17 research outputs found

    Statistical polarization in greenhouse gas emissions: Theory and evidence.

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    The current debate on climate change is over whether global warming can be limited in order to lessen its impacts. In this sense, evidence of a decrease in the statistical polarization in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could encourage countries to establish a stronger multilateral climate change agreement. Based on the interregional and intraregional components of the multivariate generalised entropy measures (Maasoumi, 1986), Gigliarano and Mosler (2009) proposed to study the statistical polarization concept from a multivariate view. In this paper, we apply this approach to study the evolution of such phenomenon in the global distribution of the main GHGs. The empirical analysis has been carried out for the time period 1990-2011, considering an endogenous grouping of countries (Aghevli and Mehran, 1981; Davies and Shorrocks, 1989). Most of the statistical polarization indices showed a slightly increasing pattern that was similar regardless of the number of groups considered. Finally, some policy implications are commented.The authors thank to Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project ECO2016-76203-C2-1-PE) for the partial support of this work. In addition, this work is part of the Research Project “New methods for the empirical analysis of financial markets” of the Santander Financial Institute (SANFI) of UCEIF Foundation resolved by the University of Cantabria and funded with sponsorship from Fundación Banco Santander (Project APIE 1/2015–17)

    A general factorial decomposition of the second Theil index of inequality with applications in environmental economics.

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    In this paper, we propose a general factorial decomposition of the second Theil index of inequality at economic level. The factorial decomposition of the second Theil index of inequality in k multiplicative factors is shown. Such decomposition is detailed, on the one hand, considering the partial contribution of each factor and, on the other hand, taking into account the interactions between factors as a whole. The previous decomposition is extended to analyze the between- and within-group inequality components. Finally, the study of the terminants of global inequality in percapita CO2 emissions is provided as an example of application.The authors thank the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project ECO2013-48326-C2-2-P) and the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU13/02155) for the partial support of this work. The authors are grateful for the constructive suggestions provided by the reviewers, which improved the paper

    Inequality of global distribution of CO2 emissions by sector: decomposition and sensitivity study

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    RESUMEN. En este trabajo se analiza la desigualdad en la distribución mundial de emisiones de CO2 por sectores, para las regiones del PNUD en el año 2009, mediante el índice de Theil-Bourguignon, que permite descomponer la desigual-dad total en la distribución por grupos de población. Cabe destacar que la mayor desigualdad en las emisiones de CO2 por sectores se produce en regiones que están formadas por países pobres o en vías de desarrollo. Asimismo, los resultados proporcionan una mayor importancia relativa al componente de desigualdad intragrupos. Posteriormente, se completa el estudio anterior mediante un análisis de sensibilidad de los componentes de desigualdad, utilizando la familia de índices de entropía generalizada. Dichos resultados señalan de nuevo el importante peso del componente intragrupos.ABSTRACT. In this paper, inequality of global distribution of CO2 emissions by sector is studied across the regions considered by the UNDP in the year 2009. Firstly, the research is carried out using the Theil-Bourguignon inequality index which can be decomposed into the within-group and the between-group inequality components. The greatest inequality in CO2 emissions by sector occurs in regions that are formed by poor or developing countries. The results show also that the within-group inequality component is the main contributor to the whole inequality value. Secondly, the study is completed using the family of Generalized Entropy indexes, where the within-group inequality component is the main contributor to the whole inequality value too

    Learning skills in the economics degree: a proposal of evaluation.

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    RESUMEN. En el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), la adquisición de competencias por parte de los estudiantes es fundamental. En este trabajo se propone un estudio para analizar la adquisición de competencias en el Grado en Economía, a partir de un enfoque multi-metodológico en varias etapas. Partiendo de las competencias comunes a un conjunto de universidades que imparten el Grado en Economía, se pretende estudiar la distribución de las mismas adoptando un enfoque integral. Este análisis permitirá determinar el grado de adquisición de las competencias de los egresados de cada universidad en comparación con sus competidores potenciales.ABSTRACT. Under the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the acquisition of skills by students is the key. This paper proposes a study to analyze the obtention of skills in the Economics Degree, from a multi-methodological approach in several stages. Starting from the skills which are common to a set of universities offering the Degree in Economics, this work studies their distribution using a holistic approach. This analysis will determine the degree of acquisition of skills of the graduates from each university in comparison with their potential competitors

    Student's autonomous work: a mobile application based on operant conditioning.

