156 research outputs found

    The Role of Prostaglandin E2 in the Expression of Hemoglobin During Prenatal and Postnatal Brain Development - Potential Connection to Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Abnormal levels of the fetal hemoglobin isoform Hbb- and the adult isoforms Hbb- and Hba- have been found in the prenatal male brain of our mouse model lacking prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) producing enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2-knockout). Dysregulations of the COX2/PGE2 pathway has also been linked to autism. In this study, we use quantitative Real-Time PCR, western blots, and immunohistochemistry to investigate the expression of Hba-, Hbb-, and Hbb- in the brain of COX2-knockin (COX2-KI) mice. Overall, gene expression was affected in a sex-dependent manner and by deficits of the COX2/PGE2 pathway. Protein expression analysis also revealed sex-dependent changes and differences for the COX2-KI animals. Interestingly, regional expression analysis showed a distinct pattern of Hbb- in the white matter, whereas Hba- and Hbb- were expressed in the grey matter. These results add new knowledge about the involvement of COX2/PGE2 pathway in the regulation of hemoglobin in the brain with implications for autism

    Fan-Fiction and AO3 Free-Form Tagging Practice: Innovating Open-Source Tools for Tag Network Visualization and Analysis

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    The thesis focuses on obtaining, representing, analyzing, and visualizing tag data within the Archive of Our Own (AO3) fan fiction archive, with a focus on the ``Additional Tags" category. The work was undertaken in four components. First, network nomenclature was defined and formally-defined network representations were developed for the AO3 Additional Tag structure. Second, computational techniques were developed to scrape the data from AO3, both in its current state and in its archival state (from the Wayback Machine) and to store it in a format suitable for subsequent processing. Third, techniques were developed to use the scraped data in order to computationally instantiate and visualize the network structures that were developed in the first component. Finally, in the fourth component, a set of network analysis techniques were developed, which were used to extract quantitative characteristics of the networks, to identify relevant changes over time, and to identify co-creation actions between different users in the AO3 community

    Fan-Fiction and AO3 Free-Form Tagging Practice: Innovating Open-Source Tools for Tag Network Visualization and Analysis

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    The thesis focuses on obtaining, representing, analyzing, and visualizing tag data within the Archive of Our Own (AO3) fan fiction archive, with a focus on the ``Additional Tags" category. The work was undertaken in four components. First, network nomenclature was defined and formally-defined network representations were developed for the AO3 Additional Tag structure. Second, computational techniques were developed to scrape the data from AO3, both in its current state and in its archival state (from the Wayback Machine) and to store it in a format suitable for subsequent processing. Third, techniques were developed to use the scraped data in order to computationally instantiate and visualize the network structures that were developed in the first component. Finally, in the fourth component, a set of network analysis techniques were developed, which were used to extract quantitative characteristics of the networks, to identify relevant changes over time, and to identify co-creation actions between different users in the AO3 community

    Comparação entre imagens ultrassonográficas do cérebro do cão com e sem a calota craniana e sua correlação com a anatomia real

