4,247 research outputs found

    Production of bioethanol from multiple waste streams of rice milling

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    This work describes the feasibility of using rice milling by-products as feedstock for bioethanol. Starch-rich residues (rice bran, broken, unripe and discolored rice) were individually fermented (20% w/v) through Consolidated Bioprocessing by two industrial engineered yeast secreting fungal amylases. Rice husk (20% w/v), mainly composed by lignocellulose, was pre-treated at 55 degrees C with alkaline peroxide, saccharified through optimized dosages of commercial enzymes (Cellic (R) CTec2) and fermented by the recombinant strains. Finally, a blend of all the rice by-products, formulated as a mixture (20% w/v) according to their proportions at milling plants, were co-processed to ethanol by optimized pre-treatment, saccharification and fermentation by amylolytic strains. Fermenting efficiency for each by-product was high (above 88% of the theoretical) and further confirmed on the blend of residues (nearly 52 g/L ethanol). These results demonstrated for the first time that the co-conversion of multiple waste streams is a promising option for second generation ethanol production

    La labor enfermera en las ONG de ayuda socio-sanitaria

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    Las ONG se definen como instituciones independientes que no tienen ánimo de lucro. Desempeñan diversas funciones como la prestación de servicios, la asistencial y el desarrollo social. El voluntariado socio-sanitario asocia diversas actividades relacionadas con la salud y la atención social. El presente trabajo pretende divulgar la labor que desempeña Enfermería en las ONG de ayuda socio-sanitaria. Revisión bibliográfica basada en la búsqueda de información en diferentes bases de datos, páginas oficiales y páginas web de ONG. Se exponen los modos de financiación, las formas de colaboración, los países en los que actúan, sus objetivos y principios éticos y difunde la labor que las enfermeras desempeñan en los proyectos de colaboración con las ONGD. Además, recopila algunas de las páginas web oficiales más destacadas en el panorama de la cooperación y claves para que aquellos interesados puedan disponer de las herramientas y el conocimiento necesarios para realizar su búsqueda, que ésta sea más fácil y directa, y poder así, decidir la experiencia que más se adapte a sus requerimientos. Las actividades que realizan las enfermeras en el ámbito de la ayuda socio-sanitaria son muy variadas, puesto que las necesidades de cada comunidad varían en función de su situación. Para proporcionar esta ayuda se puede colaborar como voluntario o como cooperante en diferentes organismos e instituciones financiados por fondos tanto públicos como privados.Grado en Enfermerí

    Book Notices

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    Obra ressenyada: Jesús CANTERA ORTIZ DE URBINA ; Julia SEVILLA MUÑOZ ; Manuel SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Refranes, otras paremias y fraseologismos en Don Quijote de la Mancha. Burlington: University of Vermont, 200

    The Localisation of "Final Fantasy VII": A Descriptive Analysis

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    The contemporary society has perceived the development of the industry of video games in a short period of time. Factually, video games have evolved over the last decades with such strength that they have indeed been integrated in everyday life (Bernal-Merino, 2011: 16). More immersive than a book, more demanding than a film, video games are appealing to the five senses because of its selected music and animated scenes, specifics that play a crucial part in their growing popularity. In fact, their expansion is far from being over. Enterprises from all over the world perceive the economic potential video games possess and, as such, they attempt to expand their business worldwide. Extending the frontiers that video games are able to span entails new challenges, such as fitting for a culture entirely divergent from their original one. Thus, from a linguistic perspective, a new branch related to audiovisual translation (AVT) required to be born. Translation from a source language to a target language was no longer enough to satisfy the needs of a new culture. This dissertation attempts to shed some light on the existing clash between cultures and how linguistics expands its limits while researching the best direction to follow so the great majority of consumers see their own needs fulfilled. Once the essential background knowledge is settled, the principal characteristics observed are applied by means of analysing the characters’ speech from the game Final Fantasy VII (Square Soft, 1997), taking real examples from Japanese, English and Spanish to compare in an attempt to illustrate the adaptations suffered each game version from the original script and analyse the possible reasons why loss of meaning occurs

    Utilisation of wheat bran as a substrate for bioethanol production using recombinant cellulases and amylolytic yeast

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    Wheat bran, generated from the milling of wheat, represents a promising feedstock for the production of bioethanol. This substrate consists of three main components: starch, hemicellulose and cellulose. The optimal conditions for wheat bran hydrolysis have been determined using a recombinant cellulase cocktail (RCC), which contains two cellobiohydrolases, an endoglucanase and a beta-glucosidase. The 10% (w/v, expressed in terms of dry matter) substrate loading yielded the most glucose, while the 2% loading gave the best hydrolysis efficiency (degree of saccharification) using unmilled wheat bran. The ethanol production of two industrial amylolytic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, MEL2[TLG1-SFA1] and M2n [TLG1-SFA1], were compared in a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) for 10% wheat bran loading with or without the supplementation of optimised RCC. The recombinant yeasts. cerevisiae MEL2[TLG1-SFA1] and M2n[TLG1-SFA1] completely hydrolysed wheat bran's starch producing similar amounts of ethanol (5.3 +/- 0.14 g/L and 5.0 +/- 0.09 g/L, respectively). Supplementing SSF with RCC resulted in additional ethanol production of about 2.0 g/L. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed the effectiveness of both RCC and engineered amylolytic strains in terms of cellulose and starch depolymerisatio

    Laser Pulses Characterization with Pyroelectric Sensors

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    There are many industrial and medical applications of CO2 (λ=10.6 μm) and Nd:YAG (λ=1.06 μm) infrared lasers for which the quality of the process are tightly connected to the characteristic of the laser pulse. These two types of lasers deliver pulses with duration, repetition frequency and power that can be controlled by means of a programmable electronic control unit. An open-loop control generally optimize the process performances by availing of a laser system model. However, this method cannot control that during the operation the laser source and the optical delivering system could deteriorate; moreover the laser beam characteristics and laser pulse temporal envelope could change by several factors like power supply variations, optical beam misalignments, dirty deposits on mirrors, changes in laser efficiency and many others

    Overall Knowledge Regarding the Freshman 15 of First Year Students

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    The “Freshman 15” is a term used by first year students at a college or university. It is the idea that students will increase in body weight by fifteen pounds during the first year. Although the concern of gaining fifteen pounds is exaggerated by media, the actual weight gained varies between each student. Weight gain at school could be affected by the number of home cooked meals before attending school, increased alcohol consumption, physical activity level, and body perception. A survey was created to pretest and posttest the participants on their basic nutrition knowledge and the concern of the “Freshman 15”. Twenty-three participants responded to this survey. Results were analyzed to determine whether or not classified freshmen are concerned about gaining weight and how the participants’ nutritional knowledge reflects the concern

    Android app for automatic music composition

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    In this contribution, we present an Android App that generates music automatically replicating a specific contemporary genre, specifically rock music. The composition system is based on the analysis of a set of songs of the desired genre. The analysis results the automatic composition algorithm requires are exported to a JSON file that can be readily imported and parsed. The Android App developed creates a symbolic representation of the music generated for drums, bass and rhythm guitar that can be exported to a MIDI file or audio waveform. The evaluation results show that the automatic compositions generated are not distinguished amongst other excerpts created by human composers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, Proyecto TIN2016-75866-C3-2-R