67 research outputs found

    [Sabbatical Report]

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    I spent my AY2014 sabbatical year at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), with plans of completing the analyses of supernova rates for both thermonuclear and corecolliape events in high redshift galaxies from the Multi-cycle Treasury Projects with the Hubble Space Telescope

    The Deepest Supernova Search is Realized in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey

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    The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey has not only provided the deepest optical and near infrared views of universe, but has enabled a search for the most distant supernovae to z~2.2. We have found four supernovae by searching spans of integrations of the Ultra Deep Field and the Ultra Deep Field Parallels taken with the Hubble Space Telescope paired with the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Near Infrared Multi Object Spectrometer. Interestingly, none of these supernovae were at z>1.4, despite the substantially increased sensitivity per unit area to such objects over the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. We present the optical photometric data for the four supernovae. We also show that the low frequency of Type Ia supernovae observed at z>1.4 is statistically consistent with current estimates of the global star formation history combined with the non-trivial assembly time of SN Ia progenitors.Comment: 24 pages (6 figures), submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Kindling the First Stars II: Dependence of the Predicted PISN Rate on the Pop III Initial Mass Function

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    Population III (Pop III) stars formed out of metal free gas in minihalos at z>20z>20. While their ignition ended the Dark Ages and begin enrichment of the IGM, their mass distribution remains unconstrained. To date, no confirmed Pop III star has been observed and their direct detection is beyond the reach of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) without gravitational lensing. However, a subset of massive Pop III stars end their lives in pair instability supernova (PISN). With typical energies of 1053\sim10^{53}~erg, PISN light curve peaks are bright enough to be detectable by JWST and the Roman Space Telescope. The fundamental question of this work is whether or not observed PISN can be used as a diagnostic of the Pop III IMF. In this work, we use a model of the formation of the first stars to determine the dependence of PISN rates at z > 5z~>~5 for a range of Pop III power law IMFs (α = 0.2  2.35\alpha~=~0.2~-~2.35) and, critically, the method by which the IMF is populated. At z > 15z~>~15, we predict typical rates of 102  10210^{-2}~-~10^2 per deg2^{2} per year which will produce 103  0.110^{-3}~-~0.1/year in a single NIRCam pointing and 0.003  300.003~-~30/year in a single Roman pointing with 0.1  10000.1~-~1000 per year detected in the HLTDS. Our work highlights that theoretical modeling of PISN rates is required if upcoming PISN studies with JWST and Roman are going to constrain the Pop III IMF.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Open Journal of Astrophysic

    Empirical Delay Time Distributions of Type Ia Supernovae From The Extended GOODS/HST Supernova Survey

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    Using the Hubble Space Telescope ACS imaging of the GOODS North and South fields during Cycles 11, 12, and 13, we derive empirical constraints on the delay-time distribution function for type Ia supernovae. We extend our previous analysis to the three-year sample of 56 SNe Ia over the range 0.2<z<1.8, using a Markov chain Monte Carlo to determine the best-fit unimodal delay-time distribution function. The test, which ultimately compares the star formation rate density history to the unbinned volumetric SN Ia rate history from the GOODS/HST-SN survey, reveals a SN Ia delay-time distribution that is tightly confined to 3-4 Gyrs (to >95% confidence). This result is difficult to resolve with any intrinsic delay-time distribution function (bimodal or otherwise), in which a substantial fraction (e.g., >10%) of events are ``prompt'', requiring less than approximately 1 Gyr to develop from formation to explosion. The result is, however, strongly motivated by the decline in the number of SNe Ia at z>1.2. Sub-samples of the HST-SN data confined to lower redshifts (z<1) show plausible delay-time distributions that are dominated by prompt events, which is more consistent with results from low-redshift supernova samples and supernova host galaxy properties. Scenarios in which a substantial fraction of z>1.2 supernovae are extraordinarily obscured by dust may partly explain the differences in low-z and high-z results. Other possible resolutions may include environmental dependencies (such as gas-phase metallicity) that affect the progenitor mechanism efficiency, especially in the early universe.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa