acompanhar as transições que se vão efectuando nos panoramas globais e regionais para se manterem actuais e competitivas, encontrando soluções para que os seus produtos sejam reconhecidos pela qualidade, pela inovação, pela competitividade e pela tecnologia incorporada. O Estado Português pode assumir um importante papel de promotor e regulador desta actividade, criando mecanismos e incentivos para que os riscos que os investidores deste sector de actividade têm que correr na procura de soluções inovadoras e competitivas sejam minimizados pela criação de novas perspectivas empresariais e pelo alargamento dos mercados. Abstract: Despite all good will expectations concerning a decrease in the number and level of conflictuality in the world upon the end of the Cold War, leading to huge reductions in manpower and military expenditures by most of the countries in the medium and long term, reality observed over the past years has proven otherwise. The emergence of new types of threats and conflicts led to a redesigning of defense and world security and led to the need to deploy forces in theaters of operations away from the territory of most nations involved, fitted with new types of weapons and equipments. Defense related industries soon found out that they needed to be more innovative and intervening in order to deal with such new challenges; they also needed to incorporate, as soon as possible, the brand new concepts and technologies in systems and equipment they were willing to sell. Portuguese Defense related industries also have to accommodate themselves to the changes in global and regional scenarios in order to be competitive and at the front row; they have to look for solutions that allow its products to be well known by their quality, innovation, competitiveness and amount of incorporated own technology. The state support in the promotion and regulation of such activities should be done through incentives, creating mechanisms to lower the risks of such daring investors in the pursuit of innovative and competitive solutions and opening new business deals, most of them in new foreign markets

    Enhanced two-phase contention window MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks applications

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    This work was supported by the PhD FCT grant SFRH/BD/38356/2007 and IT grant PEst-OE/EEI/ LA0008/2011. I also acknowledge several projects where I was involved in: COST IC1004, COST 2100, MobileMAN, OPPORTUNISTIC-CR, PROENERGY-WSN, Smart-Clothing, and INSYSMNowadays, the user of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is becoming more and more demanding in terms of choice and diversity of applications. As a consequence, as the diversity of applications continues to grow there is a need to identify and classify the set of detailed characterization parameters that facilitates to sketch up a taxonomy for WSN applications. The proposed taxonomy identi es the services offered by each application makes a tool available to better understand the services and requirements of each application, along with a holistic overview of the WSN proposed application taxonomy. The research also involved the actual development of WSN applications within different research projects, namely in the elds of healthcare (Smart Clothing), civil engineering structure monitoring (INSYSM) and precision agriculture. Different medium access control mechanisms employ different collision avoidance schemes to cope with packet collision and retransmission, trading-off complexity, energy inef ciency and control of packet overhead. In particular, this PhD thesis addresses the study the packet collision probability for a MAC protocol that employs a collision avoidance mechanism with two contention window and consequent proposal of a model for the collision probability. Simulation results validate the model for saturated traf c. For unsaturated traf c and with a small number of nodes, the accuracy of the model is limited by numerical rounding. It is shown that, by using our analytical model, we have been able to obtain performance metrics such as network throughput and average service time for the successful transmissions. In addition, the Enhanced Reliability Decision Algorithm in the physical layer has been proposed. The frame capture effect (FC) feature has been implemented in the IEEE 802.15.4 compliant physical layer of the MiXiM framework. The proposed decision algorithm utilizes the Signal to Noise-plus-Interference ratio (SNIR) and the size of the packet to guarantee the delivery with certain reliability to the MAC layer, of a packet received at the PHY layer. A gain of more than 10 % has been achieved in the delivery ratio. Promising results have also been obtained for the SCP-MAC protocol with the FC effect enabled, for different values of reliability. As one of the main contributions of this thesis, an innovative ef cient multi-channel MAC protocol, based on SCP-MAC, was proposed, the so-called Multi-Channel Scheduled Channel Polling (MC-SCP-MAC) protocol. The in uential range concept, denial channel list (which considers the degradation metric of each slot channel), extra resolution phase algorithm and frame capture effect have been explored to achieve the maximum performance in terms of delivery ratio and energy consumption. It has been shown MC-SCP-MAC outperforms SCP-MAC and MC-LMAC in denser scenarios, with improved throughput fairness. Considering the in uential range concept reduces the redundancy level in the network facilitating to reduce the energy consumption whilst decreasing the latency. The conclusions from this research reveal the importance of an appropriate design for the MAC protocol for the desired WSN application. Depending on the objective or mission of the WSN application, different protocols are required. Therefore, the overall performance of a WSN application certainly depends on the appropriate development and application of the appropriate communication protocols (e.g., MAC, network layer)

