57 research outputs found

    DEER data analysis software : a comparative guide

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    We acknowledge financial support from EPSRC (studentship to HR EP/R513337/1 and The Royal Society (URF to JEL UR150698F). The UKRI block grant to St Andrews supported the journal charges for open access.Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy (PDS) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) experiments are popular techniques to measure dipolar coupling and therefore nanometre-scale distances and distance distributions between paramagnetic centres. The most common experiment is Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER, also known as PELDOR), which is a well-tested and documented experiment. Until recently there were few methods to analyze data, however this has changed of late. The current plethora of DEER analysis packages may appear overwhelming to a new practitioner of DEER. In this work, six of the most popular packages are reviewed. This includes a brief guide for getting started with the environments, and qualitative testing and comparison of each using both simulated and experimental DEER data.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Combined pulsed electron double resonance EPR and molecular dynamics investigations of calmodulin suggest effects of crowding agents on protein structures

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    A.M.S. received Early Stage Research Funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP-7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN through the “MAGnetic Innovation in Catalysis” (MAGIC) Initial Training Network (grant agreement no. 606831). Part of this work was also supported by BBSRC grant: BB/M007065/1. J.L. thanks the Royal Society for a University Research Fellowship, the Carnegie Trust (RIG007510), and the Wellcome Trust for a Multi-User Equipment grant (099149/Z/12/Z).Calmodulin (CaM) is a highly dynamic Ca2+-binding protein that exhibits large conformational changes upon binding Ca2+ and target proteins. Although it is accepted that CaM exists in an equilibrium of conformational states in the absence of target protein, the physiological relevance of an elongated helical linker region in the Ca2+-replete form has been highly debated. In this study, we use PELDOR (pulsed electron–electron double resonance) EPR measurements of a doubly spin-labeled CaM variant to assess the conformational states of CaM in the apo-, Ca2+-bound, and Ca2+ plus target peptide-bound states. Our findings are consistent with a three-state conformational model of CaM, showing a semi-open apo-state, a highly extended Ca2+-replete state, and a compact target protein-bound state. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the presence of glycerol, and potentially other molecular crowding agents, has a profound effect on the relative stability of the different conformational states. Differing experimental conditions may explain the discrepancies in the literature regarding the observed conformational state(s) of CaM, and our PELDOR measurements show good evidence for an extended conformation of Ca2+-replete CaM similar to the one observed in early X-ray crystal structures.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    2'-Alkynylnucleotides: A Sequence- and Spin Label-Flexible Strategy for EPR Spectroscopy in DNA.

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a powerful method to elucidate molecular structure through the measurement of distances between conformationally well-defined spin labels. Here we report a sequence-flexible approach to the synthesis of double spin-labeled DNA duplexes, where 2'-alkynylnucleosides are incorporated at terminal and internal positions on complementary strands. Post-DNA synthesis copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reactions with a variety of spin labels enable the use of double electron-electron resonance experiments to measure a number of distances on the duplex, affording a high level of detailed structural information

    2'-Alkynyl spin-labelling is a minimally perturbing tool for DNA structural analysis

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    Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/M019195/1]; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Studentship (to J.S.H.); Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/J001694/2, BB/R021848/1]; ADTBio; University of Kentucky and NCI Cancer Center Support Grant [P30 CA177558]; The Carmen L. Buck Endowment; Emerging Fields Initiative of the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg [Grant title ‘Chemistry in Live Cells’]; Wellcome Trust [099149/Z/12/Z]; Royal Society, University Research Fellowship (to J.E.L.). Funding for open access charge: University of Oxford.The determination of distances between specific points in nucleic acids is essential to understanding their behaviour at the molecular level. The ability to measure distances of 2–10 nm is particularly important: deformations arising from protein binding commonly fall within this range, but the reliable measurement of such distances for a conformational ensemble remains a significant challenge. Using several techniques, we show that electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of oligonucleotides spin-labelled with triazole-appended nitroxides at the 2′ position offers a robust and minimally perturbing tool for obtaining such measurements. For two nitroxides, we present results from EPR spectroscopy, X-ray crystal structures of B-form spin-labelled DNA duplexes, molecular dynamics simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. These four methods are mutually supportive, and pinpoint the locations of the spin labels on the duplexes. In doing so, this work establishes 2′-alkynyl nitroxide spin-labelling as a minimally perturbing method for probing DNA conformation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    High-sensitivity Gd3+-Gd3+ EPR distance measurements that eliminate artefacts seen at short distances

