45 research outputs found

    Different intracellular distribution of avian reovirus core protein sigmaA in cells of avian and mammalian origin

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    A comparative analysis of the intracellular distribution of avian reovirus (ARV) core protein sigmaA in cells of avian and mammalian origin revealed that, whereas the viral protein accumulates in the cytoplasm and nucleolus of avian cells, most sigmaA concentrates in the nucleoplasm of mammalian cells in tight association with the insoluble nuclear matrix fraction. Our results further showed that sigmaA becomes arrested in the nucleoplasm of mammalian cells via association with mammalian cell-specific factors and that this association prevents nucleolar targeting. Inhibition of RNA polymerase II activity, but not of RNA polymerase I activity, in infected mammalian cells induces nucleus-to-cytoplasm sigmaA translocation through a CRM1- and RanGTP-dependent mechanism, yet a heterokaryon assay suggests that sigmaA does not shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The scarcity of sigmaA in cytoplasmic viral factories of infected mammalian cells could be one of the factors contributing to limited ARV replication in mammalian cellsThis research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (BFU2007-61330/BMC) and from the Xunta de Galicia (08CSA009203PR). L. V-I. and I. L-S. were recipients of predoctoral fellowships from the FPI and FPU programs of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaS

    Turismo cultural y nuevas tecnologías de la información: el caso del camino de Santiago y el fomento de la marca país

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    El turismo cultural ha sufrido grandes cambios en los últimos tiempos ante el aumento de la competencia turística de los territorios, la globalización o el empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) entre otros factores. En este contexto, las administraciones públicas comenzaron a preocuparse por la creación y gestión de marcas territoriales para generar valor y lograr un determinado posicionamiento de cada zona en el mercado. Aplicado al caso de Galicia, es objeto de esta investigación comprobar si se aprovecha el gran poder de atracción del Camino de Santiago como gancho para dar a conocer la comunidad gallega en todo el mundo a través de estrategias de marketing adecuadas que transmitan una marca país unificada y homogénea

    Movimientos sociales y formas alternativas de comunicación. Experiencias de cinco casos de éxito

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    La presente comunicación parte del análisis de cinco acciones comunicativas de iniciativa ciudadana y contrastado impacto público y mediático a nivel local, con un alcance y beneficio social real. Pretende identificar aquellas prácticas a las que estas propuestas deben su éxito, formulando claves para futuras acciones aplicables por otros movimientos. El análisis de estas iniciativas con base en su comunicación interna, sus planes de comunicación social, la medición de su eficacia y el estudio del conocimiento explícito de las mismas permite trazar una serie de pautas recomendables para aquellos movimientos, ONG o individuas/ os que deseen poner en marcha proyectos similares, tales como el conocimiento profundo del contexto social en el que estos se desarrollan, la originalidad a la hora de plantear propuestas, la participación de agentes sociales relevantes y el compromiso de la propia ciudadanía en todo proceso cuya finalidad sea el cambio social

    Surface expression marker profile in colon cancer cell lines and sphere-derived cells suggests complexity in CD26+ cancer stem cells subsets

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    Taking advantage of eight established cell lines from colorectal cancer patients at different stages of the disease and the fact that all of them could form spheres, cell surface biomarkers of cancer stem cells and epithelial-mesenchymal transition were tested. The aim was to investigate cancer stem cells and metastatic stem cells in order to provide functional characterization of circulating tumor cells and promote the development of new anti-metastatic therapies. Our model showed an important heterogeneity in EpCAM, CD133, CD44, LGR5, CD26 and E-cadherin expression. We showed the presence of a subset of E-cadherin+ (some cells being E-cadherinhigh) expressing CD26+ (or CD26high) together with the well-known CSC markers LGR5 and EpCAMhigh, sometimes in the absence of CD44 or CD133. The already described CD26+/E-cadherinlow or negative and CD26+/EpCAM−/CD133− subsets were also present. Cell division drastically affected the expression of all markers, in particular E-cadherin, so new-born cells resembled mesenchymal cells in surface staining. CD26 and/or dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors have already shown anti-metastatic effects in pre-clinical models, and the existence of these CD26+ subsets may help further research against cancer metastasis.This work was done with the Xunta de Galicia grants (supported by the: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): Axudas consolidación e estructuración de unidades de investigación competitiva [GRC2014/019], Galician Network for Colorectal Cancer Research (REGICC) [R2014/039] and Agrupación estratégica InBiomed [2012/273]S