    Rularuum: leitud ruum ja teadlikult loodud rulamaastikud Portugalis – ettekujutus, trendid, võimalused ja vead

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    Master’s thesis in Landscape ArchitectureSkateboarding action requires a suitable space. Such space spans from everyday places to skateboard parks. Skatepark provision typically relies on local authorities, whereas the general streets are often skateable by pure chance and conversely, are at times, adverse to skateboarders whether equally by chance or by design (defensive architecture). Existing skateparks in a city do not always guarantee a skate-friendly environment, as they often have several limitations. The absence of a skatepark though is even more problematic. The research scope of this research was Portugal mainland as a whole. This research aimed to take a look at contemporary skate space in Portugal and analyse its evolution. The spatial research was piecemeal undertaken via satellite and overall internet research, including through social media platforms. To gain insight from those who experience the skateable space in Portugal, an in-depth questionnaire was laid out and a few informal interviews were conducted. Furthermore, observations were carried out through extensive social media ‘dive’. Through design and planning, we can aim for skate-friendly cities that are inclusive, not exclusive, of this particular user group. Thus, the design of skate space as an integral part of public space design is discussed, as well as including skateboarding in the cultural and sports programming of a city.Rulatamiseks on vaja sobivat maastiku, milleks võivad olla nii avaliku ruumi paigad tänavatel kui rulapargid. Rulapargi olemasolu avalikus ruumis sõltub tavaliselt kohalikust omavalitsusest ning kui tavalised tänavad on rulatatavad, siis seda tihti ainult tänu juhusele. Sageli aga tänavad rulatamiseks ei sobi, olgu põhjuseks siis jällegi puhas juhus või plaanipärane disain (nt rulatamist takistavad tõkestused). Rulapargi olemasolu linnas ei tähenda alati head rulatamise keskkonda, kuna parkidel on tihti mitmed puudujäägid. Veelgi problemaatilisem on rulapargi täielik puudumine. Selle uurimistöö ulatuspiirkond oli Portugali maismaa kui tervik. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli heita pilk sellele, missugune olukord valitseb Portugalis rulamaastike osas täna ja kuidas need on arenenud. Selleks uuriti rulamaastike järk-järgult satelliidipildi kaudu ja tehti üldist uurimistööd internetis, sh sotsiaalmeedia platvormidel. Kogumaks teavet neilt, kes Portugali rulamaastike ise kogevad, viidi rulatajate hulgas läbi põhjalik küsimustik ning mõned vabas vormis intervjuud. Lisaks koguti vaatlusandmeid sukeldudes sotsiaalmeediasse. Disaini ja planeerimisega on võimalik seada eesmärgiks “rulasõbralik” linn, kus arvestatakse selle konkreetse kasutajarühmaga. Uurimistöös arutletakse selle üle, et rulamaastike disain peaks olema avaliku ruumi disaini lahutamatu osa ning et rulatamine peaks olema osa omavalitsuste kultuuri- ja spordiprogrammist

    Organ crosstalk and dysfunction in sepsis

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    Sepsis is a dysregulated immune response to an infection that leads to organ dysfunction. Sepsis-associated organ dysfunction involves multiple inflammatory mechanisms and complex metabolic reprogramming of cellular function. These mechanisms cooperate through multiple organs and systems according to a complex set of long-distance communications mediated by cellular pathways, solutes, and neurohormonal actions. In sepsis, the concept of organ crosstalk involves the dysregulation of one system, which triggers compensatory mechanisms in other systems that can induce further damage. Despite the abundance of studies published on ​​organ crosstalk in the last decade, there is a need to formulate a more comprehensive framework involving all organs to create a more detailed picture of sepsis. In this paper, we review the literature published on organ crosstalk in the last 10 years and explore how these relationships affect the progression of organ failure in patients with septic shock. We explored these relationships in terms of the heart–kidney–lung, gut-microbiome–liver–brain, and adipose tissue–muscle–bone crosstalk in sepsis patients. A deep connection exists among these organs based on crosstalk. We also review how multiple therapeutic interventions administered in intensive care units, such as mechanical ventilation, antibiotics, anesthesia, nutrition, and proton pump inhibitors, affect these systems and must be carefully considered when managing septic patients. The progression to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in sepsis patients is still one of the most frequent causes of death in critically ill patients. A better understanding and monitoring of the mechanics of organ crosstalk will enable the anticipation of organ damage and the development of individualized therapeutic strategies.publishersversionpublishe

