253 research outputs found

    TillÀmpning av naturvÄrdsavtal

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    Nature conservation agreement (NCA) is a way to voluntarily protect and manage nature for limited time-periods. The agreement is settled between the government and a landowner. All public authorities can represent the government but it is only the Swedish Forest Administration who does that regularly (because it is the only authority with economic resources for that purpose). Therefore, NCAs are almost only used to protect forested nature. The government agencies have experienced NCAs for about ten years and it is now time to examine how they are applied in the forests. This study is based on a computerized questionnaire to the persons responsible for the LEKO-projekt. They had to answer of questions about how and why they applied NCAs within the project and which reasons they had not to apply NCA. There were also questions about how the management was taken care of and how the owners' compensation was calculated. The NCAs that has been part of the study has not been applied as differentiated as it maybe was thought when they were introduced into the Swedish system. That is not due to juridical limitations, but has with other considerations to do. Perhaps the authority has already found the best way to apply the NCAs and is therefore using them so in all possible situations without thinking of development and other ways of application. If that were true it would definitely stand in contrast to the picture of NCA as a flexible instrument. In comparison to nature reserve and biotope protection the NCAs has almost without exception been used to preserve land with lower nature quality in need of conservation management. Principally you could therefore say that NCAs are only applied as a second-class protection instrument. It is difficult to see why NCAs should have monopoly of bringing the landowner into the conservation management. I think this is a missing opportunity for an improved dialogue with the landowners. NCAs have not been used to protect border zones, corridors or buffer zones. They have neither been used to increase the area of old forest. It also seems that the users have not considered using NCAs to attain limited restrictions (as protecting only dead wood). The contact with the landowners has been good when applying NCAs. There are nevertheless tendencies that the servants have trusted perhaps too much the owner's good will. That has most importance when to decide the parties' rights and how the future management shall be taken cared of. The compensation is calculated in a very simplistic way where the acreage seems to be the only parameter, among other things irrespective of where in the country the property is located. This could cause a continued geographically uneven distribution of protected nature in Sweden. NCA is definitely a cheaper way of protecting nature, but the expenses do not stop when the one for all compensation to the landowner is being paid. Many of the servants count that contributions will be given for the future management.NaturvĂ„rdsavtal Ă€r frivilliga avtal som ingĂ„s mellan stat eller kommun (oftast skogsvĂ„rdsstyrelsen) och enskilda markĂ€gare. DĂ€rigenom ska den berörda marken under en tidsperiod pĂ„ upp till 50 Ă„r skötas i naturvĂ„rdssyfte (Ă„tminstone i större grad Ă€n vad som krĂ€vs enligt grundlĂ€ggande hĂ€nsynslagstiftning). Även om naturvĂ„rdsavtal Ă€r ett förhĂ„llandevis nytt instrument inom naturvĂ„rden har det, sĂ€rskilt sedan den sĂ€rskilda regleringen i 7:3 2 st JB infördes och riksdagens miljökvalitetsmĂ„l bestĂ€mdes, anvĂ€nts i stor omfattning. Det finns Ă€nnu inte sĂ€rskilt mycket skrivet om avtalen, men skogsvĂ„rdsorganisationen har hunnit samla pĂ„ sig en hel del erfarenheter om dem. Tiden har dĂ€rför kĂ€nts mogen att undersöka hur avtalen anvĂ€nds. En enkĂ€t i dataformat skickades under vĂ„ren 2004 ut till de ansvariga för skogsvĂ„rdsorganisationens LEKO-projekt. De fick svara pĂ„ olika frĂ„gor om hur och varför de inom projektet upprĂ€ttade naturvĂ„rdsavtalen hade tillkommit och vilka övervĂ€ganden som legat till grund nĂ€r avtalen inte anvĂ€nts. I enkĂ€ten stĂ€lldes ocksĂ„ frĂ„gor om hur skötseln genomfördes och planerades samt hur ersĂ€ttningen berĂ€knades. De naturvĂ„rdsavtal som ingĂ„tt i undersökningen har inte anvĂ€nts sĂ„ differentierat som det kanske var tĂ€nkt frĂ„n början nĂ€r instrumentet infördes. Detta beror inte pĂ„ juridiska begrĂ€nsningar hos avtalen, utan har med andra övervĂ€ganden att göra. Kanske tycker man att man redan funnit det bĂ€sta formatet för naturvĂ„rdsavtalen och anvĂ€nder dĂ€rför detta i alla sammanhang utan att fundera pĂ„ vidareutveckling och andra tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„den. Ett sĂ„dant betraktelsesĂ€tt skulle stĂ„ i stark kontrast mot den bild av flexibelt instrument som mĂ„lats upp om naturvĂ„rdsavtalen. I jĂ€mförelse med naturreservat och biotopskydd har naturvĂ„rdsavtal nĂ€stan uteslutande anvĂ€nts för att skydda mark med nĂ„got lĂ€gre naturvĂ€rden och med behov av naturvĂ„rdande skötsel. I princip kan man dĂ€rför sĂ€ga att naturvĂ„rdsavtal tillĂ€mpas som ett andra klassens omrĂ„desskydd. Det Ă€r svĂ„rt att se varför naturvĂ„rdsavtal ska ha monopol pĂ„ att föra in markĂ€garen i skötseln. HĂ€r missar man möjligheten till förbĂ€ttrad dialog vid skydd med andra instrument. Man har inte anvĂ€nt naturvĂ„rdsavtal för skydd av kantzoner och spridningsvĂ€gar eller för att övervara gammal skog. Inte heller verkar man ha övervĂ€gt att anvĂ€nda naturvĂ„rdsavtal för att införa mycket begrĂ€nsade restriktioner. Man har endast fokuserat pĂ„ den ekologiska naturvĂ„rden (vilket dock har med LEKO-projektets mĂ„lbild att göra). Det har varit en god kontakt med markĂ€garna vid upprĂ€ttandet av naturvĂ„rdsavtal. Det finns emellertid tendenser till att man har förlitat sig för mycket pĂ„ deras goda vilja. Detta gĂ€ller frĂ€mst frĂ„gorna om parternas respektive rĂ€ttigheter och den framtida skötseln. ErsĂ€ttningen har berĂ€knas pĂ„ ett tĂ€mligen onyanserat sĂ€tt och i huvudsak verkar arealen vara den enda parametern, bl a oavsett var omrĂ„det har legat. HĂ€rmed finns risk för en fortsatt geografisk snedfördelning av skyddad mark. NaturvĂ„rdsavtal Ă€r helt klart en billigare skyddsform Ă€n omrĂ„desskydd, men utgifterna tar inte slut i och med att ersĂ€ttningen erlĂ€ggs. MĂ„nga av svarspersonerna rĂ€knar med framtida ekonomiskt stöd för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla skötseln

