521 research outputs found

    The poetics of justice: aphorism and chorus as modes of anti-racism

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    This article revisits accounts of the black radical tradition as a critique and alternative to institutionalised modes of knowledge and learning, reprising Harney and Moten’s concept of the undercommons to think about the constraints of the university and the possibility for thinking differently together. The deployment of linguistic and conceptual difficulty as a tactic of political speech is linked to Sutherland’s discussion of Marx’s poetics, leading to the suggestion that the repetitive interspersing of poetic or theoretical fragments in the public speech of social justice actors operates to create a shared rhythm that establishes mutuality. The piece ends with a discussion of the refashioning of Audre Lorde as a voice punctuating the assertion of anti-racist and intersectional consciousness via social media

    Testosterone Therapy in Adult-Onset Testosterone Deficiency: Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Changes

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    Objective: Hematocrit (HCT)/hemoglobin (Hb) ratio in (%/g/dL) is around 3, with high fidelity between measured and derived Hb (applying the conversion using HCT) in various pathologies. We examined changes in HCT and Hb values and HCT/Hb, compared with baseline, in men with adult-onset testosterone deficiency (TD) given testosterone therapy (TTh). Materials and Methods: Data were analyzed from an observational, prospective registry study at various time points in 353 men with adult-onset TD receiving testosterone undecanoate (median follow-up: 105 months). After establishing baseline HCT/Hb, we compared (cf. baseline) changes in HCT, Hb, and HCT/Hb at 12, 48, 72, and 96 months. Regression analyses determined predictors of HCT and Hb change. Results: TTh was associated with ( p < 0.0001) increases in median HCT and Hb; 44% to 49% and 14.5 to 14.9 g/dL at final assessment, respectively. Regression analyses showed that HCT change was associated with baseline HCT and testosterone levels, while Hb change was associated with baseline Hb, HCT, and testosterone levels. In the total cohort and subgroups, HCT/Hb increased significantly at all time points ( p < 0.0001, cf. baseline) with over 90% of men demonstrating increases. Linear regression showed that the ratio of HCT change/Hb change (i.e., difference between HCT at the various time points and baseline value/difference between Hb at the various time points and baseline value), following TTh at each time point was higher than the baseline HCT/Hb ratio. Conclusion: HCT increase was greater than we anticipated from the established HCT/Hb of 3. We speculate that increased erythrocyte life span with associated higher Hb loss via vesiculation could account for our observation. This could have a bearing when using HbA1c as an indicator in men with adult-onset TD on TTh

    The Color of Childhood: The Role of the Child/Human Binary in the Production of Anti-Black Racism

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    The binary between the figure of the child and the fully human being is invoked with regularity in analyses of race, yet its centrality to the conception of race has never been fully explored. For most commentators, the figure of the child operates as a metaphoric or rhetorical trope, a non-essential strategic tool in the perpetuation of White supremacy. As I show in the following, the child/human binary does not present a contingent or merely rhetorical construction but, rather, a central feature of racialization. Where Black peoples are situated as objects of violence it is often precisely because Blackness has been identified with childhood and childhood is historically identified as the archetypal site of naturalized violence and servitude. I proceed by offering a historical account of how Black peoples came to inherit the subordination and dehumanization of European childhood and how White youth were subsequently spared through their partial categorization as adults

    Testosterone Therapy: Increase in Hematocrit is Associated with Decreased Mortality

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    Objective: Testosterone therapy (TTh) may reduce morbidity/mortality in men with adult-onset testosterone deficiency (TD), though some cardiovascular safety concerns remain. Increased hematocrit (HCT), a recognized effect of therapy, may be associated with cardiovascular disease and mortality. We examined HCT change (Δ) in men prescribed/not prescribed testosterone, and associations with mortality. Methods: We analyzed data from a prospective registry study with adult-onset TD patients: 353 men given testosterone undecanoate (TU) and 384 opting against TTh. Change in HCT after 12, 48, 72, and 96 months of TU and at final assessment was compared (nonparametric tests). The association between baseline HCT, Δ HCT, and mortality was studied using logistic and Cox regression. Results: HCT increased significantly (median change at final assessment: +5.0%) in men on TTh. HCT was higher (p = 0.021, rank-sum test) in those alive than in those who died, although median values were identical (49.0%). Baseline HCT and Δ HCT were inversely associated with mortality after adjustment for age in both logistic and Cox regression models. Men with final HCT >49.0% (median) suffered lower mortality than men with HCT ≤49.0%. Conclusions: A median HCT increase of 5.0% was associated with TTh, mostly within 48 months of commencing therapy. An increase in HCT (up to 52.0% at final assessment) was independently associated with reduced mortality, indicating current guidelines using a HCT value of 54.0% as a threshold for management change are appropriate until further study

