13 research outputs found

    Opening Up New Opportunities In Gender Equality Work

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    This is the final report of the NaisUrat research and development project (1.2.2013–31.1.2015). The project’s main themes were to promote women’s careers, including increasing the number of women in top positions (recognizing the challenges and possibilities); further enhance gender equality in the workplace, with special attention to the challenges of combining work and family; and make gendered structures visible, as well as facilitating change. This report presents the development work the eight participating organizations conducted during the project, as well as the practices for furthering gender equality and women’s careers that they developed and implemented. The report also contains research results based on the research conducted during the project, along with a discussion of the challenges and possibilities of gender equality projects and initiatives in general

    KOTAMO : Report on the state of equality and diversity in Finnish higher education institutions

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    The objective of the KOTAMO project (2021–22) has been to examine the state of equality, non-discrimination and diversity among teaching and research staff in Finnish higher education institutions and to propose recommendations for measures to address the problems identified. The study focused on gender equality and ethnic diversity. The report is based on a literature review, a survey addressed to higher education personnel, interviews with personnel and workshops held with personnel and financiers. The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and implemented by Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research, Includia Leadership, Innolink, Inkeri Tanhua (Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu and Kaskas. The report showed that Finnish higher education institutions still have a great deal of work to do in promoting gender equality and ethnic diversity and that they need support in this work. The main challenges are related to the inadequate implementation of equality and non-discrimination plans, the relatively low number of women and ethnic minorities at the highest career stages in universities, non-transparent recruitment processes, poorer career development among ethnic minorities (when compared to the majority population), discrimination experienced by these minorities, and a non-inclusive working culture. Promoting equality and diversity requires actions, support for higher education institutions and more research.The conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Ministry of Education and Culture

    Diversity, Difference and Diversity Management: A Contextual and Interview Study of Managers and Ethnic Minority Employees in Finland and France

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    In many countries diversity management has become an increasingly common way of treating differences between people in the world of work. Companies may sign diversity charters to show their engagement in promoting diversity, design and implement diversity management programmes, and communicate about their diversity initiatives to internal and external stakeholders. But what does diversity in the workplace mean? Who is defined as being different? And what do those defined as being different think about diversity and difference in work? By addressing these questions this book sheds light on the complex meanings of diversity management. The meanings of diversity management have long been developed and discussed in relation to equality and anti-discrimination policy and practice. A key question has been whether diversity management is a better way to enhance equality between organisational members or, on the contrary, is it diluting the results of equality approaches. The scope of this study is broader and shows that meanings of diversity management are constructed by drawing on not only knowledge about equality and anti-discrimination, but also understandings of society, the organisation, the individual, and the nature of differences. The study is informed by poststructuralist theory and based on interview data produced with 23 diversity managers and 52 ethnic minority employees in diversity promoting organisations in Finland and France. The findings contribute to the field of diversity management in several ways. First of all, the results show that there is no unitary meaning of diversity, difference and diversity management, but a number of discourses together forming the complexity and variety of what diversity management can come to mean in a given context and at a given point of time. Secondly, the findings challenge the idea that diversity management initiatives would be based solely on essentialist views of difference. However, the findings also show that even when differences are seen to be socially constructed, the organisation is not seen as participating in the construction of differences and in the production of related inequalities. Thirdly, the findings show that ethnic minority employees rarely draw on their differences as positive resources in work, and that they often are left alone to manage challenging situations related to difference, even in organisations promoting diversity. Lastly, the study highlights the importance of being attentive to national societal context, as discursively constructed, throughout the research process


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    Poli Alexandra, Louvrier Jonna, Wieviorka Michel. Introduction. In: Hommes et Migrations, hors-série octobre 2007. La Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration. Quels Publics ? pp. 10-25

    KOTAMO : Selvitys korkeakoulujen tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilasta Suomessa