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    Bones are believed to be an effective barrier to obtain sonographic images. In fact, the large difference between acoustic impedances of surfaces of the soft and bone tissues generates significant image artifacts. However, transmission of the ultrasound beam depends on bone thickness and structure. Therefore, the temporal bone has been used as an acoustic window to access the brain of adult patients with ultrasonography. The purpose of this study was to assess the brain of adult dogs using ultrasonography with and without bone interposition, compare the images, and correlate them with the brain anatomy. Ten mesaticephalic adult dogs were used, and the ultrasound examination was performed through the magnum orifice and on the temporal, lateral parietal, and frontal bones. A small craniotomy was performed in the frontal bone for examination without bone interposition. We were able to acquire images of the brain with bone interposition. However, resolution of these images was lower than the ones obtained by craniotomy. Important anatomical structures were identified. Regarding the correlation and the wide availability of ultrasound equipment, it was concluded that ultrasound can be used as a tool for monitoring expansive intracranial lesions or in intraoperative procedures.Os ossos são tidos como uma barreira intransponível para obtenção de imagens sonográficas, pois a grande diferença entre as impedâncias acústicas das superfícies de tecidos moles e ósseos gera importantes artefatos de reflexão, contudo, a transmissão do feixe ultrassônico depende da espessura e da estrutura óssea e neste caso o osso temporal tem sido usado como uma janela acústica para o acesso, por ultrassonografia, do encéfalo de pacientes adultos. O presente trabalho examinou o encéfalo de cães adultos com o emprego da ultrassonografia com e sem a interposição do crânio, comparou as imagens obtidas e as correlacionou com a anatomia encefálica. Foram examinados dez cães adultos, mesaticefálicos. O exame ultrassonográfico foi realizado através do orifício magno e dos ossos temporal, parietal (porção lateral) e frontal. No exame sem a interposição óssea foi realizada uma pequena craniotomia no osso frontal. As imagens do encéfalo com a interposição óssea apresentaram resolução inferior às obtidas por craniotomia. Importantes estruturas anatômicas foram identificadas. Devido à correlação e a sua ampla disponibilidade, concluiu-se que o aparelho de ultrassom pode ser usado para o acompanhamento de lesões intracranianas expansivas, bem como em procedimentos intraoperatórios

    Functional Study of Blood-Brain Barrier in Neurotransplanted Patients

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    André Sternbeck, Kim Maltman, Michael Müller-Preussker, Lorenz von Smekalhttp://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=16

    Ultrasonographic aspects of the gallbladder mucocele in 30 dogs: retrospective study

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    A mucocele biliar caracteriza-se pela hiperplasia do epitélio da vesícula biliar, aumento da produção de muco, acúmulo e densificação do conteúdo biliar, podendo levar à obstrução, necrose e ruptura da parede da vesícula biliar. Seu achado pode ser acidental ou estar relacionado à sintomatologia. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo (2016-2019) a partir de exames ultrassonográficos abdominais em cães, correlacionando os aspectos da vesícula biliar na mucocele, com comorbidades existentes. Foram avaliados 30 cães com diagnóstico de mucocele biliar, dos quais 46,66% apresentaram a doença em estágio inicial e 53,33% demonstraram estágio mais avançado. Destes, 66,66% tinham endocrinopatias, principalmente hiperadrenocorticismo. Sinais de obstrução de vias biliares extra-hepáticas e peritonite biliar foram observados em dois animais. Por seu potencial risco de complicação, avaliações ultrassonográficas de seguimento são indicadas nos casos de tratamento clínico, não se descartando a necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica.Gallbladder mucocele is characterized by hyperplasia of the gallbladder epithelium, increased mucus production, accumulation, and densification of the bile content, which can lead to biliary obstruction, necrosis, and rupture of the gallbladder wall. Its finding may be accidental or related to symptoms. A retrospective study (2016-2019) was carried out based on abdominal ultrasound examinations in dogs, correlating aspects of the gallbladder and biliary system in the mucocele with existing comorbidities. Thirty dogs diagnosed with biliary mucocele were evaluated, of which 46.66% had the disease at an early stage, and 53.33% showed a more advanced stage. Of these, 66.66% were related to endocrinopathies and hyperadrenocorticism. Signs of extrahepatic bile duct obstruction and biliary peritonitis were observed in two animals. Due to their potential risk of complications, follow-up ultrasound assessments are indicated in cases that opt for clinical treatment, not excluding the need for surgical intervention

    Partial Obstruction and Intestinal Bleeding Secondary to a Congenital Duodenal Diverticulum in a Dog