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    We would like to acknowledge EPSRC (EP/R)13705/1) for current funding on the HiPER project, and the Wellcome Trust for a multi-user equipment grant (099149/Z/12/Z) for upgrades on the Q-band system. We thank the Royal Society for an International Exchanges Grant and The Weizmann-UK Joint Research Program for allowing bilateral travel and research between the University of St Andrews and the Weizmann Institute of Science. JEL thanks the Royal Society for a University Research Fellowship. MJT thanks EPSRC for a CM-CDT studentship (EP/LO15110/1). MQ and AG thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for funding within SPP 1601 (GO555/6-2).Gadolinium complexes are attracting increasing attention as spin labels for EPR dipolar distance measurements in biomolecules and particularly for in-cell measurements. It has been shown that flip-flop transitions within the central transition of the high spin Gd3+ ion can introduce artefacts in dipolar distance measurements, particularly when measuring distances less than 3–4 nm. Previous work has shown some reduction of these artefacts through increasing the frequency separation between the two frequencies required for the Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) experiment. Here we use a high power (1 kW), wideband, non-resonant, system operating at 94 GHz to evaluate DEER measurement protocols using two rigid Gd(III)-rulers, consisting of two [GdIII(PyMTA)] complexes, with separations of 2.1 nm and 6.0 nm, respectively. We show that by avoiding the |−1/2⟩ → |1/2⟩ central transition completely, and placing both the pump and the observer pulses on either side of the central transition, we can now observe apparently artefact-free spectra and narrow distance distributions, even for a Gd-Gd distance of 2.1 nm. Importantly we still maintain excellent signal-to-noise ratio and relatively high modulation depths. These results have implications for in-cell EPR measurements at naturally occurring biomolecule concentrations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    DEER and RIDME Measurements of the Nitroxide-Spin Labelled Copper-Bound Amine Oxidase Homodimer from Arthrobacter Globiformis

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    In the study of biological structures, pulse dipolar spectroscopy (PDS) is used to elucidate spin–spin distances at nanometre-scale by measuring dipole–dipole interactions between paramagnetic centres. The PDS methods of Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER) and Relaxation Induced Dipolar Modulation Enhancement (RIDME) are employed, and their results compared, for the measurement of the dipolar coupling between nitroxide spin labels and copper-II (Cu(II)) paramagnetic centres within the copper amine oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis (AGAO). The distance distribution results obtained indicate that two distinct distances can be measured, with the longer of these at c.a. 5 nm. Conditions for optimising the RIDME experiment such that it may outperform DEER for these long distances are discussed. Modelling methods are used to show that the distances obtained after data analysis are consistent with the structure of AGAO

    Neural networks in pulsed dipolar spectroscopy : a practical guide

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    This work was funded by a grant from Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2019-048). Studentship funding and technical support from MathWorks are gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported by grants from NVIDIA and utilised NVIDIA Tesla A100 GPUs through the Academic Grants Programme. We also acknowledge funding from the Royal Society (University Research Fellowship for JEL) and EPSRC (EP/R513337/1 studentship for HR and EP/L015110/1 studentship for MJT).This is a methodological guide to the use of deep neural networks in the processing of pulsed dipolar spectroscopy (PDS) data encountered in structural biology, organic photovoltaics, photosynthesis research, and other domains featuring long-lived radical pairs and paramagnetic metal ions. PDS uses distance dependence of magnetic dipolar interactions; measuring a single well-defined distance is straightforward, but extracting distance distributions is a hard and mathematically ill-posed problem requiring careful regularisation and background fitting. Neural networks do this exceptionally well, but their “robust black box” reputation hides the complexity of their design and training – particularly when the training dataset is effectively infinite. The objective of this paper is to give insight into training against simulated databases, to discuss network architecture choices, to describe options for handling DEER (double electron-electron resonance) and RIDME (relaxation-induced dipolar modulation enhancement) experiments, and to provide a practical data processing flowchart.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The photochemical mediated ring contraction of 4H-1,2,6-thiadiazines to afford 1,2,5-thiadiazol-3(2H)-one 1-oxides