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    KOTAMO-hankkeen (2021–22) tavoitteena on ollut selvittää opetus- ja tutkimushenkilökunnan tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilaa suomalaisissa korkeakouluissasekä ehdottaa toimenpidesuosituksia havaittuihin ongelmiin vastaamiseksi. Selvitys keskittyi tarkastelemaan sukupuolten tasa-arvoa ja etnistä monimuotoisuutta. Selvitys perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, korkeakoulujen henkilöstölle osoitettuun kyselyyn, henkilöstönhaastatteluihin sekä henkilöstön ja rahoittajien kanssa pidettyihin työpajoihin. Hankkeen rahoitti opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö ja sen toteuttivat Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research,Innolink, Includia Leadership, Inkeri Tanhua (Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu ja Kaskas. Selvityksestä ilmeni, että sukupuolten tasa-arvon ja etnisen monimuotoisuuden edistämisessä on vielä paljon tehtävää suomalaisissa korkeakouluissa ja ne tarvitsevat tukea tässä työssä.Keskeiset haasteet liittyvät tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelmien vajavaiseen toimeenpanoon, naisten ja etnisten vähemmistöjen suhteellisesti alhaiseen määrään ylimmillä uraportailla yliopistoissa, läpinäkymättömiin rekrytointiprosesseihin, etnisten vähemmistöjen valtaväestöä heikompaan urakehitykseen sekä näiden kokemaan syrjintään,ja epäinklusiiviseen työkulttuuriin. Tasa-arvon ja monimutoisuuden edistäminen edellyttäätoimia, tukea korkeakouluille ja lisää tutkimusta.Syftet med Kotamo-projektet (2021–22) har varit att utreda situationen för jämställdhet, likabehandling och mångfald bland undervisnings- och forskningspersonalen vid de finländska högskolorna samt att föreslå åtgärdsrekommendationer för att svara på konstaterade problem. Utredningen fokuserade på att granska jämställdheten mellan könen och den etniska mångfalden. Utredningen baserar sig på en litteraturöversikt, en enkät riktad till högskolornas personal, intervjuer med personalen samt workshoppar med personalen och finansiärerna. Projektet finansierades av undervisnings- och kulturministeriet och genomfördes av Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research, Innolink, Includia Leadership, Inkeri Tanhua(Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu och Kaskas. Utredningen visade att det fortfarande finns mycket att göra för att främja jämställdhet och etnisk mångfald vid finländska högskolor och att de behöver stöd i detta arbete. De viktigaste utmaningarna gäller det bristfälliga genomförandet av jämställdhets- och likabehandlingsplanerna, det relativt låga antalet kvinnor och etniska minoriteter på de högsta karriärstegen vid universiteten, ogenomskinliga rekryteringsprocesser, en svagare karriärutveckling för etniska minoriteter än för majoritetsbefolkningen samt diskriminering som dessa upplever och en icke-inkluderande arbetskultur. Främjandet av jämställdhet och mångfald förutsätter åtgärder, stöd till högskolorna och mer forskning.The objective of the KOTAMO project (2021–22) has been to examine the state of equality, non-discrimination and diversity among teaching and research staff in Finnish higher education institutions and to propose recommendations for measures to address the problems identified. The study focused on gender equality and ethnic diversity. The report is based on a literature review, a survey addressed to higher education personnel, interviews with personnel and workshops held with personnel and financiers. The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and implemented by Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research, Includia Leadership, Innolink, Inkeri Tanhua (Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu and Kaskas. The report showed that Finnish higher education institutions still have a great deal of work to do in promoting gender equality and ethnic diversity and that they need support in this work. The main challenges are related to the inadequate implementation of equality and non-discrimination plans, the relatively low number of women and ethnic minoritiesat the highest career stages in universities, non-transparent recruitment processes, poorer career development among ethnic minorities (when compared to the majority population), discrimination experienced by these minorities, and a non-inclusive working culture. Promoting equality and diversity requires actions, support for higher education institutions and more research.The report has been published in two language versions, the original in Finnish, translation to English.KOTAM

    KOTAMO : Selvitys korkeakoulujen tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilasta Suomessa

