1,673 research outputs found

    Southern American University Undergraduates\u27 Attitudes toward Intrauterine Insemination Undertaken by Women of Differing Age, Marital Status and Sexual Orientation

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    Undergraduate college students in the southern U.S. were presented with vignettes about a fictional woman seeking to become pregnant via intrauterine insemination (IUI). Participants were randomly assigned to conditions in which the woman described was 26 or 41 years old, and single, married to a man, or married to a woman. After reading the vignettes, participants rated their expectations of the prospective mother’s preparedness for parenting, ability to provide quality of life for a child, risk for pregnancy complications and achieving a healthy pregnancy. Results yielded marginally significantly (p = .05) lower expectations of achieving a healthy pregnancy when the mother was over 40, and significantly (p \u3c .05) lower anticipation of preparedness for parenting and ability to provide quality of life when she was designated as single or married to a woman. We discuss findings in terms of bias favoring traditional families with a mother and father begun when the parents were in their twenties

    Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat

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    In a field experiment, the effect of foliar Zn applications on the concentration of Zn in seeds of a bread wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Balatilla) was studied during different stages of seed development. In addition, a staining method using dithizone (DTZ: diphenyl thiocarbazone) was applied to (1) study the localization of Zn in seeds, (2) follow the remobilization of Zn during germination, and (3) develop a rapid visual Zn screening method for seed and flour samples. In all seed development stages, foliar Zn treatments were effective in increasing seed Zn concentration. The highest Zn concentration in the seeds was found in the first stage of seed development (around the early milk stage); after this, seed Zn concentration gradually decreased until maturity. When reacting with Zn, DTZ forms a redcolored complex. The DTZ staining of seed samples revealed that Zn is predominantly located in the embryo and aleurone parts of the seeds. After 36 h of germination, the coleoptile and roots that emerged from seeds showed very intensive red color formation and had Zn concentrations up to 200 mg kg1, indicating a substantial remobilization of Zn from seed pools into the developing roots (radicle) and coleoptile. The DTZ staining method seems to be useful in ranking flour samples for their Zn concentrations. There was a close relationship between the seed Zn concentrations and spectral absorbance of the methanol extracts of the flour samples stained with DTZ. The results suggest that (1) accumulation of Zn in seeds is particularly high during early seed development, (2) Zn is concentrated in the embryo and aleurone parts, and (3) the DTZ staining method can be used as a rapid, semiquantitative method to estimate Zn concentrations of flour and seed samples and to screen genotypes for their Zn concentrations in seeds

    A network-based ranking system for American college football

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    American college football faces a conflict created by the desire to stage national championship games between the best teams of a season when there is no conventional playoff system to decide which those teams are. Instead, ranking of teams is based on their record of wins and losses during the season, but each team plays only a small fraction of eligible opponents, making the system underdetermined or contradictory or both. It is an interesting challenge to create a ranking system that at once is mathematically well-founded, gives results in general accord with received wisdom concerning the relative strengths of the teams, and is based upon intuitive principles, allowing it to be accepted readily by fans and experts alike. Here we introduce a one-parameter ranking method that satisfies all of these requirements and is based on a network representation of college football schedules.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Calculus and heat flow in metric measure spaces and applications to spaces with Ricci bounds from below

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    This paper is devoted to a deeper understanding of the heat flow and to the refinement of calculus tools on metric measure spaces (X,d,m). Our main results are: - A general study of the relations between the Hopf-Lax semigroup and Hamilton-Jacobi equation in metric spaces (X,d). - The equivalence of the heat flow in L^2(X,m) generated by a suitable Dirichlet energy and the Wasserstein gradient flow of the relative entropy functional in the space of probability measures P(X). - The proof of density in energy of Lipschitz functions in the Sobolev space W^{1,2}(X,d,m). - A fine and very general analysis of the differentiability properties of a large class of Kantorovich potentials, in connection with the optimal transport problem. Our results apply in particular to spaces satisfying Ricci curvature bounds in the sense of Lott & Villani [30] and Sturm [39,40], and require neither the doubling property nor the validity of the local Poincar\'e inequality.Comment: Minor typos corrected and many small improvements added. Lemma 2.4, Lemma 2.10, Prop. 5.7, Rem. 5.8, Thm. 6.3 added. Rem. 4.7, Prop. 4.8, Prop. 4.15 and Thm 4.16 augmented/reenforced. Proof of Thm. 4.16 and Lemma 9.6 simplified. Thm. 8.6 corrected. A simpler axiomatization of weak gradients, still equivalent to all other ones, has been propose

