92 research outputs found

    A validated molecular protocol to differentiate pure wolves, dogs and wolf x dog hybrids through a panel of multiplexed canine {STR} markers

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    The conservation of pure wolf populations in Europe is currently threatened by anthropogenic hybridization with dogs, through potential extinction of local gene pools due to replacement with domestic gene variants. Distinction of wolf–dog hybrids from wild ancestors is essential for development and implementation of management and conservation plans. Morphological traits are rarely helpful, and a genetic approach is the most effective to distinguish admixed individuals back to old backcrosses. To provide a molecular tool to address the issue, we optimized and validated a cost-effective protocol in multiplexed PCR format based on 22 STR canine loci, which allows us to distinguish genetically pure wolves from dogs, and, when used in association with a Bayesian assignment approach, is capable of statistically assigning admixed individuals to classes of hybrids with different levels of dog ancestry. Our method demonstrated high reliability, showing full repeatability and reproducibility of data with as little as 0.125 ng of genomic DNA, and was therefore suitable for the analysis of non-invasively collected samples and degraded DNA. The application of our STR panel to the appropriate assignment procedure unambiguously defined two genetically separated clusters for wolves and dogs, and successfully identified known hybrids as admixed individuals, which eventually were classified as recent hybrids and older backcrosses. The protocol, which is described here in detail, can be adopted by various laboratories that need this kind of diagnosis; furthermore, it would be capable of producing concordant results through inter-laboratory comparisons with wolf and dog control DNAs

    First molecular evidence on the puzzling origin of beavers in Central Italy

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    The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) represents an extraordinary example of demographic recovery after centuries of severe hunting and extirpation. Reintroduction programs and legal protection have triggered the recolonisation of Europe, with rapid expansion of beaver populations in the last 25 years. In northern Italy, the species reappeared in 2018 after a 450-years absence, due to natural spreading of individuals from neighbouring countries. Since 2021, the presence of beavers has been reported in several areas of central Italy, probably following unofficial releases. Here, we employed mitochondrial DNA markers, mainly from non-invasive samples, to rule out the presence of the North American beaver (C. canadensis) and to characterise both the beavers from northern Italy and the new population from central Italy, assessing their genetic relationships with other European beavers. The analysis of 35 samples from Italy and other countries provided no evidence of the North American sister taxon and revealed four widely distributed mitochondrial haplo types, which are discussed in the current framework of genetically mixed populations in Europe. In addition, this note reports genetic data from beavers in the Balkans, where no information has been available so far

    Oceanic giants in the Mediterranean: first mitochondrial analysis of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas

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    The leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) is an occasional trophic visitor of the Mediterranean basin. So far, very few individuals have been genetically analysed from this sea and none from Italy. We sequenced a mitochondrial DNA fragment of three specimens of D. coriacea found in recent years along the North-Adriatic and Tyrrhenian shores. They were all females approaching adult stage. Causes of death were attributable to the main threats for sea turtles in Mediterranean waters, all related to human activities (collisions with boats, entanglement in fishing nets and plastic debris ingestion). Two different mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, with the two North-Adriatic turtles sharing the same one. Compared to known Dermochelys sequences and previous genetic characterization of rookeries, these results suggest that the most probable origin of at least two of the three leatherbacks was the western Atlantic

    Population genetics and forensic DNA for conservation management of the Cypriot mouflon (Ovis orientalis ophion)