    Intelligent computational system for colony-forming-unit enumeration and differentiation

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    Accurate quantitative analysis of microorganisms is recognized as an essential tool for gauging safety and quality in a wide range of fields. The enumeration processes of viable microorganisms via traditional culturing techniques are methodically convenient and cost-effective, conferring high applicability worldwide. However, manual counting can be time-consuming, laborious and imprecise. Furthermore, particular pathologies require an urgent and accurate response for the therapy to be effective. To reduce time limitations and perhaps discrepancies, this work introduces an intelligent image processing software capable of automatically quantifying the number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) in Petri-plates. This rapid enumeration enables the technician to provide an expeditious assessment of the microbial load. Moreover, an auxiliary system is able to differentiate among colony images of Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus via Machine Learning, based on a Convolutional Neural Network in a process of cross-validation. For testing and validation of the system, the three bacterial groups were cultured, and a significant labeled database was created, exercising suited microbiological laboratory methodologies and subsequent image acquisition. The system demonstrated acceptable accuracy measures; the mean values of precision, recall and F-measure were 95%, 95% and 0.95, for E. coli, 91%, 91% and 0.90 for P. aeruginosa, and 84%, 86% and 0.85 for S. aureus. The adopted deep learning approach accomplished satisfactory results, manifesting 90.31% of accuracy. Ultimately, evidence related to the time-saving potential of the system was achieved; the time spent on the quantification of plates with a high number of colonies might be reduced to a half and occasionally to a third.A análise quantitativa de microrganismos é uma ferramenta essencial na aferição da segurança e qualidade numa ampla variedade de áreas. O processo de enumeração de microrganismos viáveis através das técnicas de cultura tradicionais é económica e metodologicamente adequado, conferindo lhe alta aplicabilidade a nível mundial. Contudo, a contagem manual pode ser morosa, laboriosa e imprecisa. Em adição, certas patologias requerem uma urgente e precisa resposta de modo a que a terapia seja eficaz. De forma a reduzir limitações e discrepâncias, este trabalho apresenta um software inteligente de processamento de imagem capaz de quantificar automaticamente o número de Unidades Formadoras de Colónias (UFCs) em placas de Petri. Esta rápida enumeração, possibilita ao técnico uma expedita avaliação da carga microbiana. Adicionalmente, um sistema auxiliar tem a capacidade de diferenciar imagens de colónias de Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus recorrendo a Machine Learning, através de uma Rede Neuronal Convolucional num processo de validação cruzada. Para testar e validar o sistema, os três grupos bacterianos foram cultivados e uma significativa base de dados foi criada, recorrendo às adequadas metodologias microbiológicas laboratoriais e subsequente aquisição de imagens. O sistema demonstrou medidas de precisão aceitáveis; os valores médios de precisão, recall e F-measure, foram 95%, 95% e 0.95, para E. coli, 91%, 91% e 0.90 para P. aeruginosa, e 84%, 86% e 0.85 para S. aureus. A abordagem deep learning obteve resultados satisfatórios, manifestando 90.31% de precisão. O sistema revelou potencial em economizar tempo; a duração de tarefas afetas à quantificação de placas com elevado número de colónias poderá ser reduzida para metade e ocasionalmente para um terço