    Occupation of racial grief, loss as a resource : learning from ‘The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist Statement'

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    The methodology of ‘occupation’ through rereading The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist Statement (The Combahee River Collective, in: James, Sharpley-Whiting (eds) The Black Feminist Reader. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Oxford, pp 261–270, 1977) demonstrates the necessity of temporal linkages to historical Black feminist texts and the wisdom of Black feminist situated knowers. This paper argues that racism produces grief and loss and as long as there is racism, we all remain in racial grief and loss. However, in stark contrast to the configuration of racial grief and loss as something to get over, perhaps grief and loss can be thought about differently, for example, in terms of racial grief and loss as a resource. This paper questions Western Eurocentric paternalistic responses to Black women’s ‘talk about their feelings of craziness… [under] patriarchal rule’ (The Combahee River Collective 1977: 262) and suggests alternative ways of thinking about the psychological impact of grief and loss in the context of racism. In this paper, a Black feminist occupation of racial grief and loss includes the act of residing within, and the act of working with the constituent elements of racial grief and loss. The proposal is that an occupation of racial grief and loss is a paradoxical catalyst for building a twenty-first century global intersectional Black feminist movement

    A Global Hypothesis for Women in Journalism and Mass Communications: The Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum

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    This paper examines the status of women in communications industries and on university faculties. It specifically tests the Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum or R3 hypothesis, as developed by Rush in the early 1980s [Rush, Buck & Ogan,1982]. The R3 hypothesis predicts that the percentage of women in the communications industries and on university faculties will follow the ratio residing around 1/4:3/4 or 1/3:2/3 proportion females to males. This paper presents data from a nationwide U.S. survey and compares them to data from global surveys and United Nations reports. The evidence is overwhelming and shows the relevance and validity of the R3 hypothesis across different socio-economic and cultural contexts. The paper argues that the ratio is the outcome of systemic discrimination that operates at multiple levels. The obstacles to achieving equality in the academy as well as media industries are discussed and suggestions for breaking out of the R3 ratio are included.

    A Global Hypothesis for Women in Journalism and Mass Communications: The Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum

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    This paper examines the status of women in communications industries and on university faculties. It specifically tests the Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum or R3 hypothesis, as developed by Rush in the early 1980s [Rush, Buck & Ogan,1982]. The R3 hypothesis predicts that the percentage of women in the communications industries and on university faculties will follow the ratio residing around 1/4:3/4 or 1/3:2/3 proportion females to males. This paper presents data from a nationwide U.S. survey and compares them to data from global surveys and United Nations reports. The evidence is overwhelming and shows the relevance and validity of the R3 hypothesis across different socio-economic and cultural contexts. The paper argues that the ratio is the outcome of systemic discrimination that operates at multiple levels. The obstacles to achieving equality in the academy as well as media industries are discussed and suggestions for breaking out of the R3 ratio are included.

    Global social theory: building resources

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    There has been an intensification of student protests around the world addressing issues of racial exclusion and racialised hierarchy within the university, including its teaching and research practices. These movements point to urgent concerns about what and how we teach and research, and how the resources of universities might be used to support the amelioration of injustice rather than its reproduction. This short piece focuses on the curriculum and points to actions that we can take to build resources for a more dynamic and adequate curriculum within our universities. In particular, it discusses one collaborative initiative that all the authors have been involved in, the website Global Social Theory. This site provides resources for the diversification and expansion of the curriculum for those teaching and studying social theory

    Knowledge, the curriculum, and democratic education: the curious case of school English

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    Debate over subject curricula is apt to descend into internecine squabbles over which (whose?) curriculum is best. Especially so with school English, because its domain(s) of knowledge have commonly been misunderstood, or, perhaps, misrepresented in the government’s programmes of study. After brief consideration of democratic education (problems of its form and meaning), I turn to issues of knowledge and disciplinarity, outlining two conceptions of knowledge – the one constitutive and phenomenological, the other stipulative and social-realist. Drawing on Michael Young and Johan Muller, I argue that, by social-realist standards of objectivity, school English in England -- as currently framed in national curriculum documents -- falls short of the standards of ‘powerful knowledge’ and of a democratic education conceived as social justice. Having considered knowledge and disciplinarity in broad terms, I consider the curricular case of school English, for it seems to me that the curious position of English in our national curriculum has resulted in a model that is either weakly, perhaps even un-, rooted in the network of academic disciplines that make up English studies
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