14,616 research outputs found

    Rotational and Translational Velocity and Acceleration Thresholds for the Onset of Cybersickness in Virtual Reality

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    This paper determined rotational and translational velocity and acceleration thresholds for the onset of cybersickness. Cybersickness causes discomfort and discourages the widespread use of virtual reality systems for both recreational and professional use. Visual motion or optic flow is known to be one of the main causes of cybersickness due to the sensory conflict it creates with the vestibular system. The aim of this experiment is to detect rotational and translational velocity and acceleration thresholds that cause the onset of cybersickness. Participants were exposed to a moving particle field in virtual reality for a few seconds per run. The field moved in different directions (longitudinal, lateral, roll, and yaw), with different velocity profiles (steady and accelerating), and different densities. Using a staircase procedure, that controlled the speed or acceleration of the field, we detected the threshold at which participant started to feel temporary symptoms of cybersickness. The optic flow was quantified for each motion type and by modifying the number of features, the same amount of optic flow was present in each scene. Having the same optic flow in each scene allows a direct comparison of the thresholds. The results show that the velocity and acceleration thresholds for rotational optic flow were significantly lower than for translational optic flow. The thresholds suggestively decreased with the decreasing particle density of the scene. Finally, it was found that all the rotational and translational thresholds strongly correlate with each other. While the mean values of the thresholds could be used as guidelines to develop virtual reality applications, the high variability between individuals implies that the individual tuning of motion controls would be more effective to reduce cybersickness while minimizing the impact on the experience of immersion

    Comparing Virtual Reality to Conventional Simulator Visuals: Effects of Peripheral Visual Cues in Roll-Axis Tracking Tasks

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    This paper compares the effects of peripheral visual cues on manual control between a conventional fixed-base simulator and virtual reality. The results were also compared with those from a previous experiment conducted in a motion-base simulator. Fifteen participants controlled a system with second-order dynamics in a disturbance-rejection task. Tracking performance, control activity, simulator sickness questionnaire answers, and biometrics were collected. Manual control behavior was modeled for the first time in a virtual reality environment. Virtual reality did not degrade participants manual control performance or alter their control behavior. However, peripheral cues were significantly more effective in virtual reality. Control activity decreased for all conditions with peripheral cues. The trends introduced by the peripheral visual cues from the previous experiment were replicated. Finally, VR was not more nauseogenic than the conventional simulator. These results suggest that virtual reality might be a good alternative to conventional fixed-base simulators for training manual control skills

    Post-Pandemic Urbanism: Criteria for a New Normal

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    Globalization, tourism, virtuality, climate change, and the explosive growth of cities have generated a wide range of stressors, pollutants, and toxins that have been ravaging populations. This, coupled with viral, bacterial, and other pandemics, is rapidly creating a new reality that requires public health factors to be integrated more thoroughly into the planning and design of city regions. This prompts a questioning of the role and form of city centers as well as the distribution of people and activities in city regions. This goes beyond more outdoor spaces, places, and activities and new criteria for indoor events. Moreover, public transport, mobility, and infrastructure in general need to be retooled to deal with these emergent circumstances

    Trace-metaldynamics in response of increase CO<sub>2</sub> and iron availability in a coastal mesocosm experiment

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    A mesocosm experiment was performed in the Raunefjord (Norway) to study changes in dissolved Cu (dCu) and Fe (dFe), and in the elemental composition of particles during an Emiliania huxleyi dominated bloom. The CO2 treatments consisted of present (LC; 390 ppmV) and predicted levels (HC; 900 ppmV) and iron conditions were created with the addition of the siderophore desferoxamine B (DFB). Our results showed the DFB addition enhanced the solubility of Fe in this fjord environment. Initially, dFe was comparable among treatments but after the addition, the HC and/or +DFB treatments presented higher levels and finally, the only ones maintaining high dFe were the +DFB treatments. Unlike dCu presented indistinguishable levels in all mesocosms over time. Particulate metals were normalised to P and Al to evaluate the relative influence of biotic and abiotic sources. The Fe:P ratios decreased with time and compared to published phytoplankton ratios suggest Fe storage. On the other hand, Fe:Al ratios were relatively closer to the crustal ratios suggesting that the abiotic source was more important for this metal. Trends for other metals will be discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Broad band time-resolved E_{p,i}--L_{iso} correlation in GRBs

