15 research outputs found

    A New Measure to Assess Psychopathic Personality in Children: The Child Problematic Traits Inventory

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    Understanding the development of psychopathic personality from childhood to adulthood is crucial for understanding the development and stability of severe and long-lasting conduct problems and criminal behavior. This paper describes the development of a new teacher rated instrument to assess psychopathic personality from age three to 12, the Child Problematic Traits Inventory (CPTI). The reliability and validity of the CPTI was tested in a Swedish general population sample of 2,056 3- to 5-year-olds (mean age = 3.86; SD = .86; 53 % boys). The CPTI items loaded distinctively on three theoretically proposed factors: a Grandiose-Deceitful Factor, a Callous-Unemotional factor, and an Impulsive-Need for Stimulation factor. The three CPTI factors showed reliability in internal consistency and external validity, in terms of expected correlations with theoretically relevant constructs (e.g., fearlessness). The interaction between the three CPTI factors was a stronger predictor of concurrent conduct problems than any of the three individual CPTI factors, showing that it is important to assess all three factors of the psychopathic personality construct in early childhood. In conclusion, the CPTI seems to reliably and validly assess a constellation of traits that is similar to psychopathic personality as manifested in adolescence and adulthood

    The Development of Conduct Problems in Early Childhood : The Role of Psychopathic Traits and Psychopathic Personality

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    Research has shown that children displaying conduct problems (CP) early in life are at greater risk for severe CP and other negative outcomes later in life. However, not all children with early-onset CP will develop severe CP over the life-course. Thus, it is important to identify those at greater risk, preferably as early as possible, in order to adequately prevent a negative development. Psychopathic traits have received much attention in research on risk for severe CP, involving attempts to extend these traits, and their association to CP to childhood. However, research has thus far mainly focused on one dimension of psychopathic traits, that is callousunemotional (CU) traits, to some extent neglecting two other dimensions of traits commonly included in a psychopathic personality: an interpersonal, and a behavioural dimension. Hence, we still do not know if a full psychopathic personality is identifiable in early childhood, and if and how it is related to the development of severe and persistent CP. The aim of this dissertation was to examine if a psychopathic personality could be identified in early childhood, if psychopathic traits are stable over time, and if and how the psychopathic personality is related to childhood CP. Overall, the results show that psychopathic traits, as well as the display of a psychopathic personality, could be identified in early childhood. These traits were stable over time, and they were clearly and strongly related to childhood CP. Additionally, the combination of early-onset CP and a full psychopathic personality seems to be the most precarious for severe and persistent CP, even more so than the combination of CP and CU traits. With careful consideration to ethical aspects, these results are discussed both in relation to a developmental psychopathology perspective on CP, as well as in relation to diagnostic practice as it is framed today

    Att nyttja behandlingsinstrument i socialt behandlingsarbete med ungdomar pÄ institution : En studie om faktorer som pÄverkar implementeringsprocessen