    Alcune considerazioni sulla ricezione del pensiero pedagogico di Makarenko in Italia

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    L’articolo Ăš incentrato sul pedagogista di maggior importanza nell’URSS, Anton Semenovyč Makarenko, passato alla storia per le sue colonie educative, pensate per il recupero dei ragazzi devianti. Attenzione particolare Ăš riservata al periodo compreso tra il primo dopoguerra e gli anni Trenta, in cui si assistette prima allo scontro tra correnti pedagogiche neoidealistiche e correnti progressiste, poi al confronto tra gli intellettuali comunisti, che vide Makarenko impegnato a difendere la propria idea di educazione dagli attacchi dei detrattori. Sono stati evidenziati, inoltre, sia l’apporto specifico dell’educatore ucraino alla fondazione del sistema scolastico sovietico, rilevante piĂč sul piano pratico che su quello teorico, sia la ricezione del suo ideale nell’ambito pedagogico italian

    Un progetto di educazione alla tutela del patrimonio storico-artistico nazionale: il recupero e l’apertura al pubblico del castello aragonese di Taranto

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    The safeguarding of Italian cultural heritage is essential for the conservationand transmission of historical memory to new generations. In a difficultframework such as the southern one, the rehabilitation project and thepublic opening of the Aragonese castle of Taranto is worth mentioning.Once the function of the headquarters of the navy command had ceased, itwas the object of a careful restoration, which saw the main military personnel,engaged first in the recovery operations, then in the opening to thepublic. The structure, which is now offered to tourists 365 days a year, hasachieved an exceptional result in terms of attendance. It is a project of educationfor the protection of heritage directed to both adults and children,particularly significant in a city context troubled by numerous social andeconomic problems.La salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale italiano ù indispensabile alla conservazioneed alla trasmissione della memoria storica alle nuove generazioni.In un quadro difficile come quello meridionale, si segnala per qualitàil progetto di riattamento e di apertura al pubblico del castello aragonesedi Taranto. Cessata la funzione di sede del comando della marina militare,esso ù stato oggetto di un accurato restauro, che ha visto protagonista ilpersonale stesso della marina militare, impegnato prima nelle operazioni direcupero, poi nell’apertura al pubblico. La struttura, che si offre oggi allavisita dei turisti 365 giorni all’anno, ha conseguito un eccezionale risultatoin termini di presenze. Si tratta di un progetto di educazione alla tutela delpatrimonio diretto tanto agli adulti quanto ai ragazzi, particolarmente significativoin un contesto cittadino travagliato da numerosi problemi sociali edeconomici

    Prospettive formative fra tradizione ed innovazione tecnologica: Lettere dal lago di Como di Romano Guardini

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    The article reviews the content of the Letters from Lake Como, written by Romano Guardini in the 1920s. The author’s sensitivity fully captures the contradiction between traditional cultural forms and disruptive technological innovations, which reverberate on the formative level, gripped by a profound structural crisis.L’articolo passa in rassegna il contenuto delle Lettere dal lago di Como, scritte da Romano Guardini negli anni Venti. La sensibilità dell’Autore coglie pienamente la contraddizione tra le forme culturali tradizionali e le dirompenti innovazioni tecnologiche, che si riverberano sul piano formativo, attanagliato da una profonda crisi strutturale

    Obblighi di lavoro, patti agrari e dipendenze personali: La gestione del patrimonio dei principi nel Mezzogiorno longobardo

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    Questo articolo si propone di analizzare la gestione delle terre dei principi nel Mezzogiorno longobardo nei secoli X e XI, con particolare riguardo al principato di Salerno, che presenta su questo tema la documentazione più abbondante. Le forme di gestione appaiono molto diverse nelle terre pubbliche e nei patrimoni personali dei principi e sono leggibili in termini di cultura politica, piuttosto che di logica economica

    Retinoblastoma and the Genetic Theory of Cancer: An Old Paradigm Trying to Survive to the Evidence

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    Retinoblastoma (Rb) is considered to represent the prototype of cancer linked to the sequential loss or inactivation of both alleles of a so-called “tumor suppressor gene”, the Rb1 gene. The pathogenetic mechanism behind this tumor was first hypothesized by Knudson in 1971 and further confirmed by others who identified the Rb1 gene whose loss or inactivation was claimed to be responsible for the disease. However, after about four decades of continuous research in the field of molecular biology, the evidence behind the role of the Rb1 gene in Rb appears to be seriously flawed in the light of epidemiological, biological, and clinical evidences. This editorial summarizes the inconsistencies on this subject. Nevertheless, the molecular biology establishment still adheres to the biased view of the genetic origin of Rb and other cancers, and hardly any alternative explanations are taken into account


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    Esta comunicaciĂłn es parte de un proceso de investigaciĂłn en el ĂĄmbito universitario con abordajes teĂłrico-metodolĂłgicos sustentados en una visiĂłn conducente a profundizar el enfoque de la educaciĂłn inclusiva o educaciĂłn para todos atenta a la diversidad. Su producciĂłn facilitĂł la apertura hacia nuevas instancias de formaciĂłn, capacitaciĂłn e investigaciĂłn sobre el rol docente en la diversidad, extensivos a otros ĂĄmbitos educativos relacionados con el quehacer de la temĂĄtica de las necesidades educativas especiales en contextos y acciones, en sujetos agentes y pacientes, de la EducaciĂłn Especial. A la Universidad, como generadora de saber cientĂ­fico y formadora de recursos humanos, comprometida con la transferencia al medio, le corresponde continuar con el desarrollo del rol preponderante en la investigaciĂłn, formaciĂłn y capacitaciĂłn docente. Los resultados confirman la importancia que tienen los trabajos multi e interdisciplinarios en la formaciĂłn y capacitaciĂłn docente, lo que facilita avanzar en el conocimiento

    Myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells transfer HIV-1 preferentially to antigen-specific CD4+ T cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential antigen-presenting cells for the induction of T cell immunity against pathogens such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1. At the same time, HIV-1 replication is strongly enhanced in DC–T cell clusters, potentially undermining this process. We found that immature CD123+ plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) and CD11c+ myeloid DCs (MDCs) were susceptible to both a CCR5- and a CXCR4-using HIV-1 isolate in vitro and were able to efficiently transfer that infection to autologous CD4+ T cells. Soon after HIV-1 exposure, both PDCs and MDCs were able to transfer the virus to T cells in the absence of a productive infection. However, once a productive infection was established in the DCs, newly synthesized virus was predominantly spread to T cells. HIV-1 exposure of the MDCs and PDCs did not inhibit their ability to present cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigens and activate CMV-specific memory T cells. As a result, both PDCs and MDCs preferentially transmitted HIV-1 to the responding CMV antigen–specific CD4+ T cells rather than to nonresponding T cells. This suggests that the induction of antigen-specific T cell responses by DCs, a process crucial to immune defense, can lead to preferential HIV-1 infection and the deletion of responding CD4+ T cells
