247 research outputs found

    Avaluació i optimització dels plans municipals d’adaptació climàtica: els refugis climàtics i el cas de participació de la UPC

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és avaluar les estratègies locals d'adaptació als riscos derivats del canvi climàtic, impulsades per la iniciativa europea. Es pretén analitzar el grau d'aplicació real de les accions recollides en aquests plans, concretament les accions per fer front a l'augment de temperatures i d’onades de calor previst pels pròxims anys, centrant-se en la creació de refugis climàtics. Aquests centres ofereixen confort tèrmic i descans a la població mentre mantenen el seu ús habitual. A partir de la comparació entre la planificació teòrica i l’aplicació real en 7 municipis d’estudi, aquells on la UPC té un campus un campus universitari, es volen identificar factors determinants i oportunitats de millora en l’estratègia d’adaptació. Finalment, es busca identificar com la UPC pot augmentar las seva col·laboració en la tasca municipal d'adaptació al canvi climàtic i com millorar en la implementació i difusió dels seus refugis climàtics. Les principals metodologies emprades al llarg de l'estudi són tres: per a l'elaboració dels fonaments teòrics, s'ha utilitzat un mètode estratègic de recerca bibliogràfica; per a la recollida d'informació qualitativa sobre els casos d'estudi, s'han dut a terme entrevistes estructurades i semiestructurades; finalment, per escollir en quin campus de la UPC aplicar les recomanacions proposades, s'ha utilitzat un mètode de presa de decisions multicriteri, el MAUT o Teoria d’Utilitat Multi Atribut. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi inclouen: la determinació de factors clau en les estratègies d'adaptació al canvi climàtic i en la creació de refugis climàtics, així com un recull de recomanacions sobre la millor manera d'implementar aquests refugis per satisfer les necessitats de tots els usuaris i promoure’n l'ús. Addicionalment, es presenten una sèrie de recomanacions més concretes per al cas de la UPC, amb l'objectiu de millorar i ampliar les biblioteques dels campus universitaris que actuen com a refugis. Es conclou que aquestes millores son viables econòmicament i s’haurien de provar primer en un parell de biblioteques per tal d’avaluar la seva efectivitat. Concretament es recomana aplicar les millores a la facultat de Nàutica al barri de la Barceloneta i a l’escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE) a Sant Adrià del Besòs. També s’exploren altres formes en que la UPC podria col·laborar en un futur amb els plans municipals d'adaptació al canvi climàtic més enllà de la creació de refugis climàtics

    Empresa 2030: una mirada al futuro del trabajo con la inteligencia artificial

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    El TFG analiza cuál es el futuro del trabajo con la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial en las empresas y explora los cambios más relevantes que se podrían producir en ellas en los próximos 5 a 10 años, con sus impactos potenciales.Grado en Comerci

    A gestão de conflitos no trabalho. Habilidades necessárias para o mediador trabalhista

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    The aim of this article is to examine the unique characteristics of conflict management in the workplace, within the framework of social dialogue. Through a review of specialized literature, the necessary competencies for workplace mediators to facilitate quality conflict management are analyzed. Additionally, various techniques required for effective mediation are explored. It is concluded that, beyond the specific utility of each technique, the timing of their application is paramount. Moreover, the professionalization of mediators is deemed essential, as they should possess skills such as empathy, active listening, self-control, compassion, creative thinking, assertive language, and critical reasoning, alongside resilience and self-care.El objetivo de este artículo es examinar las características propias de la gestión de conflictos en el ámbito laboral, dentro del marco del diálogo social. Mediante un relevamiento de la literatura especializada, se analizan las competencias necesarias para que el mediador laboral pueda desarrollar una gestión de conflictos de calidad. También se desarrollan las distintas técnicas que requiere la persona mediadora para ejercer su rol. Se concluye que, más allá de la utilidad concreta de cada técnica, lo más importante es que el momento de su aplicación sea oportuno. También se entiende que es fundamental la profesionalización de las personas mediadoras, quienes deben contar con habilidades como la empatía, la escucha activa, el autocontrol, la compasión, el pensamiento creativo, el lenguaje asertivo y el razonamiento crítico, así como la resiliencia y el autocuidado.O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as características próprias da gestão de conflitos na esfera trabalhista, dentro do contexto do diálogo social. Por meio de um levantamento da literatura especializada, são analisadas as competências necessárias para que o mediador trabalhista possa desenvolver uma gestão de conflitos de qualidade. Também são desenvolvidas as diferentes técnicas necessárias para que o mediador desempenhe sua função. Conclui-se que, para além da utilidade específica de cada técnica, o mais importante é que o momento da sua aplicação seja adequado. Entende-se também que é fundamental a profissionalização dos mediadores, que devem ter habilidades como empatia, escuta ativa, autocontrole, compaixão, pensamento criativo, linguagem assertiva e raciocínio crítico, assim como resiliência e autocuidado


