1,051 research outputs found

    Examination of the 3x2 Achievement Goal Model in Collegiate Recreation: Comparison Across Sport Programs

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    Sport is a central achievement context through which participants’ direct competence-related behavior to achieve desired outcomes. Achievement goal theory provides a framework for understanding self-directed behavior in achievement contexts. Theorists postulate that achievement goals reflect one’s purpose and anticipated outcomes which guide behavior. To assess this psychological construct, several achievement goal measures have been developed, from a dichotomous model (Nicholls, 1989) to the most recent 3x2 model (Elliot, Murayama, & Pekrun, 2011). In the present research, the 3x2 achievement goal model (i.e., task-approach, task-avoidance, self-approach, self-avoidance, other-approach, other-avoidance) was translated for the collegiate recreational sport domain and tested against alternative theoretical models. A questionnaire was developed and administered to recreational sport participants (N = 614) at a large, post-secondary institution in the United States. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the researchers found the 3x2 model to provide a better fit than the alternative theoretical models. These findings support the most recent theoretical advancement of the achievement goal construct. Through use of multivariate analysis of variance, significant differences across the six achievement goals were found between intramural and sport club participants. These results have implications for researchers and recreational sport practitioners seeking to measure and understand the motivational differences across sport participants

    Dedication—J. Rex Dibble

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    Utilization and Impact of Career Services Among Collegiate Athletes

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    Career readiness is a concern within the American educational system, particularly among student-athletes that must manage intense time commitments both on and off the field. Student services have emerged in higher education to support career preparation, but the utilization and impact of these services for collegiate athletes is largely unknown. The systems-theory framework (STF) of career development identifies a multitude of internal and external factors that influence individual career development. Guided by STF, the purpose of this study was to predict the factors that influence collegiate athletes\u27 utilization of career services and resulting perceived career skills. An online questionnaire was distributed to collegiate athletes at a Division I university, resulting in 143 collegiate athletes completing the questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated collegiate athletes’ familiarity with career services significantly predicted their utilization of career services. In turn, utilization of only four of nine career services investigated (i.e., Careers Online, Career Fairs, Career Workshops, and Athletic Academic Advisor) significantly predicted perceived career skills positively. Implications for the design and marketing of career services for collegiate athletes are discussed

    Reproducibility of biophysical in silico neuron states and spikes from event-based partial histories.

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    Biophysically detailed simulations of neuronal activity often rely on solving large systems of differential equations; in some models, these systems have tens of thousands of states per cell. Numerically solving these equations is computationally intensive and requires making assumptions about the initial cell states. Additional realism from incorporating more biological detail is achieved at the cost of increasingly more states, more computational resources, and more modeling assumptions. We show that for both a point and morphologically-detailed cell model, the presence and timing of future action potentials is probabilistically well-characterized by the relative timings of a moderate number of recent events alone. Knowledge of initial conditions or full synaptic input history is not required. While model time constants, etc. impact the specifics, we demonstrate that for both individual spikes and sustained cellular activity, the uncertainty in spike response decreases as the number of known input events increases, to the point of approximate determinism. Further, we show cellular model states are reconstructable from ongoing synaptic events, despite unknown initial conditions. We propose that a strictly event-based modeling framework is capable of representing the complexity of cellular dynamics of the differential-equations models with significantly less per-cell state variables, thus offering a pathway toward utilizing modern data-driven modeling to scale up to larger network models while preserving individual cellular biophysics

    Five new real-time detections of Fast Radio Bursts with UTMOST

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    We detail a new fast radio burst (FRB) survey with the Molonglo Radio Telescope, in which six FRBs were detected between June 2017 and December 2018. By using a real-time FRB detection system, we captured raw voltages for five of the six events, which allowed for coherent dedispersion and very high time resolution (10.24 ÎŒ\mus) studies of the bursts. Five of the FRBs show temporal broadening consistent with interstellar and/or intergalactic scattering, with scattering timescales ranging from 0.16 to 29.1 ms. One burst, FRB181017, shows remarkable temporal structure, with 3 peaks each separated by 1 ms. We searched for phase-coherence between the leading and trailing peaks and found none, ruling out lensing scenarios. Based on this survey, we calculate an all-sky rate at 843 MHz of 98−39+5998^{+59}_{-39} events sky−1^{-1} day−1^{-1} to a fluence limit of 8 Jy-ms: a factor of 7 below the rates estimated from the Parkes and ASKAP telescopes at 1.4 GHz assuming the ASKAP-derived spectral index α=−1.6\alpha=-1.6 (FΜ∝ΜαF_{\nu}\propto\nu^{\alpha}). Our results suggest that FRB spectra may turn over below 1 GHz. Optical, radio and X-ray followup has been made for most of the reported bursts, with no associated transients found. No repeat bursts were found in the survey.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The UTMOST Survey for Magnetars, Intermittent pulsars, RRATs and FRBs I: System description and overview

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    We describe the ongoing `Survey for Magnetars, Intermittent pulsars, Rotating radio transients and Fast radio bursts' (SMIRF), performed using the newly refurbished UTMOST telescope. SMIRF repeatedly sweeps the southern Galactic plane performing real-time periodicity and single-pulse searches, and is the first survey of its kind carried out with an interferometer. SMIRF is facilitated by a robotic scheduler which is capable of fully autonomous commensal operations. We report on the SMIRF observational parameters, the data analysis methods, the survey's sensitivities to pulsars, techniques to mitigate radio frequency interference and present some early survey results. UTMOST's wide field of view permits a full sweep of the Galactic plane to be performed every fortnight, two orders of magnitude faster than previous surveys. In the six months of operations from January to June 2018, we have performed ∌10\sim 10 sweeps of the Galactic plane with SMIRF. Notable blind re-detections include the magnetar PSR J1622−-4950, the RRAT PSR J0941−-3942 and the eclipsing pulsar PSR J1748−-2446A. We also report the discovery of a new pulsar, PSR J1705−-54. Our follow-up of this pulsar with the UTMOST and Parkes telescopes at an average flux limit of ≀20\leq 20 mJy and ≀0.16\leq 0.16 mJy respectively, categorizes this as an intermittent pulsar with a high nulling fraction of <0.002< 0.002Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcom

    Angle-resolving time-of-flight electron spectrometer for near-threshold precision measurements of differential cross sections of electron-impact excitation of atoms and molecules

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    This article presents a new type of low-energy crossed-beam electron spectrometer for measuring angular differential cross sections of electron-impact excitation of atomic and molecular targets. Designed for investigations at energies close to excitation thresholds, the spectrometer combines a pulsed electron beam with the time-of-flight technique to distinguish between scattering channels. A large-area, position-sensitive detector is used to offset the low average scattering rate resulting from the pulsing duty cycle, without sacrificing angular resolution. A total energy resolution better than 150 meV (full width at half maximum) at scattered energies of 0.5-3 eV is achieved by monochromating the electron beam prior to pulsing it. The results of a precision measurement of the differential cross section for electron-impact excitation of helium, at an energy of 22 eV, are used to assess the sensitivity and resolution of the spectrometer.M.L. would also like to thank both the Australian Research Council and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, who have supported the project under Grant Nos. LX0346836 and LA 1473, respectively
