2,235 research outputs found

    Prevención cardiovascular y de la osteoporosis con terapia hormonal sustitutiva

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    Se recomienda actualmente que todo médico -sea cual sea su especialidad- aproveche la oportunidad que supone la atención clínica a cualquier mujer postmenopáusica o que se halle en torno a la menopausia para aconsejarle acerca de los beneficios y riesgos que supone la terapia hormonal sustitutiva (THS) con estrógenos y progesterona. Una vez que sea adecuadamente informada de estos beneficios y riesgos, debe ser la propia mujer quien decida si va a iniciar o no esta terapia, teniendo en cuenta no sólo su propio perfil de riesgo sino también sus preferencias. Los beneficios más claros se refieren a la reducción del riesgo de osteoporosis y de fracturas, así como al control y prevención de algunos síntomas frecuentes en la menopausia. Para prevenir la osteoporosis se requiere un uso continuado de IaTHS. También existen cada vez más argumentos que sugieren una reducción del riesgo de un primer episodio coronario. No obstante, no hay pruebas de que laTHS sea útil en la prevención secundaria de la cardiopatía isquémica o aporte alguna protección frente a los accidentes cerebrovasculares. Las desventajas más importantes de la THS se refieren a un mayor riesgo de hiperplasia de endometrio y de cáncer endometrial cuando se usan estrógenos solos, sin combinarlos con progestágenos. También existe un pequeño incremento del riesgo de cáncer de mama cuando se prolonga la THS, también cuando se asocian progestágenos

    Differential hypertrophic effects of cardiotrophin-1 on adult cardiomyocytes from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) produces longitudinal elongation of neonatal cardiomyocytes, but its effects in adult cardiomyocytes are not known. Recent observations indicate that CT-1 may be involved in pressure overload left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). We investigated whether the hypertrophic effects of CT-1 are different in cardiomyocytes isolated from adult normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Hypertrophy was evaluated by planimetry and confocal microscopy, contractile proteins were quantified by Western blotting and real-time RT-PCR, and intracellular pathways were analyzed with specific chemical inhibitors. CT-1 increased c-fos and ANP expression (p<0.01) and cell area (p<0.01) in cardiomyocytes from both rat strains. In Wistar cells, CT-1 augmented cell length (p<0.01) but did not modify either the transverse diameter or cell depth. In SHR cells, CT-1 increased cell length (p<0.05), cell width (p<0.01) and cell depth, augmented the expression of myosin light chain-2v (MLC-2v) and skeletal alpha-actin (p<0.01) and enhanced MLC-2v phosphorylation (p<0.01). The blockade of gp130 or LIFR abolished CT-1-induced growth in the two cell types. All distinct effects observed in cardiomyocytes from SHR were mediated by STAT3. Baseline angiotensinogen expression was higher in SHR cells, and CT-1 induced a 1.7-fold and 3.2-fold increase of angiotensinogen mRNA in cardiomyocytes from Wistar rats and SHR respectively. In addition, AT1 blockade inhibited the specific effects of CT-1 in SHR cells. Finally, ex vivo determinations revealed that adult SHR exhibited enhanced myocardial CT-1 (mRNA and protein, p<0.01), increased cell width (p<0.01) and concentric LVH compared with pre-hypertensive SHR. These findings reveal a specific cell-broadening effect of CT-1 in cardiomyocytes from adult SHR and suggest that the hypertensive phenotype of these cells may influence the hypertrophic effects of CT-1, probably by means of an exaggerated induction of angiotensinogen expression. We suggest that CT-1 might facilitate LVH in genetic hypertension through a cross-talk with the renin-angiotensin system

    Daily physical activity and macronutrient distribution of low-calorie diets jointly affect body fat reduction in obese women.

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    Inadequate dietary patterns and sedentary lifestyles are believed to be important factors in predisposing people to obesity. This study analyzed the potential interaction between habitual physical activity and the carbohydrate (CHO)-fat distribution in 2 hypocaloric diets and the impact of such interplay on body composition changes. Forty healthy obese women, 20–50 years old, were randomly assigned to a high- or low-CHO energy-restricted diet, which was low or high in fat, respectively, during 10 weeks. Baseline and final measurements were performed to assess dietary habits, resting metabolic rate, and body composition changes. Physical activity was measured with a triaxial accelerometer and with a questionnaire. There were no significant differences in anthropometric and metabolic variables between both dietary groups at baseline. However, there was a positive correlation between total free-living physical activity and arm muscle preservation after 10 weeks (r = 0.371; p = 0.024). Interestingly, an interaction between macronutrient (CHO–fat distribution) intake and physical activity was found, since less-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a greater fat loss than those more active with a lower-CHO–high-fat diet, whereas more-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a smaller fat loss than those receiving a low-CHO–high-fat diet. Physical activity and the macronutrient content of energyrestricted diets, when designed to promote body fat mass reduction, should be considered together to better predict the outcome

    Loss of myocardial LIF receptor in experimental heart failure reduces cardiotrophin-1 cytoprotection. A role for neurohumoral agonists?

