1,628 research outputs found

    Tank construction for space vehicles Patent

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    Liquid propellant tank design with semitoroidal bulkhea

    More than range exposure: global otters’ vulnerability to climate change

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    Climate change impact on species is commonly assessed by predicting species’ range change, a measure of a species’ extrinsic exposure. However, this is only one dimension of species’ vulnerability to climate change. Spatial arrangement of suitable habitats (e.g., fragmentation), their degree of protection or human disturbance, as well as species’ intrinsic sensitivity, such as climatic tolerances, are often neglected. Here, we consider components of species’ intrinsic sensitivity to climate change (climatic niche specialization and marginality) together with components of extrinsic exposure (changes in range extent, fragmentation, coverage of protected areas, and human footprint) to develop an integrated vulnerability index to climate change for world’s freshwater otters. As top freshwater predators, otters are among the most vulnerable mammals, with most species being threatened by habitat loss and degradation. All dimensions of climate change exposure were based on present and future predictions of species distributions. Annual mean temperature, mean diurnal temperature range, mean temperature of the wettest quarter, precipitation during the wettest quarter, and precipitation seasonality prove the most important variables for otters. All species are vulnerable to climate change, with global vulnerability index ranging from -0,19 for Lontra longicaudis to -36,9 for Aonyx congicus. However, we found that, for a given species, climate change can have both positive and negative effects on different components of extrinsic exposure, and that measures of species’ sensitivity are not necessarily congruent with measures of exposure. For instance, the range of all African species would be negatively affected by climate change, but their different sensitivity offers a more (Hydrictis maculicollis, Aonyx capensis) or less (Aonyx congicus) pessimistic perspective on their ability to cope with climate change. Also, highly sensitive species like the South-American Pteronura brasiliensis, Lontra provocax, and Lutra perspicillata might face no exposure to climate change. For the Asian Lutra sumatrana, climate change would instead lead to an increased, less fragmented, and more protected range extent, but the range extent would also be shifted into areas with higher human disturbances. Our study represents a balanced example of how to develop an index aimed at comparatively evaluating vulnerability to climate change of different species by combining different aspects of sensitivity and exposure, providing additional information on which to base more efficient conservation strategies

    Characterization of Newly Revealed Sequences in the Infectious Myonecrosis Virus Genome in \u3ci\u3eLitopenaeus vannamei\u3c/i\u3e

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    Infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) causes significant economic losses in farmed shrimp, where associated mortality in ponds can reach 70%. To explore host/pathogen interactions, a next-generation sequencing approach using lymphoid organ tissue from IMNV-infected Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp was conducted. Preliminary sequence assembly of just the virus showed that there were at least an additional 639 bp at the 5′ terminus and 23 nt at the 3′ terminus as compared with the original description of the IMNV genome (7561 nt). Northern blot and reverse transcription-PCR analysis confirmed the presence of novel sequence at both ends of the genome. Using 5′ RACE, an additional 4 nt were discovered; 3′ RACE confirmed the presence of 22 bp rather than 23 bp of sequence. Based on these data, the IMNV genome is 8226 bp in length. dsRNA was used to trigger RNA interference (RNAi) and suppress expression of the newly revealed genome sections at the 5′ end of the IMNV genome in IMNV-infected L. vannamei. An RNAi trigger targeting a 376 bp length of the 5′ UTR did not improve survival of infected shrimp. In contrast, an RNAi trigger targeting a 381 bp sequence in ORF1 improved survival to 82.2% as compared with 2.2% survival in positive control animals. These studies revealed the importance of the new genome sections to produce high-titre infection, and associated disease and mortality, in infected shrimp

    Characterization of Newly Revealed Sequences in the Infectious Myonecrosis Virus Genome in \u3ci\u3eLitopenaeus vannamei\u3c/i\u3e

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    Infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) causes significant economic losses in farmed shrimp, where associated mortality in ponds can reach 70%. To explore host/pathogen interactions, a next-generation sequencing approach using lymphoid organ tissue from IMNV-infected Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp was conducted. Preliminary sequence assembly of just the virus showed that there were at least an additional 639 bp at the 5′ terminus and 23 nt at the 3′ terminus as compared with the original description of the IMNV genome (7561 nt). Northern blot and reverse transcription-PCR analysis confirmed the presence of novel sequence at both ends of the genome. Using 5′ RACE, an additional 4 nt were discovered; 3′ RACE confirmed the presence of 22 bp rather than 23 bp of sequence. Based on these data, the IMNV genome is 8226 bp in length. dsRNA was used to trigger RNA interference (RNAi) and suppress expression of the newly revealed genome sections at the 5′ end of the IMNV genome in IMNV-infected L. vannamei. An RNAi trigger targeting a 376 bp length of the 5′ UTR did not improve survival of infected shrimp. In contrast, an RNAi trigger targeting a 381 bp sequence in ORF1 improved survival to 82.2% as compared with 2.2% survival in positive control animals. These studies revealed the importance of the new genome sections to produce high-titre infection, and associated disease and mortality, in infected shrimp

    Age-related cognitive decline and the olfactory identification deficit are associated to increased level of depression