    Highly sensitive marker panel for guidance in lung cancer rapid diagnostic units

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    While evidence for lung cancer screening implementation in Europe is awaited, Rapid Diagnostic Units have been established in many hospitals to accelerate the early diagnosis of lung cancer. We seek to develop an algorithm to detect lung cancer in a symptomatic population attending such unit, based on a sensitive serum marker panel. Serum concentrations of Epidermal Growth Factor, sCD26, Calprotectin, Matrix Metalloproteinases −1, −7, −9, CEA and CYFRA 21.1 were determined in 140 patients with respiratory symptoms (lung cancer and controls with/without benign pathology). Logistic Lasso regression was performed to derive a lung cancer prediction model, and the resulting algorithm was tested in a validation set. A classification rule based on EGF, sCD26, Calprotectin and CEA was established, able to reasonably discriminate lung cancer with 97% sensitivity and 43% specificity in the training set, and 91.7% sensitivity and 45.4% specificity in the validation set. Overall, the panel identified with high sensitivity stage I non-small cell lung cancer (94.7%) and 100% small-cell lung cancers. Our study provides a sensitive 4-marker classification algorithm for lung cancer detection to aid in the management of suspicious lung cancer patients in the context of Rapid Diagnostic Units.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PS09-00405Xunta de Galicia | Ref. INBIOMED 2012-273Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/019Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. MTM2011-2320

    Fluorizoline-induced apoptosis requires prohibitins in nematodes and human cells

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    We previously showed that fluorizoline, a fluorinated thiazoline compound, binds to both subunits of the mitochondrial prohibitin (PHB) complex, PHB1 and PHB2, being the expression of these proteins required for fluorizoline-induced apoptosis in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. To investigate the conservation of this apoptotic mechanism, we studied the effect of PHB downregulation on fluorizoline activity on two human cell lines, HEK293T and U2OS. Then, we asked whether PHBs mediate the effect of fluorizoline in a multicellular organism. Interestingly, reduced levels of PHBs in the human cells impaired the induction of apoptosis by fluorizoline. We observed that fluorizoline has a detrimental dose-dependent effect on the development and survival of the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans. Besides, such effects of fluorizoline treatment in living nematodes were absent in PHB mutants. Finally, we further explored the apoptotic pathway triggered by fluorizoline in human cell lines. We found that the BH3-only proteins NOXA, BIM and PUMA participate in fluorizoline-induced apoptosis and that the induction of NOXA and PUMA is dependent on PHB expression.This work was supported by grants from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Research Council, the Junta de Andalucía and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (SAF2017-83178-R to J.G.; PID2019-107991RB-I00 to R.L.; ERC-2011-StG-281691 and C2A ID: 42571/Exp: 70806 to M.A-S; PI15-00895 to J.C.). J.S-E and I.S-V are recipients of research fellowships from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. S.N-V is recipient of a research fellowship from Universitat de Barcelona. MD.M-B was supported by the Plan de Empleo Juvenil (EJP09) from the Junta de Anadalucía. D.K has a FI AGAUR fellowship from Generalitat de Catalunya

    Activation of the Integrated Stress Response and ER Stress Protect from Fluorizoline-Induced Apoptosis in HEK293T and U2OS Cell Lines

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    The prohibitin (PHB)-binding compound fluorizoline as well as PHB-downregulation activate the integrated stress response (ISR) in HEK293T and U2OS human cell lines. This activation is denoted by phosphorylation of eIF2 alpha and increases in ATF4, ATF3, and CHOP protein levels. The blockage of the activation of the ISR by overexpression of GRP78, as well as an increase in IRE1 activity, indicate the presence of ER stress after fluorizoline treatment. The inhibition of the ER stress response in HEK293T and U2OS led to increased sensitivity to fluorizoline-induced apoptosis, indicating a pro-survival role of this pathway after fluorizoline treatment in these cell lines. Fluorizoline induced an increase in calcium concentration in the cytosol and the mitochondria. Finally, two different calcium chelators reduced fluorizoline-induced apoptosis in U2OS cells. Thus, we have found that fluorizoline causes increased ER stress and activation of the integrated stress response, which in HEK293T and U2OS cells are protective against fluorizoline-induced apoptosis

    Paclitaxel Plus Cetuximab as Induction Chemotherapy for Patients With Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Unfit for Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy

