206 research outputs found

    Pseudo-aneurysm of the external carotid artery: report of a case

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    The authors report a case of left otorrhagia in a 1-year-old male infant in the presence of a mass involving the parotideal and upper cervical regions, which had appeared after an infection of the upper airways. Non-invasive techniques, such as echography and CT scan, provided useful but contradicting information. Surgery allowed us to define the diagnosis of mycotic aneurysm of the external carotid artery. The authors, after pointing out the extreme rarity of such a pathology, discuss the ethiopathogenetic theories, the clinical features, the diagnosis and the surgical and medical treatment of the disease. Concerning surgery ligation of the external carotid artery is the treatment of choice, since distally the blood flow is provided by a conspicuous collateral circle and because a possible postoperative septic dissemination is avoided

    Hypo- and hyper-virulence in apricot trees infected by European stone fruit yellows

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    An apricot orchard, located in an area of north eastern Italy under serious pressure from European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) infection, has been monitored since the year it was planted (1990). During this time, most of the trees displayed symptoms or were shown by PCR analyses to be infected. Two groups of apricot trees were particularly interesting: some trees were asymptomatically infected while others recovered from the symptoms but not from the pathogen. In order to isolate those strains of the phytoplasma characterised by varying virulence, each of the two groups was used as mother plants and propagated. The new trees were used to constitute experimental orchards, where they were observed for the presence of symptoms and in part were tested by PCR, starting in 2003. The results obtained confirmed the presence of strains of the pathogen characterised by varying virulence. The strains originally present in infected apricot trees which recovered from the symptoms of ESFY were seen to be hypovirulent; none of the propagated infected trees ever showed symptoms of the disease. Surprisingly, the strains present in asymptomatic apricot mother plants were hypervirulent and the propagated trees always displayed severe symptoms. In the propagated trees, the transmission of the pathogen was higher in the hypervirulent strains than in the hypovirulent ones. A graft transmission trial carried out in the greenhouse using some of the identified hypo- and hypervirulent strains, confirmed the results obtained in open field. Real time PCR analyses showed that in the trees infected by hypovirulent strains the colonisation of the pathogen was lower than in those infected by the hypervirulent strains. It is possible to affirm that the hypovirulent strains were present in those mother plants which had originally recovered. The research will continue with the aim of verifying the possibility of cross protection among the identified hypo- and hypervirulent strains.Keywords: ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’, real-time PCR, Prunu


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    Formaggio di Fossa is an Italian traditional cheese of the Montefeltro area (Emilia Romagna and Marche regions) characterized by a particular step of ripening that is carried out into pits (infossamento) borne in the sandstone. Since the XIV century, the inhabitants were used to set food, especially cereals and cheese, into pits to preserve them during winter and to protect them from invaders. The aim of the present work is to study physical and chemical features of this product with particular reference to the presence of the most important biogenic amines ( -Phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermine and spermidine), compared with a control cheese fully ripened in factory. Formaggio di Fossa showed higher values of Aw, pH, humidity, proteins, pH 4,6-soluble nitrogen (NCN) and water soluble nitrogen (NPN) and much lower amounts of fat. Much higher amounts of total biogenic amines were detected in Formaggio di Fossa than in control cheese, where their concentration was very low. Cadaverine, putrescine and tyramine were the most concentrated biogenic amines. Nevertheless, thyramine was present at levels suggested as compatible with GMPs. Histamine was detected at low amounts, far from potentially toxic levels

    Erratum to: Current Trends in the Oncologic and Surgical Managements of Breast Cancer in Women with Implants: Incidence, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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    The Given Names and Family Names were inadvertently inverted. The correct order is Paolo Veronesi, Francesca De Lorenzi, Pietro Loschi, Mario Rietjens and Umberto Veronesi

    Treatment of wounds colonized by multidrug resistant organisms in immune-compromised patients: a retrospective case series.