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    Purpose: Previous studies reported a correlation between olfactory function and depression. However, in literature, no data are available for the correlation between depression and all other factors such as age, sex, olfactory, gustatory, and cognitive function in healthy subjects taken together. The aim of this study was to provide a systematic account regarding the association between those variables in a nonclinical population. Methods: Two hundred and seventy-three participants were recruited with an age range of 19–84 years. Olfactory, gustatory, cognitive function, and depression level were evaluated by means of the following tests: the Sniffin’ Sticks test, Taste Strips test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: In our data, an age-related decrease in olfactory and gustatory function and a decline in cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and language were observed. Instead, no significant differences were observed for the depression level in relation to the different age ranges. However, our results indicated that the depression level could be associated to sex, odor identification impairment, and decreased attention and language. Conclusion: Sex, the odor identification impairment, and an age-related decrease in attention and language are associated with increased level of depression in healthy subjects. Our data can be useful and informative for health care workers, that is, to have adequate preventive strategies to be used whenever these conditions are detected and recognized

    Historical factors associated with past environments influence the biogeography of thermophilic endospores in Arctic marine sediments

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    Selection by the local, contemporary environment plays a prominent role in shaping the biogeography of microbes. However, the importance of historical factors in microbial biogeography is more debatable. Historical factors include past ecological and evolutionary circumstances that may have influenced present-day microbial diversity, such as dispersal and past environmental conditions. Diverse thermophilic sulphate-reducing Desulfotomaculum are present as dormant endospores in marine sediments worldwide where temperatures are too low to support their growth. Therefore, they are dispersed to here from elsewhere, presumably a hot, anoxic habitat. While dispersal through ocean currents must influence their distribution in cold marine sediments, it is not clear whether even earlier historical factors, related to the source habitat where these organisms were once active, also have an effect. We investigated whether these historical factors may have influenced the diversity and distribution of thermophilic endospores by comparing their diversity in 10 Arctic fjord surface sediments. Although community composition varied spatially, clear biogeographic patterns were only evident at a high level of taxonomic resolution (>97% sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene) achieved with oligotyping. In particular, the diversity and distribution of oligotypes differed for the two most prominent OTUs (defined using a standard 97% similarity cutoff). One OTU was dominated by a single ubiquitous oligotype, while the other OTU consisted of ten more spatially localised oligotypes that decreased in compositional similarity with geographic distance. These patterns are consistent with differences in historical factors that occurred when and where the taxa were once active, prior to sporulation. Further, the influence of history on biogeographic patterns was only revealed by analysing microdiversity within OTUs, suggesting that populations within standard OTU-level groupings do not necessarily share a common ecological and evolutionary history

    Sequence-optimized and targeted double-stranded RNA as a therapeutic antiviral treatment against infectious myonecrosis virus in \u3ci\u3eLitopenaeus vannamei\u3c/i\u3e

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    Infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) is a significant and emerging pathogen that has a tremendous impact on the culture of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. IMNV first emerged in Brazil in 2002 and subsequently spread to Indonesia, causing large economic losses in both countries. No existing therapeutic treatments or effective interventions currently exist for IMNV. RNA interference (RNAi) is an effective technique for preventing viral disease in shrimp. Here, we describe the efficacy of a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) applied as an antiviral therapeutic following virus challenge. The antiviral molecule is an optimized dsRNA construct that targets an IMNV sequence at the 5’ end of the genome and that showed outstanding antiviral protection previously when administered prior to infection. At least 50% survival is observed with a low dose of dsRNA administered 48 h post-infection with a lethal dose of IMNV; this degree of protection was not observed when dsRNA was administered 72 h post-infection. Additionally, administration of the dsRNA antiviral resulted in a significant reduction of the viral load in the muscle of shrimp that died from disease or survived until termination of the present study, as assessed by quantitative RT-PCR. These data indicate that this optimized RNAi antiviral molecule holds promise for use as an antiviral therapeutic against IMNV

    Phemeranthus rugospermus (Holz.) Kiger

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    Late gadolinium enhancement and subclinical cardiac dysfunction on cardiac MRI in asymptomatic HIV-positive men

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    Background: HIV is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and related clinical events. While traditional risk factors play an important role in the pathology of cardiovascular disease, HIV infection and its sequelae of immune activation and inflammation may have significant effects on the myocardium before becoming clinically evident. Cardiac MRI (CMR) can be used to detect the pattern of these subclinical changes. This will lead to a better understanding of risk factors contributing to cardiovascular disease prior to it becoming clinically significant in HIV-positive patients. Methods: Prospective cohort study of 127 asymptomatic HIV-positive men on ART compared to 35 matched controls. Baseline demographics, HIV parameters, 12-lead ECG, routine biochemistry, and traditional cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. Images were acquired on a 3T Achieva Philips MRI scanner with 5 channel phase array cardiac coil and weight-based IV gadolinium was given at 0.15 mmol/kg dose with post-contrast inversion recovery imaging after 10 minutes. Results: 6/127 (4.7%) of asymptomatic HIV-positive men had late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on MRI verses 1/35 (2.9%) in the control group. In 3/6 (50%) of cases this was in a classical infarction pattern with subendocardial involvement. 3/6 (50%) were consistent with prior myocarditis. There was no significant difference in mean LVEF (66.93% vs 65.18%), LVMI (60.05g/m2 vs 55.94g/m2) or posterolateral wall thickness (8.28 mm and 8.16 mm) between cases and controls respectively. There was significantly more diastolic dysfunction, E:A ratio < 1, found in the HIV-positive group, 18% vs 7% of controls (p = 0.037). Framingham risk did not predict either of these outcomes. Conclusions: There is an increased incidence of LGE detected on CMR in this asymptomatic HIV-positive cohort. Two distinct pathological processes were identifed as causing these changes, myocardial infarction and myocarditis. These findings were independent of traditional cardiac risk factors, duration of HIV infection and ART therapy. Sub clinical cardiac dysfunction may be underreported in other cardiac evaluation studies. The true impact of other potential risk factors may also be underestimated, highlighting the need for the development of more complex prediction models