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    The mouflon (Ovis orientalis ophion) is the largest wild terrestrial mammal of Cyprus. Considered as the flagship species of the island, its population (c. 3000 head) has a distribution range limited to the mountainous Paphos Forest and adjacent areas including parts of Troodos National Forest (> 700 Km2). The species is protected by a rigorous national legislation supported since 1996 by management plans carried out by the Game and Fauna Service, and, together with its habitat, by the National Law 152 (I)/2003 for the Protection & Management of Wild Birds and Game Species. The species is listed in the Annexes II and IV of 92/43 Habitats Directive, in the Appendix I of CITES, and classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN. Poaching, habitat loss, road network building and livestock intrusion (i.e., increased risk of pathogen infection) represent the main threatening factors. We aimed at elucidating the systematic placement of the Cypriot mouflon to enforce its protection within an adaptive conservation framework. Therefore, we attempted to determine its genetic structure and relationships with either historically preserved (Corsica, Sardinia) or recently introduced (central Italy) populations including also GenBank entries from the historical range of the species (Near East). The Game and Fauna Service in collaboration with the Cyprus Veterinary Service collected 63 blood samples: 53 were from mouflons captured in the Paphos forest, eight from captive individuals and two of unknown origin. We also sampled 20 mouflons in Sardinia either in the wild (16) or in captivity (4), and collected scats of both Corsican (19) and central Italy (23: Tuscan Archipelago National Park, 13; Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park, 6; Apuan Alps Regional Park, 4) mouflon populations in order to increase geographical scope. We genotyped each sample at the entire mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome-b codifying gene (Cyt-b, 1140 bp) and up to 12 microsatellite DNA markers (Short Tandem Repeats, STR) isolated from goat, sheep and cattle genomes. We found that the Cypriot mouflon strongly diverged from western Mediterranean conspecifics, while North West Iran appeared as the most credited geographic region as the source for its ancient introduction to Cyprus. Although we disclosed much lower mitochondrial and nuclear DNA diversity in the Cypriot than in other island populations, neither evidence of genetic bottleneck nor significant low level of both average pairwise relatedness and inbreeding coefficient was detected. Overall, present mitochondrial and STR dataset worked reliably as crime-fighting tool to tackle illegal mouflon killing in Cyprus. Between 2008 and 2013, the Police and the Game and Fauna Service, in collaboration with the Cyprus Veterinary Services, confiscated 29 samples (meat, hairs, bloodstains) dealing with nine episodes of supposed poaching against the Cypriot mouflon. In all cases, we identified the species in point by sequencing the mtDNA Cyt-b gene. In one case, we were specifically requested to establish if there was a link between three dead mouflons recovered at a roadside and 12 bloodstains collected in the car of suspected poachers at the crime scene. With reference to this case, we were able to match nine bloodstains to two out of the three carcasses (seven with very strong support: Likelihood Ratio >3000 and Random Match Probability <10-3), overall assigning 22 out of 29 samples to the Cypriot mouflon and the remaining ones to wild boar, cow, domestic goat, horse and hare. These results included the first genetic reference for the Cypriot mouflon and the first published material of forensic wildlife investigations in Cyprus

    GATA-1 as a Regulator of Mast Cell Differentiation Revealed by the Phenotype of the GATA-1low Mouse Mutant

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    Here it is shown that the phenotype of adult mice lacking the first enhancer (DNA hypersensitive site I) and the distal promoter of the GATA-1 gene (neoΔHS or GATA-1low mutants) reveals defects in mast cell development. These include the presence of morphologically abnormal alcian blue+ mast cells and apoptotic metachromatic− mast cell precursors in connective tissues and peritoneal lavage and numerous (60–70% of all the progenitors) “unique” trilineage cells committed to erythroid, megakaryocytic, and mast pathways in the bone marrow and spleen. These abnormalities, which were mirrored by impaired mast differentiation in vitro, were reversed by retroviral-mediated expression of GATA-1 cDNA. These data indicate an essential role for GATA-1 in mast cell differentiation