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    comentario_oral, sistema_actividades, trabajo_socia

    Putrescine production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 is reduced by NaCl via a decrease in bacterial growth and the repression of the genes involved in putrescine production

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    The reduction of NaCl in food is a public health priority; high NaCl intakes have been associated with serious health problems. However, it is reported that reducing the NaCl content of cheeses may lead to an increase in the content of biogenic amines (BAs). The present work examines the effect of NaCl on the accumulation of putrescine (one of the BAs often detected at high concentration in cheese) in experimental Cabrales-like cheeses containing Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666, a dairy strain that catabolises agmatine to putrescine via the agmatine deiminase (AGDI) pathway. The genes responsible for this pathway are grouped in the AGDI cluster. This comprises a regulatory gene (aguR) (transcribed independently), followed by the catabolic genes that together form an operon (aguBDAC). Reducing the NaCl concentration of the cheese led to increased putrescine accumulation. In contrast, increasing the NaCl concentration of both pH-uncontrolled and pH-controlled (pH 6) cultures of L. lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 significantly inhibited its growth and the production of putrescine. Such production appeared to be inhibited via a reduction in the transcription of the aguBDAC operon; no effect on the transcription of aguR was recorded. The present results suggest that low-sodium cheeses are at risk of accumulating higher concentrations of putrescine.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2013–2017 and the European Regional Development Funds.Peer reviewe

    Electrochemical and bioelectrocatalytical properties of novel block-copolymers containing interacting ferrocenyl units

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    The electrochemical characterization of three different polystyrene-b-polybutadiene block copolymers functionalized with ferrocenyl units electronically communicated, PSm-PBn(HSiMeFc2)p where m=615, n=53, p=39 (1), m=375, n=92, p=76 (2) and m=455, n=204, p=170 (3), has been carried out both in solution and electrochemically deposited onto platinum electrodes. The bioelectrocatalytical properties of electrodes modified with the polymers in the nicotinamide dinucleotide (NADH) and glucose oxidase (GOx) oxidations have been investigated as a function of the constitution and structure of the polymers. The analytical properties of electrodes modified with these polymers as sensors of NADH and GOx are described. In addition, an amperometric biosensor for glucose, prepared by electrostatic immobilization of glucose oxidase onto a platinum electrode modified with one of the ferrocenyl block copolymers as an example, has been developed. The results confirm that electrodes modified with the examined copolymers act as efficient redox mediators for the electrocatalytic oxidation of both reduced nicotinamide dinucleotide cofactor and glucose oxidase. The reaction with NADH proceeds via formation of a charge-transfer intermediate before yielding the reaction products. This is a novel example of electrodes modified with ferrocene derivatives that can be applied to the determination of NADH without the use of diaphorase. The redox copolymers co-immobilized with glucose-oxidase have been successfully used as amperometric biosensors for glucose determinations. As expected these compounds allow using lower working potentials. The sensitivities and detection limits obtained are comparable or even better than those of other ferrocene-modified polymers mediator electrodes

    Biofilm-forming capacity in biogenic amine-producing bacteria isolated from dairy products

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    Biofilms on the surface of food industry equipment are reservoirs of potentially food-contaminating bacteria-both spoilage and pathogenic. However, the capacity of biogenic amine (BA)-producers to form biofilms has remained largely unexamined. BAs are low molecular weight, biologically active compounds that in food can reach concentrations high enough to be a toxicological hazard. Fermented foods, especially some types of cheese, accumulate the highest BA concentrations of all. The present work examines the biofilm-forming capacity of 56 BA-producing strains belonging to three genera and 10 species (12 Enterococcus faecalis, 6 Enterococcus faecium, 6 Enterococcus durans, 1 Enterococcus hirae, 12 Lactococcus lactis, 7 Lactobacillus vaginalis, 2 Lactobacillus curvatus, 2 Lactobacillus brevis, 1 Lactobacillus reuteri, and 7 Lactobacillus parabuchneri), all isolated from dairy products. Strains of all the tested species - except for L. vaginalis-were able to produce biofilms on polystyrene and adhered to stainless steel. However, the biomass produced in biofilms was strain-dependent. These results suggest that biofilms may provide a route via which fermented foods can become contaminated by BA-producing microorganisms.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013–2017 financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Principality of Asturias (GRUPIN14-137). MD is a beneficiary of an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness.Peer Reviewe