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    Background: Intestinal diverticulum is an abnormality resulting in the formation of a blind-ended saccular pouch that can be acquired either congenital, true (involving all intestinal layers) or false (involving the mucosa and submucosa), with extraluminal and intraluminal type. In humans, the acquired is more frequent, being the colon is the most affected segment followed by duodenum; most of duodenal diverticulum remains asymptomatic, but biliary obstruction, recurrent acute pancreatitis, hemorrhagic ulcer, proximal intestinal obstruction and perforation may occur. The aim of this report is to present a case of a congenital disease in dogs, prone to misdiagnosis due to non-specific clinical signs.Case: An 8-month-old male Boxer was evaluated due to recurrent hyporexia, vomiting, melena and syncope over three months with signs of a possible intestinal obstruction. Physical examination showed no abnormalities except for pale mucous membranes. Complete blood count revealed anemia and leukocytosis. Platelets and biochemical profiles were normal. Abdominal ultrasound examination indicated a dilated duodenum, measuring approximately 3.36 cm in diameter, with heterogeneous fluid content and hyperechogenic structures with acoustic shadow, peristalsis appeared decreased and non-progressive. The gastrointestinal positive contrast study was performed to better evaluate abnormalities detected at ultrasonography. Images after 30 m of contrast administration demonstrated a marked distension of the duodenum, filled with contrast and a mildly filled stomach displaced to the left. Sixty min after contrast administration a marked distension of the entire duodenum, with tortuous aspect and filled with contrast was seen. The caudal duodenal flexure was connected to a large barium filled saccular structure that measured approximately 7 cm in diameter, consistent with a duodenal diverticulum. A blood transfusion was performed and surgical treatment indicated. The diverticulum and a small portion of the caudal duodenal segment were resected, an end-side enteroanastomosis was made due to the difference in diameter between intestinal segments. The patient was medicated with sucralfate (12.5 mg/kg), ranitidine (2 mg/kg), metronidazole (25 mg/kg), dipyrone (25 mg/kg) and, tramadol (2 mg/kg) and recovered quickly from surgery. Histopathological examination characterized the diverticular tissue as a true diverticulum by the presence of all intestinal layers. Post-operative and follow-up evaluations showed no recurrence of clinical signs.Discussion: In veterinary practice, congenital duodenal diverticulum is a rare condition documented in dogs, curiously all Boxers None of the reported cases in literature had the diagnostic of duodenal diverticulum made exclusively by ultrasonography. Other diagnostic imaging modalities, such as gastrointestinal barium study or endoscopy, were necessary. In one case a diagnostic was made during exploratory laparotomy. The marked dilatation of the duodenal segment impaired ultrasound evaluation, allowing recognition of an obstructive pattern, not the diverticulum itself. At histopathological examination, the diverticular tissue was characterized by a thickened wall with a hypertrophied muscle layer, characterizing a true duodenal diverticulum. The location, breed and age of the dogs affected with duodenal diverticulum was similar in all veterinary cases reported. Dogs presenting signs of gastrointestinal disease and abdominal pain are common in patients referred to ultrasound examination. However, despite the rare reports described, we must consider this affection as a differential diagnosis, whenever boxer puppies present these clinical signs associated with gastrointestinal bleeding and syncope

    Un avance hacia las alternativas pedagógicas a la educación primaria tradicional: La experiencia en Escuelas del Sur (El Pinar, Canelones)

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    El presente artículo es producto de un proyecto de investigación estudiantil que comienza con el vínculo entre compañeros en el primer semestre, al inicio de nuestras carreras. Se propuso llevar a cabo este emprendimiento, con la intención de realizar nuestra primera experiencia en Extensión universitaria de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FHCE) y de la Universidad de la República (Udelar). Compartimos desde un principio los objetivos y cometidos del rol de la Extensión en la universidad: «... difundir la cultura, contribuir al estudio de los problemas de interés general y propender a su comprensión pública...» e involucrar la participación de la universidad en proyectos de interés social y al mismo tiempo ser medio de enriquecimiento como experiencia académica bajo un formato interdisciplinario: compartir las diferentes miradas desde nuestras respectivas licenciaturas