14 research outputs found

    Tomada de decisão em Adolescentes: um constructo multifacetado

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    Judging to make a decision amidst several possibilities that   rise to risks, losses, gains and uncertainties is not a simple matter. In this process, the subject needs to verify the situation considering the alternatives that are made up of several elements, among them, the analysis of how much this decision will cost and what benefit it will have in response, and what the consequences will be in the long, medium and short term. In this sense, decision-making is associated with the deliberative and affective process that relates to multiple variables that are interconnected with the flow of information assimilated by the agent who is responsible for the judgment and the decision. This process is interdependent on the subject's structure with external stimuli. Thus, the individual's forces and social pressure are important elements to be considered for decision making. For the adolescent, this issue becomes even more important, as it is a phase of human development in which the person exhibits behaviors of risk and during this stage of life there is a process of maturation of the central nervous system, which are related to decision-making and motivational processes. Therefore, decision making among adolescents is a complex issue that in addition to biological factors are directly related to social and psychological elements, depends on a maturity in development, but can be impaired if stressful situations are constant stimuli in the lives of adolescents.Julgar para tomar uma decisão em meio a várias possibilidades que ensejam riscos, perdas, ganhos e incertezas não se configura em questão simples. Nesse processo, o sujeito precisa verificar a situação considerando as alternativas que se compõem de diversos elementos, entre eles, a análise do quanto custará essa decisão e que beneficio terá em resposta, e quais serão as consequências a longo, médio e curto prazo. Nesse sentido, a tomada de decisão está associada ao processo deliberativo e afetivo que se relaciona com múltiplas variáveis que estão interligadas com o fluxo de informações assimiladas pelo agente que é responsável pelo julgamento e pela decisão. Esse processo é interdependente da estrutura do sujeito com os estímulos externos. Dessa forma, as forças do sujeito e as forças sociais são elementos importantes a serem considerados para a tomada de decisão. Para o adolescente essa questão se torna ainda mais importante, pois é uma fase do desenvolvimento humano em que a pessoa apresenta uma série de comportamentos de risco, isso considerando que durante essa etapa da vida está ocorrendo um processo de maturação do sistema nervoso central, que estão relacionadas a tomada de decisão e processos motivacionais. Portanto, tomada de decisão entre adolescentes se configura numa questão complexa que além de fatores biológicos se relacionam diretamente com elementos sociais e psicológicos, depende de uma maturidade no desenvolvimento, mas pode estar prejudicada se as situações de estresse forem estímulos constante na vida dos adolescentes

    Repercussões neonatais decorrentes da exposição ao crack durante a gestação

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    OBJETIVO: el objetivo en este estudio fue identificar las repercusiones neonatales de la exposición al crack durante el embarazo, según la práctica clínica de los médicos y enfermeras y analizar el protocolo de atención a esos pacientes. MÉTODOS: se trata de estudio del tipo descriptivo con aproximación cuali-cuantitativa, desarrollado mediante entrevistas. RESULTADOS: fue verificado que no existe protocolo de atención y que la mayoría de los neonatos es pequeña para la edad gestacional, prematura, y presenta reflejos anormales entre otras complicaciones. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados encontrados en este estudio son semejantes a aquellos descritos en la literatura y refuerzan la necesidad de estrategias holísticas de aproximación e intervención en esa población.OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to identify neonatal repercussions of exposure to crack during pregnancy, according to the clinical practices of the doctors and nurses and to analyze these patients care protocols. METHODS: this was a descriptive study with a quali-quantitative approach, conducted using interviews. RESULTS: there was found to be no care protocol and that the majority of newborns were small for their gestational age, premature and with abnormal reflexes, among other complications. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are similar to those described in the literature and reinforce the need for holistic strategies for approaches and interventions for this population.OBJETIVO: o objetivo neste estudo foi identificar as repercussões neonatais decorrentes da exposição ao crack durante a gestação, segundo a prática clínica dos médicos e enfermeiras e analisar o protocolo de atendimento a esses pacientes. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo do tipo descritivo com abordagem qualiquantitativa, realizada por meio de entrevistas. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que não existe protocolo de atendimento e que a maioria dos neonatos é pequena para a idade gestacional, prematura, e apresenta reflexos anormais dentre outras complicações. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados encontrados neste estudo assemelham-se aos descritos na literatura e reforçam a necessidade de estratégias holísticas de abordagem e intervenção nessa população

    The use of crack during pregnancy and their biopsychosocial and spiritual repercussions