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    KOTAMO-hankkeen (2021–22) tavoitteena on ollut selvittää opetus- ja tutkimushenkilökunnan tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilaa suomalaisissa korkeakouluissa sekä ehdottaa toimenpidesuosituksia havaittuihin ongelmiin vastaamiseksi. Selvitys keskittyi tarkastelemaan sukupuolten tasa-arvoa ja etnistä monimuotoisuutta. Selvitys perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, korkeakoulujen henkilöstölle osoitettuun kyselyyn, henkilöstön haastatteluihin sekä henkilöstön ja rahoittajien kanssa pidettyihin työpajoihin. Hankkeen rahoitti opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö ja sen toteuttivat Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research, Innolink, Includia Leadership, Inkeri Tanhua (Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu ja Kaskas. Selvityksestä ilmeni, että sukupuolten tasa-arvon ja etnisen monimuotoisuuden edistämisessä on vielä paljon tehtävää suomalaisissa korkeakouluissa ja ne tarvitsevat tukea tässä työssä. Keskeiset haasteet liittyvät tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelmien vajavaiseen toimeenpanoon, naisten ja etnisten vähemmistöjen suhteellisesti alhaiseen määrään ylimmillä uraportailla yliopistoissa, läpinäkymättömiin rekrytointiprosesseihin, etnisten vähemmistöjen valtaväestöä heikompaan urakehitykseen sekä näiden kokemaan syrjintään, ja epäinklusiiviseen työkulttuuriin. Tasa-arvon ja monimutoisuuden edistäminen edellyttää toimia, tukea korkeakouluille ja lisää tutkimusta.Raportissa esitetyt päätelmät ja suositukset ovat kirjoittajien omia, eivätkä välttämättä edusta opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön kantaa

    KOTAMO : Report on the state of equality and diversity in Finnish higher education institutions

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    The objective of the KOTAMO project (2021–22) has been to examine the state of equality, non-discrimination and diversity among teaching and research staff in Finnish higher education institutions and to propose recommendations for measures to address the problems identified. The study focused on gender equality and ethnic diversity. The report is based on a literature review, a survey addressed to higher education personnel, interviews with personnel and workshops held with personnel and financiers. The project was funded bythe Ministry of Education and Culture and implemented by Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research,Includia Leadership, Innolink, Inkeri Tanhua (Equality Research Helsinki), Liisa Husu and Kaskas. The report showed that Finnish higher education institutions still have a great deal of work to do in promoting gender equality and ethnic diversity and that they need support in this work. The main challenges are related to the inadequate implementation of equalit yand non-discrimination plans, the relatively low number of women and ethnic minorities at the highest career stages in universities, non-transparent recruitment processes, poorer career development among ethnic minorities (when compared to the majority population),discrimination experienced by these minorities, and a non-inclusive working culture.Promoting equality and diversity requires actions, support for higher education institutions and more research.This report is a translation of the original report published in Finnish.KOTAM

    Tasa-arvon mahdollisuuksia avaamassa. NaisUrat-hankkeen loppuraportti.

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    This is the final report of the NaisUrat research and development project (1.2.2013−31.1.2015). The project’s main themes were to promote women’s careers, including increasing the number of women in top positions (recognizing the challenges and possibilities); further enhance gender equality in the workplace, with special attention to the challenges of combining work and family; and make gendered structures visible, as well as facilitating change. This report presents the development work the eight participating organizations conducted during the project, as well as the practices for furthering gender equality and women’s careers that they developed and implemented. The report also contains research results based on the research conducted during the project, along with a discussion of the challenges and possibilities of gender equality projects and initiatives in general.Tämä on NaisUrat-hankkeen (1.2.2013−31.1.2015) loppuraportti. Tämän tutkimusavusteisen kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli edistää naisten uria sekä naisten osuutta johtotehtävissä tunnistaen siihen liittyviä haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Lisäksi hankkeessa pyrittiin edistämään työpaikkojen tasa-arvoa erityisesti työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen saralla sekä tekemällä näkyväksi sukupuolistuneita rakenteita pyrkien edistämään muutosta. Tässä raportissa esitellään hankkeen yhteistyökumppanina toimineen kahdeksan eri organisaation kehittämistyötä sekä tuodaan esille naisten uria edistäviä ja sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa edistäviä käytäntöjä, joita organisaatiot kehittivät ja implementoivat. Raportti sisältää myös hankkeessa tehdyn tutkimuksen tuloksia sekä keskustelua tasa-arvoon liittyvien projektien ja aloitteiden haasteista ja mahdollisuuksista yleisesti