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    SAMMANFATTNING Under 2006 pĂ„börjades arbetet med att nationellt höja kvaliteten pĂ„ praktiskt socialt arbete. Socialstyrelsen gav dĂ„ ut nya rĂ„d och riktlinjer för hur socialtjĂ€nsten kan stĂ€rka och utveckla sitt behandlingsarbete. UtifrĂ„n detta blir det allt vanligare att mer strukturerade manualer och behandlingsinstrument införs i arbetet. Ett sĂ„dant instrument Ă€r Youth Outcome Questionnaire, som under hösten 2007 implementeras i en kommunal behandlingsverksamhet i Örebro. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hindrande och möjliggörande faktorer som omgĂ€rdar implementeringen av ett behandlingsinstrument i en behandlingsverksamhet för ungdomar pĂ„ institution. Syftet preciseras genom följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur följdes det behandlingsarbetet upp innan implementeringen av instrumentet? Vad har föranlett att enheten beslutat att införa det nya behandlingsinstrumentet Y-OQ 2.0? Vilka möjliggörande eller hindrande faktorer har föregĂ„tt implementeringsarbetet av instrumentet? Vilka negativa eller positiva faktorer framkommer i det praktiska handhavandet och tillĂ€mpningen av instrumentet? Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och bygger pĂ„ semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer ur personalgruppen i den aktuella verksamheten. Tolkningsramen utgörs i huvudsak av implementeringsteori. Resultatet visar att personalen har en positiv instĂ€llning till arbetet med instrumentet. Man har inte tidigare arbetat utifrĂ„n strukturerade utvĂ€rderingsmetoder i form av instrument eller manualer och en majoritet av respondenterna ser behovet av utvĂ€rdering i verksamheten. Hindrande faktorer under implementeringen visar sig frĂ€mst i att man upplever utbildningen som nĂ„got bristfĂ€llig och att man inte heller fĂ„tt nĂ„gon handledning kring instrumentet. Detta har lett till osĂ€kerhet kring anvĂ€ndandet av detta liksom hur man ska anvĂ€nda de resultat som framkommer, vilket ocksĂ„ visar pĂ„ de praktiska svĂ„righeter detta medfört. De möjliggörande faktorerna handlar till stor del om personalens positiva attityd och vilja att anvĂ€nda sig av det nya verktyget. I diskussionen förs resonemang kring implementeringens effekter pĂ„ behandlingsverksamheten och instrumentets tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„de inom behandlingsarbetet. Nyckelord: Implementering, implementeringsteori, behandlingsinstrument, Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ 2.0), institutionsbehandlin

    What keeps customers subscribing to streaming services? : A Quantitative Study of E-Loyalty towards Subscription Video on Demand Services in Sweden

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    E-loyalty is an important aspect for practitioners to understand as it determines a digital company’s success. The Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) industry is rapidly growing and becoming more competitive, which emphasizes the need to understand the key determinants of e-loyalty towards them. A quantitative study was thereby performed to investigate these. Data was collected from a survey examining e-satisfaction, e-trust, website/application quality, switching barriers, and customization, with the purpose of testing whether these can be considered key determinants in the SVOD context. The results include a regression model explaining 51.89% of the variance in e-loyalty, and show that e-trust and e-satisfaction had the largest impact on e-loyalty. These can thereby be considered key determinants of e-loyalty towards SVOD services in this study, which is in line with previous findings. Although, the results indicate that established theories might not be fully applicable, since switching barriers and website/application quality had negative impacts on e-loyalty.E-lojalitet Ă€r en viktig aspekt för marknadsförare att ha förstĂ„else för, dĂ„ detta pĂ„verkar digitala företags framgĂ„ng. De streamingtjĂ€nster som Ă€r prenumerationsbaserade och tillhandahĂ„ller videoinnehĂ„ll, som kallas SVOD, vĂ€xer snabbt och marknaden blir alltmer konkurrensprĂ€glad. Detta betonar behovet av att förstĂ„ de avgörande faktorerna nĂ€r det kommer till e-lojalitet gentemot dem, vilket denna studie Ă€mnar undersöka. Med en kvantitativ metod och enkĂ€tundersökning samlades data in, dĂ€r fokus var pĂ„ faktorerna e-kundnöjdhet, e-tillit, webbside/appkvalitet, byteshinder och kundanpassning för att se om dessa Ă€r avgörande i e-lojalitet i SVOD-kontexten. Resultaten inkluderar en regressionsmodell som beskriver 51.89% av variansen i e-lojalitet, samt visar att e-tillit och e-kundnöjdhet har störst pĂ„verkan pĂ„ e-lojalitet. De ses dĂ€rför som de avgörande faktorerna i denna studie vilket Ă€r i linje med tidigare studier. Dock visar resultaten att etablerade e-lojalitetsteorier inte verkar vara fullt applicerbara pĂ„ SVOD-kontexten, eftersom byteshinder och webbside/appkvalitet pĂ„verkade e-lojalitet negativt i denna studie