1,344 research outputs found

    Efecto de 6-BAP en la multiplicación in vitro de Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel

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    Spathiphyllum occupies a central place within ornamental plants both for the beauty of its foliage and the inflorescence issued. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of 6-BAP in the increased number of in vitro shoots. The results showed that the greatest number of shoots per explant was achieved when used 4 mg l-1 6-BAP in the culture medium in the three multiplication subcultures performed.  Keywords: adventitious buds citoquinine, micropropagationSpathiphyllum ocupa un lugar primordial dentro de las plantas ornamentales por la belleza tanto de su follaje como de la inflorescencia que emite. El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo determinar el efecto del 6- BAP en el incremento del número de brotes in vitro. Los resultados mostraron que el mayor número de brotes por explante se logró cuando se utilizaron 4 mg l -1 de 6-BAP en el medio de cultivo en los tres subcultivos de multiplicación que se realizaron

    Regeneración de esporofitos de Platycerium bifurcatum (Cav.) C.Chr. a partir de esporas germinadas in vitro

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    In Cuba one of the most popular ferns, as an ornamental plant, is elkhorn (Platicerium bifurcatum) but its vegetative propagation is very slow so it is insufficient supply of this plant on the market. Besides, there is not in vitro propagation methodology for this species. This work was developed with the aim of obtaining Platycerium bifurcatum sporophytes from germinated spores in culture media. Spores were obtained from mother plants fertile fronds of P. bifurcatum. These were disinfected with different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (1, 2, 3%) for 15 minutes. We evaluated the contamination percentage and spore germination. Additionally, we studied the MS salts concentration for the prothallus multiplication (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%) and we quantified sporophytesnumber by explant. Also we investigated the effect of the physical state of the culture medium for growth and sporophytes multiplication. With the results obtained it was defined that with 2% sodium hypochlorite and 15 minutes of exposure was reduced the percentages of contamination and was not affected spore germination. Most gametophytes multiplication achieved with the culture medium containing 50% MS salts, 1mg l-1 thiamine and 2% sucrose. The physical state of the culture medium did not influence the growth and multiplication of the sporophytes, which allowed select the liquid culture medium for their growth. Keywords: fern elkhorn, gametophytes, tissue culture in fern.En Cuba uno de los helechos más demandados, como planta ornamental, es el cuerno de alce (Platicerium bifurcatum) pero su propagación vegetativa es muy lenta lo que hace insuficiente la oferta de esta planta en el mercado. Además, no se cuenta con una metodología para la propagación in vitro de esta especie. El presente trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de obtener esporofitos de Platycerium bifurcatum a partir de esporas germinadas en medios de cultivo. Las esporas se obtuvieron desde frondas fértiles de plantas madre de P. bifurcatum. Estas fueron desinfectadas con diferentes concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (1, 2, 3%) durante 15 minutos. Se cuantificó el número deexplantes contaminados con microorganismosy la germinación de las esporas. Adicionalmente, se estudió la concentración de las sales MS para la multiplicación de los prótalos obtenidos (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%) y se cuantificó el número de esporofitos formados por explante. Se investigó además el efecto del estado físico del medio de cultivo para el crecimiento y la multiplicación de los esporofitos. Con los resultados obtenidos se definió que con 2 % de hipoclorito de sodio y 15 minutos de exposición se logró disminuir la contaminación microbiana y no se afectó la germinación de las esporas. La mayor multiplicación de los gametofitos se logró con el medio de cultivo que contenía 50% de las sales MS, 1mg l-1 de tiamina, 2% de sacarosa. El estado físico del medio de cultivo no influyó en el crecimiento y la multiplicación de los esporofitos, lo que posibilitó seleccionar el medio de cultivo líquido para su multiplicación. Palabras clave: helecho cuerno de alce, cultivo de tejidos en helechos, gametofitos

    Hagamos visible la dirección de personas.

