1,410 research outputs found

    Regulating autonomous agents facing conflicting objectives : a command and control example

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    UK military commanders have a degree of devolved decision authority delegated from command and control (C2) regulators, and they are trained and expected to act rationally and accountably. Therefore from a Bayesian perspective they should be subjective expected utility maximizers. In fact they largely appear to be so. However when current tactical objectives conflict with broader campaign objective there is a strong risk that fielded commanders will lose rationality and coherence. By systematically analysing the geometry of their expected utilities, arising from a utility function with two attributes, we demonstrate in this paper that even when a remote C2 regulator can predict only the likely broad shape of her agents' marginal utility functions it is still often possible for her to identify robustly those settings where the commander is at risk of making inappropriate decisions

    Unleashing Mr. Punch

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    This article is an experiential reflection on the performative risks of embodying Mr Punch through costume for the piece Six O’clock Swill. This interactive solo is a modern day version of Mr Punch and delves into Society’s relationship with alcohol. Developed through London’s Experimental Cabaret scene, the costume allows Lorraine to change gender and incites her to be extremely mischievous and daring with the audience, with unpredictable outcomes. The use of mask in the piece has also led to several precarious health and safety moments. <br/

    Comparison of extrapolated maximal workloads from various submaximal loads

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 S64Master of Scienc

    Magnesium transport in ferret red cells.

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    LSD and Freedom of Religion

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    School Climate, Early Adolescent Development, and Identity: Associations with Adjustment Outcomes

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    Early adolescence is a time of risk and exploration for young people. In a period of development marked by increasing independence, young people are still learning the skills necessary for success in their adult lives. Positive development is impacted not only by individual characteristics, but also by the environments and social supports present. Adolescents spend a significant amount of time in schools, thus schools are an important context to study in regards to positive adolescent outcomes. Self Determination Theory (SDT, Deci & Ryan, 2000) posits that the degree to which an individual\u27s basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are satisfied impacts an individual\u27s positive developmental outcomes. More recent work on SDT (LaGuardia & Ryan, 2002) posits that this process works through identity development. The present study sought to investigate this theory within the middle school context. Students enrolled in three West Virginia middle schools (n=1,130) participated in this survey research study. Data were analyzed primarily used Hierarchical Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test SDT and to more deeply understand the associations between key study variables (school climate, adolescent development, identity formation, and adjustment outcomes). Findings support the notion that both general adolescent developmental support as well as school climate contribute significantly to positive identity development which, in turn, supports healthy adjustment outcomes including less substance abuse and sexual risk, and higher academic achievement. Thus, schools should work to support individuals\u27 basic psychological needs as well as identity development

    Spacecraft command verification: The AI solution

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    Recently, a knowledge-based approach was used to develop a system called the Command Constraint Checker (CCC) for TRW. CCC was created to automate the process of verifying spacecraft command sequences. To check command files by hand for timing and sequencing errors is a time-consuming and error-prone task. Conventional software solutions were rejected when it was estimated that it would require 36 man-months to build an automated tool to check constraints by conventional methods. Using rule-based representation to model the various timing and sequencing constraints of the spacecraft, CCC was developed and tested in only three months. By applying artificial intelligence techniques, CCC designers were able to demonstrate the viability of AI as a tool to transform difficult problems into easily managed tasks. The design considerations used in developing CCC are discussed and the potential impact of this system on future satellite programs is examined

    Fraternity, legitimacy and (his)story: the collective presentation of entrepreneur stories as excess.

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    This paper is about an entrepreneurial fraternity and its role in reworking and reframing entrepreneurial excess. We achieve this through considering the historical presentation of the entrepreneur as an isolated individual, a maverick, can be mediated through the adoption of historical modes of organisation that have been appropriated to provide conformity, legitimacy and a sense of belonging. To achieve the purpose of our paper we examine the website of the Memphis based society of entrepreneurs (http://www.societyofentrepreneurs.com). Through deconstruction of the website, we show how the conservativeness of the stories presented may play a key role in creating a entrepreneurial identity that counters the rebellious and recklessness of the young turks. We suggest that while these modes of organisation may initially seek to curb entrepreneurial excess, in time, they have the potential to be abused, and thus, in themselves, become a form of excess

    The experience of facilitators and participants of long term condition self-management group programmes: a qualitative synthesis

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    Objective: Our aim was to systematically review the qualitative literature about the experiences of both facilitators and participants in a range of group-based programmes to support the self-management of long-term conditions. Methods: We searched 7 databases using the terms ‘self-management’, ‘group’ and ‘qualitative’. Full text articles meeting the inclusion criteria were retrieved for review. A thematic synthesis approach was used to analyse the studies. Results: 2126 articles were identified and 24 were included for review. Group participants valued being with similar others and perceived peer support benefits. Facilitators (HCP and lay) had limited group specific training, were uncertain of purpose and prioritised education and medical conformity over supportive group processes and the promotion of self-management agency and engagement. Overall, studies prioritised positive descriptions. Conclusion: Group programmes’ medical self-management focus may reduce their ability to contribute to patient-valued outcomes. Further research is needed to explore this disconnect. Practice implications: This review supports broadening the scope of group-based programmes to foreground shared learning, social support and development of agency. It is of relevance to developers and facilitators of group self-management programmes and their ability to address the burden of long-term conditions
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