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    ObjectivesInduction chemotherapy (ICT) followed by definitive treatment is an accepted non-surgical approach for locoregionally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LA-HNSCC). However, ICT remains a challenge for cisplatin-unfit patients. We evaluated paclitaxel and cetuximab (P-C) as ICT in a cohort of LA-HNSCC patients unfit for cisplatin. Materials and MethodsThis is a retrospective analysis of patients with newly diagnosed LA-HNSCC considered unfit for cisplatin-based chemotherapy (age >70 and/or ECOG >= 2 and/or comorbidities) treated with weekly P-C followed by definitive radiotherapy and cetuximab (RT-C) between 2010 and 2017. Toxicity and objective response rate (ORR) to ICT and RT-C were collected. Median overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox regression analysis was performed to determine baseline predictors of OS and PFS. ResultsA total of 57 patients were included. Grade 3-4 toxicity rate to ICT was 54.4%, and there was a death deemed treatment-related (G5). P-C achieved an ORR of 66.7%, including 12.3% of complete responses (CR). After P-C, 45 patients (78.9%) continued with concomitant RT-C. Twenty-six patients (45.6%) achieved a CR after definitive treatment. With a median follow-up of 21.7 months (range 1.2-94.6), median OS and PFS were 22.9 months and 10.7 months, respectively. The estimated 2-year OS and PFS rates were 48.9% and 33.7%, respectively. Disease stage had a negative impact on OS (stage IVb vs. III-IVa: HR = 2.55 [1.08-6.04], p = 0.03), with a trend towards worse PFS (HR = 1.92 [0.91-4.05], p = 0.09). Primary tumor in the larynx was associated with improved PFS but not OS (HR = 0.45 [0.22-0.92], p = 0.03, and HR = 0.69 [0.32-1.54], p = 0.37, respectively). ConclusionP-C was a well-tolerated and active ICT regimen in this cohort of LA-HNSCC patients unfit for cisplatin-based chemotherapy. P-C might represent a valid ICT option for unfit patients and may aid patient selection for definitive treatment

    Recommendations of the Spanish Antibiogram Committee (COESANT) for selecting antimicrobial agents and concentrations for in vitro susceptibility studies using automated systems

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    Automated antimicrobial susceptibility testing devices are widely implemented in clinical microbiology laboratories in Spain, mainly using EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) breakpoints. In 2007, a group of experts published recommendations for including antimicrobial agents and selecting concentrations in these systems. Under the patronage of the Spanish Antibiogram Committee (Comité Español del Antibiograma, COESANT) and the Study Group on Mechanisms of Action and Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents (GEMARA) from the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), and aligned with the Spanish National Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance (PRAN), a group of experts have updated this document. The main modifications from the previous version comprise the inclusion of new antimicrobial agents, adaptation of the ranges of concentrations to cover the EUCAST breakpoints and epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFFs), and the inference of new resistance mechanisms. This proposal should be considered by different manufacturers and users when designing new panels or cards. In addition, recommendations for selective reporting are also included. With this approach, the implementation of EUCAST breakpoints will be easier, increasing the quality of antimicrobial susceptibility testing data and their microbiological interpretation. It will also benefit epidemiological surveillance studies as well as the clinical use of antimicrobials aligned with antimicrobial stewardship programs.Los sistemas automáticos utilizados en el estudio de la sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos están introducidos en la mayoría de los laboratorios de Microbiología Clínica en España, utilizando principalmente los puntos de corte del European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). En 2007, un grupo de expertos publicó unas recomendaciones para incluir antimicrobianos y seleccionar concentraciones en estos sistemas. Bajo el auspicio del Comité Español del Antibiograma (COESANT) y del Grupo de Estudio de los Mecanismos de Acción y Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (GEMARA) de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC) y alineado con el Plan Nacional frente a la Resistencia a los Antibióticos (PRAN), un grupo de expertos ha actualizado dicho documento. Las principales modificaciones realizadas sobre la versión anterior comprenden la inclusión de nuevos agentes antimicrobianos, la adaptación de los rangos de concentraciones para cubrir los puntos de corte clínicos y los puntos de corte epidemiológicos (ECOFF) definidos por el EUCAST, y para la inferencia de nuevos mecanismos de resistencia. Esta propuesta debería ser considerada por los diferentes fabricantes y los usuarios cuando se diseñen nuevos paneles o tarjetas. Además, se incluyen recomendaciones para realizar informes selectivos. Con este enfoque, la implementación de los puntos de corte del EUCAST será más fácil, aumentando la calidad de los datos del antibiograma y su interpretación microbiológica. También será de utilidad para los estudios de vigilancia epidemiológica, así como para el uso clínico de los antimicrobianos, de acuerdo con los programas de optimización de uso de antimicrobianos (PROA)

    Investigar para educar en una conyuntura de crisis

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    Esta publicación pretende hacer visible el trabajo de los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Educación (FED) de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, unidad académica que forma a formadores y que investiga para ofrecer respuestas a problemas educativos actuales. Es una recopilación de conocimientos evaluados por pares, quienes, de modo creativo y fundamentado, ofrecen al lector diversas respuestas que predisponen al diálogo, sin presentar sus posturas como verdades absolutas. La Facultad de Educación, como educadora de futuros profesores, acoge asignaturas y profesionales de múltiples áreas, desde la lingüística o la matemática hasta las ciencias naturales y sociales, pasando por muchas otras disciplinas, tales como: antropología, didáctica, pedagogía o ética; así, los docentes-investigadores de la FED realizan estudios muy diversos, lo cual se ve reflejado en los trabajos que se presentan