8,133 research outputs found

    Determination of Soybean Oil, Protein and Amino Acid Residues in Soybean Seeds by High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMRS) and Near Infrared (NIRS)

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    A detailed account is presented of our high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and near infrared (NIR) calibration models, methodologies and validation procedures, together with a large number of composition analyses for soybean seeds. NIR calibrations were developed based on both HR-NMR and analytical chemistry reference data for oil and twelve amino acid residues in mature soybeans and soybean embryos. This is our first report of HR-NMR determinations of amino acid profiles of proteins from whole soybean seeds, without protein extraction from the seed. It was found that the best results for both oil and protein calibrations were obtained with a Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-1) analysis of our extensive NIR spectral data, acquired with either a DA7000 Dual Diode Array (Si and InGaAs detectors) instrument or with several Fourier Transform NIR (FT-NIR) spectrometers equipped with an integrating sphere/InGaAs detector accessory. In order to extend the bulk soybean samples calibration models to the analysis of single soybean seeds, we have analized in detail the component NIR spectra of all major soybean constituents through spectral deconvolutions for bulk, single and powdered soybean seeds. Baseline variations and light scattering effects in the NIR spectra were corrected, respectively, by calculating the first-order derivatives of the spectra and the Multiplicative Scattering Correction (MSC). The single soybean seed NIR spectra are broadly similar to those of bulk whole soybeans, with the exception of minor peaks in single soybean NIR spectra in the region from 950 to 1,000 nm. Based on previous experience with bulk soybean NIR calibrations, the PLS-1 calibration model was selected for protein, oil and moisture calibrations that we developed for single soybean seed analysis. In order to improve the reliability and robustness of our calibrations with the PLS-1 model we employed standard samples with a wide range of soybean constituent compositions: from 34% to 55% for protein, from 11% to 22% for oil and from 2% to 16% for moisture. Such calibrations are characterized by low standard errors and high degrees of correlation for all major soybean constituents. Morever, we obtained highly resolved NIR chemical images for selected regions of mature soybean embryos that allow for the quantitation of oil and protein components. Recent developments in high-resolution FT-NIR microspectroscopy extend the NIR sensitivity range to the picogram level, with submicron spatial resolution in the component distribution throughout intact soybean seeds and embryos. Such developments are potentially important for biotechnology applications that require rapid and ultra- sensitive analyses, such as those concerned with high-content microarrays in Genomics and Proteomics research. Other important applications of FT-NIR microspectroscopy are envisaged in biomedical research aimed at cancer prevention, the early detection of tumors by NIR-fluorescence, and identification of single cancer cells, or single virus particles in vivo by super-resolution microscopy/ microspectroscopy

    Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges

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    We discuss branes whose worldvolume dimension equals the target spacetime dimension, i.e. ``spacetime-filling branes''. In addition to the D9-branes, there are 9-branes in the NS-NS sectors of both the IIA and IIB strings. The worldvolume actions of these branes are constructed, via duality, from the known actions of branes with codimension larger than zero. Each of these types of branes is used in the construction of a string theory with sixteen supercharges by modding out a type II string by an appropriate discrete symmetry and adding 32 9-branes. These constructions are related by a web of dualities and each arises as a different limit of the Horava-Witten construction.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, uses html.sty, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    LANDSAT-4/5 image data quality analysis

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    A LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) quality evaluation study was conducted to identify geometric and radiometric sensor errors in the post-launch environment. The study began with the launch of LANDSAT-4. Several error conditions were found, including band-to-band misregistration and detector-to detector radiometric calibration errors. Similar analysis was made for the LANDSAT-5 Thematic Mapper and compared with results for LANDSAT-4. Remaining band-to-band misregistration was found to be within tolerances and detector-to-detector calibration errors were not severe. More coherent noise signals were observed in TM-5 than in TM-4, although the amplitude was generally less. The scan direction differences observed in TM-4 were still evident in TM-5. The largest effect was in Band 4 where nearly a one digital count difference was observed. Resolution estimation was carried out using roads in TM-5 for the primary focal plane bands rather than field edges as in TM-4. Estimates using roads gave better resolution. Thermal IR band calibration studies were conducted and new nonlinear calibration procedures were defined for TM-5. The overall conclusion is that there are no first order errors in TM-5 and any remaining problems are second or third order

    Formation, compression and surface melting of colloidal clusters by active particles

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    We demonstrate with experiments and numerical simulations that the structure and dynamics of a suspension of passive particles is strongly altered by adding a very small (<1%) number of active particles. With increasing passive particle density, we observe first the formation of dynamic clusters comprised of passive particles being surrounded by active particles, then the merging and compression of these clusters, and eventually the local melting of crystalline regions by enclosed active particles. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015

    Design, construction and evaluation of a 3D printed electrochemical flow cell for the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles

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    A 3D-printed prototype of an electrochemical flow cell for the synthesis of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles of medium size between 15 and 30 nm was constructed and its performance was evaluated. The cell consists of a series of rectangular channels in a parallel electrode arrangement. Electrolyte flows through the channels as the electric current is supplied to the system and a combination of electrochemical and chemical reactions create the appropriate conditions for magnetite precipitation. Different electric configurations were evaluated and both energy and production efficiencies were calculated to determine the best configuration. Different flow and current values were also investigated, and all the materials were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetization curve measurements to determine their effect on particle morphology, composition and magnetic behavior. The best results were obtained for a parallel monopolar configuration, with 100 mA (3 mA cm−2) passing in each two electrodes and a flow value of 30 mL min−1, yielding an energy efficiency of 5.9 kJ g−1 and a production rate of 12.1 mg min−1, approximately 6 times higher than the 100 mL standard cell previously used. Magnetic saturation was 77.3 emu g−1, slightly lower than the bulk material (92–100 emu g−1)The authors gratefully acknowledge the scholarship for doctoral studies of Gerardo Ivan Lozano Gutierrez granted by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACyT). The authors are also grateful to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the project MAT2015-67557-C2-2-P. Support for a sabbatical leave for NCS from the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico and Exportadora de Postes S.A. de C.V. are greatly appreciate

    Effects of maternal subnutrition during early pregnancy on cow hematological profiles and offspring physiology and vitality in two beef breeds

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    This experiment evaluated the effects of subnutrition during early gestation on hematology in cows (Bos Taurus) and on hematological, metabolic, endocrine, and vitality parameters in their calves. Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica dams were inseminated and assigned to either a control (CONTROL, 100% requirements) or a nutrient‐restricted group (SUBNUT, 65%) during the first third of gestation. Dam blood samples were collected on days 20 and 253 of gestation, and calf samples were obtained during the first days of life. Pirenaica dams presented higher red series parameters than Parda de Montaña dams, both in the first and the last months of gestation. During early pregnancy, granulocyte numbers and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were lower in Pirenaica‐SUBNUT than in Pirenaica‐CONTROL cows. Calves from the SUBNUT cows did not show a physiological reduction in red series values in early life, suggesting later maturation of the hematopoietic system. Poor maternal nutrition affected calf endocrine parameters. Newborns from dystocic parturitions showed lower NEFA concentrations and weaker vitality responses. In conclusion, maternal nutrition had short‐term effects on cow hematology, Pirenaica cows showing a higher susceptibility to undernutrition; and a long‐term effect on their offspring endocrinology, SUBNUT newborns showing lower levels of IGF‐1 and higher levels of cortisol.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business and the European Union Regional Development Funds (INIA RTA 2013‐00059‐C02 and INIA RZP 2015‐001) and the Government of Aragon under the Grant Research Group Funds (A14_17R). A. Noya received a PhD grant from INIA‐Government of Aragon
