9 research outputs found

    Foreign Branding Strategy to Promote MSMEs Products: Women Entrepreneurs’ Perspective

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    This research aimed to describe the woman entrepreneurs’ perspective about foreign branding strategy to promote  Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) products. Foreign branding strategy is a strategy to promote brands by spelling and pronouncing in foreign-sounding for companies, products and others. A descriptive quantitative method through a questionnaire was used to collect the data. The questionnaire was administered to twelve of women entrepreneurs who own a MSMEs at Klambir V Kebun village, North Sumatra to obtain their perspective and opinion about foreign branding strategy which is applied on their products. The result findings described that the women entrepreneurs’ perspective was positive to foreign branding strategy. They agreed that foreign branding is very beneficial to promote their products. It also attracted consumers’ interest to buy the products much more than before foreign branding strategy was applied to the products. They stated that foreign branding strategy can increase their income and they are also interested to continue using foreign branding strategy on their products. Keywords: Foreign Branding Strategy, MSMEs, Women Entrepreneurs’ Perspectiv

    Persuasive Language Used on Advertisements of Instagram Posts

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    This study aimed to find out the persuasive language on Starbucks advertisements on Instagram posts. The category of persuasive language was referred to Lamb's theory (2014). By using descriptive qualitative method, the researcher collected seventy data of Starbucks advertisements on Instagram posts. Then, the data were analyzed by categorizing and interpreting them into the correct categories. The research result and discussion showed that from 70 data which were taken from Starbucks advertisements on Instagram posts, there were 60 data found by the distribution as follow: 5 data of Alliteration, 6 data of Colloquial Language, 7 data of Connotation, 6 data of Evidence, 6 data of Hyperbole, 8 data of Inclusive Language, 5 data of Imagery, 7 data of Pun, 4 data of Repetition, and 6 data of Simile. The most used of persuasive language on Starbucks advertisements on Instagram posts was Inclusive Language because the company often use everyday or informal language to connect closer with the customers

    Students’ Perceptions on Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in EFL Class: An Overview of Altissia Usage

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    Previous research has revealed that MALL are becoming widely used since it can increase students’ knowledge and skills in English language learning. This study aimed to investigate students’ perceptions on MALL, particularly Altissia, in EFL class. Most of students did not use or access Altissia during the learning process was becoming one of the problems that leads to the low ability in students’ English skills. In total, thirty students answered a questionnaire survey after experiencing Altissia in their learning activity. The findings revealed that the students’ agreement to the positive perceptions were showed in the questionnaire prevailed over their disagreement or neutral responses. Altissia contributed great impact on their listening skills and vocabulary knowledge. Altissia also supported them to enhance their motivation and interest to keep learning English. Students felt excited in learning new levels in different topics on Altissia. Students could practice to communicate their English skills more often after learning with Altissia. On the other hand, as the findings also indicated the students did not get any notification related to the study time and they did not experience writing activity on Altissia. Moreover, Altissia can be an alternative learning media that can improve students’ skills in their EFL class

    Penanganan Keterlambatan Berbicara Melalui Dongeng Fabel Menggunakan Media Boneka Jari

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    Masalah terlambat berbicaraipada anak prasekolah saat ini menjadi momok utama setiap orang tua. Setiap tahunnya, kasus keterlambatan bicara dipastikan mengalami peningkatan. Anakiyangimengalamii lambat bicara akan menghadapi beberapa hambatan pada iproses ibelajarnya pada sekolah, idiantaranya  kesulitan  belajar, membaca, imenulis, serta rangkaian problematika kecerdasan. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan buat mengatasi konflik tersebut melalui dongeng fabel memakai boneka jari. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proses penggunaan dongeng fabel memakai boneka jari dalam menangani keterlambatan bicara di anak. iPenelitian inii memakai metode penelitian lapangan yangi sifatnya naratif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mendeskripsikan upaya yang dimplementasikan pendidik mengatasi keterlambatan bicara anakiyaitu memakai metode fabel melalui boneka jari. Pemberian ransangan dengan “bermain peran” memakai boneka jari sebagai media yang menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri si anak, melahirkan interaksii secara ilangsung antara anak serta guru yang menganyam komunikasi serta stimulus pada anak. iPerlahan anak yang mengalami iketerlambatan bicara mulai membukai dirinya, mengucapkan kata-kata singkat meskipun ia masih terbata-bata