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    [EN] “Let’s make people management visible” is an innovation project that was run in all 2nd year groups for the Managing People courses, within the Social Science Faculty. The project involved all the teachers who taught this course, and was organized around cooperative learning. The objective of this project was the students to understand and learn, in a playful way, the basics of People Management. To this end, students organized in teams, created a video documentary and a business case that should reflect one of the following areas of knowledge contained in the syllabus: job design, recruitment and selection, training, performance appraisal and motivation. To prepare the content for the video, students used bibliographic and audiovisual resources and they worked with the role‐ playing technique. After the videos were finished, students shared their acquired knowledge by putting in common their work and by solving the business cases developed by the other groups. The competencies developed were: teamwork, empathy, tolerance, decision making, responsibility and creativity. Thirty videos were submitted to the contest and published in the V Seminar on Human Resources, "Talentum."[ES] "Hagamos visible la dirección de personas" es un proyecto de innovación que fue llevado a la práctica en todos los grupos de 2 º año de grado de los cursos de Dirección de Personas, en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. El proyecto involucró a todos los profesores que imparten este curso, y se organizó en torno al aprendizaje cooperativo. El objetivo de este proyecto fue que los estudiantes entendieran y aprendieran, de una manera lúdica, os fundamentos de la Gestión de Personas. Con este fin, los estudiantes organizados en equipos, crearon un video documental y un caso que debían reflejar una de las siguientes áreas de conocimiento contenida en el plan de estudios: diseño de puestos de trabajo, reclutamiento y selección, formación, evaluación del desempeño y motivación. Para preparar el contenido del video, los estudiantes utilizaron recursos bibliográficos y audiovisuales y se trabajó con la técnica de rol. Una vez que los videos se terminaron, los estudiantes compartieron sus conocimientos adquiridos mediante la puesta en común de su trabajo y resolvieron los casos desarrollados por los otros grupos. Las competencias desarrolladas fueron: el trabajo en equipo, la empatía, la tolerancia, la toma de decisiones, la responsabilidad y la creatividad. Treinta videos fueron presentados a concurso y publicado en el V Seminario de Recursos Humanos "Talentum"[FR] “Rendons le Management de Personnes Évident”, c’est une activité d’innovation qui a eu lieu dans tous les groupes de 2eme année dans le cadre de la matieré “Direction du Personnel”, dans la Faculté de Sciences Sociales. Le projet a eté encadré par tous les professeurs qui enseignent cette matiére. En prennant comme base l’apprentissage coopératif, l’objectif a etait de rendré les etudiants capable de comprendre et apprendre, d’une façon ludique, les principes basics du Management de Personnes. À cet effet, les étudiants organisés en équipes, ont créé un documentaire visuel et un “cas d'affaires” qui devaient refléter un des domaines de connaissance contenus dans le programme: système de travail, recrutement, formation, évaluation du travail et motivation. Pour réaliserur la vidéo, les étudiants ont consulté des bibliographies specialisées, ainsi que des sources audiovisuelles. Ils ont travillé aussi avec la technique du role‐playing.Une fois les videos terminées, les étudiants ont partagé leur connaissance acquise en mettant en commun leur travail et leurs solutions aux différents cas d'affaires développés dans lesdifférents groupes. Les compétences développées ont eté: travail d'équipe, empathie, tolérance, prise de décision, responsabilité et créativité. Trente des videos ont été présentées au concours et édités dans le V Conference de Ressources Humaines, «Talentum. »Moldes Farelo, R.; García-Salmones, L.; Gómez Sota, F.; Cordero Verdugo, RR.; Rodriguez Polo, B. (2011). Let's make people management visible. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 8(2):95-116. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2010.6197OJS9511682BENITO, A y CRUZ, A. (2007), Nuevas claves para la docencia universitaria en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, Madrid, Ed. Narcea.DE MIGUEL, DÍAZ, M. (COORD.); (2006), Metodología de enseñanza y aprendizaje para el desarrollo de competencias. Orientaciones para el profesorado universitario ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, Madrid, Ed. Alianza.DÍAZ AGUADO, M. (2003), Educación intercultural y aprendizaje cooperativo, Madrid, Ed. Pirámide.JOHNSON, D., JOHNSON, R., SMITH, K. (1997) El aprendizaje cooperativo regresa a la Universidad: ¿qué evidencia existe de qué funciona?, Universidad de Minnesota.MARTÍNEZ, F. (ED.); (2003) Redes de comunicación en la enseñanza. Las nuevas perspectivas del trabajo cooperativo, Barcelona, Paidós.MERCER, N. (2001), Palabras y mentes. Cómo usamos el lenguaje para pensar juntos, Barcelona, Paidós.MONEREO, C., DURÁN, D. (2003) Entramados. Métodos de aprendizaje cooperativo y colaborativo, Barcelona, EdebéPUTNAM, J. (1997) Cooperative learning in diverse classrooms. Nueva York: Prentice‐Hall.SLAVIN, R. (1995) Cooperative learning, Massachusetts, Alyn & Bacon.THOUSAND,.; NEVIN, V.; VILA, R.; (1994), An overview of cooperative learning. Creativity and collaborative learning. A practical guide to empowering students and teachers, Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes

    Towards discard quantification of Data Limited Stocks based in on-board observers data: the case of Spanish fresh trawlers targeting black hake in NW Africa

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    Quantification of discard per unit effort rates (DPUE) has been proposed by the European Commission as a measure to manage the discarding of commercially fished organisms. In the Spanish fresh trawling fleet operating in North West Africa, both target species of black hakes, Merluccius polli and Merluccius senegalensis are data limited stocks (DLS). Hence, discards of these fleets are even more unknown but not unimportant part of the total catch (retained and discarded). Onboard observer data from commercial surveys from 2016 to 2018 provide a detailed source of scientific information about catches, discards, effort and technical factors in this fleet. This is the first quantitative analysis to model DPUE through generalised linear mixed models (GLMM), based on the explicit distinction between abundance and technical factors coming from information of observer surveys. We describe the relationship between discards and environment, catches of target and other species, effort of the fleet, spatial and temporal variation in discard accessibility, vessel characteristics, strategy of the skippers and market decisions. Unlike hake catches, discards were higher and more dispersed in shallower than in deeper waters. We identified two separate métiers for the Spanish fresh trawling fleet determined by depth and treated total discards as a stock unit susceptible of being monitored, managed and assessed. The strategy of the skipper appears to have a more important effect on discards than vessel characteristics. This study shows the importance of observer data for this fishery and identifies recommendations for the improvement in the scientific usefulness of logbook information.En prens

    VIS/NIR spectral signature for the Identification of Peanut Contamination of Powder Foods

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    Visible-Near Infrared reflectance spectra are proposed for the characterization IRMM 481 peanuts in comparison to powder food materials: wheat flour, milk and cocoa. Multidimensional analysis of spectra of powder samples shows a specific NIR band centred at 1200 nm that identifies peanut compared to the rest of food ingredients, regardless compaction level and temperature. Spectral range 400-1000 nm is not robust for identification of blanched peanut. The visible range has shown to be reliable for the identification of pre-treatment and processing of unknown commercial peanut samples. A spectral index is proposed based on the combination of three wavelengths around 1200 nm that is 100% robust against pre-treatment (raw or blanched) and roasting (various temperatures and treatment duration)

    De Novo Lipogenesis in Adipose Tissue Is Associated with Course of Morbid Obesity after Bariatric Surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: De novo lipogenesis is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and could be involved in the regulation of the triglyceride storage capacity of adipose tissue. However, the association between lipogenic and lipolytic genes and the evolution of morbidly obese subjects after bariatric surgery remains unknown. In this prospective study we analyze the association between the improvement in the morbidly obese patients as a result of bariatric surgery and the basal expression of lipogenic and lipolytic genes. METHODS: We study 23 non diabetic morbidly obese patients who were studied before and 7 months after bariatric surgery. Also, we analyze the relative basal mRNA expression levels of lipogenic and lipolytic genes in epiploic visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). RESULTS: When the basal acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1), acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2) and ATP citrate lyase (ACL) expression in SAT was below percentile-50, there was a greater decrease in weight (P = 0.006, P = 0.034, P = 0.026), body mass index (P = 0.008, P = 0.033, P = 0.034) and hip circumference (P = 0.033, P = 0.021, P = 0.083) after bariatric surgery. In VAT, when the basal ACSS2 expression was below percentile-50, there was a greater decrease in hip circumference (P = 0.006). After adjusting for confounding variables in logistic regression models, only the morbidly obese patients with SAT or VAT ACSS2 expression ≥ P50 before bariatric surgery had a lower percentage hip circumference loss (<P50) after bariatric surgery (SAT: P = 0.039; VAT: P = 0.033). CONCLUSIONS: A lower basal ACSS2, ACC1 and ACL expression, genes involved in de novo lipogenesis, is associated with a better evolution of anthropometric variables after bariatric surgery. Thus, the previous state of the pathways involved in fatty acid metabolism may have repercussions on the improvement of these patients