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    E.B. and C.G.T. are grateful to Heriot-Watt University and the EPSRC CRITICAT Centre for Doctoral Training (E.B. Ph.D. Studentship: EP/L016419/1, C.G.T Ph.D. Studentship: EP/LO14419/1) for funding and training. C.G.T. is grateful to the Heriot-Watt Annual Fund for financial support. P.A.K. and A.S.K. thank the University of Cyprus for the Internal Grant “Thiadiazine-Based Organic Photovoltaics”, and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (Grant Nos. ΣΤΡΑΤΗΙΙ/0308/06, NEKYP/0308/02 ΥΓΕΙΑ/0506/19, and ΕΝΙΣΧ/0308/83). M.J.P. thanks the EPSRC for funding (Grant Nos. EP/T021675 and EP/V006746), and the Leverhulme Trust (Grant No. PG-2020-208). S.A.M. thanks the EPSRC for funding (Grant No. EP/T019867/1).1,2,6-Thiadiazines treated with visible light and 3O2 under ambient conditions are converted into difficult-to-access 1,2,5-thiadiazole 1-oxides (35 examples, yields of 39–100%). Experimental and theoretical studies reveal that 1,2,6-thiadiazines act as triplet photosensitizers that produce 1O2 and then undergo a chemoselective [3 + 2] cycloaddition to give an endoperoxide that ring contracts with selective carbon atom excision and complete atom economy. The reaction was optimized under both batch and continuous-flow conditions and is also efficient in green solvents.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Short-Lived Signaling State of the Photoactive Yellow Protein Photoreceptor Revealed by Combined Structural Probes

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    The signaling state of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) photoreceptor is transiently developed via isomerization of its blue-light-absorbing chromophore. The associated structural rearrangements have large amplitude but, due to its transient nature and chemical exchange reactions that complicate NMR detection, its accurate three-dimensional structure in solution has been elusive. Here we report on direct structural observation of the transient signaling state by combining double electron electron resonance spectroscopy (DEER), NMR, and time-resolved pump-probe X-ray solution scattering (TR-SAXS/WAXS). Measurement of distance distributions for doubly spin-labeled photoreceptor constructs using DEER spectroscopy suggests that the signaling state is well ordered and shows that interspin-label distances change reversibly up to 19 Å upon illumination. The SAXS/WAXS difference signal for the signaling state relative to the ground state indicates the transient formation of an ordered and rearranged conformation, which has an increased radius of gyration, an increased maximum dimension, and a reduced excluded volume. Dynamical annealing calculations using the DEER derived long-range distance restraints in combination with short-range distance information from (1)H-(15)N HSQC perturbation spectroscopy give strong indication for a rearrangement that places part of the N-terminal domain in contact with the exposed chromophore binding cleft while the terminal residues extend away from the core. Time-resolved global structural information from pump-probe TR-SAXS/WAXS data supports this conformation and allows subsequent structural refinement that includes the combined energy terms from DEER, NMR, and SAXS/WAXS together. The resulting ensemble simultaneously satisfies all restraints, and the inclusion of TR-SAXS/WAXS effectively reduces the uncertainty arising from the possible spin-label orientations. The observations are essentially compatible with reduced folding of the I(2)' state (also referred to as the 'pB' state) that is widely reported, but indicates it to be relatively ordered and rearranged. Furthermore, there is direct evidence for the repositioning of the N-terminal region in the I(2)' state, which is structurally modeled by dynamical annealing and refinement calculations

    The use of composite pulses for improving DEER signal at 94 GHz

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    C.L.M. acknowledges funding from EPSRC as part of the iMRCDT. The W-band instrument was developed under the U.K. Research Councils Basic Technology Program (grant EP/F039034/1). S.V.D. acknowledges the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for financial support (grant G.0687.13). J.E.L. thanks the Royal Society for a University Research Fellowship. Sylvia Dewilde (Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp) is thanked for the purification of the Cys46Ser/ Cys55Ser mutant of human neuroglobin (NGB) used in this work. Adelheid Godt’s group is thanked for the synthesis of MSA236. We also thank the Wellcome Trust (grant 099149/Z/12/Z). The research data (and/or materials) supporting this publication can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.17630/b65d05e6-6efa-48b9-a741-5a6322159a4a.The sensitivity of pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements on broad-line paramagnetic centers is often limited by the available excitation bandwidth. One way to increase excitation bandwidth is through the use of chirp or composite pulses. However, performance can be limited by cavity or detection bandwidth, which in commercial systems is typically 100-200 MHz. Here we demonstrate in a 94 GHz spectrometer, with > 800 MHz system bandwidth, an increase in signal and modulation depth in a 4-pulse DEER experiment through use of composite rather than rectangular π pulses. We show that this leads to an increase in sensitivity by a factor of 3, in line with theoretical predictions, although gains are more limited in nitroxide-nitroxide DEER measurements.PostprintPeer reviewe