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze Physical Education teaching in the context of EJA (Youth and Adult Education) by the Municipal School Network of Ipojuca, PE, based on teachers’ statements. It was a qualitative study conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight subjects and the hermeneutic dialectic method using the theme: categorical content for data assessments. It found that teachers used different teaching methodologies in their lessons, which showed clear evidence of a need for practices to make body experimentation as a central element, in addition to taking into consideration school reality, infrastructure to propose classes, projects and seminars, along with planning and evaluation of knowledge to guide their practices. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la enseñanza de Educación Física en el contexto de la EJA (Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos) en la red municipal de educación de la municipalidad de Ipojuca/PE, a partir de las intervenciones de los profesores. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo que se apoya en el método hermenéutico-dialéctico, realizado con ocho profesores, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido categorial por tema para el análisis de los datos. Se concluye que los profesores utilizaron diferentes metodologías de enseñanza para impartir sus clases y que existe la necesidad de prácticas que permitan la experimentación corporal como centralidad, además de considerar la realidad de la escuela y la infraestructura para proponer clases, proyectos y seminarios a partir de objetivos, planificación y evaluación de los conocimientos que orientan sus prácticas.  O estudo teve por objetivo analisar o ensino da Educação Física no contexto da EJA da rede municipal da Prefeitura do Ipojuca/PE, a partir de falas dos professores. É um estudo de natureza qualitativa, subsidiado pelo método hermenêutico-dialético, realizado com oito sujeitos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, através da técnica de análise de conteúdo categorial por temática para análise dos dados. Conclui-se que os professores utilizaram-se de diferentes metodologias de ensino para ministrar aulas, havendo necessidade de práticas que oportunizem a experimentação corporal como centralidade, além de considerar a realidade escolar, a infraestrutura para propor aulas, projetos e seminários, desde objetivos, planejamento e avaliação dos saberes que orientam sua prática

    Una práctica investigativa del cuidado para la gestante soropositiva portadora de VIH, según la teoria de Parse.

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    Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa que teve como objetivo desenvolver uma prática de cuidado investigativa direcionada à gestante HIV-soropositivo orientada pela teoria de Rosemarie Parse. O estudo foi desenvolvido numa Maternidade de Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, e teve como população alvo quatro gestantes HIVsoropositivo em acompanhamento pré-natal. O referencial teórico foi operacionalizado através do processo de enfermagem focalizando três dimensões: esclarecendo significado, sincronizando ritmo e mobilizando a transcendência. A obtenção dos dados deu-se através de entrevista e observação. Os resultados revelam um modo inovador de cuidar, propiciando vislumbrar as gestantes HIV-soropositivo de forma holística, promovendo sua evolução como ser humanoThis is a qualitative study aimed developing an investigative care practice of HIV-positive pregnant woman based on Rosemarie Parse’s theory. The study was carried out at a Maternity Ward in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Its target population included four HIV-positive pregnant women under pre-natal care. The theoretical foundation was applied to the nursing process, taking into account three dimensions: clarifying meaning, synchronizing rhythm, and mobilizing transcendence. Data were collected using interviews and patient observation. The results reveal an innovative method of providing care to HIV-positive pregnant women holistically, thereby, promoting their evolution as human beingsEstudio de cuño cualitativo, basado en la Teoría de Rosemarie Parse, que tuvo como objetivo desarrollar una práctica investigativa de cuidado para las embarazadas seropositivas portadoras del VIH . La investigación se desarrolló en una Maternidad de la ciudad de Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, cuya población meta fue de cuatro gestantes seropositivas con VIH quese encontraban en control prenatal. La referencia teórica se operó mediante el Proceso de Enfermería (PAE) enfocando tres dimensiones: aclarando significados, sincronizando y/o exponiendo el ritmo y movilizando la trascendencia. La obtención de los datos fue a través de las técnicas de entrevista y observación. Los resultados revelan una propuesta innovadora de cuidar, con la intención de demostrar dicho cuidado a las gestantes seropositivas portadoras de VIH de manera holística, así como la promoción de su evolución como seres humano


