187 research outputs found

    Development of a brand and implementation of a promotional campaign for the products of Ria de Aveiro focus on brand identity and brand positioning

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    Directed internshipBetween June and December of 2012 I did an internship at Jervis Pereira, a communication and marketing consulting company. In May 2012, Jervis had been hired by Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Aveiro to respond to the following briefing: “develop and implement a promotional campaign for the products of Ria de Aveiro”. As this project fit my interest for Maritime Business, my field of study during the Masters program, and as I participated as an intern in all the steps of the project, I decided, in accordance with my advisor Professor Catherine da Silveira, to focus my Masters Thesis, and this Work Project Report, on the development of the new brand “Ria de Aveiro” and its respective brand identity, brand positioning and brand elements

    Evaluation of public policies in Portuguese regional development context – a preliminary methodological approach supported in north region

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    The evaluation of territorial programs and plans has been gaining importance, both in political-institutional speeches and practices and in academic reflections. In Portugal, the structure of planning, operacionalized on a vast number of quite recent instruments, requires an effort of articulation in the guidelines to various scales (from European until the municipal) and of the various fields (some sectoral, others, of more transversal nature). The development of monitoring systems, as well as the generalisation of the evaluation procedures, answer to the need of articulation between policies and support the strategic nature that is planning today. As a part of the Research Project SPOTIA - Sustainable Spatial Policy Orientations and Territorial Impact Assessment - Contribution to Portuguese context' (Centre of Geographical Studies – University of Lisbon to the Ministry of Science and Technologies), this paper aims to present an example of the first outputs of this research on the analysis of coherence between three different instruments planning, such as the National Policy Planning (PNPOT), a guiding document of national level, the Regional Spatial Plan to Northern Territory (PROT-Norte), the regional guidance document, and the Regional Operational Programme (PO-Norte), the regional program associated to a financing plan and program implementation. The analysis of coherence between these documents is not only between their general, strategic and specific objectives, but also by the indicator system assessment of each document. With this analysis we can reach the domains that are constantly, or not, present in these documents. In this context, a first essay of a methodological approach on evaluation of public policies in Portuguese context will be presented.

    Educar ciudades que educan

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    Entrevista a Laura Alfons

    Radiografias como auxílio no diagnóstico das doenças periodontais

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    The author analises the results of 998 dental Rx obtained for examinations and diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The radiographic tecnic was bisection-of-angle with some modifications concerning direction and angulation of the apical Rx tecnic. Seventy five per cent of the Rx were good. It seems that anatomics structures were responsible for the failures.O autor analisa os resultados obtidos com 998 radiografias dentárias tiradas com finalidade de exame e diagnóstico de enfermidade periodontal. A técnica usada foi a da bissetriz com algumas modificações no que tange a angulagem e direção do cone comparada com aquela utilizada para radiografias que se destinam ao exame da região apical. Os resultados forneceram 75% de películas utilizáveis. Foram discutidos os motivos dos fracassos que parecem ser devido a estruturas anatômicas


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    As normas de publicação da revista em 1995 não exigiam resumos


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    L'affaiblissement du sentiment civique parmi les grecs c'est un dédoublement de la guerre du Péloponnèse

    Treinamento de professores de odontologia: uma prova piloto

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    One “pilot experience” in introduction to research and teaching areas with 13 universitary teachers is described. The instructional material was produced by Dental School, Rio Grande do Sul University. The analysis of the possibility to increase the speed in the training of the dental teachers using “Modules” was the main purpose op the experience; the instructional material would be sent to several Dental School, after tested. Pre and post test as well as the development of practical job was the way to make the avaliation . The main goals of the “pilot experience” was search ed and was suggested that the experience must be repeted in places and circunstances diferents in order to confirm the results.Descreve uma “experiência piloto” de treinamento de treze professores universitários nas áreas de introducão a metodologia científica e metodologia do ensino, realizada em Porto Alegre, com a utilização de material de auto instrução (módulos e instrução programada) produzido pela Faculdade de Odontologia da UFRGS. A experiência tinha como objetivo analisar as possibilidades e viabilidade de acelerar o processo de treinamento de pessoal docente de Odontologia, através da utilização de módulos de ensino, cujo material preparado seria oferecido a um número significativo de Faculdades. Avaliado por pré e pós-teste e pela realização de tarefas práticas, o treinamento demonstrou o alcance dos objetivos e sugeriu a repetição da experiência em situações e locais diferentes para confirmar os resultados

    Treinamento de professores: experiência em Pernambuco

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    The repetition of universitary teachers training in teaching and research areas using instructional material developed by Dental School of Rio Grande do Sul Federal University is described in this paper. The experience was developed in Pernambuco Federal University with 39 teachers and the main purpose was to analyse the possibility and viability to speed the teachers training process with modular teaching; if the results was good the instructional material would be spreed to other Dental School in the country. The enphasis of the training was the individual teaching through autoinstruction material as well as small and big groups discussion with teaching and statistic conted. Pre and post test, practical jobs as well as a questionaire was the way the avaliation was done; the proposed goals was search, however it was suggested that futures experiences must use only one the two areas since people interested in one could not, necessarely be interested in the other area.Descreve a continuação de experiências de treinamento de professores universitários nas áreas de Ensino e Pesquisa, desenvolvidas pela Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul com material instrucional por ela produzido. Esta experiência realizou-se na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco para 39 professores e teve como objetivos reavaliar as possibilidades e viabilidades de acelerar o processo de treinamento de docentes, pelo emprego do Ensino Modular, com a finalidade difundir estes materiais às demais universidades do País. A ênfase do curso foi o ensino individualizado, através de auto instrução, combinado com sessões de pequeno e grande grupo, envolvendo conteúdos de ensino e estatística. Avaliado por pré pós-teste, pela realização de tarefas e por questionário de opiniões, o treinamento revelou o alcance dos objetivos propostos. Em suas conclusões sugere experiências em separado para as áreas de Ensino e Estatística, já que o grupo motivado para uma área pode não estar, necessariamente, interessado na outra


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    Dental plaque control

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    Uma análise do papel dos agentes químicos, antibióticos e enzimáticos usados para controlar a Placa Dental é feita e destacada a importância, até o momento, no uso dos agentes mecânicos para remover a placa, assim como a necessidade de educar o povo em como fazê-lo. Descrição dos três domínios da Taxonomia dos Objetivos Educacionais e discussão de qual a sequência dos domínios deve ser seguida no processo educacional. Um levantamento entre 157 pessoas de níveis econômico e educacional diferentes evidencia que quanto mais a pessoa compreende o que produz sangramento gengival ao escovar os dentes, menor é a incidência da doença periodontal e vice-versa. É salientada a necessidade de ser estabelecido, em saúde pública, os níveis dos domínios cognitivos e afetivos a fim de ser obtido um excelente resultado do domínio psicomotor.An analisys on the role of the chernicals, antibiotics and enzymatics agents used on Dental Plaque Control in done and pointed out the importance, till this moment, in the mechanical agents use to remove the dental plaque as well as the necessity to educate people on how to do it. A description of the three Education Objectives Domains: cognitive, affective and physicomotor and discuss the domain sequence on the learning process. A survey among 157 people of four different economical and educational levels shows that the most people understand what produces gingival bleeding during thootbrushing less is the amount of their inflamatory periodont disease and vice-versa. It is pointed out the necessity to be established, in public health the cognitive and affective domains levels, in order to have an excelent performance on physicomotor level