53 research outputs found

    Manteniendo la precariedad, arruinando a través de la deuda

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    Precarisation means more than insecure jobs, more than the lack of security given by waged employment. By way of insecurity and danger it embraces the whole of existence, the body, modes of subjectivation. It is threat and coercion, even while it opens up new possibilities of living and working. Precarisation means living with the unforeseeable, with contingency. In this article I analyse how the new precarious living and working conditions and the privatisation of protection against precariousness are conditions of both a prospering financial capitalism and its concomitant debt economy. This economy is based on the expansion of productivity that involves less work, in the traditional sense, than subjectivation. A new subjectivity is needed to assume responsibility, to take on debt, and to internalise the risks both as guilt and as debt: a personality that is doubly indebted and responsible for oneself.La precarización significa más que empleos inseguros, más que la falta de seguridad que proporciona el empleo asalariado. A través de la inseguridad y el peligro, la precarización abarca toda la existencia, el cuerpo, los modos de subjetivación. Es una amenaza y una forma de coerción, aunque también abre nuevas posibilidades de vivir y trabajar. Precarización significa vivir con lo imprevisible, bajo la contingencia. En este artículo analizo cómo las nuevas condiciones de vida y de trabajo precarias y la privatización de la protección contra la precariedad son condiciones, tanto de un próspero capitalismo financiero, como de su concomitante economía de la deuda. Esta economía se basa en la expansión de la productividad, la cual implica más bien procesos de subjetivación que lo que hemos entendido por trabajo en el sentido tradicional. Se necesita una nueva subjetividad para asumir responsabilidades, para endeudarse e internalizar los riesgos como culpa y como deuda: una personalidad doblemente endeudada y responsable de sí misma

    Biopolitische Gouvernementalität: Weiße Herrschaftstechniken

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    Was sollte dem Antifeminismus entgegen gesetzt werden?

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    Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten am Beispiel des Ekels: Zum Betrachten der Folterbilder aus Abu Ghraib

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    One year ago in German feuilletons, disgust and abhorrence were one of the first reactions on the publication of the photos of torture. Especially on the photos with Lynndie England. The paper follows this reactions of disgust and asks for the meaning of the pictures in the cultural imaginary of the west

    A divisão sexual do trabalho comunitário: Migrantes peruanos, informalidade e reprodução da vida em Córdoba, Argentina

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    Este artículo se propone indagar acerca de los modos de organización del trabajo comunitario que involucra a hombres y mujeres migrantes que habitan barrios de relegación urbana de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). En particular, y a partir de los aportes teóricos de la economía feminista y los resultados de un trabajo de campo cualitativo con población migrante peruana en Córdoba, reflexiona sobre la división y jerarquización de género presente en el trabajo comunitario. El argumento principal afirma que, en escenarios de creciente informalización de la vida cotidiana migrante, lo comunitario resulta ser un factor tanto de sostenimiento y consolidación de los espacios donde reside un amplio conjunto de migrantes regionales como de subsistencia barrial y familiar.This article inquires about the ways of organizing community work involving male and female migrants who inhabit urban relegation neighborhoods in the city of Córdoba (Argentina). In particular, and based on the theoretical contributions of feminist economics and the results of qualitative field work with the Peruvian migrant population in Córdoba, it reflects upon the division and hierarchical organization of gender roles in community work. The main argument is that, in contexts of increasing informalization of migrant daily life, the community turns out to be a factor for sustaining and consolidating the spaces where a large group of regional migrants resides as well as a factor of neighborhood and family subsistence.Este artigo se propõe a indagar sobre os modos de organização do trabalho comunitário que envolve homens e mulheres migrantes que habitam bairros de relegação urbana da cidade de Córdoba (Argentina). Em particular, e a partir das colaborações teóricas da economia feminista e dos resultados de um trabalho de campo qualitativo com população migrante peruana em Córdoba, reflete sobre a divisão e hierarquização de gênero presente no trabalho comunitário. O argumento principal afirma que, em cenários de crescente infodos espaços onde reside um amplo conjunto de migrantes regionais quanto de subsistência de bairro e familiar.Fil: Magliano, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Complementary Communities and Strategies of Immunization

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    To speak of political immunization means to thematize the forms and limits of communities. How does belonging arise and how do communities defend themselves against outside threats? Communities frequently define themselves on the basis of a common identity and the defence of property. Roberto Esposito proposes a form that is constituted by something being given up and shared with others. These two models appear in a certain sense incompatible, but they do not exclude one another: they stand instead in a relationship of complementarity. They assume different functions in the context of securing domination and political immunizations: on the one hand, they provide for as homogenous a ‘Volk’ as possible; on the other, for an exchange of the heterogeneous many whose insurrectionary virulence must be controlled and domesticated. In bio-political modernity, the integration of what is threatening goes along with an immunizing control. Unforeseen contact among the many remains dangerous, because it can mean a break with the ruling order. Isabell Lorey is a political scientist. She is a visiting professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin and teaches political theory, cultural, gender, and postcolonial studies at the University of Vienna. Her many areas of research include feminist and political theory, focusing on biopolitics, critical whiteness studies, political immunization, constituent power and exodus in political movements, and precarization. Among her recent publications are &#8220;Figuren des Immunen: Elemente einer politischen Theorie&#8221; (Zürich: diaphanes 2011). “Gouvernementale Prekarisierung“, in &#8220;Inventionen 1: Gemeinsam. Prekär. Potentia. Kon-/Disjunktion. Ereignis. Transversalität. Queere Assemblagen&#8220;, ed. by Isabell Lorey, Roberto Nigro, Gerald Raunig (Zürich: diaphanes 2011). &#8220;Inventionen 1&#8221; is the first volume in a book series that seeks to update and repoliticize poststructuralist theory (for the English version see the current issue of transversal: “Inventions”.Isabell Lorey, Complementary Communities and Strategies of Immunization, lecture, ICI Berlin, 10 January 2012 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e120110

    Virtuosität zwischen Dienstbarkeit und Exodus. Postfordistische Öffentlichkeit, soziale Produktion und politisches Handeln

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    Isabell Lorey Virtuosity between Servility and Exodus. The Postfordist Public, Social Production, and Political ActionIn what fundamental ways is the present relationship between the public, work, and intellect changing – the Aristotelian three-way partition of social praxis, which figures mainly in the work of Hanna Arendt? What is the function of the creative work in these postfordist transformations? On this question, Pablo Virno has delivered inspiring deliberations with his concept of virtuosity. But he has not extended his inquiry into a current postfordian and governmental idea of freedom. Not only in the example of contribution of culture producers does to the precariousness of their own existence does this freedom mean obedience and servility. But how can one escape this servile virtuosity? And how would political action become conceivable