    Handling Children's Speech Delay Through Fables Using Finger Puppets

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    Overcoming speech delays are the most frequently complained about by parents. Delays in speaking for children will have an impact on their learning process at school, including: difficulties in reading, writing and adapting. The aim of this study was to find out the process of fables through finger puppets as an effort to deal with children's speech delays. Role playing using finger puppets is an alternative in handling children's speech delays. The method used is field research which is descriptive qualitative in nature, located in the Kelompok Belajar IT Alwashliyah. The research subjects included 14 students and class teachers. Data collection was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study found, (1) Symptoms of children who experience speech delays, such as: difficulty speaking, speech disorders which include searching vocabulary lists in memory (finding words), difficulty identifying elements in a story, difficulty in building sentences, the vocabulary is unclear, and the child doesn't want to talk at all. (2) Efforts made in dealing with children who are late in speaking have had a direct impact on children, providing affection with animal roles to foster self-confidence, creating direct interaction between children and teachers to establish stimulating communication in children. (3) The fable method uses finger puppets which affect children's language development, one of which is speech delay caused by a lack of language stimulus. Gradually, children who experience speech delays begin to open up and want to interpret words even though they are still stammering

    Handling Children's Speech Delay Through Fables Using Finger Puppets

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    Overcoming speech delays are the most frequently complained about by parents. Delays in speaking for children will have an impact on their learning process at school, including: difficulties in reading, writing and adapting. The aim of this study was to find out the process of fables through finger puppets as an effort to deal with children's speech delays. Role playing using finger puppets is an alternative in handling children's speech delays. The method used is field research which is descriptive qualitative in nature, located in the Kelompok Belajar IT Alwashliyah. The research subjects included 14 students and class teachers. Data collection was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study found, (1) Symptoms of children who experience speech delays, such as: difficulty speaking, speech disorders which include searching vocabulary lists in memory (finding words), difficulty identifying elements in a story, difficulty in building sentences, the vocabulary is unclear, and the child doesn't want to talk at all. (2) Efforts made in dealing with children who are late in speaking have had a direct impact on children, providing affection with animal roles to foster self-confidence, creating direct interaction between children and teachers to establish stimulating communication in children. (3) The fable method uses finger puppets which affect children's language development, one of which is speech delay caused by a lack of language stimulus. Gradually, children who experience speech delays begin to open up and want to interpret words even though they are still stammering

    Factors Affecting the Success of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at Mega Park Food Courts Medan

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    This study purposed to empirically prove that accounting information, educational background, sales turnover, business capital, the period of business, working hours, and business location partially had a significant effect on business success in MSMEs at Mega Park Food Courts Medan. This study used multiple linear regression supported by the SPSS application. The population of the study was all MSMEs at Mega Park Food Courts Medan 90 MSMEs. The sample of this study was ninety respondents as the owners of the MSMEs. This study used observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires to obtain the data. The study results revealed that the use of accounting information, educational background, the period of business, and working hours variables partially showed that they had a significant effect on business success for MSMEs in Mega Park Foodcourt Medan. While sales turnover, and business capital, showed that partially they had no significant effect on business success for MSMEs in Mega Park Foodcourt Medan.Keywords: Accounting Information, Educational Background, Sales Turnover, Business Capital, period of Business, Working Hours, Business Location, and Business Succes


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    Pemerolehan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi sangat penting untuk di perhatikan. Pada anak balita bahasa telah dapat diajarkan atau dikenalkan agar balita dapat berinteraksi melalui komunikasi. Dari para ahli telah kita dengarkan bahwa manusia itu dapat mengenal suara mulai dari dalam kandungan. Hal ini ternyata bukan dimulai sejak anak itu bisa bicara dapat mengenal suara yang berasal yang merupakan bahasa. Dari sini dapat diketahui bahwa pemerolehan bahasa anak dapat dilakukan sejak dini bahkan sejak usia 0 tahun. Kegiatan yang dilakukan  merupakan kegiatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di lingkungan klinik Erni kecamatan Dwikora, yang mana targetnya adalah orangtua yang memiliki anak usia balita. Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) untuk memberikan sosialisasi cara dan metode dalam pengenalan kosakata Bahasa Inggris sederhana secara mandiri kepada anak usia balita oleh orangtua di rumah. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan mensosialisasikan metode secara langsung dengan cara mencontohkan cara mengenalkan bahasa kepada anak balita baik yang sudah bisa berbicara maupun yang belum mampu berbicara di lingkungan kecamatan Dwikora, bertepatan di klinik Erni. Hasil dari kegaitan ini  meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua dalam mengajarkan kosakata bahasa inggris pada anak secara dini Para orang tua yang mengikuti kegitan ini terlihat antusias, terlihat dari komunikasi dua arah yang berlangsung aktif, Kata kunci: Kosakata Bahasa Inggris, Balita, Orangtua