    Upper bounds on the first eigenvalue for a diffusion operator via Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature II

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    Let L=ΔφL=\Delta-\nabla\varphi\cdot\nabla be a symmetric diffusion operator with an invariant measure dμ=eφdxd\mu=e^{-\varphi}dx on a complete Riemannian manifold. In this paper we prove Li-Yau gradient estimates for weighted elliptic equations on the complete manifold with φθ|\nabla \varphi|\leq\theta and \infty-dimensional Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature bounded below by some negative constant. Based on this, we give an upper bound on the first eigenvalue of the diffusion operator LL on this kind manifold, and thereby generalize a Cheng's result on the Laplacian case (Math. Z., 143 (1975) 289-297).Comment: Final version. The original proof of Theorem 2.1 using Li-Yau gradient estimate method has been moved to the appendix. The new proof is simple and direc

    Microbial Communities on Plastic Polymers in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Plastic particles in the ocean are typically covered with microbial biofilms, but it remains unclear whether distinct microbial communities colonize different polymer types. In this study, we analyzed microbial communities forming biofilms on floating microplastics in a bay of the island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the plastic particles mainly comprised polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS) of which polyethylene and polypropylene particles were typically brittle and featured cracks. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and imaging by high-resolution microscopy revealed dense microbial biofilms on the polymer surfaces. Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed that the bacterial communities on all plastic types consisted mainly of the orders Flavobacteriales, Rhodobacterales, Cytophagales, Rickettsiales, Alteromonadales, Chitinophagales, and Oceanospirillales. We found significant differences in the biofilm community composition on PE compared with PP and PS (on OTU and order level), which shows that different microbial communities colonize specific polymer types. Furthermore, the sequencing data also revealed a higher relative abundance of archaeal sequences on PS in comparison with PE or PP. We furthermore found a high occurrence, up to 17% of all sequences, of different hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria on all investigated plastic types. However, their functioning in the plastic-associated biofilm and potential role in plastic degradation needs further assessment

    Paracatenula, an ancient symbiosis between thiotrophic Alphaproteobacteria and catenulid flatworms

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    Harnessing chemosynthetic symbionts is a recurring evolutionary strategy. Eukaryotes from six phyla as well as one archaeon have acquired chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In contrast to this broad host diversity, known bacterial partners apparently belong to two classes of bacteria—the Gamma- and Epsilonproteobacteria. Here, we characterize the intracellular endosymbionts of the mouthless catenulid flatworm genus Paracatenula as chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing Alphaproteobacteria. The symbionts of Paracatenula galateia are provisionally classified as “Candidatus Riegeria galateiae” based on 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization together with functional gene and sulfur metabolite evidence. 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic analysis shows that all 16 Paracatenula species examined harbor host species-specific intracellular Candidatus Riegeria bacteria that form a monophyletic group within the order Rhodospirillales. Comparing host and symbiont phylogenies reveals strict cocladogenesis and points to vertical transmission of the symbionts. Between 33% and 50% of the body volume of the various worm species is composed of bacterial symbionts, by far the highest proportion among all known endosymbiotic associations between bacteria and metazoans. This symbiosis, which likely originated more than 500 Mya during the early evolution of flatworms, is the oldest known animal–chemoautotrophic bacteria association. The distant phylogenetic position of the symbionts compared with other mutualistic or parasitic Alphaproteobacteria promises to illuminate the common genetic predispositions that have allowed several members of this class to successfully colonize eukaryote cells