    Huawei-ZTE : one feared response to today’s telecommunications equipment market

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    After the global crisis that started after June 2008, companies have become more wary about maintaining solid financial positions and liquidity. This has made them start to build piles of cash, which are now very large. In addition to this, the recovery of economic growth and the increased global competition created incentives to M&A transactions to happen. Huawei and ZTE are two Chinese Telecom Equipment companies that have comparable background and compete with each other. By engaging on a merger, they would be able to enhance their revenues and cut the costs and be in a better position to face the fiercer than ever competition.Depois da crise global que teve início em Junho de 2008, as empresas passaram a preocupar-se mais com a manutenção de uma posição financeira sólida e líquida. Isto causou uma grande acumulação de meios financeiros líquidos. Além disso, a recuperação económica e o aumento da concorrência a nível global criou incentivos para integração económica. Huawei e ZTE são dois fabricantes chineses de equipamento de telecomunições, partilhando um passado semelhante. Ao procederem a uma fusão entre as duas, estas empresas poderiam potenciar receitas e reduzir custos, conseguindo colocar-se numa melhor posição para fazer face a uma concorrência mais forte do que nunca

    Portuguese silver from the 15th to the 17th century, the 11 dinheiros silver coins

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    High silver surface contents of high fineness silver coins have been considered in some cases as deriving from very pure silver alloys, being reliable for original bulk composition. Until now, the extent in which surface silver enrichment influences surface analytical results in coins alloys with finenesses greater than the silver content indexed to the maximum value of copper solid solubility in silver (91.2 wt.%) have been disregarded. This investigation, focused on microstructural and compositional characterization of Portuguese 11 dinheiros silver coins, has revealed important surface silver enrichments in high silver fineness coins. In these silver alloys, coin manufacturing process induces a subsurface microstructurally modified layer resulting from intergranular dry and wet corrosion in annealing operations, primarily related to preferential leaching of Cu-rich phase in subsurface depth. This subsurface layer originates a silver overestimation by PIXE and EDXRF analysis, 4 to 7% higher than the bulk of the coins, with unknown elemental compositional gradient and depth that can extend up to to about 70 μm. This study shows, through the combination of different analytical methods, EDXRF, PIXE, SEM-EDS and LA-ICP-MS, that important metallurgical information resulting from the minting process may be missed, when relying only on the judgment of high silver alloys surface analysis. Albeit the existing minor/trace elements compositional gradients between coins surface and bulk, surface contents correlations discriminate distinct silver sources processed during the 15th to 17th centuries in Portugal, from different historical periods and mints, Lisbon and Porto. Gold/bismuth ratios related to the processed silver initial composition and lead/bismuth ratios related to the silver metallurgical processes, are important discriminators of these high silver alloys. Mercury appears also to be an important element for the discrimination of silver alloys sources. Portuguese minting depended and relied on different silver sources during the 15th to 17th centuries. European silver with high Au and Hg, and low Pb and Bi contents, supplied the oldest chronologies of Dom Afonso V and Dom João II in the 15th century, being replaced at the dawn of the 16th century by a new precious metal entering the Portuguese capital, with low Au and high Bi contents, probably derived from argentiferous copper ore sources processing. In the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 16th century, minor/trace elements contents of Lisbon and Porto mints evolve towards the compositional homogenization observed in Dom Sebastião I period, probably due to major recycling operations of the earlier currency realized in each kingdom. Philippine chronologies reveal the presence of the new discovered Potosí American silver, introduced in Portugal by Dom Filipe I (Felipe II of Spain), distinguishable from the European silver in use until 1578 in the Portuguese territory, by Au contents < 100 ppm and very low Bi contents. Potosí silver is identified for the first time through a superficial analytical method, such as PIXE, rather than by NAA multielement global analysis

    Ivity internationalization strategy: integrative work project SME competitiveness

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsInternationalization is an important challenge and companies should analyze and plan its strategy before proceed. My project will focus the internationalization plan of Ivity. Ivity is a branding company with entirely Portuguese capital structure. As a young small company Ivity has a low international experience but, due to the Portuguese market size, it is looking for internationalization opportunities. To elaborate the internationalization plan I started by an external analysis in order to understand branding industry in Portugal. In the internal analysis I studied Ivity’s competitive advantages, innovations, competitive situation and internationalization potential. Further, I developed an international scanning having in mind that the sector where Ivity’s competitive advantages and expertise could face better opportunities are the airlines industry. Due to the similarity of language, the recent growth, the early emerging and internationalization that increase marketing needs, I found Brazil as the country I should target and I analyze Brazilian market, focusing my attention in the competition and the potential customers. Finally I develop and propose an implementation plan with a timeline of resources and investment to support the operation aligned with the defined strategy