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue el de identificar las repercusiones biopsicosociales y espirituales del uso del crack durante la gestación. Se trata de un estudio con enfoque cualitativo, se realizo un relato de caso de una paciente de 33 años, que ha dado a luz recientemente, multípara, que hizo uso de crack hasta el sexto mes de gestación. Después de la recolección y análisis de los datos, los desordenes encontrados fueron clasificados, e insertadas en tres categorías temáticas que son: repercusiones biológicas, repercusionespsicológicas y repercusiones sociales y espirituales. Los resultados de este estudio refuerzan las necesidades de estrategias holísticas, tanto para el abordaje, cuanto para la intervención para este segmento especifico de la población.The purpose of this study was to identify the biopsychosocial and spiritual effects of crack use during pregnancy. This is a descriptive study with qualitative approach, it is a case report of a 33 year-old patient, multiparous, postpartum and used crack until the sixth month of pregnancy. After data collection and analysis, disorders were classified and placed in three thematic categories, which are: biological effects, psychologicalrepercussions, and social and spiritual repercussions. The results of this study reinforce the need for holistic strategies of intervention for this specific segment of the population.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as repercussões biopsicossociais e espirituais do uso do crack durante a gestação. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa onde foi feito um relato de caso de uma paciente de 33 anos, puérpera e multípara que fez uso do crack até o sexto mês de gestação. Após coleta e análise dos dados, as desordens encontradas foram classificadas e inseridas em três categorias temáticas, que são: repercussões biológicas; repercussões psicológicas e repercussões sociais e espirituais. Os resultados deste estudo reforçam a necessidade de estratégias holísticas tanto de abordagem quanto de intervenção para esse segmento especifico da população

    Decision-Making Under Risk and Theory of Mind in Adolescent Offenders in Provisional Deprivation of Liberty

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    INTRODUCTION: Delinquent behaviors are risky behaviors that increase during puberty and reach their highest peak in late adolescence. It has been proposed that poor decision-making and theory of mind (ToM) are key cognitive processes implicated with delinquency during adolescence, affecting evaluation of risks and impairing appreciation of social norms. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear whether adolescent offenders who are subjected to provisional deprivation of liberty due to conflict with the law (adolescents in conflict with the law [ACL]) might, in fact, present a specific profile with regard to these cognitive processes. OBJECTIVES: To assess deliberative decision-making and ToM among adolescents in conflict with the law and adolescents not in conflict with the law. METHODS: The sample comprised 62 participants: ACL (n = 29) and a control group (CG) (n = 33). ToM was assessed with the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) and decision-making was assessed with the Columbia Card Task (CCT). Substance use, callous-unemotional traits, childhood maltreatment, and intelligence quotient (IQ) were also assessed. RESULTS: ACL had more ToM errors for negative mental states in comparison to CG, but not for error rates concerning neutral and positive mental states. With regards to decision-making, our results suggest that ACL group members did not vary their behavior based on the available information and that the risk information had an opposite effect on the number of cards chosen (risk-taking behavior) when compared to CG. CONCLUSION: These findings have important implications for development of interventions for these adolescents, suggesting that they tend to learn little from negative outcomes and have reduced capacity to process negative emotions

    Positive Mental Health and its Associated Factors among Latin American University Students: Scoping Review Protocol

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    Positive mental health plays a crucial role in the comprehensive development of university students, contributing not only to their academic performance but also to the strengthening of interpersonal relationships and their ability to adapt to the challenges and demands of academic life, including the transition to professional life. This project aims to structure the steps for the elaboration of a scoping review aiming to map the scientific production on positive mental health and its associated factors among university students in Latin America

    Comparison of culture media for ex vivo cultivation of limbal epithelial progenitor cells

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    Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of three culture media for growth, proliferation, differentiation, and viability of ex vivo cultured limbal epithelial progenitor cells.Methods: Limbal epithelial progenitor cell cultures were established from ten human corneal rims and grew on plastic wells in three culture media: supplemental hormonal epithelial medium (SHEM), keratinocyte serum-free medium (KSFM), and Epilife. The performance of culturing limbal epithelial progenitor cells in each medium was evaluated according to the following parameters: growth area of epithelial migration; immunocytochemistry for adenosine 5'-triphosphate-binding cassette member 2 (ABCG2), p63, Ki67, cytokeratin 3 (CK3), and vimentin (VMT) and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for CK3, ABCG2, and p63, and cell viability using Hoechst staining.Results: Limbal epithelial progenitor cells cultivated in SHEM showed a tendency to faster migration, compared to KSFM and Epilife. Immunocytochemical analysis showed that proliferated cells in the SHEM had lower expression for markers related to progenitor epithelial cells (ABCG2) and putative progenitor cells (p63), and a higher percentage of positive cells for differentiated epithelium (CK3) when compared to KSFM and Epilife. In PCR analysis, ABCG2 expression was statistically higher for Epilife compared to SHEM. Expression of p63 was statistically higher for Epilife compared to SHEM and KSFM. However, CK3 expression was statistically lower for KSFM compared to SHEM.Conclusions: Based on our findings, we concluded that cells cultured in KSFM and Epilife media presented a higher percentage of limbal epithelial progenitor cells, compared to SHEM.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, CASO, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol, Cornea & External Dis Serv, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, CASO, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol, Cornea & External Dis Serv, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc