79 research outputs found

    The chromosphere above sunspots at millimeter wavelengths

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    Aims: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that millimeter wave data can be used to distinguish between various atmospheric models of sunspots, whose temperature structure in the upper photosphere and chromosphere has been the source of some controversy. Methods: We use observations of the temperature contrast (relative to the quiet Sun) above a sunspot umbra at 3.5 mm obtained with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (BIMA), complemented by submm observations from Lindsey & Kopp (1995) and 2 cm observations with the Very Large Array. These are compared with the umbral contrast calculated from various atmospheric models of sunspots. Results: Current mm and submm observational data suggest that the brightness observed at these wavelengths is low compared to the most widely used sunspot models. These data impose strong constraints on the temperature and density stratifications of the sunspot umbral atmosphere, in particular on the location and depth of the temperature minimum and the location of the transition region. Conclusions: A successful model that is in agreement with millimeter umbral brightness should have an extended and deep temperature minimum (below 3000 K). Better spatial resolution as well as better wavelength coverage are needed for a more complete determination of the chromospheric temperature stratification above sunspot umbrae.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2014/01/aa21321-13/aa21321-13.htm

    The relationship between chromospheric emissions and magnetic field strength

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    Aims. We analyze observational data from 4 instruments to study the correlations between chromospheric emission, spanning the heights from the temperature minimum region to the middle chromosphere, and photospheric magnetic field. Methods: The data consist of radio images at 3.5 mm from the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (BIMA), UV images at 1600 A from TRACE, Ca II K-line filtergrams from BBSO, and MDI/SOHO longitudinal photospheric magnetograms. For the first time interferometric millimeter data with the highest currently available resolution are included in such an analysis. We determine various parameters of the intensity maps and correlate the intensities with each other and with the magnetic field. Results: The chromospheric diagnostics studied here show a pronounced similarity in their brightness structures and map out the underlying photospheric magnetic field relatively well. We find a power law to be a good representation of the relationship between photospheric magnetic field and emission from chromospheric diagnostics at all wavelengths. The dependence of chromospheric brightness on magnetic field is found to be different for network and internetwork regions.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    ALMA detection of dark chromospheric holes in the quiet Sun

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of a quiet-Sun region at a wavelength of 3 mm, obtained during the first solar ALMA cycle on April 27, 2017, and compare them with available chromospheric observations in the UV and visible as well as with photospheric magnetograms. ALMA images clearly reveal the presence of distinct particularly dark/cool areas in the millimeter maps having temperatures as low as 60% of the normal quiet Sun at 3 mm, which are not seen in the other data. We speculate that ALMA is sensing cool chromospheric gas, whose presence had earlier been inferred from infrared CO spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Millimeter radiation from a 3D model of the solar atmosphere II. Chromospheric magnetic field

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    We use state-of-the-art, three-dimensional non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the quiet solar atmosphere to carry out detailed tests of chromospheric magnetic field diagnostics from free-free radiation at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths (mm/submm). The vertical component of the magnetic field was deduced from the mm/submm brightness spectra and the degree of circular polarization synthesized at millimeter frequencies. We used the frequency bands observed by the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) as a convenient reference. The magnetic field maps obtained describe the longitudinal magnetic field at the effective formation heights of the relevant wavelengths in the solar chromosphere. The comparison of the deduced and model chromospheric magnetic fields at the spatial resolution of both the model and current observations demonstrates a good correlation, but has a tendency to underestimate the model field. The systematic discrepancy of about 10 percent is probably due to averaging of the restored field over the heights contributing to the radiation, weighted by the strength of the contribution. On the whole, the method of probing the longitudinal component of the magnetic field with free-free emission at mm/submm wavelengths is found to be applicable to measurements of the weak quiet-Sun magnetic fields. However, successful exploitation of this technique requires very accurate measurements of the polarization properties (primary beam and receiver polarization response) of the antennas, which will be the principal factor that determines the level to which chromospheric magnetic fields can be measured. Consequently, high-resolution and high-precision observations of circularly polarized radiation at millimeter wavelengths can be a powerful tool for producing chromospheric longitudinal magnetograms.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A First Comparison of Millimeter Continuum and Mg II Ultraviolet Line Emission from the Solar Chromosphere