    Manifolds with small Dirac eigenvalues are nilmanifolds

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    Consider the class of n-dimensional Riemannian spin manifolds with bounded sectional curvatures and diameter, and almost non-negative scalar curvature. Let r=1 if n=2,3 and r=2^{[n/2]-1}+1 if n\geq 4. We show that if the square of the Dirac operator on such a manifold has rr small eigenvalues, then the manifold is diffeomorphic to a nilmanifold and has trivial spin structure. Equivalently, if M is not a nilmanifold or if M is a nilmanifold with a non-trivial spin structure, then there exists a uniform lower bound on the r-th eigenvalue of the square of the Dirac operator. If a manifold with almost nonnegative scalar curvature has one small Dirac eigenvalue, and if the volume is not too small, then we show that the metric is close to a Ricci-flat metric on M with a parallel spinor. In dimension 4 this implies that M is either a torus or a K3-surface

    Određivanje donepezil hidroklorida u humanoj plazmi i ljekovitim oblicima pomoću HPLC s detekcijom fluorescencije

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    A sensitive, isocratic reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method involving fluorescence detection was developed for the determination of donepezil hydrochloride in tablets and in human plasma. Pindolol was successfully used as an internal standard. Good chromatographic separation was achieved by using analytical column C18. The system operated at room temperature using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, phosphate buffer (0.02 mol L1) and triethyl amine (pH 3.5) (55: 45: 0.5 V/V/V) at a flow rate 0.9 mL min1. The analyte and internal standard were extracted from human plasma via liquid-liquid extraction. The proposed method was validated for selectivity, linearity, accuracy and precision. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 5-2000 ng mL1 of donepezil with detection limit of 1.5 ng mL1. Intra- and inter-day relative standard deviations were less than 2.5 %. The method was found to be suitable for the quality control of donepezil hydrochloride in bulk drug as well as in human plasma.Ovaj rad opisuje HPLC metodu određivanja donepezil hidroklorida (DP) u tabletama i u ljudskoj plazmi u nano području. Postavljena je osjetljiva metoda izokratične HPLC s fluorescencijskom detekcijom. Kao unutarnji standard upotrebljen je pindolol. Dobro kromatografsko odjeljivanje postignuto je primjenom analitičke kolone C18. Radna temperatura bila je sobna, a kao mobilna faza upotrebljena je smjesa metanola, fosfatnog pufera (0,02 mol L1) i trietilamina (pH 3,5) (55:45:0.5 V/V/V). Analit i unutarnji standard su ekstrahirani iz ljudske plazme ekstrakcijom tekuće-tekuće. Predložena metoda je validirana s obzirom na selektivnost, područje linearnosti, ispravnost i preciznost. Kalibracijska funkcija bila je linearna u području od 5-2000 ng mL1 donepezila, a granica detekcije iznosila je 2 ng mL1. Relativna standardna devijacija za repetabilnost i intermedijarnu preciznost bila je manja od 2,5 %. Metoda je primjenljliva u kontroli kvalitete ljekovitih formulacija s DP-om i u praćenju DP-a u ljudskoj plazmi

    Fragment Isospin as a Probe of Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Isotope ratios of fragments produced at mid-rapidity in peripheral and central collisions of 114Cd ions with 92Mo and 98Mo target nuclei at E/A = 50 MeV are compared. Neutron-rich isotopes are preferentially produced in central collisions as compared to peripheral collisions. The influence of the size (A), density, N/Z, E*/A, and Eflow/A of the emitting source on the measured isotope ratios was explored by comparison with a statistical model (SMM). The mid-rapidity region associated with peripheral collisions does not appear to be neutron-enriched relative to central collisions.Comment: 12 pages including figure