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    We report results of a systematic study of the broad band (2--2000 keV) time resolved prompt emission spectra of a sample of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected with both Wide Field Cameras on board the \sax\ satellite and the \batse\ experiment on board CGRO. In this first paper, we study the time-resolved dependence of the intrinsic peak energy Ep,iE_{p,i} of the EF(E)E F(E) spectrum on the corresponding isotropic bolometric luminosity LisoL_{\rm iso}. The Ep,iE_{p,i}--LisoL_{\rm iso} relation or the equivalent relation between Ep,iE_{p,i} and the bolometric released energy EisoE_{iso}, derived using the time averaged spectra of long GRBs with known redshift, is well established, but its physical origin is still a subject of discussion. In addition, some authors maintain that these relations are the result of instrumental selection effects. We find that not only a relation between the measured peak energy EpE_p and the corresponding energy flux, but also a strong Ep,iE_{p,i} versus LisoL_{\rm iso} correlation are found within each burst and merging together the time resolved data points from different GRBs. We do not expect significant instrumental selection effects that can affect the obtained results, apart from the fact that the GRBs in our sample are sufficiently bright to perform a time-resolved spectroscopy and that they have known redshift. If the fundamental physical process that gives rise to the GRB phenomenon does not depend on its brightness, we conclude that the found Ep,iE_{p,i} versus LisoL_{\rm iso} correlation within each GRB is intrinsic to the emission process, and that the correlations discovered by Amati et al. and Yonetoku et al. are likely not the result of selection effects. We also discuss the properties of the correlations found.Comment: 27 pages,4 tables, 7 figure, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Solving the SUSY CP problem with flavor breaking F-terms

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    Supersymmetric flavor models for the radiative generation of fermion masses offer an alternative way to solve the SUSY-CP problem. We assume that the supersymmetric theory is flavor and CP conserving. CP violating phases are associated to the vacuum expectation values of flavor violating susy-breaking fields. As a consequence, phases appear at tree level only in the soft supersymmetry breaking matrices. Using a U(2) flavor model as an example we show that it is possible to generate radiatively the first and second generation of quark masses and mixings as well as the CKM CP phase. The one-loop supersymmetric contributions to EDMs are automatically zero since all the relevant parameters in the lagrangian are flavor conserving and as a consequence real. The size of the flavor and CP mixing in the susy breaking sector is mostly determined by the fermion mass ratios and CKM elements. We calculate the contributions to epsilon, epsilon^{prime} and to the CP asymmetries in the B decays to psi Ks, phi Ks, eta^{\prime} Ks and Xs gamma. We analyze a case study with maximal predictivity in the fermion sector. For this worst case scenario the measurements of Delta mK, Delta mB and epsilon constrain the model requiring extremely heavy squark spectra.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex

    Particle Production near an AdS Crunch

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    We numerically study the dual field theory evolution of five-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions of supergravity that develop cosmological singularities. The dual theory is an unstable deformation of the N = 4 gauge theory on R ×\times S3, and the big crunch singularity in the bulk occurs when a boundary scalar field runs to infinity. Consistent quantum evolution requires one imposes boundary conditions at infinity. Modeling these by a steep regularization of the scalar potential, we find that when an initially nearly homogeneous wavepacket rolls down the potential, most of the potential energy of the initial configuration is converted into gradient energy during the first oscillation of the field. This indicates there is no transition from a big crunch to a big bang in the bulk for dual boundary conditions of this kind.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    The merging/AGN connection: A case for 3D spectroscopy

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    We discuss an ongoing study of the connection between galaxy merging/interaction and AGN activity, based on integral field spectroscopy. We focus on the search for AGN ionization in the central regions of mergers, previously not classified as AGNs. We present here the science case, the current status of the project, and plans for future observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure, Euro3D Science Workshop, Cambridge, May 2003, AN, accepte