    Preliminary data on the ovarian histological structures observed in black hakes (M. polli and M. senegalensis) off Mauritania

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    The black hakes, Merluccius polli and M. senegalensis, are target species of a trawl Spanish fleet in Mauritanian waters. M. polli is a deep-water hake while M. senegalensis shows a shallower distribution. Both species are mixed in the landings, although the deeper hake totals a greater fraction (85%) of the catch due to the fishing strategy of the trawl fleet. The female gonads of both hakes were collected during an experimental survey carried out in the Mauritanian EEZ. Mature ovaries were examined from the start of the reproductive season in this area. Ovaries were processed by a standard histological technique. Histological characteristics of ovarian tissues and oocyte stages were studied by light microscopy. The ovaries of black hakes showed various stages of oocyte development from the small sized, chromatin nuclear and perinucleolar oocytes, and the medium sized, cortical alveoli and vitellogenic oocytes. This last stage presents yolk granules occupying the cytoplasm at different levels. In the case of M. senegalensis, the presence of large sized oocytes with early migration of the nucleus to the animal pole, as well as fusion of oil droplets indicate maturation and imminent spawning, thus, indicating an earlier spawning than M. polli. Furthermore, postovulatory follicles observed in M. senegalensis indicate a recent batch spawning episode. This result is concordant with the values of GSI obtained for both species in these waters. The reproductive period extends from October to Mars with a defined peak in December - January for females of both hakes, although the shallower species, M. senegalensis, shows an earlier spawning in this study. Atretic stages were observed, but their incidence was low because the sampling corresponds to the beginning of the spawning period. The species are multiple batch spawners as suggested by their oocyte size frequency distribution in the ovary. The present study is a first approach to ovarian histology of M. polli and M. senegalensis, and intended to provide basic knowledge for further detailed studies on the reproductive biology of these species, essential for an adequate assessment of this stock.Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO

    Efecto de la fenolización sobre explantes de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido var. Sp 70-1284) en la formación de callos

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) is the crop were more work has been done on biotechnological aspects because of its economical importance among the comercial crops. When the explants from the field of the hibrid SP 70-1284 are used and manipuled, the lesions produced by the incicion become oxidable. With the objetive to reduce the phenolization that is present in the develoment of callogenesis, a protocol was tested, which showed good results when the spindles were submerged and sectioned in a solution with 200 mg.l-1 at citric acid, as well as the adition of the antioxidant at 50 mg.l-1 to the in vitro culture medium. The section of the explants that generated the greated amount of fresh biomass of callus and the best quality of them were the more young leaves situated above the meristen in the first 5 cm.Key words: contamination, tissue culture, callusLa caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido), es de los cultivos comerciales que por su importancia económica más se ha trabajado sobre aspectos biotecnológicos. Cuando se utilizan explantes de campo del híbrido SP 70-1284, una vez que se manipulan, las heridas producidas por la incisión provocan la oxidación de los tejidos. Con el fin de reducir la fenolización que afecta en el desarrollo de la callogénesis, en esta variedad se probó un protocolo el cual mostró buenos resultados al seccionar los spindles sumergidos en una solución con 200 mg.l-1 de ácido cítrico como agente antioxidante, así como adicionar al medio de cultivo antioxidante ácido a razón de 50 mg.l-1 . La sección del explante que generó la mayor cantidad de callo fresco y la mejor calidad del mismo, fueron los segmentos de las hojas más jóvenes situadas en los primeros cinco centímetros por encima del meristemo apical.Palabras clave: contaminación, cultivo de tejidos, call