    The long journey of Orthotrichum shevockii (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida): From California to Macaronesia

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Biogeography, systematics and taxonomy are complementary scientific disciplines. To understand a species' origin, migration routes, distribution and evolutionary history, it is first necessary to establish its taxonomic boundaries. Here, we use an integrative approach that takes advantage of complementary disciplines to resolve an intriguing scientific question. Populations of an unknown moss found in the Canary Islands (Tenerife Island) resembled two different Californian endemic species: Orthotrichum shevockii and O. kellmanii. To determine whether this moss belongs to either of these species and, if so, to explain its presence on this distant oceanic island, we combined the evaluation of morphological qualitative characters, statistical morphometric analyses of quantitative traits, and molecular phylogenetic inferences. Our results suggest that the two Californian mosses are conspecific, and that the Canarian populations belong to this putative species, with only one taxon thus involved. Orthotrichum shevockii (the priority name) is therefore recognized as a morphologically variable species that exhibits a transcontinental disjunction between western North America and the Canary Islands. Within its distribution range, the area of occupancy is limited, a notable feature among bryophytes at the intraspecific level. To explain this disjunction, divergence time and ancestral area estimation analyses are carried out and further support the hypothesis of a long-distance dispersal event from California to Tenerife IslandThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2007- 61389/BOS) to F.L., the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2011-28857/BOS) to V.M., the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2013-43246-P) to R.G., and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CGL2016-80772-P) to I.D. and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grants IJCI-2014-19691 and RYC-2016-20506) to J.P. J.P. also received the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant 747238. J.M.G-M and A.L-L. are grateful for funding from Parque Nacional del Teide. B.V. benefited from the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant BES2012-051976 of the Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Putrescine biosynthesis in Lactococcus lactis is transcriptionally activated at acidic pH and counteracts acidification of the cytosol

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    Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 is a lactic acid bacterium that synthesizes the biogenic amine putrescine from agmatine via the agmatine deiminase (AGDI) pathway. The AGDI genes cluster includes aguR. This encodes a transmembrane protein that functions as a one-component signal transduction system, the job of which is to sense the agmatine concentration of the medium and accordingly regulate the transcription of the catabolic operon aguBDAC. The latter encodes the proteins necessary for agmatine uptake and its conversion into putrescine. This work reports the effect of extracellular pH on putrescine biosynthesis and on the genetic regulation of the AGDI pathway. Increased putrescine biosynthesis was detected at acidic pH (pH 5) compared to neutral pH. Acidic pH induced the transcription of the catabolic operon via the activation of the aguBDAC promoter P. However, the external pH had no significant effect on the activity of the aguR promoter P, or on the transcription of the aguR gene. The transcriptional activation of the AGDI pathway was also found to require a lower agmatine concentration at pH 5 than at neutral pH. Finally, the following of the AGDI pathway counteracted the acidification of the cytoplasm under acidic external conditions, suggesting it to provide protection against acid stress.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 Project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2014–2017 and the European Regional Development Funds. The authors thank Adrian Burton for language and editing assistance.Peer Reviewe

    Is256 abolishes gelatinase activity and biofilm formation in a mutant of the nosocomial pathogen enterococcus faecalis v583

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    Enterococcus faecalis is one of the most controversial species of lactic acid bacteria. Some strains are used as probiotics, while others are associated with severe and life-threatening nosocomial infections. Their pathogenicity depends on the acqui-sition of multidrug resistance and virulence factors. Gelatinase, which is required in the first steps of biofilm formation, is an important virulence determinant involved in E. faecalis pathogenesis, including endocarditis and peritonitis. The gene that codes for gelatinase (gelE) is controlled by the Fsr quorum-sensing system, whose encoding genes (fsrA, fsrB, fsrC, and fsrD) are located immediately upstream of gelE. The integration of a DNA fragment into the fsr locus of a derived mutant of E. faecalis V583 suppressed the gelatinase activity and prevented biofilm formation. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of IS256 integrated into the fsrC gene at nucleotide position 321. Interestingly, IS256 is also associated with biofilm formation in Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. This is the first description of an insertion sequence that prevents biofilm formation in E. faecalis. Copyright de NRC Research PressPeer Reviewe