1,617 research outputs found

    An electrochemical study of hydrogen uptake and elimination by bare and gold-plated waspaloy

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    Two electrochemical methods for the determination of hydrogen concentrations in metals are discussed and evaluated. The take-up of hydrogen at a pressure of 5000 psi by Waspaloy metal was determined experimentally at 24 C. It was found that the metal becomes saturated with hydrogen after an exposure time of about 1 hr. For samples charged with hydrogen at high pressure, most of the hydrogen is contained in the interstitial solid solution of the metal. For electrolytically charged samples, most of the hydrogen is contained as surface and subsurface hydrides. Hydrogen elimination rates were determined for these two cases, with the rate for electrolytically charged samples being greater by over a factor of two. Theoretical effects of high temperature and pressure on hydrogen take-up and elimination by bare and gold plated Waspaloy metal was considered. The breakthrough point for hydrogen at 5000 psi, determined experimentally, lies between a gold thickness of 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.) and 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.) at 24 C. Electropolishing was found to greatly reduce the uptake of hydrogen at high pressure by Waspaloy metal at 24 C. Possible implications of the results obtained, as they apply to the turbine disk of the space shuttle main engine, are discussed

    DOIs Demystified: Getting Started with CrossRef Membership and DOI Deposits

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    Are you interested in offering DOIs for your Digital Commons content but you’re unsure how to get started? This session will cover the basics of CrossRef membership and DOI deposits, including costs and responsibilities, DOI structure and syntax, technical requirements for manual and automated deposits, recommended workflows, and considerations for Memoranda of Understanding. Presenters will discuss the basics of XSL transformations and provide resources for preparing deposits, including sample stylesheets for journal metadata

    Estimating Relative Abundance of Young of Year American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Virginia Tributaries of Chesapeake Bay (Spring 2004 Survey)

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    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) adopted the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (hereafter referred to as FMP) for the American eel in November 4 1999. The FMP focuses on increasing coastal states’ efforts to collect American eel data through both fishery dependent and fishery independent studies. Consequently, member jurisdictions (including Virginia) agreed to implement an annual survey for young of year (YOY) American eels. The survey is intended to “…characterize trends in annual recruitment of the young of year eels over time [to produce a] qualitative appraisal of the annual recruitment of American eel to the U.S. Atlantic Coast” (ASMFC, 2000). The development of these surveys began in 2000 with full implementation by 2001. Survey results will provide necessary data on coastal recruitment success and further the understanding of American eel population dynamics

    Estimating Relative Abundance of Young of Year American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Virginia Tributaries of Chesapeake Bay (Spring 2005)

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    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) adopted the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (hereafter referred to as FMP) for the American eel in November 1999. The FMP focuses on increasing coastal states’ efforts to collect American eel data through both fishery dependent and fishery independent studies. Consequently, member jurisdictions (including Virginia) agreed to implement an annual survey for YOY American eels. The survey is intended to “…characterize trends in annual recruitment of the YOY eels over time [to produce a] qualitative appraisal of the annual recruitment of American eel to the U.S. Atlantic Coast” (ASMFC, 2000). The development of these surveys began in 2000 with full implementation by 2001. Survey results should provide necessary data on coastal recruitment success and further understanding of American eel population dynamics. A recent American eel stock assessment report (ASMFC, 2006) emphasized the importance of the coast-wide survey as an index of sustained recruitment over the historical coastal range and an early warning of potential range contraction of the species

    Evaluating Recruitment of American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, to the Potomac River Spring 2004

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    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) adopted the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the American eel in November 1999. The FMP focuses on increasing the states’ efforts to collect data on the resource and the fishery it supports through both fishery dependent and fishery independent studies. To this end, member jurisdictions (including the PRFC) agreed to implement an annual abundance survey for young of year (YOY) American eels. The survey is intended to “…characterize trends in annual recruitment of young of year eels over time [to produce a] qualitative appraisal of the annual recruitment of American eel to the U.S. Atlantic coast (ASMFC, 2000). The development of these surveys began as pilot surveys in 2000 with full implementation by the 2001 season. Results from these surveys will provide critical data on eel coastal recruitment success and further understanding of American eel population dynamics

    Estimating Relative Abundance of Young of Year American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Virginia Tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. Final Report (2003 Reporting Year)

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    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) adopted the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (hereafter referred to as FMP) for the American Eel in November 1999. The FMP focuses on increasing the state’s efforts to collect data on the resource and the fishery it supports through both fishery-dependent and fishery-independent studies. To this end, member jurisdictions (including Virginia) agreed to implement an annual abundance survey for young of year (YOY) American eels. The survey is intended to “…characterize trends in annual recruitment of the young of year eels over time [to produce a] qualitative appraisal of the annual recruitment of American eel to the U.S. Atlantic Coast (ASMFC, 2000). The development of these surveys began as pilot surveys in 2000 with full implementation by the 2001 season. Results from these surveys will provide necessary data on coastal recruitment success and further the understanding of American eel population dynamic

    Evaluating Recruitment of American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, to the Potomac River (Spring 2006)

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    Fisheries management techniques are not often applied to American eels because basic biological information is not well known. Unknown biological parameters such as variation in growth rates and length at age have complicated stock assessment and management efforts. Though American eel are not usually considered a sport fish, their ubiquity and readiness to take a bait leads them to be caught by recreational fishermen (Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002). Young American eel are also used as a baitfish in coastal areas (Jenkins and 4 Burkhead, 1993.) Absence of basic population dynamics data has hampered attempts at evaluation of regional exploitation rates (Social Research for Sustainable Fisheries, 2002). Additionally, relatively few studies have addressed the recruitment of glass eels to Atlantic coast estuaries from the Sargasso Sea spawning grounds. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) adopted the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the American eel in November 1999. The FMP focuses on increasing the states’ efforts to collect data on American eel and the fishery it supports through both fishery dependent and fishery independent studies. To this end, member jurisdictions (including the PRFC) agreed to implement an annual abundance survey for young of year (YOY) American eels. The survey is intended to “…characterize trends in annual recruitment of young of year eels over time [to produce a] qualitative appraisal of the annual recruitment of American eel to the U.S. Atlantic coast (ASMFC, 1999). These surveys began as pilot surveys in 2000 with full implementation by the 2001 season. Survey results will provide critical data on eel coastal recruitment success and further understanding of American eel population dynamics
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