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    This article deals with Physical Education in Early Childhood Education and its connections and relationships with critical perspectives. The text presents qualitative research that, through content analysis, carried out a descriptive-documentary study on educational curriculum guidance documents. children and physical education in the municipal network of João Pessoa-PB. In light of the theoretical aspects of Historical-Cultural Psychology and the Overcoming Critical Approach, we discuss the links and relationships between the documents mentioned above and historical-cultural theory. We verified that the curricular documents have elements of historical-cultural psychology when dealing with the child's development in the teaching-learning process through the periodization of psychic development and the theory of guiding activity. Regarding the document that guides the physical education discipline, we note that despite indicating body culture as an object of knowledge in physical education, it still treats the performance of bodily skills as the main theme in classes.Este artículo aborda la Educación Física en la Educación Infantil y sus conexiones y relaciones con perspectivas críticas. El texto presenta una investigación cualitativa que, a través del análisis de contenido, realizó un estudio descriptivo-documental sobre los documentos de orientación curricular educativa y de educación física en los municipios. red de João Pessoa-PB. A la luz de los aspectos teóricos de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural y del Enfoque Crítico de Superación, discutimos los vínculos y relaciones entre los documentos antes mencionados y la teoría histórico-cultural. Comprobamos que los documentos curriculares tienen elementos de la psicología histórico-cultural al abordar el desarrollo del niño en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de la periodización del desarrollo psíquico y la teoría de la actividad orientadora. Respecto al documento que orienta la disciplina de educación física, observamos que a pesar de señalar la cultura corporal como objeto de conocimiento en educación física, aún trata la realización de habilidades corporales como tema principal en las clases.O presente artigo trata sobre a Educação Física na Educação infantil e seus nexos e relações com as perspectivas críticas. O texto traz uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo que, por meio da análise de conteúdo, realizou um estudo descritivo-documental nos documentos de orientações curriculares da educação infantil e da educação física da rede municipal de João Pessoa-PB. À luz dos aspectos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e da Abordagem Crítica Superadora dialogamos sobre os nexos e relações dos documentos citados anteriormente com a teoria histórico-cultural. Verificamos que os documentos curriculares possuem elementos de psicologia histórico-cultural quando trata o desenvolvimento da criança no processo de ensino-aprendizagem através da periodização do desenvolvimento psicológico e a teoria da atividade-guia. No que se refere ao documento que orienta a disciplina de educação física, notamos que, apesar de indicar a cultura corporal como objeto de conhecimento da educação física, ainda trata do desempenho das aptidões corporais como principal motivo nas aulas

    Differences in cardiac phenotype and natural history of laminopathies with and without neuromuscular onset

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    Objective: To investigate differences in cardiac manifestations of patients affected by laminopathy, according to the presence or absence of neuromuscular involvement at presentation.Methods: We prospectively analyzed 40 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of laminopathy followed at a single centre between 1998 and 2017. Additionally, reports of clinical evaluations and tests prior to referral at our centre were retrospectively evaluated.Results: Clinical onset was cardiac in 26 cases and neuromuscular in 14. Patients with neuromuscular presentation experienced first symptoms earlier in life (11 vs 39 years; p < 0.0001) and developed atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF) and required pacemaker implantation at a younger age (28 vs 41 years [p = 0.013] and 30 vs 44 years [p = 0.086] respectively), despite a similar overall prevalence of AF (57% vs 65%; p = 0.735) and atrio-ventricular (A-V) block (50% vs 65%; p = 0.500). Those with a neuromuscular presentation developed a cardiomyopathy less frequently (43% vs 73%; p = 0.089) and had a lower rate of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias (7% vs 23%; p = 0.387). In patients with neuromuscular onset rhythm disturbances occurred usually before evidence of cardiomyopathy. Despite these differences, the need for heart transplantation and median age at intervention were similar in the two groups (29% vs 23% [p = 0.717] and 43 vs 46 years [p = 0.593] respectively).Conclusions: In patients with laminopathy, the type of disease onset was a marker for a different natural history. Specifically, patients with neuromuscular presentation had an earlier cardiac involvement, characterized by a linear and progressive evolution from rhythm disorders (AF and/or A-V block) to cardiomyopathy