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    Immune-compromised patients incur a high risk of surgical wound dehiscence and colonization by multidrug resistant organisms. Common treatment has been debridement and spontaneous secondary healing.All immune-compromised patients referred to our Institution between March 1, 2010 and November 30, 2011 for dehiscent abdominal wounds growing multidrug resistant organisms were treated by serial wound debridements and negative pressure dressing. They were primarily closed, despite positive microbiological cultures, when clinical appearance was satisfactory.Nine patients were treated by direct wound closure, five had been treated previously by secondary intention healing.According to our results, fast healing can be safely obtained by closure of a clinically healthy wound, despite growth of multidrug resistant organisms, even in immune-compromised patients

    Autologous Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Driving Bone Regeneration in a Rabbit Model of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis

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    Osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a progressive degenerative disease that ultimately requires a total hip replacement. Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs), particularly the ones isolated from bone marrow (BM), could be promising tools to restore bone tissue in ONFH. Here, we established a rabbit model to mimic the pathogenic features of human ONFH and to challenge an autologous MSC-based treatment. ON has been originally induced by the synergic combination of surgery and steroid administration. Autologous BM-MSCs were then implanted in the FH, aiming to restore the damaged tissue. Histological analyses confirmed bone formation in the BM-MSC treated rabbit femurs but not in the controls. In addition, the model also allowed investigations on BM-MSCs isolated before (ON-BM-MSCs) and after (ON+BM-MSCs) ON induction to dissect the impact of ON damage on MSC behavior in an affected microenvironment, accounting for those clinical approaches foreseeing MSCs generally isolated from affected patients. BM-MSCs, isolated before and after ON induction, revealed similar growth rates, immunophenotypic profiles, and differentiation abilities regardless of the ON. Our data support the use of ON+BM-MSCs as a promising autologous therapeutic tool to treat ON, paving the way for a more consolidated use into the clinical settings

    Pre-symptomatic modified phytohormone profile is associated with lower phytoplasma titres in an Arabidopsis seor1ko line

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    The proteins AtSEOR1 and AtSEOR2 occur as conjugates in the form of filaments in sieve elements of Arabidopsis thaliana. A reduced phytoplasma titre found in infected defective-mutant Atseor1ko plants in previous work raised the speculation that non-conjugated SEOR2 is involved in the phytohormone-mediated suppression of Chrysanthemum Yellows (CY)-phytoplasma infection transmitted by Euscelidius variegatus (Ev). This early and long-lasting SEOR2 impact was revealed in Atseor1ko plants by the lack of detectable phytoplasmas at an early stage of infection (symptomless plants) and a lower phytoplasma titre at a later stage (fully symptomatic plants). The high insect survival rate on Atseor1ko line and the proof of phytoplasma infection at the end of the acquisition access period confirmed the high transmission efficiency of CY-phytoplasma by the vectors. Transmission electron microscopy analysis ruled out a direct role of SE filament proteins in physical phytoplasma containment. Time-correlated HPLC\u2013MS/MS-based phytohormone analyses revealed increased jasmonate levels in midribs of Atseor1ko plants at an early stage of infection and appreciably enhanced levels of indole acetic acid and abscisic acid at the early and late stages. Effects of Ev-probing on phytohormone levels was not found. The results suggest that SEOR2 interferes with phytohormonal pathways in Arabidopsis midrib tissues in order to establish early defensive responses to phytoplasma infection

    Adipose stromal/stem cells assist fat transplantation reducing necrosis and increasing graft performance.

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    Autologous fat transfer (AFT) is a procedure for adipose tissue (AT) repair after trauma, burns, post-tumor resections and lipodystrophies still negatively impacted by the lack of graft persistence. The reasons behind this poor outcome are unclear and seem to involve damages in either harvested/transplanted mature adipocytes or on their mesenchymal progenitors, namely adipose stromal/stem cells (ASC), and due to post-transplant AT apoptosis and involution. A rabbit subcutaneous AT regeneration model was here developed to first evaluate graft quality at different times after implant focusing on related parameters, such as necrosis and vasculogenesis. Standard AFT was compared with a strategy where purified autologous ASC, combined with hyaluronic acid (HA), assisted AFT. Five million of autologous ex vivo isolated CD29+, CD90+, CD49e+ ASC, loaded into HA, enriched 1 ml of AT generating an early significant protective effect in reducing AFT necrosis and increasing vasculogenesis with a preservation of transplanted AT architecture. This beneficial impact of ASC assisted AFT was then confirmed at three months with a robust lipopreservation and no signs of cellular transformation. By a novel ASC assisted AFT approach we ensure a reduction in early cell death favoring an enduring graft performance possibly for a more stable benefit in patients
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