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    OBJECTIVES: Cardiomyocyte loss is involved in the transition from compensatory left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) to heart failure (HF). Our aim was to investigate the status of the leukaemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR)/gp130 survival pathway and its cytoprotective activity in intact cardiac tissue and in cardiomyocytes obtained from adult spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with LVH (non-failing SHR) and from aged SHR with overt HF (failing SHR). METHODS: Cardiac morphometry was assayed by planimetry in an image analysis system. mRNA and protein expression were quantified by real time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Receptors were localized by immunocytochemistry. Trypan blue staining, TUNEL, and MTT cell viability assays were employed to study the cytoprotective activity of cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) in isolated caridomyocytes. RESULTS: Compared to non-failing SHR, failing SHR exhibited enhanced myocardial cell death (p<0.01) demonstrated by the increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, caspase-3 activation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) fragmentation. Failing SHR had a 7-fold diminished expression (p<0.01) of LIFR, no changes in gp130, and 1.6-fold increased myocardial expression (p<0.01) of CT-1. In cardiomyocytes isolated from non-failing SHR, recombinant CT-1 inhibited apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death induced by angiotensin II or hydrogen peroxide. LIFR protein was entirely absent in cardiomyocytes isolated from failing SHR, which were resistant to the cytoprotective effects of CT-1. Finally, stimulation of non-failing SHR cardiomyocytes with angiotensin II, aldosterone, norepinephrine or endothelin-1 significantly decreased (p<0.01) LIFR expression. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that loss of CT-1-dependent survival mechanisms may contribute to the increase of cell death associated with HF in SHR. Neurohumoral activation may contribute to this alteration via suppression of LIFR

    Factores con mayor influencia sobre la elección de alimentos en la población española

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    Fundamentos: Encuesta poblacional dirigida a conocer los factores que influyen en la elección de los alimentos de la población española. Métodos: Análisis de una muestra de todo el territorio español compuesta por 1009 individuos y seleccionada por un procedimiento aleatorio multietápico. Este estudio corresponde a la participación española en un estudio europeo sobre las actitudes de la población frente a la alimentación, nutrición y salud dirigido por el Instituto Europeo de Estudios Nutricionales de Dublín. Se determinó el porcentaje de individuos que situó a alguno de los cinco factores mencionados con más frecuencia (calidad, precio, dieta sana, condicionantes españoles, sabor) entre las tres primeras influencias en la elección de alimentos. Se ajustó un modelo multivariante para identificar los factores asociados a la elección de una dieta sana como una de las tres primeras influencias en la alimentación.Resultados: El precio influía más en los individuos de mayor edad, en niveles socioeconómicos más bajos y en individuos con menor nivel educativo. Fue mayor el impacto del precio en las mujeres de la zona Norte, Noreste y Noroeste. El sexo, la distribución geográfica, la edad y el nivel educativo presentaron un efecto independiente y significativo sobre la importancia concedida por la población a la elección de una dieta sana. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de una mayor educación sobre dieta y salud especialmente en hombre jóvenes, personas con menor nivel educativo y mujeres del Noroeste del país

    Aldosterone induces cardiotrophin-1 expression in HL-1 adult cardiomyocytes

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    Aldosterone (ALDO) may induce cardiac hypertrophy by nonhemodynamic mechanisms that are not completely defined. Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) is a cytokine that exerts hypertrophic actions on isolated cardiomyocytes and promotes cardiac hypertrophy in vivo. We investigated whether ALDO induces CT-1 expression in HL-1 cardiomyocytes aiming at the possibility that the cytokine is involved in ALDO-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. mRNA and protein expression were quantified by RT-PCR and Western blot. Cardiomyocyte area, as an index of hypertrophy, was assayed by image analysis in phalloidin-stained HL-1 cells. ALDO addition to adult HL-1 cardiomyocytes increased (P<0.01) CT-1 mRNA and protein expression in a concentration-dependent manner. This effect was abrogated by actinomycin D, the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists spironolactone and RU486, respectively, and the p38 MAPK blocker SB203580. CT-1 signaling pathway blockade with specific antibodies against the cytokine and its two receptor subunits avoided (P<0.01) alpha-sarcomeric actin and c-fos protein overexpression as well as cell size increase induced by ALDO in HL-1 cells. In vivo, a single ALDO injection acutely increased (P<0.01) the myocardial expression of CT-1 in C57BJ6 wild-type mice but not CT-1-null mice. The bolus of the mineralocorticoid increased (P<0.01) ANP and c-fos mRNA expression in the myocardium of wild-type mice, whereas no changes were observed in CT-1-null mice. In summary, ALDO induces CT-1 expression in adult HL-1 cardiomyocytes via genomic and nongenomic mechanisms. CT-1 up-regulation could have relevance in the direct hypertrophic effects of ALDO in cardiomyocytes