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    En este trabajo se propone el diseño de una herramienta móvil basada en el condicionamiento operante. El condicionamiento operante es un tipo de aprendizaje que persigue el desarrollo de nuevas conductas en el alumno por medio de incentivos (Skinner, 1938 y 197 4 ). La herramienta móvil se desarrolla en base a un framework específico para este tipo de aprendizaje. Mediante esta aplicación se pretende ayudar al alumno a desarrollar las competencias que corresponden al trabajo autónomo que marca el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, proporcionándole una guía que le permita planificar y aprovechar de manera más eficiente su aprendizaje. adicionalmente, esta herramienta puede proporcionar información estadística relevante al docente

    Evolution of the global inequality in greenhouse gases emissions using multidimensional generalized entropy measures.

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    Given the cumulative consequences of climate change, global concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) must be reduced; being inequality in per-capita emissions levels a problem to achieve a commitment by all countries. Thus, the evolution of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions inequality has received special attention because CO2 is the most abundant GHG in the atmosphere. However, it is necessary to consider other gases to provide a real illustration of our starting point to achieve a multilateral agreement. In this paper, we study the evolution of global inequality in GHGs emissions during the period 1990–2011, considering the four main gases: CO2, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated gases (F-gases). The data used in this analysis is taken from the World Resources Institute (2014) and the groups of countries are constructed according to the quantity of emissions that each country released into the atmosphere in the first year of study. For this purpose we use the multidimensional generalized entropy measures proposed by Maasoumi (1986) that can be decomposable into the between- and within-group inequality components. The biggest fall in inequality is observed when we attach more weight to the emissions transfers between the most polluting countries and assume a low substitution degree among pollutants. Finally, some economic policy implications are commented.The authors thank the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project ECO2013- 48326-C2-2-P) and the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU13/02155) for the partial support of this work

    Looking for a place beyond the basic training courses. A Monetary and Financial History proposal under “3+2 syllabus”

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    En la última década, la aplicación del EEES ha resultado en la progresiva desaparición de las asignaturas avanzadas del área de Historia e Instituciones Económicas en las titulaciones de Economía, Empresa y Finanzas y Contabilidad, de modo que el papel de la asignatura ha quedado reducido en numerosas facultades al ámbito de la formación básica. Sin embargo, la próxima transformación de los planes de estudios hacia el modelo de tres cursos de grado y dos de máster plantea nuevas posibilidades para reformular el papel de la Historia Económica, complementando el carácter de formación básica con asignaturas avanzadas en las que se profundice en áreas temáticas concretas según el perfil de la titulación. Esta comunicación presenta una propuesta de Historia Monetaria y Financiera como asignatura de los másteres asociados a perfiles de economía, finanzas, contabilidad y comercio. Se retoman elementos probados y contrastados en experiencias anteriores: el planteamiento del curso se centra en una estructura modular temática en la que se evita la organización cronológica de los contenidos. De este modo, la asignatura se divide en tres módulos dedicados a: 1) Sistemas Monetarios; 2) Banca y Bolsa; y 3) Seguros. Cada uno de los bloques se desarrolla haciendo un uso intensivo de metodologías que estimulan la participación activa del alumnado. De forma paralela al desarrollo del curso, los alumnos deben elaborar un ensayo de investigación en el que se apliquen las competencias y conocimientos adquiridos.During the last decade, the implementation of EEES framework has resulted in the extinction of specialized subjects in Economic History in Economics, Business and Finance degrees, remaining only basic training courses in the field. However, the transformation of curricula to three courses of Bachelor plus two of Master studies poses several chances to reformulate the role of Economic History, keeping it as a basic training subject, but introducing advanced courses going into detail on specific topics according to the profile of the degree. This paper presents the proposal of a Monetary and Financial History course as a first-year Master subject in the programs related to Economics, Business, Finance and Trade. We use elements proven by previous experiences: the structure of the course avoids a chronological organization of the contents. Thus we establish three main modules focused on: 1) Monetary systems; 2) Banking and Stock markets; 3) Insurance. Each module requires active participation by the students. In parallel, the students have to prepare a research essay employing competences and knowledge gained