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    We present joint observations of the Sun by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The observations were made of a solar active region on 2015 December 18 as part of the ALMA science verification effort. A map of the Sun's continuum emission of size 2.4×2.32.4' \times 2.3' was obtained by ALMA at a wavelength of 1.25 mm (239 GHz) using mosaicing techniques. A contemporaneous map of size 1.9×2.91.9'\times 2.9' was obtained in the Mg II h doublet line at 2803.5\AA\ by IRIS. Both mm/submmλ-\lambda continuum emission and ultraviolet (UV) line emission are believed to originate from the solar chromosphere and both have the potential to serve as powerful and complementary diagnostics of physical conditions in this poorly understood layer of the solar atmosphere. While a clear correlation between mm-λ\lambda brightness temperature TBT_B and the Mg II h line radiation temperature TradT_{rad} is observed the slope is <1<1, perhaps as a result of the fact that these diagnostics are sensitive to different parts of the chromosphere and/or the Mg II h line source function includes a scattering component. There is a significant offset between the mean TBT_B(1.25 mm) and mean TradT_{rad}(Mg II), the former being 35%\approx 35\% greater than the latter. Partitioning the maps into "sunspot", "quiet regions", and "plage regions" we find that the slope of the scatter plots between the IRIS Mg II h line TradT_{rad} and the ALMA brightness temperature TBT_B is 0.4 (sunspot), 0.56 (quiet regions), and 0.66 (plage regions). We suggest that this change may be caused by the regional dependence of the formation heights of the IRIS and ALMA diagnostics, and/or the increased degree of coupling between the UV source function and the local gas temperature in the hotter, denser gas in plage regions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Inter-network regions of the Sun at millimetre wavelengths

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    The continuum intensity at wavelengths around 1 mm provides an excellent way to probe the solar chromosphere. Future high-resolution millimetre arrays, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), will thus produce valuable input for the ongoing controversy on the thermal structure and the dynamics of this layer. Synthetic brightness temperature maps are calculated on basis of three-dimensional radiation (magneto-)hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. While the millimetre continuum at 0.3mm originates mainly from the upper photosphere, the longer wavelengths considered here map the low and middle chromosphere. The effective formation height increases generally with wavelength and also from disk-centre towards the solar limb. The average intensity contribution functions are usually rather broad and in some cases they are even double-peaked as there are contributions from hot shock waves and cool post-shock regions in the model chromosphere. Taking into account the deviations from ionisation equilibrium for hydrogen gives a less strong variation of the electron density and with it of the optical depth. The result is a narrower formation height range. The average brightness temperature increases with wavelength and towards the limb. The relative contrast depends on wavelength in the same way as the average intensity but decreases towards the limb. The dependence of the brightness temperature distribution on wavelength and disk-position can be explained with the differences in formation height and the variation of temperature fluctuations with height in the model atmospheres.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (15.05.07

    ALMA Discovery of Solar Umbral Brightness Enhancement at {\lambda}=3 mm

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    We report the discovery of a brightness enhancement in the center of a large sunspot umbra at a wavelength of 3 mm using the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA). Sunspots are amongst the most prominent features on the solar surface, but many of their aspects are surprisingly poorly understood. We analyzed a {\lambda}=3 mm (100 GHz) mosaic image obtained by ALMA, which includes a large sunspot within the active region AR12470 on December 16, 2015. The 3 mm map has a field-of-view and spatial resolution, which is the highest spatial-resolution map of an entire sunspot in this frequency range. We find a gradient of 3 mm brightness from a high value in the outer penumbra to a low value in the inner penumbra/outer umbra. Within the inner umbra, there is a marked increase in 3mm brightness temperature, which we call an umbral brightness enhancement. This enhanced emission corresponds to a temperature excess of 800 K relative to the surrounding inner penumbral region and coincides with excess brightness in the 1330 and 1400 {\AA} slitjaw images of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), adjacent to a partial lightbridge. This {\lambda}=3 mm brightness enhancement may be an intrinsic feature of the sunspot umbra at chromospheric heights, such as a manifestation of umbral flashes, or it could be related to a coronal plume since the brightness enhancement was coincident with the footpoint of a coronal loop observed at 171 {\AA}.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Lette