    Respuestas del miocardio al estrés biomecánico

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    El estrés biomecánico del miocardio hace referencia a la situación que se genera cuando, debido a la hipertensión, la hipoxia u otras formas de daño miocárdico, están aumentadas las demandas de trabajo cardíaco y/o se ha perdido miocardio funcionante. Como consecuencia del estrés biomecánico se producen diversas respuestas que afectan a todas las células miocárdicas, en particular a los cardiomiocitos. El resultado final de las mismas son distintas modificaciones fenotípicas que inicialmente son compensadoras (p. ej., hipertrofia), pero que si persiste el estrés pueden mediar la transición de la hipertrofia a la insuficiencia cardíaca (p. ej., apoptosis y fibrosis). Esta revisión se centra en la descripción de las distintas fases de las respuestas miocárdicas al estrés, así como en la consideración de los hallazgos más recientes sobre los mecanismos moleculares implicados en el desarrollo de insuficiencia cardíaca

    Validation of metabolic syndrome using medical records in the SUN cohort

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the validity of self reported criteria of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) in the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) cohort using their medical records as the gold standard. METHODS: We selected 336 participants and we obtained MS related data according to Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Then we compared information on the self reported diagnosis of MS and MS diagnosed in their medical records. We calculated the proportion of confirmed MS, the proportion of confirmed non-MS and the intraclass correlation coefficients for each component of the MS. RESULTS: From those 336 selected participants, we obtained sufficient data in 172 participants to confirm or reject MS using ATP III criteria. The proportion of confirmed MS was 91.2% (95% CI: 80.7- 97.1) and the proportion of confirmed non-MS was 92.2% (95% CI: 85.7-96.4) using ATP III criteria. The proportion of confirmed MS using IDF criteria was 100% (95% CI: 87.2-100) and the proportion of confirmed non-MS was 97.1% (95% CI: 85.1-99.9). Kappa Index was 0.82 in the group diagnosed by ATP III criteria and 0.97 in the group diagnosed by IDF criteria. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the different component of MS were: 0.93 (IC 95%:0.91- 0.95) for BMI; 0.96 (IC 95%: 0.93-0.98) for waist circumference; 0.75 (IC 95%: 0.66-0.82) for fasting glucose; 0.50 (IC 95%:0.35-0.639) for HDL cholesterol; 0.78 (IC 95%: 0.70-0.84) for triglycerides; 0.49 (IC 95%:0.34-0.61) for systolic blood pressure and 0.55 (IC 95%: 0.41-0.65) for diastolic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported MS based on self reported components of the SM in a Spanish cohort of university graduates was sufficiently valid as to be used in epidemiological studies

    Antimicrobial activity of Bursera morelensis ramírez essential oil

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    Background: Bursera morelensis, known as “Aceitillo”, is an endemic tree of Mexico. Infusions made from the bark of this species have been used for the treatment of skin infections and for their wound healing properties. In this work, we present the results of a phytochemical and antimicrobial investigation of the essential oil of B. morelensis.Materials and Methods: The essential oil was obtained by a steam distillation method and analyzed using GC-MS. The antibacterial and antifungal activities were evaluated.Results: GC-MS of the essential oil demonstrated the presence of 28 compounds. The principal compound of the essential oil was α-Phellandrene (32.69%). The essential oil had antibacterial activity against Gram positive and negative strains. The most sensitive strains were S. pneumoniae, V. cholerae (cc) and E. coli (MIC 0.125 mg/mL, MBC 0.25 mg/mL). The essential oil was bactericidal for V. cholera (cc). The essential oil inhibited all the filamentous fungi. F. monilifome (IC50 = 2.27 mg/mL) was the most sensitive fungal strain.Conclusions: This work provides evidence that confirms the antimicrobial activity of the B. morelensis essential oil and this is a scientific support about of traditional uses of this species.Keywords: Essential oil; Medicinal plants; Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Valley; Burseraceae; Burser

    Current challenges in chronic bronchial infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Currently, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and their physicians face a number of significant clinical challenges, one of which is the high degree of uncertainty related to chronic bronchial infection (CBI). By reviewing the current literature, several challenges can be identified, which should be considered as goals for research. One of these is to establish the bases for identifying the biological and clinical implications of the presence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the airways that should be more clearly elucidated according to the COPD phenotype. Another urgent area of research is the role of long-term preventive antibiotics. Clinical trials need to be carried out with inhaled antibiotic therapy to help clarify the profile of those antibiotics. The role of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with COPD and CBI needs to be studied to instruct the clinical management of these patients. Finally, it should be explored and confirmed whether a suitable antimicrobial treatment during exacerbations may contribute to breaking the vicious circle of CBI in COPD. The present review addresses the current state of the art in these areas to provide evidence which will enable us to progressively plan better healthcare for these patients