    Vaspin in atherosclerotic disease and cardiovascular risk in axial spondyloarthritis: a genetic and serological study

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    Background: Vaspin is a novel anti-inflammatory adipokine associated with cardiovascular (CV) disease and inflammation in chronic inflammatory conditions different from axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Given the high incidence of CV disease (mainly due to accelerated atherosclerosis) exhibited by axSpA patients, we wondered if vaspin could also be a key molecule in this process. However, data on the role of vaspin regarding atherosclerotic disease in the context of axSpA is scarce. For this reason, we aimed to evaluate the implication of vaspin, at the genetic and serological level, in subclinical atherosclerosis and CV risk in axSpA. Methods: This study included 510 patients diagnosed with axSpA. Carotid ultrasound (US) was performed to evaluate the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis. Three vaspin gene variants (rs2236242, rs7159023, and rs35262691) were genotyped by TaqMan probes. Serum vaspin levels were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA® v.11.1. Results: Serum vaspin levels were significantly higher in female patients than in males and also in obese patients when compared to those with normal weight (p < 0.05). At the genetic level, we disclosed that the minor allele of rs2236242 (A) was associated with lower serum vaspin levels in axSpA, while the rs7159023 minor allele (A) was linked to higher serum levels (p < 0.05). When the three polymorphisms assessed were combined conforming haplotypes, we disclosed that the TGC haplotype related to high serum levels of vaspin (p = 0.01). However, no statistically significant association was observed between vaspin and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis, both at the genetic and serological level. Conclusions: Our results revealed that vaspin is linked to CV risk factors that may influence on the atherosclerotic process in axSpA. Additionally, we disclosed that serum vaspin concentration is genetically modulated in a large cohort of patients with axSpA.This work was partially supported by funds of a NEXT-VAL grant (NVAL17/10) (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria IDIVAL) awarded to FG. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship (grant CP16/00033) from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Social Fund, ESF). SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) from ISCIII and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL18/01). LL-G is supported by funds of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from ISCIII (grant CP16/00033, co-funded by the ESF). OG is beneficiary of a grant funded by Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional and Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria (GAIN), GPC IN607B2019/10

    Evolución de la desigualdad en América Latina (1980-2014) : un enfoque multidimensional más allá del ingreso.

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    ABSTRACT. Latin America is the region with the greatest inequality in terms of incomes. Thus, during the last years, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has showed concern about the obstacle that inequality causes in the human development of this region. Given that higher economic growth does not necessarily lead to the achievement of further progress social, development beyond income will be one of the most important UNDP's messages for its upcoming report for this region to be launched early 2016. In this paper, we propose a new multidimensional approach to study inequality in welfare in terms of the components of the Human Development Index of the UNDP -health, education and income- in the period 1980-2014. For this purpose we use the multidimensional inequality indices proposed by Maasoumi (1986) that can be decomposable into the between- and within-group inequality components.RESUMEN. América Latina es la región con mayor desigualdad en términos de renta. Tal es así, que el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) viene mostrando en los últimos años su preocupación por el obstáculo que supone la desigualdad para el desarrollo humano de esta región. En este sentido, uno de los mensajes más importantes en los que se centra este organismo en el informe que lanzará a principios del año 2016 es el desarrollo más allá del ingreso, pues un mayor crecimiento económico no conduce necesariamente a la consecución de un mayor progreso social. En este trabajo planteamos un enfoque multidimensional novedoso para el estudio de la desigualdad en el bienestar, en términos de las componentes del Índice de Desarrollo Humano del PNUD -salud, educación y renta- en el periodo 1980-2014. Para ello, recurrimos a los índices de desigualdad multidimensional propuestos por Maasoumi (1986), los cuales permiten analizar las componentes de desigualdad inter e intrarregional

    Análisis multidimensional de la desigualdad mundial de las emisiones de GEI

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