39 research outputs found

    The Near-Horizon Limit of the Extreme Rotating d=5 Black Hole as a Homogenous Spacetime

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    We show that the spacetime of the near-horizon limit of the extreme rotating d=5 black hole, which is maximally supersymmetric in N=2,d=5 supergravity for any value of the rotation parameter j in [-1,1], is locally isomorphic to a homogeneous non-symmetric spacetime corresponding to an element of the 1-parameter family of coset spaces SO(2,1)x SO(3)/SO(2)_j in which the subgroup SO(2)_j is a combination of the two SO(2) subgroups of SO(2,1) and SO(3).Comment: Some points clarified and misprints corrected. Version to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    p-branes on the waves

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    We present a large family of simple, explicit ten-dimensional supergravity solutions describing extended extremal supersymmetric Ramond-Ramond p-branes embedded into time-dependent dilaton-gravity plane waves of an arbitrary (isotropic) profile, with the brane world-volume aligned parallel to the propagation direction of the wave. Generalizations to the non-extremal case are not analyzed explicitly, but can be pursued as indicated.Comment: 11 pages; v.2 minor notation changes, minor typos corrected (published version

    Einstein-Maxwell gravitational instantons and five dimensional solitonic strings

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    We study various aspects of four dimensional Einstein-Maxwell multicentred gravitational instantons. These are half-BPS Riemannian backgrounds of minimal N=2 supergravity, asymptotic to R^4, R^3 x S^1 or AdS_2 x S^2. Unlike for the Gibbons-Hawking solutions, the topology is not restricted by boundary conditions. We discuss the classical metric on the instanton moduli space. One class of these solutions may be lifted to causal and regular multi `solitonic strings', without horizons, of 4+1 dimensional N=2 supergravity, carrying null momentum.Comment: 1+30 page

    Cosmological solutions from fake N=2 EYM supergravity

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    We characterise the (fake) supersymmetric solutions of Wick-rotated N=2 d=4 gauged supergravity coupled to non-Abelian vector multiplets. In the time-like case we obtain generalisations of Kastor & Traschen's cosmological black holes: they have a specific time-dependence and the base-space must be 3-dimensional hyperCR/Gauduchon-Tod space. In the null-case, we find that the metric has a holonomy contained in Sim(2), give a general characterisation of the solutions, and give some examples. Finally, we point out that in some cases the solutions we found are non-BPS solutions to N=2 d=4 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets.Comment: 30 pages. Comments and references added, typos correcte

    Gauge theories from wrapped and fractional branes

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    We compare two applications of the gauge/gravity correspondence to a non conformal gauge theory, based respectively on the study of D-branes wrapped on supersymmetric cycles and of fractional D-branes on orbifolds. We study two brane systems whose geometry is dual to N=4, D=2+1 super Yang-Mills theory, the first one describing D4-branes wrapped on a two-sphere inside a Calabi-Yau two-fold and the second one corresponding to a system of fractional D2/D6-branes on the orbifold R^4/Z_2. By probing both geometries we recover the exact perturbative running coupling constant and metric on the moduli space of the gauge theory. We also find a general expression for the running coupling constant of the gauge theory in terms of the "stringy volume" of the two-cycle which is involved in both types of brane systems.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 35 pages, no figures. Minor typos corrected, version to appear in NP

    The Tensor Hierarchies of Pure N=2,d=4,5,6 Supergravities

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    We study the supersymmetric tensor hierarchy of pure (gauged) N=2,d=4,5,6 supergravity and compare them with those of the pure, ungauged, theories (worked out by Gomis and Roest for d=5) and the predictions of the Kac-Moody approach made by Kleinschmidt and Roest. We find complete agreement in the ungauged case but we also find that, after gauging, new Stueckelberg symmetries reduce the number of independent "physical" top-forms. The analysis has to be performed to all orders in fermion fields. We discuss the construction of the worldvolume effective actions for the p-branes which are charged with respect to the (p+1)-form potentials and the relations between the tensor hierarchies and p-branes upon dimensional reduction.Comment: LaTeX2e file, 20 pages, 1 figure Results refined by extension of the analysis to all orders in fermion

    All the supersymmetric solutions of N=1,d=5 ungauged supergravity

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    We classify the supersymmetric solutions of ungauged N=1 d=5 SUGRA coupled to vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. All the solutions can be seen as deformations of solutions with frozen hyperscalars. We show explicitly how the 5-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is deformed when hyperscalars are living on SO(4,1)/SO(4) are turned on, reducing its supersymmetry from 1/2 to 1/8. We also describe in the timelike and null cases the solutions that have one extra isometry and can be reduced to N=2,d=4 solutions. Our formulae allows the uplifting of certain N=2,d=4 black holes to N=1,d=5 black holes on KK monopoles or to pp-waves propagating along black strings.Comment: Some typos fixed and some paragraphs improved. 44 pages, Latex 2e file, no figures. Version to be published in JHE

    Counting supersymmetric branes

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    Maximal supergravity solutions are revisited and classified, with particular emphasis on objects of co-dimension at most two. This class of solutions includes branes whose tension scales with g_s^{-\sigma} for \sigma>2. We present a group theory derivation of the counting of these objects based on the corresponding tensor hierarchies derived from E11 and discrete T- and U-duality transformations. This provides a rationale for the wrapping rules that were recently discussed for \sigma<4 in the literature and extends them. Explicit supergravity solutions that give rise to co-dimension two branes are constructed and analysed.Comment: 1+33 pages. To the memory of Laurent Houart. v2: Published version with added reference

    Uniqueness of M-theory PP-Wave Background with Extra Supersymmetries

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    We examine Killing spinor equations of the general eleven-dimensional pp-wave backgrounds, which contain a scalar H(x^m,x^-) in the metric and a three-form \xi(x^m,x^-) in the flux. Considering non-harmonic extra Killing spinors, we show that if the backgrounds admit at least one extra Killing spinor in addition to the standard 16 Killing spinors, they can be reduced to the form with H=A_{mn}(x^-)x^mx^n and \xi(x^-) modulo coordinate transformations. We further examine the cases in which the extra Killing spinor is characterized by a set of Cartan matrices. The super-isometry algebras of the resulting backgrounds are also derived.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e, comments added, version to appear in PR