3,530 research outputs found

    Utilización de la torta de palmiste en piensos de cebo de conejos

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la inclusión de un 20% de torta de palmiste en 11 piensos equilibrados de cebo de conejos. Para ello se han realizado dos ensayos de 12 alimentación con 480 gazapos en cada uno, para controlar parámetros de crecimiento, 13 eficacia alimenticia y mortalidad a lo largo del periodo de cebo (35-63 días de edad). 14 Los resultados de los ensayos de alimentación muestran que la torta de palmiste es un 15 ingrediente palatable que permite sostener niveles altos de consumo y rendimientos en 16 el periodo de cebo, aunque su valor energético neto podría ser inferior al expresado por 17 su concentración en energía digestible. Por otra parte, su inclusión permitió reducir la 18 mortalidad en el periodo de cebo, lo que podría estar relacionado con su alto contenido 19 en ácidos grasos de cadena media y/o con su baja concentración de almidó

    Effect of advanced chilling methods on lipid damage during sardine (Sardina pilchardus) storage

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    7 páginas, 2 figuras, 4 tablasSlurry ice is a biphasic system consisting of small spherical ice crystals surrounded by seawater at subzero temperature. Its effect on lipid damage (hydrolysis and oxidation) was evaluated during the chilled storage of a fatty fish species, sardine (Sardina pilchardus). Slurry ice treatment was checked alone and in combination with ozone and compared to traditional flake icing during a 22-day storage. Different lipid damage indices (free fatty acids, FFA; peroxide value, PV; thiobarbituric acid index, TBA-i; fluorescent compounds, FR) were checked and compared to sensory assessment and nucleotide degradation (K value). According to lipid hydrolysis (FFA) and oxidation (PV and FR) developments, slurry ice showed an inhibitory effect (p 0.05) from slurry ice alone when considering lipid hydrolysis, nucleotide degradation and some lipid oxidation indices (PV and FR), although a higher (p <0.05) TBA-i was observed at day 22 of storage when compared to flake ice and slurry ice treatments. However, a lower (p <0.05) fluorescence development was observed for fish treated under ozonised slurry ice when compared to traditionally iced fish. Sensory assessment showed a higher shelf life for fish samples treated under ozonised slurry ice than for their counterparts under slurry ice (15 d versus 12 d), while flake icing led to a far shorter shelf life (5 d). According to sensory and biochemical (lipid matter and nucleotide) analysis, slurry ice has proved to be a promising technology for damage inhibition and quality retention in a fatty fish species such as sardine. Ozonised slurry ice was also shown to be useful, since a longer shelf life was obtained in the present experiment and a pro-oxidant effect of ozone on sardine lipids was not provedThis work was supported by the Secretaría Xeral de I1D fromthe Xunta de Galicia (Galicia, Spain) (Project PGIDIT02RMA18E).Peer reviewe

    Emissies van lachgas, methaan en ammoniak uit mest na scheiding = Emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia from manure after separation

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    It is expected that separation of animal slurry in the Netherlands in coming years will increase as a result of the manure legislation. Against this background the effect of slurry separation on the emission of greenhouse gasses and ammonia during storage and after field application was studied. It is expected that due to slurry separation in the Netherlands in 2020 the greenhouse gas emissions will be slightly lower than the current level. Slurry separation has no effect on the emission of ammonia

    On-board quality preservation of megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) by a novel ozonised-slurry ice system

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    6 páginas, 3 tablas.-- The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comThe use of a combined ozonised-slurry ice system was investigated as a new refrigeration system for the on-board storage of megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), a fish species that is usually stored aboard fishing vessels for 1 to 2 weeks. The time elapsed between the catch and unloading at the harbour affects its quality and commercial value directly. Microbiological, chemical and sensory analyses were carried out in megrim after 2 weeks of onboard storage in ozonised slurry ice, slurry ice or flake ice, and for an additional period of 6 days. Sensory analyses revealed that megrim specimens stored in ozonised slurry ice (oSI600 batch) maintained A quality even after 20 days of storage, while counterpart batches stored in flake ice showed B quality at unloading, after 14 days of on-board storage. Storage in ozonised slurry ice (oSI600 batch) also led to significantly (p<0.05) lower counts of aerobic mesophiles, psychrotrophic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and proteolytic microorganisms in megrim muscle as compared with flake ice. Biochemical analyses revealed that the use of ozonised-slurry ice or slurry ice alone slowed down the formation of total volatile base-nitrogen (TVBN) and trimethylamine-nitrogen (TMA-N) in comparison with storage in flake ice, also allowing a better control of pH. Lipid hydrolysis and oxidation events also occurred at a lower rate in the ozonised-slurry ice and slurry ice batches than in the flake ice batch. The present study demonstrates that the combination of slurry ice and ozone for the on-board storage of megrim is advisable, thus improving the quality and extending the shelf life of this fish species.This work was supported through a project grant by the Secretar´ıa Xeral de I+D from the Xunta de Galicia (Project PGIDIT04TAL015E).Peer reviewe

    A comparison of the prediction of apparent metabolisable energy content of starchy grains and cereal by-products for poultry from its chemical components, in vitro analysis or near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    Regression models including chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) were compared in order to predict the energy value of several feed ingredients for poultry. The nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolisable energy content (AMEn) in cockerels and its proportion on total gross energy (AMEn/GE) were determined in 94 batches from six starchy grains and six cereal byproducts. Two preliminary trials were also designed to adapt in vitro methods for prediction of in vivo energy values for poultry. Mean concentrations of AMEn of the ingredient studied ranged from 2,464 to 3,595 kcal kg -1 DM, and those of AMEn/GE from 53.7 to 80.0%. The most precise model of prediction of AMEn and AMEn/GE values was that based on NIRS equations (R2 cv = 0.823 and 0.861, respectively). The best single chemical predictor of these energy values was the neutral detergent fibre concentration (R2 = 0.616 and 0.736, respectively). Further inclusion of ether extract and ash contents in the AMEn model and those of starch and ether extract in the AMEn/GE model allowed increasing coefficients of determination up to 0.791 and 0.839, respectively. A model including linear and quadratic effects of in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMd) provided a similar prediction of AMEn/GE values (R2 = 0.833). However the prediction of AMEn from IVOMd was worse (R2 = 0.62), as variations among batches of GE concentration (from 4,225 to 5,896 kcal kg –1 DM) were little related to in vitro digestibility values

    Monitoring methane and nitrous oxide reduction by manure treatment

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    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CH4 and N2O) by manure treatment should be accounted for in the National Inventory Report (NIR). At the moment reliable activity data and emission factors from manure treatment are hardly available. This is the outcome of a national and international literature review. It is recommended to use a model approach to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from manure treatment

    Ontwerp van nieuwe meetprotocollen voor het meten van gasvormige emissies in de landbouw

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    Binnen het Europese onderzoeksproject Welfare Quality® werden protocollen opgesteld die het mogelijk maken om het welzijn aan het dier zélf te meten. De protocollen zijn echter lijvig, waardoor één welzijnsmeting afhankelijk van de diersoort 5 tot 8 uur vergt. Het ministerie van EL&I wil de protocollen vereenvoudigen, zodat ze gemakkelijk zijn in te zetten op veebedrijven

    Las gotas lípidicas nucleares constituyen un nuevo dominio nuclear

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    Teniendo en cuenta que los lípidos neutros nucleares pueden representar pooles alternativos de ácidos grasos y lípidos de señalización celular, el objetivo de este trabajo fue dilucidar un modelo de organización de estos lípidos neutro